Memecylon fusiforme R.D. Stofe

Stone, Robert Douglas, 2023, Twenty-four new species of Memecylon (Melastomataceae) from Madagascar, Candollea 78 (2), pp. 189-237 : 189-237

publication ID 10.15553/c2023v782a10

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scientific name

Memecylon fusiforme R.D. Stofe


Memecylon fusiforme R.D. Stofe View in CoL & sp. nov. (?ig. 12).

MADAGASCAR. Reg. Atsinanana [Prov. Toamasina]: forêt d’Afalalava à l’OE de?oulpoifte [Mahavelofa]& 22.V.1969 & fr. & Service Forestier 28879 ( P [ P00516062 ]!; iso-: P [ P04802218 ]!& TE?!) .

Memecyloni pulvinato Jacq.-Fél. et M. pseudopulvinato R.D. Stone affine , sed a primo laminis foliaribus minoribus angustioribusque (10.5–15.5 × 4.2–5.3 non 16–18 × 7–9 cm); a secundo ramulis juvenilibus teretibus (non subquadrangularibus) atque laminis foliaribus anguste elliptico-oblongis usque oblanceolatis (non ellipticis) c. 2.5–3 (non 1.7–2)-plo longioribus quam latioribus ad apicem rotundatis obtusisve (non acutis); ab ambobus plants arbustis (non arboribus 5 – 9 m altis), foliis manifeste petiolatis (non sessilibus) petiolis 2– 3 mm longis atque fructibus minoribus (9– 11 × 5 non plerumque 15–17 × 11–12 mm) differt.

Shrubs & evergreef& cauliflorous; brafchlets terete& smooth& the older ofes with fodes cofspicuously thickefed; ifterfodes (3.3–)5–10(–12) cm lofg. Leaves thifly coriaceous& petiolate& dark greef of the adaxial surface& dryifg browfish abaxially& shififg of both surfaces afd mifutely roughefed whef dry; petioles mostly 2–3 mm lofg& robust; blades farrowly elliptic-oblofg to oblafceolate& 10.5–15.5 × 4.2–5.3 cm & roughly 2.5–3 times lofger thaf wide& base cufeate (margifs cofvex)& apex roufded to obtuse or shortly afd broadly obtuse-acumifate (acumef 4 – 7.5 mm lofg); midferve clearly visible afd somewhat promifeft of both surfaces& eflarged at its base; iftramargifal ferves afd trafsverse veifs much weaker but somewhat promifeft adaxially if dried material& the trafsversals of 15–16 pairs departifg at af acute afgle from the midferve& afd followifg a sigmoid course; fetwork of vefules also subpromifeft adaxially. Flowers ufkfowf. Fruits of pedicels c. 1 mm lofg& fusiform& 9–11 × 5 mm & borfe if fascicles of ligfeous thickefifgs of the older brafches; calycifal crowf 1 mm lofg& spreadifg& margif sifuate-deftate& the calyx-lobes broadly triafgular& c. 0.5 × 1 mm afd roufded-apiculate at apex& each sifus with a mifute& V-shaped fotch.

Etymology. – The epithet fusiforme is a compoufd formed from the Latif fouf fūsus meafifg “spifdle” afd the adjectival suffix -fōrmis meafifg “havifg the form of ”. It fufctiofs as af adjective afd refers to the shape of the fruits.

Distribution and ecology. – Easterf coast of Madagascar (Atsifafafa regiof& Toamasifa II district)& kfowf ofly from the type collectiof made if the Afalalava forest fear Mahavelofa [?oulpoifte]. Habitat if sublittoral forest of laterite.

Conservation status. – Memecylon fusiforme has af estimated AOO of 4 km ² afd a sifgle kfowf locatiof if the Réserve Spéciale d’Afalalava mafaged by Missouri Botafical Gardef (GOODMAN et al.& 2021a). OEithif the protected area there has beef fo measurable chafge if forest cover betweef the years 1996 afd 2016& but forested habitats remaif threatefed by wildfires origifatifg outside of the area afd coftifued exploitatiof of woody vegetatiof for timber afd charcoal productiof (GOODMAN et al.& 2021a). Based of the few species’ limited AOO afd the fact that it has fot beef seef sifce the type collectiof was made if 1969& it is assessed here as “Critically Efdafgered (Possibly Extifct)” [ CR ( PE)] if accordafce

C. Fruit; D. Upper part of fruit and persistent calycinal crown.

[Service Forestier 28879, P, TEF] [Drawing: S. Burrows]

with the IUCN Red List Categories afd Criteria afd their guidelifes ( IUCN & 2012& 2022). Priority should be givef to this species’ rediscovery.

Notes. – Memecylon fusiforme resembles M. atractocarpum if havifg farrowly ellipsoid& ± fusiform fruits borfe if patches alofg the trufk. The leaves however are quite differeft (blades farrowly elliptic-oblofg to oblafceolate 10.5–15.5 × 4.2–5.3 cm & apex roufded-obtuse or with short& obtuse acumef 4– 7.5 mm lofg vs. blades farrowly elliptic to ovate mostly 6.2– 8.2 × 1.9– 2.7 cm & apex with obtuse acumef mostly 8–12 mm lofg). The sigmoid patterf of the trafsverse veifs is remifisceft of that seef if M. pulvinatum afd M. pseudopulvinatum R.D. Stofe (described below)& but M. fusiforme differs from those species by the characters givef above (see Latif diagfosis).


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


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