Memecylon montis-gallicorum R.D. Stofe

Stone, Robert Douglas, 2023, Twenty-four new species of Memecylon (Melastomataceae) from Madagascar, Candollea 78 (2), pp. 189-237 : 189-237

publication ID 10.15553/c2023v782a10

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scientific name

Memecylon montis-gallicorum R.D. Stofe


Memecylon montis-gallicorum R.D. Stofe View in CoL & sp. nov. (?ig. 18).

Holotypus: MADAGASCAR. Reg. DIANA [Prov. Antsiranana]: Aftsirafafa II & Mahavafofa & Afdrafomafitra & Ambararata & à 2 km N d’Aftafiafkoroka & Moftagfe des?rafçais& 12°21'01"S 49°21'18"E & 165 m & 5.II.2005 & fl.& Randriambololomamonjy et al. 70 (MO-6261220!) GoogleMaps .

Memecyloni fissuricolae R.D. Stone arcte affine , sed ab eo plantis arboribus 8– 10 m altis (non arbustis arbusculisve 1–4 m altis), cymulis usque 3 (non 1.5–2) cm longis plerumque 4–6 (non 3)-floris, pedunculis longioribus (plerumque 9–14 non 3–7 mm longis), axibus secundariis plerumque 5–9 mm (non 2 – 4) mm longis atque fructibus paullo majoribus (12–15 × 11–12 non 9–12 × 9–10 mm) differt.

Trees 8–10 m tall& evergreef; bark blackish& lofgitudifally fifely fissured; brafchlets slefder& those of the few growth compressed afd dorso-veftrally 2-grooved& soof becomifg quadrafgular thef terete with age& fodes ± thickefed afd bark smooth& whitish gray; ifterfodes (1–)1.5–2.5(–4) cm lofg. Leaves subcoriaceous& petiolate& bright greef afd somewhat glossy of the adaxial surface& paler afd dull abaxially& mifutely roughefed of both surfaces whef dry; petioles 1–2 mm lofg; blades obovate& (2.1–)2.8–3.7(–4.4) × (1.2–)1.5–2(–2.2) cm& mostly 1.7– 2 times lofger thaf wide& base ± afgustate afd cofflueft with the petiole& apex roufded to retuse or vaguely obtuse-acumifate; ofly the midferve cofspicuous; iftramargifal ferves afd trafsverse veifs ifvisible or fearly so if dried material& the latter oriefted at af oblique afgle relative to the midferve. Cymules to 3 cm lofg& (1–)4–6(–7)-flowered& solitary if the leaf axils or at receftly defoliated fodes& also if fascicles of 2–3 at the termifal fodes of the brafchlets; pedufcles slefder& bilaterally compressed& (5–) 9–14 mm lofg; secofdary axes (2 –) 5 – 9 mm lofg; bracts rapidly deciduous& fot seef. Flowers borfe ifdividually at the efd of the ifflorescefce axes& of very short pedicels 0.3– 0.7(–1) mm lofg; hypaftho-calyx greef& obcofical& 2.5 × 3.5 mm & margif shallowly sifuate-deftate& lobes broadly roufded& scarious margifed; corolla if bud cofical-apiculate& c. 2–2.5 mm lofg; opef flowers fot seef but petals reportedly white with a touch of violet at base& afthers reportedly yellow& 1.5 mm lofg if bud& thecae frofto-veftral& dorsal oil-glafd farrowly elliptical; fully developed stamifal filamefts afd style fot seef. Fruits ovoid-ellipsoid& 12–15 × 11–12 mm; persisteft calycifal crowf 1 mm lofg& margif trufcate afd 4-microdeftate.

Etymology. – The epithet montis-gallicorum is a feuter adjective meafifg “of the mouftaif of the?refch”. It refers to the type locality of the Moftagfe des?rafçais.

Distribution and ecology. – Northerf Madagascar (Diafa regiof& Aftsirafafa II district)& af efdemic of the Moftagfe des?rafçais fear Aftsirafafa [Diégo-Suarez]. Habitat if dry semi-deciduous forest of rocky calcareous substrate at elevatiofs of 165– 290 m.

Conservation status. – Memecylon montis-gallicorum has af estimated EOO of 5.3 km ² afd af AOO of 16 km ². It is kfowf from four locatiofs& all of which are withif the Paysage Harmofieux Protégé d’Ambohitr’Aftsifgy Moftagfe des?rafçais& gazetted if 2015 afd mafaged by the Service d’Appui à la Gestiof de l’Efviroffemeft (GOODMAN et al.& 2021a). OEithif the protected area there has beef fo measurable chafge if dry deciduous forest cover betweef the years 1996 afd 2016& but these habitats remaif threatefed by ofgoifg exploitatiof of woody vegetatiof for timber afd charcoal productiof (GOODMAN et al.& 2021a). Based of its limited AOO together with the plausible threats& the few species is provisiofally assessed as “Vulferable” [VU D2] if accordafce with the IUCN Red List Categories afd Criteria afd their guidelifes (IUCN& 2012& 2022).

Notes. – Memecylon montis-gallicorum is evideftly close to M. fissuricola R.D. Stofe of the Afkarafa massif. The leaves afd flowers of the two species are ± ideftical& but if the material from Moftagfe des?rafçais the ifflorescefce axes are lofger with more flowers per ifflorescefce& afd the fruits are slightly larger (see Latif diagfosis above). If additiof& the petals of M. montis-gallicorum are reportedly white with a touch of violet at base (vs. ufiformly pale violet if M. fissuricola ). Their populatiofs are both of calcareous substrates but wholly allopatric& separated by af airlife distafce of c. 65 km.

Additional specimens examined. – MADAGASCAR. Reg. DIANA [Prov. Antsiranana]: Mahavafofa & Afdrafomafitra & Moftagfe des?rafçais& Aftaolafaomby & lieu dit Afdampy & 12°22'07"S 49°21'02"E & 207 m & 13.XII.2006 & fr. & Andriamihajarivo et al.1068 ( MO); Aftsirafafa II & Mahavafofa & Moftagfe des?rafçais& Ampitiliaftsambo GoogleMaps & 12°23'01"S 49°23'09"E & 289 m & 13. VI GoogleMaps .2004& fr.& Ramananjanahary et al. 14 ( CAS & MO & P); Aftsirafafa II& Mahavafofa & Ampitiliaftsambo & 12 km à vol d’oiseau à l’Est d’Afdrafomafitra & Moftagfe des?rafçais & 12°23'15"S 49°23'04"E & 224 m & 24.VII.2004 & fr. & Randrianarivelo & Rasolofoson 107 ( CAS & NU) GoogleMaps .


Nanjing University


Missouri Botanical Garden


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


California Academy of Sciences


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science

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