Ichneumon LINNAEUS

Riedel, Matthias, 2018, Contribution to the Siberian species of Ichneumon LINNAEUS (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Ichneumoninae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (2), pp. 1509-1562 : 1532-1543

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Marcus (2021-08-26 08:19:51, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 21:06:39)

scientific name

Ichneumon LINNAEUS


Key to the females of Ichneumon LINNAEUS View in CoL from Siberia and adjacent countries

(adopted from HILPERT 1992):

1 Metasoma with color bands: all tergites yellow apically OR 6 th tergite with ivory band AND 7 th tergite black (or at most with narrow basal ivory band). Scutellum yellow..........2

- Metasoma without regular bands on the tergites. If 6 th tergite with ivory band or stripe, then also 7 th tergite. Often some tergites completely reddish or yellowish..........................5

2 All tergite with yellow apical bands. Hind coxa with large dorsal yellow spot. Hind tibia and tarsus completely reddish-yellow. Antenna with 40-44 flagellomeres. Europe, Russia, Mongolia (KOLAROV & GHAHARI 2005)................................................................... ..................................................................... I. sexcinctus GRAVENHORST, 1829 View in CoL (group A1)

- 6 th tergite with apical ivory band and 7 th tergite black. Antenna with 33-39 flagellomeres.................................................................................................... (group A2).3

3 Apical bands on 2 nd and 3 rd tergites yellow. Smaller, body length 9-10 mm. Antenna with 33 flagellomeres. Europe, Far East Russia................................. I. veressi (KISS, 1915) View in CoL

- Apical bands on tergites ± reddish. Larger, body length 11-13 mm. Antenna with 36-39 flagellomeres.......................................................................................................................4

4 2 nd tergite red; 3 rd tergite with yellow apical band, black. Whole Palaearctic region ............ ............................................................................................ I. lautatorius DESVIGNES, 1856 View in CoL

- 2 nd and 3 rd tergites red ( ssp. sarcitorius ) or reddish-yellow ( ssp. caucasicus MEYER ); 3 rd tergite black basally. Europe. Uzbekistan, Kirgistan ( HEINRICH, 1978) ................................ .............................................................................................. I. sarcitorius LINNAEUS, 1758 View in CoL

5 Hind coxa with yellow spot dorsally OR propodeum with blunt apophyses or at least apical transverse carina of propodeum with characteristic edge. Large, body length 16- 22 mm. Antenna with 39-47 flagellomeres, bristle-shaped, preapical flagellomeres square or longer than wide. Hind coxa without scopa........................................ (group B) 6

- Hind coxa black or propodeum without blunt apophyses....................................................7

6 Hind femur red. Propodeum with blunt apophyses or at least apical transverse carina of propodeum with characteristic lateral edge. Metasoma black, with apical spots on (4 th- 5 th)- 6 th- 7 th tergites. Antenna with 39-45 flagellomeres. Hind tibia narrowly darkened (1/15) at apex. Hind coxa black. Europe, Kirgistan, Far East Russia ( MEYER 1933) ............ ............................................................................................ I. quaesitorius LINNAEUS, 1761 View in CoL

- Hind femur black, hind coxa with large dorsal yellow spot. Propodeum with blunt apophyses. Very large, body length 22-23 mm. Antenna with 44-57 flagellomeres. 2 nd and 3 rd tergites red, 5 th to 7 th tergites with ivory spots. Hind tibia black-yellow-black. Hind tarsus black. Europe, Far East Russia ( UCHIDA 1926).................................................. ............................................................................................... I. primatorius FORSTER, 1771 View in CoL

7 Antenna bristle-shaped, e.g. preapical flagellomeres square or longer than wide, rarely slightly widened. Hind coxa densely punctate, always without distinct scopa or longitudinal edge. If thyridium wider than the interval, than strongly transversal (orthogonal to the length axis of tergite).............................................................................8

- Antenna filiform, e.g. preapical flagellomeres wider than long (seen from ventral). Hind coxa often differentiated: with scopa, longitudinal edge or scattered punctures (then the preapical flagellomere might be square). If thyridium wider than the interval, thyridium ± oblique to the length axis of the tergite..........................................................24

8 Thyridium at least as wide as the interval, usually much wider ( fig. 76 View Figs 73-76 ) (if rarely smaller, then 5 th to 7 th tergites with ivory spots or mandible with equally long teeth or mandible not distinctly narrowed apically.) ....................................................... (group C).9

- Thyridium smaller than the interval; if wider, then thyridium oblique and gastrocoelus short and only slightly impressed medially ......................................................(group D).15

9 6 th and 7 th tergites with ivory spots....................................................................................10

- 5 th to 7 th tergites with ivory spots. (At least 2 nd tergite mainly red, 3 rd tergite often ± black apically or (in I. cinxiae View in CoL ) mandibular teeth of almost equal length).........................11

10 Legs except black coxae and trochanters red. Scapus, pedicel and basal flagellomeres red. Scutellum red. Hind femur stout, 3.4x longer than wide. Siberia................................... ...................................................................................................... I. paravulnerator nov.sp.

- Hind femur mainly black. Scapus and pedicel black. Scutellum yellow. Hind femur slenderer, 3.9x longer than wide. Siberia ................................. I. pseudemancipatus nov.sp.

11 Mandible not distinctly narrowed apically, mandibular teeth of almost equal length (as fig. 43). Antenna with 34-36 flagellomeres; 1 st flagellomere c.2.6x longer than wide. Body length 11.5-11.9 mm. 2 nd tergite completely red. Hind femur mainly black; hind tibia red, basally and in apical 0.25 black. Hind tarsus black. Europe, Buyatsk region ( HORSTMANN 2006)............................................................ I. cinxiae KRIECHBAUMER, 1890 View in CoL

- Mandible normally narrowed apically, teeth of different length. 3 rd tergite red. 5 th tergite with large ivory spot. Hind femur largely red OR antenna with at least 37 flagellomeres.....................................................................................................................12

12 Mesoscutum and basal flagellomeres red. Hind femur red. 1 st flagellomere c.2.3x longer than wide. Mid and hind coxae densely pilose, but hind coxa without scopa. Siberia ............................................................................................... I. mesonotator nov.sp.

- Mesoscutum black.............................................................................................................13

13 Hind tibia almost completely red, at most black in apical 1/20. Thyridium rather short, but very wide and deep. Hind femur black, basally and apico-dorsally red. Antenna with 35 flagellomeres; 1 st flagellomere 1.9x longer than wide. 2 nd and 3 rd tergite completely red. Body length 10.1 mm. Far East Russia.... I. emancipatops HEINRICH, 1978 View in CoL

- Hind tibia at least blackish in apical 1/7. Hind femur mainly red (if in I. gracilicornis View in CoL rarely black, then temples strongly and almost linearly narrowed behind eye). Antenna with 34-42 flagellomeres. Scutellum always yellow .........................................................14

14 1 st flagellomere slender, 2.4-3.1x longer than wide, antenna slightly lanceolate (widest flagellomeres 0.8-0.9x as long as wide). Color variable: Basal flagellomeres, width of ivory metasomal spots and color of hind femur variable. Europe, Far East Russia ( ROMAN 1927)............................................................. I. gracilicornis GRAVENHORST, 1829 View in CoL

- 1 st flagellomere stouter, 2.1x longer than wide, antenna distinctly lanceolate (widest flagellomeres 0.65x as long as wide). Europe, Far East Russia ( ROMAN 1927) .................... ........................................................................................... I. emancipatus WESMAEL, 1845 View in CoL

15 Antenna with 28-35 flagellomeres ....................................................................................16

- Antenna with at least 37 flagellomeres..............................................................................21

16 3 rd tergite mostly or completely black. Antenna with 32-35 flagellomeres; 1 st flagellomere c.2.2x longer than wide. Area superomedia slightly wider than long. Europe, Far East Russia ( UCHIDA 1926, MEYER 1930) ......................................................... ................................................................................ I. submarginatus GRAVENHORST, 1829 View in CoL

- 3 rd tergite completely red...................................................................................................17

17 Scutellum completely yellow ............................................................................................18

- Scutellum at most partly yellow, usually black .................................................................20

18 Malar space at least as long as 1 st flagellomere. Antenna with 30-35 flagellomeres. Petiolus at spiracles with two elevated carinae, area between them ± concave. Postpetiolus red, median field with regular strong aciculation. Antenna except ivory ring always black, sometimes ivory spot at orbit opposite to antenna. Europe, Siberia ........ ............................................................................................. I. minutorius DESVIGNES, 1856 View in CoL

- Malar space shorter than 1 st flagellomere. Petiolus without elevated longitudinal carinae ...............................................................................................................................19

19 Hind femur slenderer, 3.6-4.2x longer than wide. Antenna with 32-35 flagellomeres. If femur rather stout, than with more flagellomeres. Very variable species. Europe, Irkutsk ( KOKUJEV 1904).................................................... I. sculpturatus HOLMGREN, 1864 View in CoL

- Hind femur stouter, 3.0-3.6x longer than wide. Antenna with 28-33 flagellomeres. Postpetiolus usually reddish. If femur rather slender, than with less flagellomeres. Scapus, pedicel and basal flagellomeres completely red. Europe, Iran................................. ....................................................................................... I. fulvicornis GRAVENHORST, 1829 View in CoL

20 Antenna with weak or without pale ring, with 31-32 flagellomeres; basal flagellomeres red. Scutellum black. Area superomedia hexagonal. Postpetiolus apically, 2 nd and 3 rd tergites completely red. Thyridium distinctly smaller than the interval. Kazachstan ............ ............................................................................................... I. transaralius HILPERT, 1992 View in CoL

- Antenna with distinct pale ring, with 28 flagellomeres. Postpetiolus mainly red. Scutellum partly reddish. Area superomedia trapezoid (widest apically). Thyridium very small. Far East Russia. (According to HILPERT 1992 probably synonym to I. leucopeltis THOMSON View in CoL ) ......................................................... I. inoblidendus HEINRICH, 1978 View in CoL

21 5 th to 7 th tergites with large yellow spots. Antenna with 39-45 flagellomeres. Scutellum yellow and antenna with yellow ring. Pterostigma yellow or reddish. 4 th tergite at most with small ivory spot .........................................................................................................22

- At most 6 th and 7 th tergites with large ivory spots, 5 th tergite often with a smaller spot. Antenna with 42-45 flagellomeres ....................................................................................23

22 Hind femur completely red and tergites mainly or completely black. 1 st flagellomere 2.6x longer than wide. Hind tibia infuscate in apical 1/10. Palaearctic region, Far East Russia ( MEYER 1933)................................................ I. quaesitorius LINNAEUS, 1761 View in CoL (part)

- At least 2 nd and 3 rd tergite completely red (often apical tergites more or less red) or hind femur black. 1 st flagellomere 1.9x longer than wide. Hind tibia infuscate in apical 1/10 or completely red. Subtegular ridge thick, usually widely yellow. Lateral field of mesoscutum often reddish. Europe, Altai region ( HEINRICH 1978)....................................... ................................................................................................... I. bellipes WESMAEL, 1845 View in CoL

23 Hind femur completely red; hind tibia red-black. Hind tarsus black. Scutellum black (if yellow: var. jakovlevi ). 1 st flagellomere slender, longer than wide. Tergites completely black. Central Europe, Irkutsk ( KOKUJEV 1904 as jakovlevi) ............................. ..................................................................................................... I. cessator MÜLLER, 1776 View in CoL

- Hind femur black. Mandible with wide, blunt upper tooth and very small lower one. Hypopygium moderatly widened (metasoma semi-amblypygous). Hind tibia red, subbasally ± yellowish, apically not or narrowly darkened. Hind tarsus red. 1 st flagellomeres 1.5x longer than wide. 2 nd and 3 rd tergites red, 3 rd tergite basally black. Central Asia........................................................................... I. mordaxiops HEINRICH, 1978 View in CoL

24 Thyridium not wider than the interval...............................................................................25

- Thyridium distinctly wider than the interval, oblique and deeply impressed, usually close to basal margin of 2 nd tergite. 6 th and 7 th tergites or only 7 th tergite with ivory spots ...................................................................................................................(group I).97

25 Hind coxa with scopa, longitudinal edge or scattered punctures ventrally........................26

- Hind coxa without scopa or longitudinal edge; densely punctate ventrally, but punctures often even denser at area of scopa.....................................................................53

26 Hind coxa with a small dense scopa resembling a narrow elevation. 6 th and 7 th tergites with yellow spots, 5 th tergite with small spot OR these spots are strongly widened. Scutellum yellow. Antenna ± lanceolate, widest flagellomeres 1.5-2.2x wider than long, preapical flagellomeres weakly to strongly transverse. Thyridium about as wide as the interval. Hind tarsus at least in the apical 3/4 or completely black....... (group E1)27

- Hind coxa without elevated small scopa; if scopa present, then larger..............................32

27 Tarsomeres distinctly widened (fig. 42). Hypopygium rather long ( fig. 82 View Figs 81-82 ), about as long as the distance between its apical margin and metasomal apex (Metasoma semiamblypygous). Basal flagellomeres reddish. 3 rd tergite reddish, with black basal band. Hind femur red. Far East Russia...................................................... I. orientopodius nov.sp.

- Tarsomeres slender. Hypopygium much shorter than the distance between its apical margin and metasomal apex ..............................................................................................28

28 Larger, body length 13.2-15.5 mm. Antenna with 41-44 flagellomeres. Often all tergites (except yellow spots) black...................................................................................29

- Smaller, body length 11-14 mm. Antenna with 36-41 flagellomeres. Some tergites always completely red.......................................................................................................30

29 Usually genal carina ventrally obsolete, hypostomal carina often distinctly elevated. 1 st flagellomere 2.1x longer than wide. Hind femur 3.2x longer than wide, with scattered punctures in ventral 1/3. Coloration of hind femur and tibiae and metasoma variable. Europe, Iran, South Russia.................................................. I. tuberculipes WESMAEL, 1848 View in CoL

- Genal carina complete, hypostomal carina narrow. 1 st flagellomere 1.9x longer than wide. Hind femur 3.7x longer than wide, densely punctate. Siberia...................................... ........................................................................................................ I. breviscopatus nov.sp.

30 Antenna with 36-38 flagellomeres, preapical flagellomeres distinctly transverse, 0.67x as long as wide. 3 rd tergite rarely black basally. Hind femur black, 3.1x longer than wide. Europe, Irktusk ( KOKUJEV 1904), Altai Region ( HEINRICH 1978)............................... .............................................................................................. I. cerebrosus WESMAEL, 1859 View in CoL

- Antenna with 37-41 flagellomeres, preapical flagellomere 0.92x as long as wide. 3 rd tergite often blackish basally. Hind femur slenderer, at least 3.3x longer than wide.........31

31 Ivory spots on (5 th-) 6 th to 7 th tergites very wide. Hind femur 3.3x longer than wide, usually large red. 3 rd tergite red, without yellowish tint. Europe, Kazachstan (RASNITSYN & SIYTAN 1981).................................................... I. balteatus WESMAEL, 1845 View in CoL

- Ivory spots on 6 th and 7 th tergites not distinctly widened. Hind femur slender, 4.1x longer than wide, black. 3 rd tergite red, basally black, apically with yellowish tint. Germany, Altai region............................................................... I. altaicola HEINRICH, 1978 View in CoL

32 Hind coxa with ± distinct scopa ..................................................................... (group E2) 33

- Hind coxa without scopa, but with scattered punctures or ± distinct longitudinal edge ventrally (if longitudinal edge present, then mandible distinctly thickened). Widest flagellomeres sometimes c.2.3x wider than long. Antenna with 32-43 flagellomeres.......47

33 Widest flagellomeres at most 2.2x wider than long. Antenna with 27-48 flagellomeres...34

- Antenna strongly lanceolate, widest flagellomere c.2.5x wider than long, with 34-43 flagellomeres. Hind femur with scattered punctures in ventral 1/2 ...................................42

34 Scutellum black. Antenna without ivory ring, with 42-45 flagellomeres. Metasoma except ivory apical spots black. Hind femur red, tarsi slightly enlarged. Europe, Far East Russia ( MEYER 1930) ................................................ I. melanosomus WESMAEL, 1855 View in CoL

- Scutellum ivory, yellow or red ..........................................................................................35

35 Antenna with 27-28 flagellomeres, petiolus red. (5 th-) 6 th and 7 th tergites with ivory spots. Hind femur with scattered punctures in ventral 1/2. Hind tibia yellow centrally. Preapical flagellomere strongly transverse, 0.66x as long as wide. Scopa often ± obsolete. Europe, Far East Russia ( MEYER 1933) .............. I. validicornis HOLMGREN, 1864 View in CoL

- Antenna with at least 30 flagellomeres OR petiolus black ................................................36

36 All tarsi distinctly widened. Body length 11-12 mm .........................................................37

- Tarsi slender OR slightly and/or partly widened ...............................................................39

37 Antenna with 33-37 flagellomeres. Scutellum yellow. 2 nd and 3 rd tergites completely red. Hind femur mainly black; stout, 2.5x longer than wide. Europe, Far East Russia ( ROMAN 1927)........................................................................ I. ligatorius THUNBERG, 1822 View in CoL

- Antenna with at least 43 flagellomeres. Hind femur red; at least 3.0x longer than wide. 2 nd and 3 rd tergite reddish with ± black coloration.............................................................38

38 Body length 11 mm. Antenna with 43 flagellomeres. Scutellum red. Hind femur slenderer, 3.7x longer than wide. Mid coxa without distinct scopa. Siberia.......................... .......................................................................................................... I. rufolateralis nov.sp.

- Body length 15 mm. Antenna with 45 flagellomeres. Scutellum yellowish-red. Hind femur stouter, 3.0x longer than wide. Mid coxa with small apico-ventral scopa. Siberia ..... ................................................................................................................ I. scopator nov.sp.

39 Hind tibia yellow centrally. 2 nd and 3 rd tergites red (in I. crassifemur View in CoL sometimes darkened)...........................................................................................................................40

- Hind tibia not yellow centrally ..........................................................................................45

40 Hind femur with scattered punctures in ventral half. Metasoma almost completely black (except ivory apical spots). Hind coxa densely punctate. Antenna with 30-34 flagellomeres. Hind tibia black-yellow-black. Central Europe, Far East Russia ( UCHIDA 1926, ROMAN 1927) ............................................................. I. crassifemur THOMSON, 1886 View in CoL

- Hind femur at most in ventral 1/3 or basally with scattered punctures, usually denser punctate .............................................................................................................................41

41 Hind tibia black-yellow-black, black in apical 2/5. Hind femur with scattered punctures in basal 1/2 and ventrally. Antenna with 33-36 flagellomeres, preapical flagellomere less wide, 0.64x as long as wide. Europe, Far East Russia ( UCHIDA 1926)........................... ............................................................................................... I. molitorius LINNAEUS, 1761 View in CoL

- Hind tibia red-yellow-red-black; black in apical 1/4. Hind femur densely punctate. Antenna with 30-34 flagellomeres, preapical flagellomere strongly transverse, 0.5x as long as wide. Europe, West Siberia ( WOLDSTEDT 1881)....................................................... .......................................................................................... I. confusor GRAVENHORST, 1820 View in CoL

42 Hind femur densely punctate externally. Collare ivory. Wings slightly infuscate. Hind leg black. 2 nd and 3 rd tergites red, 3 rd tergite black basally OR 2 nd tergite only slightly reddish. 6 th and 7 th tergites with ivory spots. Antenna with 37-43 flagellomeres. South Europe, Irkutsk ( KOKUJEV 1904)........................... I. haemorrhoicus KRIECHBAUMER, 1887 View in CoL

- Hind femur with scattered punctures in ventral 1/3 to 1/2.................................................43

43 2 nd and 3 rd tergites red. Area superomedia distinctly longer than wide. Scopa on hind coxa weak. Europe, Irkutsk ( KOKUJEV 1904), Far East Russia ( ROMAN 1927)..................... .............................................................................................. I. extensorius LINNAEUS, 1758 View in CoL

- 2 nd and 3 rd tergites blackish ...............................................................................................44

44 Antenna with 43-47 flagellomeres. France, Altai region ( HEINRICH 1978) ........................... ....................................................................................................... I. nebulosae HINZ, 1975 View in CoL

- Antenna with 32-33 flagellomeres. Far East Russia................ I. magistratus HILPERT, 1992 View in CoL

45 Face, gena and mesoscutum mainly red. Collare ivory, with reddish margins. Siberia......... ................................................................................................. I. zoologicus HILPERT, 1992 View in CoL

- Face not completely red. Mesoscutum black.....................................................................46

46 2 nd and 3 rd tergites completely red, 6 th and 7 th tergites with ivory spots. Antenna with 34-37 flagellomeres, preapical flagellomeres 0.83x as long as wide. Body length 10.5 mm. Hind tibia not yellow. Hind tarsus mainly red. Scopa of hind coxa weak. Europe, Altai region ( HEINRICH 1978)............................................. I. grandicornis THOMSON, 1886 View in CoL

- 2 nd and 3 rd tergites at most partly red, 5 th tergite with small ivory spot. Hind coxa with rather weak scopa. Hind tarsus mainly black. Antenna with 34-39 flagellomeres, preapical flagellomeres 0.72x as long as wide. Body length 13-14 mm. Europe, Far East Russia ( MEYER 1933) ................................................. I. computatorius MÜLLER, 1776 View in CoL

47 Hind coxa with longitudinal edge ventrally. Mandible thick, with parallel sides and blunt teeth (fig. 43). Gena strongly widened ventrally, c.1.5x wider than eye (seen from lateral). Siberia ................................................................................ I. mandibulatus nov.sp.

- Hind coxa with ± scattered punctures apico-ventrally, without longitudinal edge. Mandible not thickened, sides narrowed apically, teeth pointed. Gena less strongly widened .......................................................................................................... (group E3) 48

48 Hind coxa with almost smooth area apico-ventrally ( fig. 39 View Figs 39-40 ). Lateral field of mesoscutum centrally with very scattered punctures. Fore and mid tarsomeres widened. Antenna slightly lanceolate. Siberia .............................................. I. brevipunctatus nov.sp.

- Hind coxa with scattered punctures or rather dense punctures, without almost smooth areas ..................................................................................................................................49

49 3 rd tergite black basally. Basal flagellomeres red, antenna strongly lanceolate. Hind coxa rather densely punctate ventrally, but strongly shining between punctures. Hind femur stout, 2.9-3.1x longer than wide..............................................................................50

- 2 nd and 3 rd tergites almost always completely red, rarely with yellowish tint, not black basally, but sometimes both tergites completely black......................................................51

50 Area superomedia longer than wide. 5 th tergite black. 2 nd and 3 rd tergites red, with yellowish and blackish color patterns. Antenna with 35 flagellomeres. Hind femur 2.9x longer than wide. Hind tibia black in apical 1/8. Body length 10.7 mm. Far East Russia. (according to HILPERT 1992 probably a subspecies of I. alius TISCHBEIN View in CoL )............................ ................................................................................................ I. confundor HEINRICH, 1978 View in CoL

- Area superomedia wider than long. 5 th tergite with wide ivory spot. 2 nd and 3 rd tergites red, 3 rd tergite black basally. Antenna with 39 flagellomeres. Hind femur 3.1x longer than wide. Hind femur red, yellowish centrally. Body length 11-16 mm. Far East Russia............................................................................. I. pseudocaedator HEINRICH, 1978 View in CoL

51 Large, body length 16-17 mm. Antenna with 44-45 flagellomeres. Hind tibia distinctly differentiated: with fewer spurs externally and sharp border to the densely pilose internal side. Hind femur with scattered punctures in ventral 2/3. Hind coxa with ± scattered punctures externally and weak scopa. Europe, Irkutsk ( HEINRICH, 1931), Far East Russia ( ROMAN 1927)........................................................ I. hypolius THOMSON, 1888 View in CoL

- Smaller species. Antenna with lower number of flagellomeres.........................................52

52 2 nd and 3 rd tergites black, at most with reddish tint. Gena, frontal orbit and basal flagellomeres ventrally red. Hind coxa with very scattered punctures ventrally. Hind femur stout, 3.0x longer than wide, with scattered punctures in ventral 1/4. Antenna with 35-37 flagellomeres, preapical flagellomere distinctly transverse. Far East Russia...... ...................................................................................................... I. helenae HILPERT, 1992 View in CoL

- 2 nd and 3 rd tergites red. Antenna strongly lanceolate, with 34-38 flagellomeres; widest flagellomere c.0.42x as long as wide. Europe, Irkutsk ( KOKUJEV 1904)............................... ....................................................................................................... I. alius TISCHBEIN, 1875 View in CoL

53 Metasoma except ivory marks black .................................................................(group F).54

- Metasoma with red or yellow tergites ...............................................................................62

54 (4 th-) 5 th- 7 th tergites with ivory spots. Antenna with 37-42 flagellomeres .........................55

- At most 6 th and 7 th tergites with ivory spots. Hind femur black. Antenna with 37-40 or 43-47 flagellomeres. Hind tibia and hind tarsus ± black apically......................................57

55 Head and mesosoma except yellow scutellum black ( fig. 16 View Figs 13-16 ). Femora, tibiae and tarsi red, hind tibia and hind tarsus slightly darkened apically. Siberia......... I. sayanicus nov.sp.

- Frontal orbit and upper margin of pronotum ± yellow. Hind femur black. Hind tibia and tarsus widely black ............................................................................................................56

56 Antenna with 39-42 flagellomeres, preapical flagellomere c.0.88x as long as wide, widest flagellomeres c.0.61x as long as wide. Upper margin of pronotum not yellow OR with yellow stripe frontally, then pale stripe widely interrupted. Frontal orbit narrowly ivory. Area superomedia slightly transverse. Hind tibia distinctly red centrally. Europe, Western Siberia ( ROMAN 1927) ................ I. haglundi HOLMGREN, 1864 View in CoL

- Antenna with 38 flagellomeres, preapical flagellomere c.0.63x as long as wide. Upper margin of pronotum narrowly interrupted. Frontal orbit widely ivory up to vertex. Far East Russia................................................................................. I. ustzazae HEINRICH, 1978 View in CoL

57 Antenna with 43-47 flagellomeres. Large, body length 15.2 mm. Hind femur with scattered punctures in ventral 1/2. Collare partly yellow. Hind coxa often with ± distinct scopa. France, Altai region ( HEINRICH 1978) .................... I. nebulosae HINZ, 1975 View in CoL

- Antenna with 37-40 flagellomeres ....................................................................................58

58 Hind tibia completely black. Hind coxa with variable punctures or with weak scopa. Preapical flagellomere 0.54x as long as wide. Scutellum completely yellow. Ivory spots on apical tergites wide. Median field of postpetiolus more than 2x wider than lateral field. South Europe, Irkutsk ( KOKUJEV 1904, MEYER 1933)................................................. ..................................................................... I. haemorrhoicus KRIECHBAUMER, 1887 View in CoL (part)

- Hind tibia infuscate in apical 1/3 OR preapical flagellomeres slightly transverse. Hind coxa with even punctuation. Scutellum almost completely yellow or ivory. Body length 12-14 mm ..........................................................................................................................59

59 Antenna with 27-29 flagellomeres, 1 st flagellomere c.2.x longer than wide. Body slender. Temple slightly widened behind eye. Hind femur with dense punctures. European Alps, Siberia ( HILPERT 1992).............................. I. buryas HEINRICH, 1949 View in CoL (part)

- Antenna with 35-40 flagellomeres. 1 st flagellomere at most 1.8x longer than wide. Temple ± narrowed behind eye. Hind femur with scattered punctures in ventral 1/3 to 1/5 .....................................................................................................................................60

60 Antenna with 40 flagellomeres. 1 st flagellomere 1.8x longer than wide. Hind tibia and tarsus red. Hind femur with scattered punctures in ventral 1/5. Siberia ................................ ........................................................................................................... I. inquinatops nov.sp.

- Antenna with 35-38 flagellomeres, 1 st flagellomere at most 1.5x longer than wide. Hind tibia ± infuscate apically, hind tarsus mainly black. Hind femur with scattered punctures in ventral 1/3.....................................................................................................61

61 Area superomedia square or slightly longer than wide, hexagonal. Thyridium narrow. Upper mandibular tooth wide and blunt. Inner orbit widely reddish-yellow. Central Europe, Far East Russia ( MEYER 1933, UCHIDA 1935) ......................................................... ............................................................................................... I. inquinatus WESMAEL, 1845 View in CoL

- Area superomedia c.1.3x longer than wide, rectangular. Thyridium almost as wide as the interval. Mandible normal. Inner orbit yellow, edges of clypeus reddish. Siberia........... ...................................................................................................... I. sibiricus ROMAN, 1904 View in CoL

62 Scutellum yellow OR antenna with at least 30 flagellomeres. If mesoscutum red, then scutellum often red or black ..............................................................................................63

- Scutellum black or red. 5 th tergite without ivory spot. Antenna with 22-29 flagellomeres.................................................................................................... (group H) 92

63 Hind tibia with clear yellow color centrally ................................................... (group G1) 64

- Hind tibia without yellow color centrally (or only in small parts).....................................67

64 5 th tergite at most with small ivory spot. 2 nd and 3 rd tergites red. Antenna with 33-38 flagellomeres, preapical flagellomeres strongly transverse, 0.59x as long as wide, widest flagellomere 0.58x as long as wide. Hind coxa with variable punctures ventrally. Hind tibia narrowly black basally, yellow subbasally, then weakly red and black in apical 1/3. Europe, West Siberia ( WOLDSTEDT 1881).............................................. .............................................................................................. I. melanotis HOLMGREN, 1864 View in CoL

- 5 th to 7 th tergites with large ivory spots OR collare clearly ivory. Antenna with 31-41 flagellomeres.....................................................................................................................65

65 Ivory spots on 5 th to 7 th tergite roundish, not transverse. Antenna usually with 34-37 flagellomeres (rarely 32-33). 2 nd to 3 rd tergites red. Area superomedia distinctly longer than wide. Hind femur with scattered punctures in ventral 1/3-1/2. Hind tibia redyellow-red-black. Europa, Far East Russia ( UCHIDA 1926). I. suspiciosus WESMAEL, 1845 View in CoL

- Ivory spots on 5 th to 7 th tergite wide and transverse. Antenna with 30-34 flagellomeres. Area superomedia about as long as wide...........................................................................66

66 Hind femur 2.9x longer than wide. Hind tibia red-yellow-red-black, hind tarsus black in apical 1/4. 3 rd tergite red, somtimes black baso-medially. Europa, Kazachstan, Mongolia (RASNITSYN & SIYTAN 1981) .................. I. caedator GRAVENHORST, 1829 View in CoL (part)

- Hind femur 3.7x longer than wide. Hind tibia and tarsus mainly yellow, with reddish tips. 3 rd tergite yellow, with basal and apical black bands (fig. 19). Kirgistan ...................... .......................................................................................................... I. altaicurtulus nov.sp.

67 5 th- 7 th tergites with large ivory spots or apical bands AND antenna with at least 32 flagellomeres.................................................................................................. (group G2) 68

- 5 th tergite at most with smaller ivory spot OR antenna with 27-31 flagellomeres................. ....................................................................................................................... (group G4) 73

68 Ivory spots on apical tergites not distinctly wide. Body length 10-15 mm. ....... (group G2.1) 69

- Ivory spots on apical tergites very wide. Face usually with extended red coloration. Body length 8-11 mm .................................................................................. (group G2.2) 72

69 Mandible strongly thickened. Hypostomal carina widened. Hind tibia red, black apically. Body length 13.6-14.1 mm. Usually 2 nd and 3 rd tergite completely red, in I. bucculentus View in CoL teberdensis HEINRICH 3 rd tergite only medially red. Europe, Kazachastan (RASNITSYN & SIYTAN 1981)................................................ I. bucculentus WESMAEL, 1845 View in CoL

- Mandible not thickened. Hypostomal carina narrow. Hind tibia completely red or black apically. Smaller, body length 10.4-11.5 mm ....................................................................70

70 Antenna with 33-35 flagellomeres. Area superomedia c1.1x longer than wide. Hind femur stouter, 3.2-3.3x longer than wide. Europe, Kazachstan (RASNITSYN & SIYTAN 1981) ....................................................................... I. curtulus KRIECHBAUMER, 1882 View in CoL (part)

- Antenna with 37-40 flagellomeres. Hind femur slenderer, 3.5-3.6x longer than wide. Wings with brownish tint, pterostigma reddish.................................................................71

71 Hind femur with scattered punctures in ventral 1/2. Hind femur red. Postpetiolus and 2 nd tergite red, 3 rd tergite blackish ( fig. 12 View Figs 9-12 ). Siberia.................................... I. paravafer nov.sp.

- Hind femur with dense punctures, mainly black. Usually postpetiolus, 2 nd and 3 rd tergites completely red. 4 th tergite with a small ivory spot. Iran............................................ ................................................................................... I. vafer View in CoL meridionalis HEINRICH, 1929

72 Hind tibia black in apical 1/6. Body length 8 mm. 1 st flagellomere 1.1-1.6x longer than wide. Hind femur completely black, stout, 2.6x longer than wide. 3 rd tergite usual black basally. Ivory spot on 5 th tergite often narrow, sometimes absent. Basal flagellomeres red or black. Europe, Mongolia (RASNITSYN & SIYTAN 1981) .............................................. .......................................................................................... I. caedator GRAVENHORST, 1829 View in CoL

- Hind tibia yellow or red, not black apically. Body length 10-11 mm. 1 st flagellomere longer, c.1.8x longer than wide. Hind femur less stout, 3.3x longer than wide. Ivory spot on 5 th tergite usually very wide. Basal flagellomeres red. 3 rd tergite not black basally. Europe, Kazachstan (RASNITSYN & SIYTAN 1981), Iran........................................... ......................................................................................... I. curtulus KRIECHBAUMER, 1882 View in CoL

73 Antenna with 27-35 flagellomeres......................................................................................74

- Antenna with at least 36 flagellomeres..............................................................................80

74 Antenna strongly lanceolate, widest flagellomere c.2x wider than long; 1 st flagellomere stout, c.1.1x longer than wide. Basal flagellomeres and scutellum red ( fig. 7 View Figs 5-8 ). Siberia ........ ............................................................................................................ I. lanceolator nov.sp.

- Antenna less strongly lanceolate. 1 st flagellomere slenderer .............................................75

75 Temple parallel or slightly widened behind eye. Antenna with 27-29 flagellomeres. Ventral part of central flagellomeres very narrow. Only 2 nd tergite basally red. Area superomedia c.1.5x longer than wide. European Alps, Siberia ( HILPERT 1992).................... ..................................................................................................... I. buryas HEINRICH, 1949 View in CoL

- Temple usually ± narrowed behind eye. Antenna with 29-35 flagellomeres. Mid flagellomeres not as narrow, c.0.7x as long as wide. 2 nd and 3 rd tergites completely red .........76

76 Petiolus red and scutellum ivory. Smaller, body length 8.7 mm. Hind femur completely red. Thyridium smaller than the interval and only slightly impressed. Europe, Far East Russia ( UCHIDA 1926).................................................................. I. gratus WESMAEL, 1855 View in CoL

- Petiolus OR scutellum black .............................................................................................77

77 Tarsi moderately widened. Hind femur red-black. Body length 11 mm. Antenna with 28-30 flagellomeres, preapical flagellomeres 0.76x as long as wide. Area superomedia about square. Hind tarsus mainly black. Europe, Iran............... I. eumerus WESMAEL, 1857 View in CoL

- Tarsi not widened. Hind femur usually completely black .................................................78

78 Ivory spots on apical tergites rather wide, seen from dorsal almost covering the whole width of tergites. Mandible rather thickened. 2 nd tergite as long as wide. Antenna with 30-34 flagellomeres. Area superomedia about square. Europe, Mongolia (RASNITSYN & SIYTAN 1981) .......................................................... I. caedator GRAVENHORST, 1829 View in CoL (part)

- Ivory spots on apical tergites not that wide. Mandible not thickened................................79

79 Basal flagellomeres red. Antenna with 32 flagellomeres. Area superomedia almost square. Hind tibia and hind tarsus except distal tarsomere completely red. 3 rd tergite blackish basally (here also runs I. mordax View in CoL ). Siberia .............. I. pilulicornis HEINRICH, 1978 View in CoL

- Basal flagellomeres black. Antenna with 27-32 flagellomeres. Area superomedia c.1.25x longer than wide. Hind tibia black in apical 1/8. Hind tarsus completely red. 3 rd tergite completely red. Europea, Altai region, Irkutsk ( MEYER 1933)................................... .............................................................................................. I. gracilentus WESMAEL, 1845 View in CoL

80 Antenna with 36-43 flagellomeres ....................................................................................81

- Antenna with 44-47 flagellomeres ....................................................................................91

81 Head and mesosoma punctate and distinctly granulate, ± opaque. Basal flagellomeres red. Hind femur red with black dorsal stripe centrally. Siberia ............ I. granulatus nov.sp.

- Head and mesosoma punctate, smooth or with fine granulation between punctures. If hind femur mainly red, then mesoscutum ± red ................................................................82

82 Hind femur mainly red. Mesoscutum ± red.......................................................................83

- Hind femur mainly black...................................................................................................86

83 6 th and 7 th tergites with distinct ivory spots .......................................................................84

- Ivory spots on apical tergites absent OR at most 7 th tergite with ± distinct spot. Mesoscutum, scutellum and legs except coxae and trochanters red. 1 st and 2 nd tergites red, 2 nd tergite black apico-medially, 3 rd tergite black with red basolateral stripes. Wings slightly infuscate. Hind tarsus black in apical 1/4..................................................85

84 Scutellum red, sometimes reddish-yellow. Fore and mid tarsomeres moderately widened. Hind coxa sometimes with weak scopa. Hind femur stout, 3.2x longer than wide. Antenna with 39 flagellomeres, 1 st flagellomere 1.2x longer than wide. Scandinavia, Siberia ( ROMAN 1927) ...................................... I. thomsoni HOLMGREN, 1864 View in CoL

- Scutellum yellow to ivory. Tarsomeres slender. Hind coxa without scopa. Hind femur slenderer, 3.7x longer than wide. Antenna with 37-38 flagellomeres, 1 st flagellomere 1.8x longer than wide. Far East Russia................................... I. zherichini HEINRICH, 1978 View in CoL

85 Apical tergites without pale spots. Hind femur with scattered punctures in ventral 0.6. Mid tarsomeres slightly widened. Wings and pterostigma slightly infuscate. Hind coxa with unequal punctures ventrally. Smaller, body length 10.7 mm. Thyridium slightly smaller than the interval. Siberia ................................. I. lariae View in CoL taimyrensis HEINRICH, 1978

- 7 th tergite with apical spot, 6 th tergite with narrowly ivory apical margin. Hind femur with dense punctures. Mid tarsomeres slender. Wings strongly infuscate, pterostigma blackish. Larger, body length 14.9 mm. Thyridium much smaller than the interval. Hind coxa with equal punctuation. Siberia................................ I. chernovi HEINRICH, 1978 View in CoL 86 Genal carina widely interupted ventrally. Malar space longer, c.1.5x longer than 1 st flagellomere (fig. 44). Antenna with 36 flagellomere, 1 st flagellomeres 1.6x longer than wide. Hind tibia infuscate in apical 1/4. Hind femur stout, 2.9-3.0x longer than wide; hind tibia with multiple denticular spines externally (fig. 41). Siberia ............ I. genator nov.sp.

- Genal carina not interupted ventrally. Malar space shorter ...............................................87

87 Clypeus densely punctate and with coarse longitudinal rugae in apical half. Hind femur very slender, 4.1x longer than wide. 2 nd tergite red; 3 rd tergite black, with reddish sides. 6 th and 7 th tergites without ivory spots, diffusely reddish apically ( fig. 10 View Figs 9-12 ). Siberia ............. ................................................................................................... I. nigrostigmaticus nov.sp.

- Clypeus with finer sculpture, usually ± punctate. Hind femur stouter, at most 3.6x longer than wide. 6 th and 7 th tergites with distinct ivory spots...........................................88

88 Hind tibia red, very narrowly black in apical 1/20. Hind femur black, narrowly at base and in apical 1/5 red. Hind tarsus completely red. Ivory spot on scutellum often obsolete. Area superomedia slightly wider than long. Lower mandibular tooth very small. Antenna stout, with 36-38 flagellomeres, red basally, with ivory ring centrally, 1 st flagellomere 1.2x longer than wide; preapical flagellomere almost square, 0.91x as long as wide. Hind femur stout, 3.1x longer than wide. Postpetiolus partly red, 2 nd tergite black in basal 2/5, then shortly red, apically yellowish, 3 rd tergite reddishyellow, black in basal 1/3. Hypopygium moderately elongate, metasoma semiamblypygous. Siberia ......................................................... I. amblypygops HEINRICH, 1978 View in CoL

- Hind tibia at least in apical 1/4 black. Hind tarsus at least in distal 1/3 black ...................89

89 Antenna completely black. Hind tibia narrowly black at base and in apical 1/5. 2 nd tergite red, black in basal 0.5; 3 rd tergite red, black in basal 1/3. Only 7 th tergite with distinct ivory spot. Hind femur with scattered punctures in ventral 1/3. Wings slightly infuscate. Hind coxa with irregular punctuation. Hind tarsus completely black. Tadzikistan ......................................................................... I. kazdikistanus HEINRICH, 1980

- Ring of antenna and scutellum ivory .................................................................................90

90 Basal flagellomeres red, yellow ring not distinct. Inner orbit widely yellow-red. Scutellum yellow. 2 nd and 3 rd tergites red, 2 nd tergite sometimes black basally, 3 rd tergite basally, sometimes also apically black. Hind coxa and hind femur with regular punctuation. Hind tibia pale red, black in apical 1/3. Hind tarsus black in apical 1/2. Buryat.......................................................................................... I. obnixus HEINRICH, 1978 View in CoL

- Antenna except ivory ring black. 2 nd tergite red, 3 rd tergite black, with red lateral margins. Hind femur red, narrowly black apically. Hind tibia yellow-red, black in apical 1/8. Hind tarsus ± black. Siberia ( MEYER 1933) ......................................................... ..................................................................................... I. insidiosus View in CoL malaisei ROMAN, 1927

91 Tarsi widened. Hind coxa with unequal punctuation ventrally. Hind femur with scattered punctures in ventral 2/3. Hind tibia red, black in apical 1/4. Large, body length 17 mm. Europe, Far East Russia ( ROMAN 1927) ........................................................ ......................................................................................... I. hypolius THOMSON, 1888 View in CoL (part)

- Tarsi not widened. Hind coxa with equal punctuation. Hind femur with scattered punctures in ventral 1/4. Mid and hind legs completely black. Body length 15 mm. Far East Russia. According to HILPERT (1992) probably conspecific with I. melanobatus GRAVENHORST View in CoL ......................................................................... I. vitimensis HEINRICH, 1978 View in CoL

92 Apical tergites without ivory spots. Antenna with 22-23 flagellomeres. 1 st tergite ± and hind coxa red. Very small, body length 6.4 mm. Area superomedia c.1.25x longer than wide. Europa, Irkutsk ( WOLDSTEDT 1881) ...................... I. oblongus SCHRANK, 1802 View in CoL (part)

- At least 7 th tergite with ivory spot. If 6 th tergite without ivory spot, then coxae red OR antenna with more than 26 flagellomeres..........................................................................93

93 Coxae red (or at most 26 flagellomeres, body length less than 7.8 mm and area superomedia not strongly elongated). Hypopygium short .................................................94

- Coxae usually black; if red, then antenna at least with 25 flagellomeres ..........................96

94 Very small, body length at most 6.2 mm. Antenna with 22-23 flagellomeres. Often coxae, pterostigma and 2 nd and 3 rd tergites dark. Hind femur black. Europe, Far East Russia ( MEYER 1933)..................................................... I. simulans TISCHBEIN, 1873 View in CoL (part) - Larger, body length more than 6.2 mm. Antenna with 23-26 flagellomeres. Coxae only rarely black. 2 nd and 3 rd tergites completely red. Hind femur usally ± red. Postpetiolus red. Hind tibia black in apical 1/5-1/4 ...............................................................................95

95 1 st- 4 th tergites red. Ivory spot on 6 th tergite small, much smaller than spot on 7 th tergite. Area superomedia more than 1.3x longer than wide, sides not edged. Petiolus often dark medially................................................................... I. oblongus SCHRANK, 1802 View in CoL (part)

- Only 1 st- 3 rd tergites red, 4 th tergite sometimes red at base. Ivory spot on 6 th tergite large. Area superomedia at most 1.3x longer than wide, ± hexagonal ............................................ ....................................................................................... I. simulans TISCHBEIN, 1873 View in CoL (part)

96 Petiolus black. Mandible moderately thickened. Temple only slightly narrowed behind eye. Hypopygium slighly enlarged. Metasomal apex somewhat compressed. 2 nd tergite red, 3 rd tergite with some diffuse reddish tint. Antenna with 28 flagellomeres, pale ring indistinct (structure similar to I. intricator WESMAEL View in CoL ). Central Asia .................................... ........................................................................................... I. medioasiaticus HILPERT, 1992 View in CoL

- Petiolus red. Mandible not thickend. Temple distinctly and roundly narrowed behind eye. Hypopygium narrow. Postpetiolus ± and 2 nd and 3 rd tergites red. Antenna with 28- 30 flagellomeres, with distinct ivory ring. Europe, Siberia ( UCHIDA 1926, MEYER 1933) ........................................................................... I. memorator WESMAEL, 1845 View in CoL (part)

97 Scutellum yellow. Antenna with 29-36 flagellomeres. Apical tergites without ivory spots. 2 nd and 3 rd tergites red; if black, then margins of 2 nd tergite and apical margins of following tergites red. Area superomedia rectangular, large, wider than long. Hind femur red or black. Hind tibia completely red. Hind tarsus red, apical narrowly black. Thyridium often only slightly wider than the interval. Siberia.............................................. ..................................................................................................... I. modestus ROMAN, 1927 View in CoL

- Scutellum red or black.......................................................................................................98

98 6 th and 7 th tergites with large ivory spots. Scutellum black or reddish ..............................99

- Apical tergite without ivory spots or only 7 th tergite with narrow yellow stripe. Scutellum red, at least apically........................................................................................100

99 Lateral field of mesoscutum and scutellum red ( fig. 5 View Figs 5-8 ). Femora, tibiae and tarsi except brownish distal tarsomeres red. Antenna with 34 flagellomeres; 1 st flagellomere c.1.6x longer than wide. Siberia.................................................................... I. hakassiacus nov.sp.

- Mesoscutum black, scutellum black or red. Hind femur mainly black. Antenna with at most 32 flagellomeres; 1 st flagellomere usually longer ...................................................102

100Antenna with 27-30 flagellomeres; 1 st flagellomeres 1.7x longer than wide. Body length 8.8 mm. Hind femur 3.3x longer than wide. 3 rd tergite red. Hind coxa with slightly elevated ventral edge. Thyridium slightly wider than the interval. Europe, Siberia ......................................................................... I. memorator WESMAEL, 1845 View in CoL (part)

- Antenna with 32 flagellomeres; 1 st flagellomere at least 2.0x longer than wide. Body length 9.5-10 mm. Hind femur at least 3.6x longer than wide. Thyridium at least 2x wider than the interval.....................................................................................................101

101Widest flagellomeres about square. Thyridium c.2x wider than the interval (fig. 64). 1 st flagellomere slender, 2.4x longer than wide. Scutellum reddish. 3 rd tergite reddishbrown. Hind tibia completely yellowish. Area superomedia hexagonal, c.1.35x wider than long. Siberia ....................................................................................... I. berlovi nov.sp.

- Widest flagellomeres c.1.6x wider than long. Thyridium c.3x wider than the interval ( fig. 81 View Figs 81-82 ). 1 st flagellomere 2.0x longer than wide. Scutellum black. 3 rd tergite mainly black. Hind tibia infuscate in apcial 1/3. Area superomedia rectangular, c.1.2x wider than long. Siberia ................................................................................. I. thyridiator nov.sp.

102Antenna with 31-33 flagellomeres and distinct ivory ring, basal flagellomeres reddish. Apical tergites without ivory spots OR 7 th tergite with narrow yellow stripe. 4 th tergite partly red. Body length 10.2 mm. Hind coxa with long hairs indicating ± distinct scopa. Hind femur 3.6x longer than wide. Hind tibia usually black in apical 1/8. In Eastern Palaearctic material mesoscutum reddish, scutellum with dark reddish spot, frontal orbit widely yellow-red, hind femur black and distal hind tarsomere blackish. Europe, Far East Russia ( ROMAN 1927 as kamtschaticus).......... I. stigmatorius ZETTERSTEDT, 1838 View in CoL

- Antenna with 29-31 flagellomeres, black, at most with rudimental ring. Mesoscutum and scutellum red. Small, body length 7.1-8.4 mm. Apical tergites black, without pale spots. Hind tibia black in apical 1/3. Petiolus usally completely red. Hind femur slender, 3.8x longer than wide. Arctic Siberia.............................. I. asiaticus ROMAN, 1914 View in CoL

HEINRICH G. H. (1931): Beitrage zur Systematik der Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae (Hym.) IV. - Mitteilungen der Deutschen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 2: 27 - 32.

HEINRICH G. H. (1978): [Eastern Palearctic Hymenopterous insects of the subfamily Ichneumoninae.] (in Russian). - Leningrad. 81 pp.

HEINRICH G. H. (1980): Neue Ichneumoninae Stenopneusticae aus der palaarktischen Region (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae). - Mitteilungen der Munchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft 69: 9 - 27.

HILPERT H. (1992): Zur Systematik der Gattung Ichneumon LINNAEUS, 1758 in der Westpalaearktis (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Ichneumoninae). - Entomofauna Suppl. 6: 1 - 389.

HORSTMANN K. (2006): Revisionen von Schlupfwespen-Arten X. (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Braconidae). - Mitteilungen der Munchner Entomol ogischen Gesellschaft 96: 5 - 16.

KOKUJEV N. R. (1904): [Contributions a la faune des Hymenopteres de la prov. d'Irkoutsk. Ichneumonidae I.] (in Russian with Latin descriptions for new species). - Revue Russe d'Entomologie 4 (2 - 3): 80 - 84.

MEYER N. F. (1930): [Scientific results of the entomological expedition of the Zoological Museum in Ussur territory: I. Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae]. - Ez hegodnik Zoologicheskago Muzeya. Akademii Nauk SSSR 31: 165 - 180.

MEYER N. F. (1933): [Keys to parasitic Hymenoptera (family Ichneumonidae) of the USSR and adjacent countries. Vol. 1. Introduction and Ichneumoninae] (in Russian). - Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR 9 (1): 1 - 458.

ROMAN A. (1914): Die Ichneumoniden des arktischen Sibiriens nach der Sammlung der Russischen Polar-Expedition 1900 - 1903. - Memoires de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. Classe 8 Physico-Mathematique 29 (7): 1 - 14.

ROMAN A. (1927): Entomologische Ergebnisse der schwedischen Kamtschatka-Expedition 1920 - 1922. 10. Ichneumonidae, Subfam. Ichneumoninae. - Arkiv fo r Zoologi 19 A (7): 1 - 19.

UCHIDA T. (1926): Erster Beitrag zur Ichneumoniden-Fauna Japans. - Jo urnal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University 18: 43 - 173.

UCHIDA T. (1935): Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Ichneumonidenfauna der Kurilen. - Insecta Matsumurana 9: 108 - 122.

WOLDSTEDT F. W. (1881): Fundorte russischer Ichneumoniden. - Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae 16: 58 - 64.

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Figs 73-76: Postpetiolus and 2nd tergite of: (73) Ichneumon nigrostigmaticus nov.sp.; (74) I. orientopodius nov.sp.; (75) I. paravafer nov.sp.; (76) I. paravulnerator nov.sp.

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Figs 81-82: (81) Ichneumon thyridiator nov.sp.: Postpetiolus and 2nd tergite; (82) Ichneumon orientopodius nov.sp.: Moderately elongated hypopygium.

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Figs 39-40: Hind coxa from lateral of: (39) Ichneumon brevipunctatus nov.sp.; (40) I. breviscopatus nov.sp. Figs 41-42: (41) Hind tibia of Ichneumon genator nov.sp. with multiple denticular spurs apico-externally; (42) widened mid tarsus of Ichneumon orientopodius nov.sp. Figs 43-44: Head from frontal: (43) Ichneumon mandibulatus nov.sp.; (44) I. genator nov.sp.

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Figs 13-16: Habitus of: (13) Ichneumon paravulnerator nov.sp.; (14) I. pseudemancipatus nov.sp.; (15) I. rufolateralis nov.sp.; (16) I. sayanicus nov.sp.

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Figs 9-12: Habitus of: (9) Ichneumon mesonotator nov.sp.; (10) I. nigrostigmaticus nov.sp.; (11) I. orientopodius nov.sp.; (12) I. paravafer nov.sp.

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Figs 5-8: Habitus of: (5). Ichneumon hakassiacus nov.sp.; (6) I. inquinatops nov.sp.; (7) I. lanceolator nov.sp.; (4) I. mandibulatus nov.sp.