Ichneumon hakassiacus, Riedel, 2018

Riedel, Matthias, 2018, Contribution to the Siberian species of Ichneumon LINNAEUS (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Ichneumoninae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (2), pp. 1509-1562 : 1518

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Marcus (2021-08-26 08:19:51, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 21:06:39)

scientific name

Ichneumon hakassiacus

sp. nov.

Ichneumon hakassiacus nov.sp. ( figs 5 View Figs 5-8 , 26 View Figs 21-26 , 49 View Figs 49-52 , 68 View Figs 65-68 )

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Holotype: ♀ " Russia,SSiberia,Hakkasia,W Sayan Mts, Aradan Mt rng, Buyba, 25.viii.1990, leg. V. Gromenko" (coll. Riedel). Paratype: ♀ with same labels (coll. Riedel).

D e s c r i p t i o n: Body length 9.5 mm. Antenna moderately lanceolate, with 34 flagellomeres; 1 st flagellomere 1.6x longer than wide, c. 7 th flagellomere square, widest flagellomeres c.0.61x as long as wide; preapical flagellomere 0.8x as long as wide. Temple moderately and roundly narrowed apically. OOD 1.3. Frons densely rugosepunctate and granulate. Face densely punctate and granulate; clypeus with dense punctures basally and with scattered punctures in apical 1/2, smooth between punctures. Gena 1.35x as wide as eye, with dense punctures and fine striation dorsally and scattered punctures ventrally. Malar space 1.3x as long as width of mandibular base and 1.2x as long as 1 st flagellomere. Genal carina complete, not interrupted ventrally. Hypostomal carina narrow.

Mesosoma covered with brownish hairs. Mesoscutum densely punctate and granulate, opaque; lateral field opaque, but with shining central area. Mesopleuron and metapleuron densely rugose-punctate, partly finely striation; coxal carina present. Scutellum slightly elevated, slightly wider than long, with rather dense punctures. Area superomedia rectangular, with slightly rounded sides, c.1.6x wider than long; costula present as short stub. Area petiolaris without lateral carina. Hind coxa densely punctate and granulate, without scopa. Hind femur 3.8-4.0x longer than wide, with superficial punctures, smoothened in ventral half. Hind tibia with c.6 denticular spurs apico-externally. Tarsomeres slender, 3 rd mid tarsomere 1.7x longer than wide.

Metasoma strongly oxypygous, hypopygium short. Postpetiolus strongly widened, medi- an field not distinctly separated, c.1.9x wider than the lateral one, both with fine aciculation. 2 nd tergite 0.78x as long as wide. Gastrocoelus strongly impressed, with fine ridges; thyridium large, slightly oblique, c.1.5x wider than the interval. 2 nd and 3 rd tergites very densely punctate and granulate, ± opaque, without longitudinal rugosity medially. Ovipositor sheath slightly extending behind metasomal apex.

Color: Black. Flagellomeres 1-8 red, flagellomeres 9-12 reddish-yellow, following flagellomeres black. Lateral field of mesoscutum, hind edge of pronotum, tegula and scutellum red (in paratype also collare and postscutellum). Median field of postpetiolus and 2 nd and 3 rd tergites red; 6 th and 7 th tergites with roundish ivory spots. Coxae and trochanters black; legs otherwise red; distal tarsomeres ± brownish apically. Wings almost hyaline, pterostigma yellow.

Males unknown.

T a x o n o m i c a l r e m a r k This species belongs to group I sensu HILPERT (1992) and runs to I. stigmaticus ZETTERSTEDT ín his key. It differs by its red hind femur, black frontal orbit, shorter 1 st flagellomere and wider area superomedia.

HILPERT H. (1992): Zur Systematik der Gattung Ichneumon LINNAEUS, 1758 in der Westpalaearktis (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Ichneumoninae). - Entomofauna Suppl. 6: 1 - 389.

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Figs 5-8: Habitus of: (5). Ichneumon hakassiacus nov.sp.; (6) I. inquinatops nov.sp.; (7) I. lanceolator nov.sp.; (4) I. mandibulatus nov.sp.

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Figs 21-26: Head from dorsal of: (21) Ichneumon berlovi nov.sp.; (22) I. brevipunctatus nov.sp.; (23) I. breviscopulatus nov.sp.; (24) I. genator nov.sp.; (25) I. granulatus nov.sp.; (26) I. hakassiacus nov.sp.

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Figs 49-52: Scutellum and propodeum of: (49) Ichneumon hakassiacus nov.sp.; (50) I. inquinatops nov.sp.; (51) I. lanceolator nov.sp.; (52) I. mandibulatus nov.sp.

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Figs 65-68: Postpetiolus and 2nd tergite of: (65) Ichneumon breviscopatus nov.sp.; (66) I. genator nov.sp.; (67) I. granulatus nov.sp.; (68) I. hakassiacus nov.sp.











