Entoloma caxiuanense Karstedt & Capelari

Karstedt, Fernanda, Bergemann, Sarah E., Gates, Genevieve, Ratkowsky, David, Cunha, Kelmer Martins & Capelari, Marina, 2024, Species of Entoloma (Entolomataceae) with cuboidal basidiospores from Brazil, Phytotaxa 654 (1), pp. 1-76 : 28-30

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.654.1.1



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Entoloma caxiuanense Karstedt & Capelari

sp. nov.

Entoloma caxiuanense Karstedt & Capelari , sp. nov.

Figs. 9 View FIGURE 9 , 10n–p View FIGURE 10 , 33c View FIGURE 33

MB 838589

Etymology:— Caxiuanense refers to the Caxiuanã National Forest where the species was collected.

Diagnosis:— Entoloma caxiuanense is characterised by the combination of a conical, squamulose pileus, cheilocystidia along the entire lamellar margin, a cutis in transition to a trichoderm, and small basidiospores [xm = 6.34 (± 0.31) × 6.67 (± 0.6) µm] which differentiate it from all other species included in this study.

Type:— BRAZIL. Pará: Caxiuanã, Caxiuanã National Forest , Ferreira Penha Station , Plot 1, 15 February 2011, F. Karstedt et al. FK1871 (Holotype, SP) .

Description:— Pileus to 40 mm diam., broadly conical, margin slightly revolute, slightly translucent-striate, center brown, fibrils brownish and surface slightly yellowish beige, not hygrophanous; fibrillose or squamose, with scales more abundant in the center of the pileus than on the margin. Pileus context not observed. Lamellae adnate or sinuate, smooth, ventricose, pale yellow-pink, close with two tiers of lamellulae, margins irregular and concolorous with faces. Stipe 80 × 4–6 mm, slightly attenuated above, circular or flattened in cross-section, centrally attached, slightly yellowcream, fibrillose, surface slightly striate and twisted, hollow, with a small amount of white basal tomentum. Stipe context not observed. Odor and taste not observed. Spore print not observed.

Basidiospores cuboidal, 4-angled in profile view, 6.2–7(–7.5) × 6.2–7.5 µm [xm = 6.34 (± 0.31) × 6.67 (± 0.6) µm, Q = 1–1.2, Qm = 1.05 (± 0.08), n = 21/1] in profile view and diagonally (6.2–)7.5–8.7 × 7.5–8.75 µm [xm = 7.62 (± 0.54) × 7.88 (± 0.57) µm, Q = 1–1.16, Qm = 1.04 (± 0.07), n = 21], thin-walled. Basidia clavate-pedicellate, 33–51 × 10–112.5 µm (n = 13), hyaline, thin-walled, with 4 long sterigmata. Cheilocystidia abundant, along the entire lamellar margin, cylindrical or cylindro-clavate, 30–125 × 6.2–15 µm (n = 24), hyaline, thin-walled. Pleurocystidia and pseudocystidia absent. Lamellar trama of parallel, cylindrical or broadly cylindrical hyphae, 3.7–16 µm diam. (n = 20), hyaline, thin-walled, septa rare, sub-hymenium not observed. Pileitrama composed of radially arranged hyphae, cylindrical or broadly cylindrical, 5–22 µm diam. (n = 20), hyaline, thin-walled, septa rare. Pileipellis a trichoderm or groups of anticlinal terminal hyphae in transition to a trichoderm; prostrate hyphae cylindrical, 8.7–15 µm diam. (n = 14), with brown intracellular pigment or, less frequently, hyaline; anticlinal hyphae cylindrical, broadly cylindrical or clavate, with or without septa, 50–300 × 11.2–16.2 µm (n = 10), with brown or hyaline intracellular pigment, thin-walled. Stipitipellis a cutis with cylindrical hyphae, 5–10 µm diam. (n = 20), hyaline or with straw yellow intracellular pigment, thin-walled, septate. Caulocystidia absent. Clamp connections present. Refractive hyphae present.

Habitat:—Solitary, in soil with organic matter and roots, in the Amazon Forest biome.

Distribution:—Only known from Pará, Brazil.

Comments:—This species would traditionally be classified in Leptonia , due to the structure of the pileipellis. However, by phylogenetic analysis ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ) it is possible to verify that this species is included in the clade with the other species having cuboidal basidiospores ( Entoloma subg. Cubospora ) and not in one of the clades with Leptonia species, thus lending further support to the notion that the shape of the basidiospores is a more relevant feature than the structure of the pileipellis.

Entoloma cuboidosporum (Beeli) E. Horak, the species that most resembles E. caxiuanense , is characterized by small, cuboidal basidiospores (5.5–7.5 µm), cheilocystidia forming a sterile margin and a pileipellis between a cutis and a trichoderm. However, they differ in that E. cuboidosporum has a depressed, infundibuliform center with an amber brown color, decurrent lamellae, and clavate to vesiculose cheilocystidia (Horak 1976a).

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