Podagricomela nigripes Medvedev

Prathapan, Kaniyarikkal D., 2017, Identity of the citrus leaf mining flea beetle in northeast India and nomenclatural changes in Amphimela (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae: Alticini), Florida Entomologist 100 (2), pp. 276-276 : 276-

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1653/024.100.0223

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scientific name

Podagricomela nigripes Medvedev


Podagricomela nigripes Medvedev ( Figs. 1–9 View Fig View Figs )

Podagricomela nigripes Medvedev (1993: 372) , Medvedev (2002: 209 [key], 210), Zhang & Yang (2004: 273, 277).


Length 3.43−3.72 mm, width 2.37−2.64 mm, 1.40−1.44 times longer than wide. General color brick red in life, fades to reddish brown to yellowish brown in preserved specimens ( Fig. 1 View Fig ). Basal 3 or 4 antennomeres red-brown to yellow-brown, concolorous with dorsum; distal 7 or 8 antennomeres pitch-black. All legs piceous, except all coxae, trochanters concolorous with general color of body, distal tarsomeres tinted brown.

Head ( Fig. 2 View Figs ) with vertex shiny, profusely minutely punctate, larger punctures sparse, unevenly distributed. Supracallinal sulcus, orbital sulcus deep and wide, almost straight. Transverse suprafrontal sulcus separating vertex from frontal ridge deeper than supracallinal sulcus. Antennal calli separated by a distance equal to 0.67−1.08 times diameter of antennal socket. Antennal callus wider than long, transverseoblique. Frontal ridge wider than long, convex between antennal sockets, anteriorly flat to concave. Frontoclypeal suture with a row of long setae, interrupted in middle. Labrum with 6 setiferous pores bearing long setae, arranged in a row of 3 each on either side. Labrum about 2 times wider than long, anterior margin with a small notch and a lobe covering notch, evident only in macerated specimens. Mandible with 5 denticles. Maxillary palpus 4-segmented; 2nd and 3rd palpomeres subequal; 3rd widest; 4th longest, shorter than 2 times length of 3rd. Labial palpus 3-segmented, 1st palpomere shortest, 2nd widest, 2nd and 3rd subequal in length. Antenna not reaching half of elytra over pronotum; proportionate length of antennomeres (n = 2; 1st onwards): 1: 0.52–0.53: 0.56–0.60: 0.60–0.72: 0.66–0.76: 0.70–0.92: 0.80–0.90: 0.83–0.92: 0.86–0.92: 0.86–0.92: 1.20–1.32.

Pronotum 0.96−1.02 mm long, 1.75−2.02 mm wide, 1.82−1.98 times wider than long. Pronotal disc densely punctured, density and size of punctures distinctly greater than those on vertex. Pronotal punctures much smaller than those on elytra, stronger laterally than medially. Lateral margin evenly curved, nearly as wide anteriorly as posteriorly. Anterolateral callosity transverse, projecting forward, with seta bearing pore on upper lateral face; anterior margin of callosity strongly curved ( Fig. 3 View Figs ). Posterolateral callosity slightly projecting beyond lateral margin. Scutellum triangular,a little wider than long, shiny, minutely punctate.

Elytra widest at anterior one-third. Humeral callus with a shallow depression posteriorly. Fifh row of punctures (excluding scutellar row) forms a depression along mesal side of humeral callus. Sixth and 7th rows begin posterior to humeral callus; with a shallow depression posterior to humeral callus. Elytral punctures about 4–6 times stronger than pronotal punctures in middle of elytral disc. Distance between punctures in a row less than diameter of a puncture; width of elytral interstices generally more than diameter of a puncture in middle of disc; interstices minutely punctate. Maximum width of elytral epipleura slightly less than maximum width of profemur. Elytral epipleura slightly inclined outwardly in proximal one-third, distinctly outwardly inclined beyond one-third. Mesepimeron, metepisternum each with a row of very strong punctures.

Shortest width of prosternal intercoxal process more than shortest distance between anterior margin of prosternum to procoxal cavity. Prosternum and mesosternum with coarse punctures. Meso- sternal intercoxal process with deeply emarginated posterior margin. Metasternum without bold punctures, except a few laterally. Metat- ibia with a sharp ridge all along its dorsal side. All 1st tarsomeres ventrally with plumose capitate setae in male, with plumose pointed setae in female.

Proportionate length of tarsomeres (n = 2; 1st onwards) in female: protarsomeres 1: 0.82–0.88: 1.00–1.12: 1.53–1.71; mesotarsomeres 1: 0.79–1.12: 0.84–1.18: 1.58–1.82; metatarsomeres 1: 0.64–0.81: 0.64–0.81: 1.16–1.38; in male: protarsomeres 1: 0.77–0.82: 0.94–1.00: 1.62–1.78; mesotarsomeres 1: 0.75–0.84: 0.85–0.89: 1.40–1.58; metatarsomeres 1: 0.68–0.74: 0.76–0.89: 1.20–1.53. Length–width ratio of tarsomeres (n = 2; 1st onwards) in female: protarsomeres 0.85–1.00: 0.82–0.88: 0.59–0.61: 2.90; mesotarsomeres 0.81–1.00: 0.88–0.95: 0.53–0.65: 2.82–3.33; metatarsomeres 1.00–1.32: 0.89: 0.55–0.63: 2.64–3.22; in male: protarsomeres 0.76–0.82: 0.78–0.82: 0.61–0.63: 2.75–3.56; mesotarsomeres 0.80–0.83: 0.77–0.89: 0.61–0.57: 2.66– 3.00; metatarsomeres 0.90–1.19: 0.76–0.92: 0.65–0.72: 2.64–3.00.

Spermatheca with pump undifferentiated from receptacle; receptacle nearly 2 times longer than pump, pump forms acute angle with receptacle, outer side of receptacle concave, inner side convex; duct forms loop away from receptacle, sharply curved towards receptacle, not coiled ( Fig. 7 View Figs ). Tignum channeled along middle, wider proximally, proximal end unsclerotized, narrowed in middle, distal end pointed, posterior margin of membranous portion forms a transverse sclerotized band ( Fig. 8 View Figs ). Vaginal palpi fused in proximal three-quarters by membranous area; sclerotized laterally and posteriorly, narrowing towards posterior end, apex with a few short setae, long seta absent; both vaginal palpi together as long as wide ( Fig. 9 View Figs ). Length of sper- mathecal receptacle 0.44 mm, length of tignum 0.63 mm, length of vaginal palpi 0.26 mm.

Aedeagus 0.97 mm long, in lateral view strongly curved, with acute apex ( Fig. 4 View Figs ); in ventral view, parallel sided with rounded apex, ventral surface convex proximally, flat apically ( Fig. 5 View Figs ); distal opening partially covered by a trifid lamina with longitudinal, sclerotized striations ( Fig. 6 View Figs ). Arms of tegmen as long as stem.


Bhutan, India (West Bengal, Meghalaya), China (Xizang).


Described in Padmanaban et al. (1990), Rao et al. (2002), and Shylesha et al. (2003).


Podagricomela nigripes can be differentiated from the other 2 Indian species by the color of the dorsum. Dorsum is brick red to yellow brown in P. nigripes , whereas in P. decempunctata , dorsum is yellow with 5 black spots on the elytra. Apparently, this species is misplaced in Podagricomela . Podagricomela metallica Medvedev is distinctly larger (4.3 mm) than the other 2 species (3.20–3.72 mm), and its dorsum is metallic blue.


Type material. PARATYPE 3. Labels: (1) MagghalDhara/ 26-IV-1983 / 1,200 m (White label); (2) Darjeeling D. / India Bhakta B. (White label); (3) PARATYPUS / Podagricomela nigripes / L Medvedev (Red label) ( LMC) .

Other material examined. 23, 1♀ Bhutan: env. Punakha / 27.6058333°N, 89.8738333°E / 19-IX-2005 / 1,400 m / coll. K. Ma- hat, K. D. Prathapan ( USNM); 103 GoogleMaps , 4♀ India: Meghalaya / Barapani / 25.6882222°N, 91.9180833°E / 993 m / 24-IX-2013 / coll. D. Prathapan & K. Shameem / Ex Citrus; 6 3 GoogleMaps same locality and collectors, 21-IX-2013; India: West Bengal / Puntibari UBKV GoogleMaps Campus / 26.3971389°N, 89.3857778°E / 35 m / 12-I-2017 / coll. K. D. Prathapan ( BMNH, USNM, UASB, NBAIR, KAU) GoogleMaps .


Instituto de Investigação Científica de Mozambique


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


University of Agricultural Sciences














Podagricomela nigripes Medvedev

Prathapan, Kaniyarikkal D. 2017

Podagricomela nigripes

Zhang Y & Yang X. 2004: 273
Medvedev LN 2002: 209
Medvedev LN 1993: )
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