Aristaenetus (Kmentaenetus) diabolicus Kondorosy, 2019

Kondorosy, Előd, Kovács, Szilvia & Zsalakovics, László, 2019, Kmentaenetus, A New Subgenus Of Aristaenetus (Hemiptera: Rhyparochromidae: Lethaeini) From The Papuan Subregion, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 65 (1), pp. 9-18 : 13-15

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Aristaenetus (Kmentaenetus) diabolicus Kondorosy

sp. nov.

Aristaenetus (Kmentaenetus) diabolicus Kondorosy View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 1–2 View Fig View Figs 2–3 )

Material examined: Holotype m: PAPUA NG , Madang Prov. / BAITABAG, 17. v. 2011 / 5°8'46" S 145°46'36"E, 40m / forest and ruderal vegetation / J. Votýpka & Lukeš lgt. // [printed with green:] Department of parasitology / Charles University in Prague / DISSECTION No. 707 / NEGATIVE ( NMPC). GoogleMaps Paratypes: same first label // [printed with red:] Department of parasitology / Charles University in Prague / DISSECTION No. 708 / POSITIVE GoogleMaps PNG _112 ( NMPC); 1 f: same first label // [printed with green:] Department of parasitology / Charles University in Prague / DISSECTION No. 706 / NEGATIVE ( HNHM) .

Description: Body almost glabrous, on head, antennae and legs some extremely fine setae visible, on posterior antennal segments, on apical half of tibiae and on tarsi becoming longer and semierect; on inner part of pro- and mesotibiae very prominent. Clypeus shining, terminating in a sharp tooth. Labium reaching end of abdominal segment V, first segment almost reaching procoxae. Scape approximately as long as head, extending with half beyond apex of head. Humeral angles of pronotum terminating in a posteriorly curved spine. Punctures finer, row on clavus along claval furrow consisting of 35–40 punctures.

Colour: Body black, hemelytra and extremities more or less paler; labium stramineous; base of first segment and apex of fourth darker. Scape and pedicel except apex, basal ¼ of basiflagellum and distiflagellum dark brown, remaining parts slightly darker, basiflagellum in apical half stramineous; meso- and metatrochanters and basal half of meso- and metafemora also stramineous, tibiae and tarsi on two posterior pairs yellowish brown. Pronotum with 3 tiny inconspicuous basal stramineous spots: on middle and at clavi. Clavus with two stramineous lines: vein AA1+ 2 in distal 1/3, vein AA3+4 only from halfway to about three fourths of length; corium with a short line on distal fourth of vein Cu, base of vein M and with two small spots: one at level of apex of scutellum between R+M and Cu and one between R and M close to apical margin stramineous. A small round spot near to apical margin between veins R and M white. Membrane brown with slightly paler veins.

Structure: Body dull, only ventral side of head and abdomen shining.

Distribution: Papua New Guinea.

Etymology: We named this new species after the coloration and the horn-like humeral angles on the pronotum.

Measurements (first holotype male, next 2 female paratypes) (in mm): Body length: 11.18, 11.56–12.06. Head length 1.99, 2.05–2.21; width with eyes 1.60, 1.62–1.71; interocular space 0.71, 0.76–0.78; antennae 9.96, 10.14 (pedicel and next segments missing on a paratype) segment I 1.86, 1.89–1.94; II 3.15, 3.11; III 2.51, 2.64; IV 2.44, 2.45; labium 8.84, 9.34–9.36; segment I 2.46, 2.56–2.62; II 2.41, 2.54–2.61; III 2.94, 3.04–3.17; IV 1.02, 1.06–1.09. Pronotum total length 2.06, 2.17–2.23; length of anterior lobe 0.92, 0.97; width 3.36, 3.67– 3.71; width at transverse impression 1.99, 2.07–2.09; scutellum length 1.71, 1.92–1.94; width 1.64, 1.87–1.96; claval commissure 1.09, 1.12–1.21.

Remarks: These specimens were collected during an expedition of Jan Votýpka and colleagues investigating trichomonad parasites of true bugs ( SMEJKALOVÁ et al. 2014). The “negative” and “positive” text of the labels means not having or having parasites in the intestine. During the investigation the genitalia were removed, sometimes partly destroyed. The male pygophore is also missing.


National Museum Prague


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)

















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