Callianira fam subsp. sp, . A

Verhaegen, Gerlien, Cimoli, Emiliano & Lindsay, Dhugal, 2021, Life beneath the ice: jellyfish and ctenophores from the Ross Sea, Antarctica, with an image-based training set for machine learning, Biodiversity Data Journal 9, pp. 69374-69374 : 69374

publication ID

persistent identifier

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Biodiversity Data Journal by Pensoft

scientific name

Callianira fam subsp. sp


"fam. Mertensiidae" sp. A


Type status: Other material. Occurrence : individualID: MCMEC2019_ Mertensiidae _sp_A_a; associatedMedia: "", "", "", ""; Taxon : kingdom: Animalia ; phylum: Ctenophora ; class: Tentaculata ; order: Cydippida ; family: Mertensiidae ; Location: continent: Antarctica; waterBody: McMurdo Sound; maximumDepthInMeters: 1; decimalLatitude: -77.637; decimalLongitude: 166.401; Identification: identifiedBy: Dhugal Lindsay; Event: samplingProtocol: Sony Alpha 7 III camera equipped with a FE 90mm F2.8 Macro G OSS lens; eventDate: 2019-11-15; Record Level: type: StillImage, Video; language: en; rightsHolder: Emiliano Cimoli Type status: Other material. Occurrence : individualID: MCMEC2019_ Mertensiidae _sp_A_b; associatedMedia: ""; Taxon : kingdom: Animalia ; phylum: Ctenophora ; class: Tentaculata ; order: Cydippida ; family: Mertensiidae ; Location: continent: Antarctica; waterBody: McMurdo Sound; maximumDepthInMeters: 1; decimalLatitude: -77.637; decimalLongitude: 166.401; Identification: identifiedBy: Dhugal Lindsay; Event: samplingProtocol: Sony Alpha 7 III camera equipped with a FE 90mm F2.8 Macro G OSS lens; eventDate: 2019-11-29; Record Level: type: Video; language: en; rightsHolder: Emiliano Cimoli Type status: Other material. Occurrence : individualID: MCMEC2018_ Mertensiidae _sp_A_c; associatedMedia:; Taxon : kingdom: Animalia ; phylum: Ctenophora ; class: Tentaculata ; order: Cydippida ; family: Mertensiidae ; Location: continent: Antarctica; waterBody: McMurdo Sound; maximumDepthInMeters: 1; decimalLatitude: -77.637; decimalLongitude: 166.401; Identification: identifiedBy: Dhugal Lindsay; Event: samplingProtocol: NIKON D500 camera equipped with a TAMRON SP 90mm F2.8 Di Macro VC USD F017N lens; eventDate: 2018-11-27; Record Level: type: StillImage; language: en; rightsHolder: Emiliano Cimoli Type status: Other material. Occurrence : individualID: MCMEC2018_ Mertensiidae _sp_A_d; associatedMedia:; Taxon : kingdom: Animalia ; phylum: Ctenophora ; class: Tentaculata ; order: Cydippida ; family: Mertensiidae ; Location: continent: Antarctica; waterBody: McMurdo Sound; maximumDepthInMeters: 1; decimalLatitude: -77.637; decimalLongitude: 166.401; Identification: identifiedBy: Dhugal Lindsay; Event: samplingProtocol: NIKON D500 camera equipped with a TAMRON SP 90mm F2.8 Di Macro VC USD F017N lens; eventDate: 2018-11-29; Record Level: type: StillImage; language: en; rightsHolder: Emiliano Cimoli Type status: Other material. Occurrence : individualID: MCMEC2018_ Mertensiidae _sp_A_e; associatedMedia:; Taxon : kingdom: Animalia ; phylum: Ctenophora ; class: Tentaculata ; order: Cydippida ; family: Mertensiidae ; Location : continent: Antarctica; waterBody: McMurdo Sound ; maximumDepthInMeters: 1; decimalLatitude: -77.637; decimalLongitude: 166.401; Identification : identifiedBy: Dhugal Lindsay ; Event : samplingProtocol: Seabotix LBV-300 ROV equipped with a GoPro Hero 5; eventDate: 2018-12-01; Record Level: type: StillImage; language: en; rightsHolder: Emiliano Cimoli Type status: Other material. Occurrence : individualID: MCMEC2018_ Mertensiidae _sp_A_f; associatedMedia:; Taxon : kingdom: Animalia ; phylum: Ctenophora ; class: Tentaculata ; order: Cydippida ; family: Mertensiidae ; Location: continent: Antarctica; waterBody: McMurdo Sound; maximumDepthInMeters: 1; decimalLatitude: -77.637; decimalLongitude: 166.401; Identification: identifiedBy: Dhugal Lindsay; Event: samplingProtocol: NIKON D500 camera equipped with a TAMRON SP 90mm F2.8 Di Macro VC USD F017N lens; eventDate: 2018-11-27; Record Level: type: StillImage; language: en; rightsHolder: Emiliano Cimoli GoogleMaps GoogleMaps GoogleMaps GoogleMaps GoogleMaps GoogleMaps GoogleMaps GoogleMaps GoogleMaps GoogleMaps GoogleMaps GoogleMaps


first time observation.


Description of the family Mertensiidae : according to the key to Ctenophora by Licandro and Lindsay (2017), our observed specimens should be part of the Mertensiidae family, excluding the genus Lampea , based on the following morphological characters: Cydippida with presence of a pair of tentacles exiting aborally from opposite sides of the body, tentacles with tentilla, without oral lobes, tentacle sheath exits towards the aboral pole, tentacle attached at the aboral end of the tentacle bulb, type C internal canal structure. The body, however, is not laterally compressed. A recent phylogenetic study showed that the family Mertensiidae is non-monophyletic and, therefore, needs revision ( Townsend et al. 2020). We provisionally place this species in the Mertensiidae sensu lato, which is also the current assignment of other such orphans, such as the Mertensiidae sp. of Wrobel and Mills (1998): cf. Figure 108. A record for a Mertensiidae sp. from the Danco coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, appears in Whelan et al. (2017) with the GenBank accession number MF599321. Figure 3 of the same paper apparently assigns this sequence to a 6.5 mm-long, whitish, elongated " Cydippida species Antarctica", but Table S1 in the supplementary material lists both a Mertensiidae sp. (64.65˚S, 62.396˚W) and a Cydippida sp. (63.439˚S, 55.453˚W) from Antarctica. Figure 2 in Whelan et al. (2017) refers to this sequence as Mertensiidae sp. Antarctica, while all other figures, including Figure 3 with the photograph, refer to this sequence as " Cydippida species Antarctica". Although the morphology of the animal in Figure 3 is vastly different from the undescribed species dealt with in the present paper, it is unclear whether the photograph assigned to the Mertensiid sequence in Whelan et al. (2017) is actually of that animal or whether it is a photo of something completely different. Photographs of "Mertensiid ctenophores" appear in Brueggeman (1998), but the tentacle bulbs lie parallel to the stomodeum in the first photo and the ridges are far more pronounced in the second photo compared to the present material. We, therefore, infer that other undescribed "mertensiid" species occur in the Ross Sea.

Comments on observed material: N = 4 in 2018 and N = 2 in 2019 (Fig. 14 View Figure 14 ). Body nearly completely spherical, transparent; eight comb rows located equidistantly from each other, of same length, extending 90% of total body length, space between four comb plates ca. equal to width of comb plate, length of comb plates ca. three times inter-comb plate distance; type C internal canal structure (see Licandro and Lindsay 2017); tentacle bulb long (1/3 of total body length), orientated obliquely to the stomodeum (Fig. 14 View Figure 14 A) with aboral end located close to stomodeum, at one third from aboral end and oral end the furthest from the stomodeum, at one third of oral end, colour dark brown on the outside with salmon-coloured groove facing stomodeum; tentacles thick, dark red when leaving the aboral end of tentacle bulb, with light pink tentilla; tentacle sheath opening very long or situated within a deep lateral groove, running from close to polar plate (Fig. 14 View Figure 14 F) to about the height of the middle of the tentacle bulb; polar plate straight line; no ciliary ring encircling polar plate; two anal pores on both sides of statocyst; length of comb plates equal to six times the space between plates; stomodeum length up to aboral end of tentacle bulbs.