Hanguana, Blume, 1827

Niissalo, Matti A., Wijedasa, Lahiru S., Boyce, Peter C. & Leong-Škorničková, Jana, 2014, Hanguana neglecta (Hanguanaceae): a new plant species from a heavily collected and visited reserve in Singapore, Phytotaxa 188 (1), pp. 14-20 : 18

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.188.1.2



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Key to Hanguana View in CoL in Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore

1. Stoloniferous colonial helophytes ................................................................................................................................................… 2

– Clumping mesophytes lacking stolons .........................................................................................................................................… 3

2. Leaves stiffly erect, acute; fruits ellipsoid, ripening glossy purple-red; stigma lobes flat, connate at base, the whole 3–4 mm diam. and almost obscuring the end of the fruit. Plants of open situations along muddy banks of large rivers, margins of freshwater bodies, and of freshwater swamp forest ........................................................................................................................... H. malayana View in CoL

– Leaves arching, long-attenuate; fruits globose, ripening semiglossy black; stigma lobes small, separate, erect, pointed. Plants of shaded peatswamp mires ..................................................................................................................................................... H. nitens View in CoL

3. Stigma inserted obliquely ................................................................................................................................................................. 4

– Stigma terminal ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5

4. Fertile portion of infructescence not exceeding leaves, panicle dense, branches of the partial inflorescences ascending in fruit; plants sessile even in old age ....................................................................................................................................… H. pantiensis View in CoL

– Fertile portion of infructescence far exceeding leaves, panicle very open, branches of the partial inflorescences spreading and forming regular tiers; plants developing an erect, leafless stem up to 1.5 m tall … ................................................... H. podzolicola View in CoL

5. Fruits ripening black ....................................................................................................................................................… H. neglecta View in CoL

– Fruits ripening glossy white to pale yellow...................................................................................................................................… 6

6. Infructescence with caducous foliaceous bracts; partial inflorescences each with 2 or rarely 3 branches, spreading in fruit; fruits globose with a briefly stipitate stigma, lobes connate basally, deep chocolate brown; fruit ripening white with conspicuous black speckles; old plants developing a short (to ca. 25 cm) slender, leafless stem. Plants of well-drained slopes and low ridges in lowland humid, moist mixed dipterocarp forest on yellow clay soils ....................................................................................… H. stenopoda View in CoL

– Infructescence with persistent foliaceous bracts; partial inflorescences each with 4–5 branches, these rather sharply ascending in fruit; fruits ventrally gibbose-ellipsoid, stigma sessile, comprising 3 free orange brown lobes; fruit ripening pale yellow without conspicuous black speckles. Plants of low-lying wet podzols in peatforest ................................................................. H. exultans View in CoL

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