Pygmaeodrilus arausionensis Michaelsen, 1910

Plisko, Jadwiga D. & Nxele, Thembeka C., 2015, An annotated key separating foreign earthworm species from the indigenous South African taxa (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Eudrilidae, Glossoscolecidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae, Microchaetidae, Ocnerodrilidae and Tritogeniidae), African Invertebrates 56 (3), pp. 663-663 : 702-703

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Pygmaeodrilus arausionensis Michaelsen, 1910


Pygmaeodrilus arausionensis Michaelsen, 1910

Description: Length 25–45 mm. Unpigmented, slightly white. Setae lumbricine, closely paired. Epilobous or zygolobous. Female pores at 14 in ab line. Male pores in

17 with small glands near setae ab. Clitellum saddle-shaped on ½ of 12, 12–½ of 19, 19. Septa 5/6–10/11 thickened. Crop in 4–7. Gizzard absent. Calciferous glands in 9. Holandric. Excretory system holoic. Seminal vesicles initiated at 11/12 extending to 12. Spermathecae paired, ampullae in 9 with similar size of diverticulae in 9. No penial setae. Notes: Described from Bothaville in Orange Free State [Free State]; recorded from a few sites in RSA and Namibia ( Jamieson 1967). Possibly indigenous to southwestern Africa and transported to RSA by rivers.

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