Pyrgopolon (Septenaria) nekvasilovae, Kočí & Jäger, 2015

Kočí, Tomáš & Jäger, Manfred, 2015, Sabellid And Serpulid Worms (Polychaeta, Canalipalpata, Sabellida, Sabellidae, Serpulidae) From The Rocky Coast Facies (Late Cenomanian) At Předboj Near Prague, Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B 71 (1 - 2), pp. 31-50 : 38-39

publication ID 10.14446/AMNP.2015.31

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Pyrgopolon (Septenaria) nekvasilovae

sp. nov.

Pyrgopolon (Septenaria) nekvasilovae sp. nov.

Pl. 2, Fig. 5–7

2012c Pyrgopolon (Septenaria) sp. 1 – Kočí, p. 126, fig. 1E–H.

D i a g n o s i s: A medium-sized species of the subgenus Pyrgopolon (Septenaria) . Attached tube portion bears five distinct keels of which the median keel is very strong and undulating, whereas the other four keels are weaker and straight. Free tube portion bears seven moderately to weakly developed keels giving the tube a near-circular subheptagonal cross-section.

E t y m o l o g y: In honour of Dr. Olga Nekvasilová, CSc. (the famous Czech specialist in Mesozoic brachipods) who studied the geology and paleontology of the Předboj site and other rocky coast localities in the BCB.

H o l o t y p e: The specimen is deposited in the collections of the National Museum in Prague, inventory number NM-O7561, and figured on Pl. 2, Fig. 7.

T y p e l o c a l i t y: Předboj near Prague.

T y p e h o r i z o n: Upper Cenomanian.

M a t e r i a l: Three well preserved tubes.

S u b s t r a t e: One of the tubes is attached to an oyster valve.

D e s c r i p t i o n. The attached tube portion is slightly to strongly curved posteriorly and straight anteriorly, the short straight free anterior tube portion rises moderately above the substrate. For keels and cross-section see diagnosis. Anterior tube portion bears transverse ornamentation consisting of indistinct weak corrugations.

R e m a r k s a n d r e l a t i o n s h i p s. Pyrgopolon (Septenaria) zitti (see below) is similar, but differs by possessing only three keels situated closer together in the attached tube portion.

Pyrgopolon (Septenaria) septenaria REGENHARDT, 1961 and P. (S.) macropus (J. DE C. SOWERBY, 1829) possess respectively five and seven keels in the free tube portion, but differ by possessing only one strong keel in the attached portion.














Pyrgopolon (Septenaria) nekvasilovae

Kočí, Tomáš & Jäger, Manfred 2015

Pyrgopolon (Septenaria)

septenaria REGENHARDT 1961
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