Lissodendoryx (Waldoschmittia) schmidti ( Ridley, 1884 )

Putra, Singgih Afifa, Ambo-Rappe, Rohani, Jompa, Jamaluddin & de Voogd, Nicole J., 2024, Preliminary study of marine sponges (Porifera) in the littoral of Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia, ZooKeys 1208, pp. 275-313 : 275-313

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1208.113603

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scientific name

Lissodendoryx (Waldoschmittia) schmidti ( Ridley, 1884 )


Lissodendoryx (Waldoschmittia) schmidti ( Ridley, 1884)

Fig. 13 View Figure 13

Diagnostic features.

Ectosome is formed of tangentially arranged tylotes and ascending bundles in a plumose arrangement. Main skeleton is an irregular reticulation of oxeas, with triangular meshes of spicules. Microscleres are isochelas and sigmas ( Hofman and van Soest 1995).

Distribution and ecology.

This species also known from mesophotic zone. Previously recorded from Cochin-China, East Africa, Hawaii, Red Sea, Seychelles, and South Australia. In parts of Indonesia it was recorded from Ternate, Banda Sea, Aru Island (Arafura Sea), Flores, Jedan Island, East Java, and Sumba ( Hofman and van Soest 1995). Our specimen is the first record for the Spermonde Archipelago, Lumulumu Island; reef flat.