Timea stenosclera Hechtel, 1969

Ugalde, Diana, Fernandez, Julio C. C., Gómez, Patricia, Lôbo-Hajdu, Gisele & Simões, Nuno, 2021, An update on the diversity of marine sponges in the southern Gulf of Mexico coral reefs, Zootaxa 5031 (1), pp. 1-112 : 72-74

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Timea stenosclera Hechtel, 1969


Timea stenosclera Hechtel, 1969 View in CoL

Tables 6, 7; Figs. 66A–C View FIGURE 66 , 70J–K View FIGURE 70

Synonymy and references: Timea stenosclera Hechtel (1969: 28) , Rützler et al. (2014: 49), van Soest (2017: 181), and Mácola & Menegola (2018: 294).

Type locality. Barbados .

Material examined. CNPGG-2275, Triangulos reef (20.9177°N, 92.2162°W), 12 m depth, Oscar Bocardo, 11 September 2017; CNPGG-2358, Banco Obispo Sur reef, (20.4234°N, 92.2274°W), 9 m depth, coll. Oscar Bocardo, 14 September 2017.

Description: Thinly encrusting habit on coral rubble ( Fig. 70J–K View FIGURE 70 ); the size of the larger specimen 8 × 2.5 × 0.4 cm. The surface is microhispid. The oscules are not visible. Orange color in vivo, light brown in ethanol. The consistency is soft but difficult to discern.

Skeleton. Choanosome with confused tylostyles and protruding outside the surface.

Spicules. Megascleres. Straight and slender tylostyles ( Figs. 66A–C View FIGURE 66 ), 145– 250 (51.7)–335/1– 2.5 (1.1)–5.2 µm, tyle oval to rounded, 18– 22 (2.5)–26 µm. Microscleres:Asters represented by spheroxyasters, sometimes with blunt rays (tending to strongylaster type), 18–22 (2.5)–26 µm diameter; oxyasters thin rayed euasters 7– 10.9 (2.5)–14.5 µm diameter, ( Fig. 66B View FIGURE 66 ).

Distribution. Mexico (current records), Belize ( Rützler et al. 2014), Barbados ( Hechtel 1969), Brazil ( Mácola & Menegola 2018).

Remarks. The material studied conforms to Timea stenosclera except for having slightly larger spicule dimensions than those reported by Hechtel (1969) from his Barbados materials (tylostyles 173–252/1.7–2.4 µm, oxy- spherasters 11.8–25.9 µm, oxy- to strongylasters 4.7–11.8 µm). However, specimens from Belize also have larger spicules (tylostyles 176–310 × 2–7 µm, spheroxyasters 19–25 µm, spheroxyasters 15–18 µm) as shown by Rützler et al. (2014). These variations in dimensions appear intraspecific to us. The smaller category of euasters in Hechtel (1969) fits well with ours. This is the first record of T. stenosclera for the GoM.

Order Tetractinellida Marshall, 1876

Suborder Astrophorina Sollas, 1887













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