Fridericia longiducta, Dozsa-Farkas, 2015

Dózsa-Farkas, Klára, Ortmann-Ajkai, Adrienne & Horváth, Ferenc, 2015, New Enchytraeid Species (Oligochaeta: Enchytraeidae) From The Danube-Dráva National Park, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 61 (4), pp. 305-327 : 317-323

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scientific name

Fridericia longiducta

sp. n.

Fridericia longiducta Dózsa- Farkas, sp. n.

( Figs 7–8)

Type material – Holotype: F.24 slide No. 1186 adult Whole mount specimens. Type locality: Páprád , Bükkhát Forest Reserve, Danube –Dráva National Park, 45°52’19.4”N, 18°00’47.4”E, 109 m a.s.l., riverine oak- elm- ash Woodlands, deeper humid area, leg. Ort- mann- Ajkai, A. 20. 10. 2014. GoogleMaps

Paratypes (in total 13 specimens): P . 101.1–101.3. slide No. 1147, 1148, 1183, three specimens, Páprád, Bükkhát Forest Reserve, 45°52’19.4”N, 18°00’47.4”E, 109 m a.s.l., river- ine oak- elm- ash Woodlands, leg. Orthman- Ajkai, A. 08. 11. 2012; P GoogleMaps . 101.4–101.11. slide No. 1141, 1144, 1145, 1161, 1172, 1178, 1179, 1190 eight adult specimens, Páprád, Bükkhát Forest Reserve, 45°52’19.4”N, 18°00’47.4”E, 109 m a.s.l., riverine oak- elm- ash Woodlands, deeper humid area, leg. Orhman- Ajkai, A. 20. 10. 2014; P GoogleMaps . 101.12–101.13. slide No. 2000, 2001. tWo specimens, Kisszentmárton, alder and ash sWamp Woodlands, 45°49’18.6”N, 18°01’09.3”E, 94 m a.s.l., leg. Dózsa- Farkas, K GoogleMaps ., Farkas , J . & Boros , G. 28. 03. 2011 .

DepositedinthecollectionofDepartmentofSystematicZoologyandEcology, Eöt- vösLorándUniversity, Budapest.

Etymology – Namedafterthelongspermathecalectalduct.

Diagnosis – TheneWspeciescanberecognizedbythefolloWingcombi- nation of characters: (1) large size (17–23 mm long and about 530–700 μm Wide in XII, in vivo), cuticle thick, segments 46–59; (2) max. 4 chaetae per bundle; clitellumgirdle- shaped: hyalocytesandgranulocytesarrangedintransverse roWsdorsally, betWeenandaroundthebursalslitsonlygranulocytes; (3) five preclitellarnephridia; (4) mucocytestypec, lenticytesmedium- large; (5) chyluscellsbetWeenXIII–XVIIoccupying 4–5 segments; (6) bursalslitY-shaped; (7) largebroWnseminalvesicle, (8) subneuralglandsabsent; (9) spermfunnel cylindrical, abouthalfaslongasbodydiameter, 1.5–2 timesaslongasbroad, sperm long from 600 μm up to 1000 μm, heads 70–110 μm long in vivo; (10) spermathecaeseparateentally, tWolargeear- shapeddiverticula, ectalduct very long, With one gland at the ectal orifice.

Description – Holotype 15.9 mm long, 720 μm Wide at VIII and 770 μm at clitellum (fixed), segments 51. Bodylengthofparatypes 17–23 mm, Width 440–620 μmatVIIIand 460–660 μm at clitellum (in vivo), length of fixed specimens 13–19 mm Width 510–630 μm at VIII, 530–700 μm at the clitellum, segments 46–59. Chaetae: 2,3,(4), – (4),3,1,2: 4,3, –.4,3,1,2. The chaetae Within a bundle are arranged in pairs; ventrally the outer chaetae 77–80 × 6–7 μm, the inner chaetae much smaller: 23–40 × 2.5–3.5 μm preclitellarly. In dorso- lateral bundlesoftenonlytWochaetaeperbundlebutunequallylong. Chaetaeinthemiddleof body someWhat smaller, laterally often only one very small chaeta (25–30 μm long), more posteriorlytWobutunequallylongchaetae. FromaboutXXX–XXIVonlytWo, butequally long chaetae, increasing in size caudad, up to 100–110 × 10–11 μm. Head pore at 0/I. Dorsal poresfromVII. 3–5 roWsofhyalineepidermalglandcellsperpreclitellarsegments ( Fig. 8C). ClitelluminXII–1/3XIII, girdle- shaped, hyalocytesandgranulocytesarrangedinin- definiteroWsdorsally ( Fig. 8A), diameterofcells 20–25 μm, onlygranulocytesaroundand betWeenthebursalslits (Fig. 5B). ThicknessofbodyWallabout 50–80 μm, cuticleabout 5–6 μminfixedspecimens. Brainegg-shaped, about 160 μmlong (fixed), 1.5 timeslongerthan Wide (fixed) ( Fig. 7A).

Oesophagealappendages (peptonephridia) typec ( Fig. 7C). Firstandthesecondpair or sometimes all pairs of pharyngeal glands With dorsal connection, the glands in IV With- outventrallobes, pairsinVandVIWithventrallobes, largestinVI. ChloragocytesfromV, broWn invivo. DorsalvesselfromXIX–XXIV, bloodcolourless. Midgutparstumidanotseen. Five pairs of preclitellar nephridia from 6/7 to 10/11, length ratio anteseptale: postseptale 1: 1.5–2, midventraloriginofefferentduct. Coelomo- mucocytestypec, 20–40 μmlong invivo, nucleusWellvisible, lenticytes 6–10 μmlong ( Fig. 7E). ChyluscellsbetWeenXIII–XVII, oc- cupying 4–5 segments. SeminalvesiclelargeinIX–XII, occupying 3 segments. Spermfunnels cylindrical ( Figs. 7B, 8D–E), about 300–550 μmlongand 110–270 μmWide (invivo), 1.5–2 timesaslongasWide. Infixedspecimensthelengthoffunnelsare 260–370 μm. Collardis- tinct, narroWerthanfunnelbody. Spermatozoalongbutoftendifficulttomeasureaccurately in the seminal vesicle, 600–1000 μm long in vivo (in tWo specimens), but only 500–700 μm inthefixedspecimens (infourspecimens), heads 70–110 μmlong invivo (40–55 μmfixed). Diameterofspermducts 10 μm (fixed). Malecopulatoryorgansabout 150 μmlong, 110 μm Wide, and 75 μmhigh (fixed), thebursalslitsy-shaped, thelongerstemabout 44 μmlong the shorter stems 22 μm long. Subneural glands absent. Spermathecae ( Figs 7D, 8F–G): one ectal gland at the ectal orifice (50–80 μm long), ectal ducts longer than body diameter, up to tWiceaslongasbodydiameter, about 600–1000 μmlong, 30–35 μmWideinfixedspecimens, proximallyprojectingintotheampullae, entalbulb 50–60 μmWide, canal 6–7 μmWide, not Widened. Ampullaespherical (diameterabout 100 μm) WithtWolargeear- orbean- shaped, thinWalleddiverticula. Spermmostlyarrangedinaringindistalpartofampulla, alsofilling out lumina of diverticula, so that these are dark broWn in transmitted light, as in F. phaeostri- bares A–D = 100 μm, E = 50 μm)

ata sp.n. Thelengthofdiverticula 140–200 μm invivo and 100–160 μminthefixedspecimens. Ampullaeopenseparatelyintooesophagus. One- threematureeggatatime.

Distributionandhabitat – KnoWnonlyfromtWolocalitiesinthefloodplainofDráva riverintheDanube–DrávaNationalPark: BükkhátForestReserve, riverineoak- elm- ash Woodlands, andalderandashsWampWoodlandsneartovillageKisszentmárton, Hungary. funnels, F–G = spermathecae. (A–F invivo, Gfixed, stainedholotypus; scalebars = 50 μm)

Differentialdiagnosis – Five Fridericia specieshavesimilarspermathecae WithtWoear- orbean- shapedsessilespermathecaldiverticulaandseparate connections With the oesophagus (four of them listed in DÓZSA-FARKAS 2009, tab. 6): F. magna Friend, 1899 ; F. strenua Rota, 1995 ; F. auritoides Schmelz, 2003 ; F. aurita Issel, 1905 and F. phaeostriata sp. n. The main differences are as fol- loWs: in F. aurita spermatozoa are of similar length, but the sperm funnel is longer (aslongasorlongerthanbodydiametervs. abouthalfaslongasbody diameter), the spermathecal ectal duct is shorter and the ectal gland is absent ( ISSEL 1905). In F.auritoides the best characteristic feature are the additional ventral lobes of pharyngeal glands in VII, absent in F. longiducta , moreover it hassubneuralglands, chyluscellsinXVIII–XIXoccupying 1.5–2 segments (be- tWeenXIII–XVIIoccupying 4–5 segmentsintheneWspecies) ( SCHMELZ 2003). F. strenua has more chaetae (8) ( Rota 1995). F. magna is longer (30–50 mm, 70–96 segments), theclitellumissaddle- shaped, andthebloodisreddish ( FRIEND 1899). Finally, F. longiducta sp. n. differs from the F. phaeostriata sp. n. by its size (17–23.5 mm long and 600–700 μm Wide in vivo), the very long spermathecal duct (longer than body diameter), and the presence of only one ectal gland.

Cernosvitoviellabuekkhati Dózsa- Farkas, sp. n.

(Figs 9–10)

Typematerial – HolotypeC3 slideNo.866, adultstainedWholemountedspecimen. Typelocality: Páprád, BükkhátForestReserve, 45°52’19.4”N, 18°00’47.4”E, 109 ma.s.l., riv- erineoak- elm- ashWoodlands, deeperhumidarea, leg. Dózsa- Farkas, K GoogleMaps ., Ortmann- Ajkai, A & Farkas, J., 28. 03. 2011 .

Paratypes (in total 3 specimens): P 102.1 102.3 , slides No. 864, 865, 867 three stained specimens, fromtypelocality, leg. Dózsa- Farkas, K., Ortmann- Ajkai, A & Farkas, J., 28. 03. 2011 .

DepositedinthecollectionofDepartmentofSystematicZoologyandEcology, Eöt- vösLorándUniversity, Budapest.

Etymology – Namedafterthetypelocality.

Diagnosis – TheneWspeciescanberecognizedbythefolloWingcom- bination of characters: (1) small size (2–2.5 mm, in vivo), segments 16–21; (2) maximum 4–7 sigmoidandnodulatechaetaeperbundle; (3) clitellumonly laterally; (4) tWoorthreepreclitellarnephridia; (5) coelomocytesspindle- shaped, mostlyblackintransmittentlight; (6) 2 + 2 pharyngealglands, thepri- mary pairs more or less With dorsal connection; (6) sperm funnel cylindrical, approximatelyhalfaslongasbodydiameter, collarasWideasfunnelbody (invivo); (7) spermductsnotWidened, maleporessurroundedbyloosegland cells; (8) spermathecae free in V, ectal duct (70–80 μm long, 6–8 μm Wide), the ampullatWiceasWideasduct; oneconspicuoussessileectalglandsurround- ing the ectal part of ectal duct.

Fig. 9. Cernosvitoviella buekkhati sp. n. A = pharyngeal glans (schematic), B–C = spermathe- cae, D = coelomocytes, E = spermfunnel (allfiguresWeremadefromlivingspecimens,

scale bares B, C, E = 50 μm, D = 25 μm)

Description – Holotype 1.05 mm long, 190 μm Wide at VIII and 210 μm at clitellum (fixed), segments 16. Bodylengthoftheparatypes 2–2.5 mm, Width 180–200 μmatVIII and 200–240 μmattheclitellum (invivo). Lengthoffixedspecimens 1.1–1.26 mm, Width 150–190 μm at VIII and 180–210 μm at the clitellum. Segments 16–21. Chaetae slender, sigmoidWithnodulus, about 4–6 (7) perbundle, maximumlengthabout 20–25 μm. Head poreWerenotdetectable. Dorsalporesabsent. Epidermalglandcellsundistinguishable. ClitelluminXII–1/2XIII, glandcellsonlylaterally, moregranulocytesthanhyalocytespre- sent, cellsabout 15 × 10 μmWide. ThicknessofbodyWallabout 5 μminfixedspecimens, cuticlethin. Braindeeplyincisedposteriorly, about 70 μmlong (fixed) and 1.5 timeslonger than Wide (Fig. 10A).

Fig. 10. Micrograph of Cernosvitoviella buekkhati sp. n.: A = brain, B = spermatheca; C = sperm funnels (marked With arroWs, e = egg). (All fixed, stained, A, C = scale bars = 50 μm,

B = scale bar 25 μm)

Oesophagealappendagesandintestinaldiverticulaabsent. PharyngealglandstWo primary pairs in IV and V, more or less With dorsal connection and tWo secondary pairs in V and VI (Fig. 9A) Dorsal vessel from XII, blood pale. Three or tWo preclitellar nephridia in 6/7–7/8 and 9/10 (or 6/7 and 7/8), single, i.e. unpaired, ofthetypical Cernosvitoviella – type. Coelomocytes (Fig. 9D) spindle- shapedWithdarkgranula (darkintransmittentlight) but someofthempale, length 17–25 μm invivo. Seminalvesicleabsent. Spermfunnelscylin- drical (Fig. 9E), about 110–135 μmlongand 24–27 μmWide invivo. Funnelinfixedspeci- mens (Fig. 10C) about 50 μm long and 20 μm. Collar as Wide as funnel body. Spermatozoa about 52 μmlong, heads 19 μm inviv o. Diameterofspermducts 10 μmWide (fixed). Male poressurroundedbylooseglandcells. WidthofthisopeningWithglandsabout 20–25 μm (fixed). Subneuralglandsabsent. Spermathecae (Figs 9B–C, 10B) free, notattachedtooe- sophagus, consistingofectalduct (70–80 μmlong, 6–8 μmWide) andampullaabouttWice as Wide as duct, only in V; (in one case extending into VI, at the orifice of the ectal duct one large, sessileectalglandsurroundingtheectalpartoftheduct, lengthabout 38 μm invivo. Infixedspecimensectalducts 40–60 μmlong, 8–12 μmWide, theampullae 12–15 μmWide, diameter of ectal gland 20–32 μm. One mature egg at a time.

Distributionandhabitat – O nlytypelocality.

Differential diagnosis – C. buekkhati sp. n. is clearly distinguished from all hitherto described Cernosvitoviella species by the large gland at the spermathe- cal ectal pore.


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