Clusia, Haliday
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Genus CLUSIA Haliday View in CoL View at ENA
Clusia Haliday 1838: 188 View in CoL (as subgenus of Heteroneura Fallén 1823 ). Type species, Heteromyza flava Meigen 1830 , by monotypy. Gender feminine. Westwood 1840: 152 (as subgenus) [Britain]; Agassiz 1848: 261 [nomenclator]; Schiner 1862: 36 [family revision, treats Amphipogon Wahlberg View in CoL as subgenus, Austria], 1864: 72 [treats Amphipogon View in CoL as subgenus, catalogue, Europe]; Scudder 1884: 72 [nomenclator]; Czerny 1903: 86 [family and genus revision], 1928: 10 [family and genus revision, Palaearctic]; Kertész 1903: 566 [key to genera], 1906: 320 [key]; Becker 1905: 40 [catalogue, Palaearctic]; Aldrich 1905: 571 [catalogue, North America]; Williston 1908: 320 [key, illustration of head]; Wahlgren 1917: 188 [review, Sweden]; Malloch 1918: 3 [family and genus revision, key to species]; Melander & Argo 1924: 10 [family and genus revision]; Johnson 1925a: 246 [catalogue, New England]; Schulze et al. 1927b: 730 [nomenclator]; Curran 1934b: 364 [key, North America]; Neave 1939a: 770 [nomenclator], 1940b: 728 [nomenclator]; Kloet & Hincks 1945: 394 [checklist, Britain]; Hennig 1952: 227 [discussion of immature stages in Clusiidae View in CoL ]; Frey 1960: 23 [family and genus revision, Indoaustralia, catalogue, world]; McAlpine 1960: 66 [key]; Soós 1964a: 4 [key], 1981: 103 [Hungary, key], 1984: 11 [catalogue, Palaearctic, 1856 description of Peratochetus lutescens gen. nov., sp. nov. (= flava Meigen ) erroneously listed as nomen nudum —continued by Roháček (1995)], 1987: 855 [illustration of puparium, key, Nearctic]; Cole & Schlinger 1969: 426 [illustration of head, key to genera of Clusiidae View in CoL , western North America]; Sasakawa 1977: 234 [catalogue, Orient], 2011a: 26 [Oriental fauna]; Stubbs 1982: 89 [identification guide, biology, Britain]; Ferrar 1987: 121 [notes on biology]; Mamaev 1987: 112 [Russian Far East]; Stackelberg 1988: 508 [key, European USSR]; Balthazar 1990: 415 [catalogue, Philippines]; Woznica 1991: 208 [checklist, Poland]; DeBruyn 1991: 146 [catalogue, Belgium]; Poole 1996: 126 [checklist, Nearctic]; Barrientos et al. 1996: 115 [Iberia]; Schumann et al. 1999: 144 [checklist, Germany]; Beuk 2002: 271 [checklist, Netherlands]; Greve 2005: 9 [Norway]; Sueyoshi 2006: 4 [Japan], 2014: 618 [catalogue, Japan]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 118 [comparison of adult and puparium to Clusiodinae View in CoL ], 2008a: 327 [redefinition, synonymy of Paraclusia Czerny and Amuroclusia Mamaev View in CoL ], 2010: 1047 [Manual of Central American Diptera View in CoL ]; Lonsdale et al. 2010: 269 [family revision, key]; Kahanpää 2014: 287 [checklist, Finland].
Peratochetus Rondani 1856: 119 . Type species, Perotachetus lutescens Rondani 1856 , by original designation [= flava Meigen ]. Gender masculine. Rondani 1863: 96 [index], 1875: 250 [redescription, key]; Marschall 1873: 341 [nomenclator]; Scudder 1882: 253 [nomenclator, attributed to Rondani (1868—specific publication unknown)], 1884: 237 [nomenclator]; Schulze et al. 1934: 2577 [nomenclator]; Neave 1940a: 657 [nomenclator]; Soós 1984: 13 [synonymy with Clusia View in CoL - previous genus name synonymies misspelled as Peratochaetus ].
Peratochetvs. Misspelling of Peratochetus . Rondani 1863: 42 [name appears in capitals, hence “u” appears as “v”, but capital “U” appears elsewhere in manuscript].
Stomphastica Loew 1864b: 336 [unjustified new name for Clusia Haliday 1838 View in CoL , preoccupied by plant genus Clusia View in CoL L.]. Gender feminine. Marschall 1873: 347 [nomenclator]; Scudder 1884: 304 [nomenclator]; Schulze et al. 1937: 3311 [nomenclator]; Neave 1940b: 322 [nomenclator]; Trojan 1962: 27 [for tigrina Fallén , not flava Meigen View in CoL , key, Poland].
Peratochaetus . Misspelling of Peratochetus . Scudder 1882: 253 [nomenclator], 1884: 237 [nomenclator]; Czerny 1903: 92 [misapplication of name - see Apiochaeta Czerny 1903 View in CoL ]; Kertész 1903: 567; Becker 1905: 40 [as synonym of Clusia View in CoL , continued by Hendel (1917), Melander & Argo (1924) and Schulze et al. (1934)].
Pholeogeton Handlirsch 1884: 136 [nomen nudum, attributed to Schiner]. Mik 1897: 129 [synonymy with Clusia View in CoL ]; Czerny 1903: 91 [synonymy with Geomyza View in CoL ].
Paraclusia Czerny 1903: 90 . Type species, Helomyza tigrina Fallén 1820 , by original designation. Becker 1905: 40 [catalogue, Palaearctic]; Kertész 1906: 321 [key]; Wahlgren 1917: 188 [review, Sweden]; Melander & Argo 1924: 31 [family and genus revision]; Czerny 1928: 11 [family and genus revision, key, Palaearctic]; Schulze et al. 1933: 2487 [nomenclator]; Stackelberg 1933: 381 [key, European USSR], 1988: 508 [key, European USSR]; Neave 1940a: 560 [nomenclator]; Kloet & Hincks 1945: 394 [checklist, Britain]; Hennig 1952: 227 [discussion of immature stages in Clusiidae View in CoL ]; Frey 1960: 27 [catalogue, world]; McAlpine 1960: 66 [key]; Soós 1964a: 4 [key],1981: 96 [Hungary, key], 1984: 11 [catalogue, Palaearctic]; Sasakawa 1965: 92 [key to Japanese species]; Cole & Schlinger 1969: 426 [citation]; Stubbs 1982: 89 [identification guide, biology, Britain]; Woznica 1991: 208 [checklist, Poland]; Schumann et al. 1999: 144 [checklist, Germany]; Greve 2005: 10 [Norway]; Sueyoshi 2006: 19 [Japan]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 118 [comparison to Clusiodinae View in CoL ]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2008a: 327 [synonymy with Clusia View in CoL ].
Amuroclusia Mamaev 1987: 113 View in CoL . Type species, Amuroclusia nigromaculata Mamaev 1987 View in CoL , by original designation. Gender feminine. Sasakawa 1998b: 224 [key]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2008a: 328 [synonymy with Clusia View in CoL ].
Amurocelsia . Incorrect original spelling of Amuroclusia Mamaev View in CoL [determined here as First Reviser (Art.24.2 of the ICZN (1999))]. Mamaev 1987: 113 [Russian Far East].
Culusia. Misspelling of Clusia . Stackelberg 1988: 505 [key, European Russia].
Paraclucia. Misspelling of Paraclusia . Sueyoshi 2014: 619 [catalogue, Japan].
ciliata (Sasakawa) . PA: Japan.
Paraclusia ciliata Sasakawa 1959: 30 View in CoL . Japan. Honshu: Nagano Prefecture, Kamikōchi. HT ♂ Sasakawa personal collection [for eventual deposition in OMNH]. Sasakawa 1965: 92 [key]; Soós 1984: 12 [catalogue, Palaearctic]; Sueyoshi 2006: 19 [ Japan], 2011: 15 [ Japan, pictoral key].
Clusia ciliata View in CoL . Lonsdale & Marshall 2008a: 327 [generic combination].
Paraclucia ciliata . Misspelling of Paraclusia . Sueyoshi 2014: 619 [catalogue, Japan]
czernyi Johnson. NE: Eastern North America [Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia to South Carolina and Tennessee].
Clusia czernyi Johnson 1913b: 100 View in CoL . USA. Maine: Hancock Co.: Northeast Harbor. HT ♂ MCZ [Type No. MCZT 7872]. Malloch 1918: 4 [Illinois]; Melander & Argo 1924: 11 [redescription, photo, new records (Ontario, Maryland, New York, Virginia)]; Johnson 1925a: 245 [catalogue, New England (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts)]; Johannsen 1928: 844 [catalogue, New York]; Frey 1960: 27 [catalogue, world]; Steyskal 1942: 101 [male display and agonistic behaviour on standing decayed tree and associated bracket fungus], 1965: 806 [catalogue, America north of Mexico]; Poole 1996: 126 [checklist, Nearctic]; Marshall, 2006: 509 [photo]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2008a: 327 [relationships]; Lonsdale et al. 2010: 240 [genes sequenced for phylogenetic analysis].
flava (Meigen) View in CoL . PA: Europe, Russia, Japan.
Heteromyza flava Meigen 1830: 46 . Germany [probably Hamburg]. ST? NMW [Winthem collection]. Boie 1847: 331 [discussion of immature stages]; Zetterstedt 1847: 2442 [redescription]; Walker 1853: 163 [wing and dorsal illustration, Britain]; Loew 1859: 11 [discussion of Heteromyza Fallén ].
Heteroneura spurca Haliday 1833: 171 View in CoL . United Kingdom. Northern Ireland: Downshire, Holywood. Type information unknown [2 possible ST♂ labeled “Ireland”/” Macrochira flava ” by Colin in NMID]. Curtis 1837: column 274 [Britain], 1838: plate 721 [as junior synonym of flava Meigen ]; Loew 1857: 51 [Germany].
Heteroneura (Clusia) flava View in CoL . Haliday 1838: 188 [generic combination, synonymy of spurca , England]; Westwood 1840: 152 [checklist, Britain].
Heteroneura (Clusia) spurca View in CoL . Haliday 1838: 188 [Britain]; Westwood 1840: 152 [Britain].
Macrochira flava Zetterstedt 1838: 784 [= Amphipogon flavum (Zetterstedt) , Piophilidae View in CoL ]. Confused with Clusia flava in Loew (1864b) View in CoL , Czerny (1903), Melander & Argo (1924) and Soós (1984); see Schiner (1862).
Perotachetus lutescens Rondani 1856: 119 . LT ♀ MZLS [designated by Soós (unpublished), label data without locality information]. Mik 1886: 101 [synonymy with flava Meigen View in CoL ].
Clusia flava View in CoL . Schiner 1862: 36 [generic combination, redescription, treats Macrochira flava Zetterstedt (Piophilidae) as junior synonym, Austria], 1864: 72 [catalogue, Europe]. Brauer 1883: 92 [records of the Vienna Museum]; Handlirsch: 1884: 140 [comparison to mikii Handlirsch (= tigrina Fallén ), habitat, illustration of wing]; Mik 1886: 101 [synonymy of lutescens Rondani ]; Czerny 1903: 88 [redescription, illustrations of head, Europe], 1928: 11 [redescription, illustrations of thorax and head]; Becker 1905: 40 [catalogue, Palaearctic]; Aldrich 1905: 571 [catalogue, North America—placement uncertain]; Wahlgren 1917: 188 [diagnosis]; Melander & Argo 1924: 11 [redescription]; Frey 1928c: 109 [catalogue, Finland], 1960: 27 [catalogue, world]; Stackelberg 1933: 381 [key, European USSR], 1988: 508 [key, European USSR]. Séguy: 1934: 353 [photo of wing, illustrations of head and male genitalia (genitalia mislabeled as Clusiodes ruficollis View in CoL )]; Tuomikoski 1936: 185 [ Finland]; Soós 1943: 72 [ Hungary], 1981: 105 [ Hungary, larvae under bark of deciduous and coniferous trees, illustrations of habitus, male terminalia], 1984: 12 [catalogue, lists 1856 description of lutescens Rondani as nomen nudum —continued by Roháček (1995), Palaearctic, recorded from Europe, European Russia, Japan]; Kloet & Hincks 1945: 394 [checklist, Britain]; Smith 1950: 53 [description and illustration of puparium in dry beech stump infested with Sinodendron cylindricum View in CoL L., England], 1989: 103 [puparia in dry beech and rotten birch stumps, illustration of puparium, Britain]; Trojan 1962: 27 [key, redescription, lateral illustration of female, wing]; Sasakawa 1963: 18 [ Japan]; Steyskal 1965: 806 [catalogue, America north of Mexico]; Chandler 1978: 264 [ Ireland]; Perry & Stubbs 1978: 72 [associated with dead wood]; Hackman 1980: 148 [checklist, Finland]; Stubbs 1982: 92 [Britain]; Chandler 1983: 250 [Isle of Wight]; Roháček 1986: 3 [peat bog, Czech Republic], 1995: 134 [habitat, biology, adults often on standing trunks, Czech and Slovak Republics], 1997: 75 [checklist, Czech and Slovak republics], 2008: 154 [ Italy], 2009: 218 [ Slovakia]; 2012: 98 [central Slovakia, photo of male], 2013: 129 [central Slovakia]; Krištofík & Zuska 1986: 165 [ Slovakia]; Greve & Midtgaard 1986: 87 [illustration of puparium found in rotten Populus tremula View in CoL , Norway]; Ferrar 1987: 122 [immature stages, illustrations of larva and puparium]; Zuska 1987: 235 [ Czech Republic]; Mamaev 1987: 112 [Russian Far East]; Ceianu 1989: 29 [catalogue, Romania]; Woznica 1991: 208 [checklist, Poland]; DeBruyn 1991: 146 [catalogue, Belgium]; Dunk 1996: 422 [catalogue, Bavaria]; Barrientos et al. 1996: 118 [redescription, Spain]; Merz 1998: 276 [checklist, Switzerland]; Schumann et al. 1999: 144 [checklist, Germany]; Yagi & Sawada 2000: 40 [Mamaev collection holdings]; Roháček & Barták 2001: 338 [checklist, Czech Republic]; Carles-Tolrá 2002: 155 [catalogue, Spain]; Beuk 2002: 271 [checklist, Netherlands]; Greve 2005: 9 [ Norway]; Barták & Kubík 2005: 279 [ Czech Republic]; Roháček et al. 2005: 279 [catalogue, habitat, Czech Republic]; Sueyoshi 2006: 5 [ Japan], 2014: 618 [catalogue, Japan]; Nilsson 2009: 5 [ Sweden]; Lonsdale et al. 2010: 240 [genes sequenced for phylogenetic analysis]; Rotheray & Horsfield 2013: 403 [illustrations of immatures, photo of puparium; rearing data – Betula View in CoL , Fagus View in CoL , Fraxinus View in CoL , Picea View in CoL ; England, Scotland]; Kahanpää 2014: 287 [checklist, Finland]; Roháček & Tóthová 2014 [outgroup in phylogeny of Anthomyzidae View in CoL ].
Heteroneura flava View in CoL . Loew 1864b: 337 [generic combination, Germany]; Strobl 1897: 27 [catalogue, Transylvania].
Heteromyza spurca . Loew 1864b: 337 [generic combination].
Peratochetus lutescens . Rondani, 1874: 250 [redescription, Italy].
intermedialis (Mamaev) . PA: Russia (Far East).
Paraclusia intermedialis Mamaev 1974: 112 View in CoL . Russia. Far East: Primorskiy Krai, Ussury Res. HT ♂ ZMM [Registration No. Di0161]. Mamaev 1987: 115 [Russian Far East]; Yagi & Sawada 2000: 40 [Mamaev collection holdings]; Ozerov 2010: 145 [types in ZMM].
Clusia intermedialis View in CoL . Lonsdale & Marshall 2008a: 327 [generic combination].
japonica (Sasakawa) . PA: Japan.
Paraclusia japonica Sasakawa 1957: 63 View in CoL . Japan. Honshu: Ashiu, Kyoto. HT ♂ OMNH. Sasakawa 1957: 63 [illustration of wing, in cambium of decaying Fagus crenata View in CoL ], 1965: 92 [key]; Soós 1984: 12 [catalogue, Palaearctic]; Sueyoshi 2006: 20 [illustrations of female genitalia, photo of wing, Japan], 2011: 15 [Japan, pictoral key].
Clusia japonica View in CoL . Lonsdale & Marshall 2008a: 327 [generic combination]; Sueyoshi 2012: 22 [ Japan, illustration of male genitalia].
Paraclucia japonica . Misspelling of Paraclusia . Sueyoshi 2014: 619 [catalogue, Japan].
lateralis (Walker) . NE: Eastern North America [Ontario to Quebec and Mississippi to South Carolina].
Tetanura pallida Harris 1835: 600 [nomen nudum]; Johnson (1925b: 95 [as synonym of lateralis Walker View in CoL , attributed to Say manuscript name].
Helomyza View in CoL (?) lateralis Walker 1849: 1095 View in CoL . USA. District of Columbia. ST ♀ BMNH.
Heteroneura spectabilis Loew 1860: 82 View in CoL . USA. District of Columbia. ST ♀ MCZ [Type No. MCZT 13168]. Loew 1861: 207 [redescription, new record (Pennsylvania)]; Osten Sacken 1878: 198 [catalogue, North America]; Czerny (1903: 89 [as synonym of lateralis Walker View in CoL ].
Clusia lateralis View in CoL . Czerny 1903: 89 [generic combination, redescription, synonymy of spectabilis Loew ]; Aldrich 1905: 571 [catalogue, North America]; Johnson 1913b: 101 [review, eastern North America, new records (Quebec, Conecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Vermont)], 1925a: 245 [catalogue, New England (Connecticut, Maine, Massachutsetts, New Hampshire, Vermont)], 1925b: 95 [synonymy of pallida Harris ]; Malloch, 1918: 4 [key]; Melander & Argo 1924: 12 [redescription, photo, new records (Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia)]; Johannsen 1928: 844 [catalogue, New York]; Brimley 1938: 378 [North Carolina]; Frey 1960: 27 [catalogue, world]; Hamilton 1962: 155 [Indiana]; Steyskal 1965: 806 [catalogue, America north of Mexico]; Griffiths 1972: 214 [male postabdomen, phylogenetic relationships, illustrations of male genitalia]; Soós 1987: 853 [illustrations of habitus and male and female genitalia]; Poole 1996: 126 [checklist, Nearctic]; Caloren & Marshall 1998: 264 [photo of male agonistic display towards Clusiodes americanus Malloch View in CoL ]; Marshall, 2006: 510 [photos, in copula and male agonistic display]; Lonsdale et al. 2010: 240 [genes sequenced for phylogenetic analysis].
nigromaculata (Mamaev) View in CoL . PA: Russian Far East.
Amuroclusia nigromaculata Mamaev 1987: 113 View in CoL . Russia. Khabarovskiy Krai: Reserve Bol’shekhektsirskiy. HT ♂ ZMM [Registration No. Di0162]. Mamaev 1987: 113 [illustration of head]; Yagi & Sawada 2000: 41 [Mamaev collection holdings]; Ozerov 2010: 146 [types in ZMM].
Clusia nigromaculata . Lonsdale & Marshall 2008a: 328 [generic combination].
occidentalis Malloch. NE: British Columbia to California.
Clusia occidentalis Malloch 1918: 4 View in CoL . USA. Washington: Kincaid. HT ♂ INHS. Cole & Lovett 1921: 316 [catalogue, Oregon, mention of three additional undetermined species of Clusia View in CoL ]; Melander & Argo 1924: 12 [redescription, photo, new records (British Columbia, Washington, Oregon)]; Frey 1960: 27 [catalogue, world]; Steyskal 1965: 806 [catalogue, America north of Mexico]; Poole 1996: 126 [checklist, Nearctic].
okadomei Sasakawa. View in CoL PA: Japan.
Clusia okadomei Sasakawa 1986: 1 View in CoL . Japan. Honshu: Nagano Prefecture, Iwanadome, Minamiazumi-gun. HT ♀ OMNH. Matsumoto & Sasakawa 2006: 19 [notes holotype deposition in OMNH]; Sueyoshi 2006: 5 [Japan], 2011: 14 [Japan, pictoral key], 2012: 25 [Japan, illustration of male genitalia], 2014: 618 [catalogue, Japan].
omogensis (Sasakawa) . PA: Japan.
Paraclusia omogensis Sasakawa 1965: 91 View in CoL . Japan. Shikoku: Iyo. HT ♂ EUMJ. Sasakawa 1965: 91 [illustrations of thorax and male genitalia]; Sueyoshi 2006: 20 [illustrations of female genitalia], 2011: 15 [Japan, pictoral key].
Clusia omogensis View in CoL . Lonsdale & Marshall 2008a: 327 [generic combination].
Paraclucia omogensis . Misspelling of Paraclusia . Sueyoshi 2014: 620 [catalogue, Japan].
sexlineata Frey. OR: Burma, Vietnam.
Clusia sexlineata Frey 1960: 23 View in CoL . Burma. NE Burma: Kambaiti. ST 4♂ 8♀ UZMH. Frey 1960: 23 [illustration of head, catalogue, world]; Sasakawa 1977: 234 [catalogue, Orient], 2011a: 27 [redescription, new record (Vietnam)].
tigrina (Fallén) . PA: Europe, Russia.
Helomyza tigrina Fallén 1820: 4 . Sweden. “ Ostrogothia ”. ST? NRS, 2ST ♂ /? MZLU [♂ designated as lectotype by H. Andersson, 1988 (unpublished, not validated herein)]. Meigen 1830: 53 [redescription]; Siebke 1877: 164 [ Norway]; Mik 1897: 34 [treats Helomyza similis Meigen, 1930 (= Suillia similis Meigen View in CoL , Heleomyzidae View in CoL ) as junior synonym of Helomyza tigrina Meigen, 1838 (= Suillia similis Meigen View in CoL , Heleomyzidae View in CoL ); treats Helomyza tigrina Meigen (in Zetterstedt, 1847) as junior synonym of Helomyza laevifrons Loew (= Suillia laevifrons View in CoL , Heleomyzidae View in CoL )].
Heteromyza tigrina . Zetterstedt 1847: 2466 [lapsus —repeated by Schiner (1964a) and Siebke (1877)]. Mik 1897: 133 [synonymy with tigrina Fallén , attributed to Fallén (1820)].
Heteroneura decora Loew 1863: 39 . Germany. Bavaria: near Kreuth. ST ♀ ZMHU. Loew 1863: 39 [in rotten beech], 1864b: 337 [Germany]; Röder 1884: 291 [as synonym of Mikii Handlirsch ]; Mik 1897: 133 [as synonymn of tigrina Fallén ].
Clusia decora . Schiner 1864: 72 [generic combination, catalogue, Europe]; Pokorny 1887: 412 [checklist, Tirol]; Mik 1897: 133 [lapsus], 1898: 167 [notes].
Clusia Mikii Handlirsch 1884: 137 View in CoL . Czech Republic. “Frain bei Znaim in Mähren”. [= Znojmo, Moravia] ST ♂♀ NMW [“more than 20 ST” (Barták & Kubík 2005: 17)]. Handlirsch 1884: 137 [illustration of wing]; Röder 1884: 291 [as synonymn of decora Loew ].
Pholeogeton setiger Handlirsch 1884: 140 [nomen nudum, attributed to Schiner]. ST 2♂ NMW. Mik 1887: 133 [as synonym of tigrina Fallén ]; Czerny 1903: 91 [says Schiner regarded it as Geomyza View in CoL ].
Stomphastica decora . Verrall 1894: 144 [generic combination, checklist, Britain].
Clusia tigrina . Mik 1897: 133 [generic combination, synonymy of decora Loew and setiger Handlirsch ]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2008a: 327 [relationships]; Lonsdale et al. 2010: 240 [genes sequenced for phylogenetic analysis]; Rotheray & Horsfield 2013: 403 [illustrations and photos of immatures; rearing data— Fagus View in CoL , England, France]; Kahanpää 2014: 288 [checklist, Finland]; 2012: 98 [central Slovakia]; Roháček 2012: 98 [central Slovakia], 2013: 128 [central Slovakia].
Paraclusia tigrina . Czerny 1903: 90 [generic combination, redescription, new records ( Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Sweden)]; Becker 1905: 40 [catalogue, Palaearctic]; Wahlgren 1917: 186 [diagnosis]; Melander & Argo 1924: 31 [redescription from literature]; Czerny 1928: 11 [redescription, illustration of wing]; Frey 1928c: 109 [catalogue, Finland], 1960: 27 [catalogue, world]; Stackelberg 1933: 381 [key, European USSR], 1988: 508 [key, European USSR]; Séguy 1934: 353 [ France]; Tuomikoski 1936: 185 [ Finland]; Soós 1943: 72 [ Hungary], 1981: 105 [ Hungary, illustration of habitus], 1984: 12 [catalogue, Palaearctic (most of Europe and European Russia)]; Kloet & Hincks 1945: 394 [checklist, Britain]; Chandler 1973: 340 [associated with dead elm, beech trunks and bracket fungus ( Polyporus cornucopiae View in CoL ) on wood, England]; Perry & Stubbs 1978: 72 [associated with dead wood]; Hackman 1980: 148 [checklist, Finland]; Stubbs 1982: 92 [habitat, Britain]; Greve & Midtgaard 1986: 89 [biology, Norway]; Ferrar 1987: 122 [immature stages, illustrations of larva and puparium]; Zuska 1987: 235 [ Czech Republic]; Ceianu 1989: 29 [catalogue, Romania]; Woznica 1991: 208 [checklist, Poland]; Roháček 1995: 136 [habitat, biology, Czech and Slovak Republics], 1997: 75 [checklist, Czech and Slovak republics], 1999: 291 [ Czech Republic], 2005: 326 [listed as vulnerable in Czech Republic], 2008: 154 [ Italy], 2009: 219 [photo of male, Slovakia]; Barrientos et al. 1996: 122 [biology, Spain]; Schumann et al. 1999: 144 [checklist, Germany]; Yagi & Sawada 2000: 40 [Mamaev collection holdings]; Howe et al. 2000: 80 [mating pair on healed scar of horse-chestnut ( Aesculus hippocastanum View in CoL ), wingwaving and ovipositing in cracks of recently fallen mature beech ( Fagus sylvatica View in CoL ), England]; Jones 2000: 108 [ England]; Gärdenfors 2000: 223 [Red List of Swedish species]; Carles-Tolrá 2002: 155 [catalogue, Spain]; Greve 2005: 10 [considered rare, Norway]; Roháček et al. 2005: 280 [catalogue, considered vulnerable in Czech Republic, habitat, Czech Republic]; Barták & Kubík 2005: 280 [ Czech Republic]; Tschirnhaus 2008: 385 [East Frisian Islands, Germany].
Clusia Miki. Misspelling View in CoL of mikii . Becker 1905: 40 [unjustified emendation].
Clusia miki. Misspelling View in CoL of mikii (following Becker (1905). Melander & Argo 1924: 31 [in synonymy]; Soós 1984: 14 [in synonymy].
Stomphastica tigrina . Hennig, 1938: 124 [generic combination, illustration of male genitalia]; Trojan 1962: 27 [key, illustration of wing, Poland].
Clusia mikii . Soós 1984: 14 [in synonymy]; Roháček 1995: 136 [in synonymy].
unita Mamaev. View in CoL PA: Russian Far East.
Clusia unita Mamaev 1974: 111 View in CoL . Russia. Khabarovsk Krai: Chekhzia Res. HT ♀ ZMM [Registration No. Di0164]. Mamaev 1987: 112 [Russian Far East]; Yagi & Sawada 2000: 40 [Mamaev collection holdings]; Ozerov 2010: 146 [types in ZMM].
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
SubFamily |
Clusiinae |
Owen Lonsdale 2017 |
Paraclucia ciliata
Sueyoshi 2014: 619 |
Paraclucia japonica
Sueyoshi 2014: 619 |
Paraclucia omogensis
Sueyoshi 2014: 620 |
Clusia ciliata
Lonsdale 2008: 327 |
Clusia intermedialis
Lonsdale 2008: 327 |
Clusia japonica
Sueyoshi 2012: 22 |
Lonsdale 2008: 327 |
Clusia nigromaculata
Lonsdale 2008: 328 |
Clusia omogensis
Lonsdale 2008: 327 |
Lonsdale 2008: 328 |
Sasakawa 1998: 224 |
Mamaev 1987: 113 |
Mamaev 1987: 113 |
Amuroclusia nigromaculata
Ozerov 2010: 146 |
Mamaev 1987: 113 |
Mamaev 1987: 113 |
Clusia okadomei
Matsumoto 2006: 19 |
Sueyoshi 2006: 5 |
Sasakawa 1986: 1 |
Clusia mikii
Rohacek 1995: 136 |
Soos 1984: 14 |
Paraclusia intermedialis
Ozerov 2010: 145 |
Mamaev 1987: 115 |
Mamaev 1974: 112 |
Clusia unita
Ozerov 2010: 146 |
Mamaev 1987: 112 |
Mamaev 1974: 111 |
Paraclusia omogensis
Sueyoshi 2006: 20 |
Sasakawa 1965: 91 |
Sasakawa 1965: 91 |
Clusia sexlineata
Sasakawa 1977: 234 |
Frey 1960: 23 |
Frey 1960: 23 |
Paraclusia ciliata
Sueyoshi 2006: 19 |
Soos 1984: 12 |
Sasakawa 1965: 92 |
Sasakawa 1959: 30 |
Paraclusia japonica
Sueyoshi 2006: 20 |
Soos 1984: 12 |
Sasakawa 1957: 63 |
Sasakawa 1957: 63 |
Stomphastica tigrina
Trojan 1962: 27 |
Hennig 1938: 124 |
Clusia miki. Misspelling
Soos 1984: 14 |
Melander 1924: 31 |
Clusia occidentalis
Poole 1996: 126 |
Steyskal 1965: 806 |
Frey 1960: 27 |
Melander 1924: 12 |
Cole 1921: 316 |
Malloch 1918: 4 |
Clusia czernyi
Lonsdale 2008: 327 |
Poole 1996: 126 |
Frey 1960: 27 |
Steyskal 1942: 101 |
Johannsen 1928: 844 |
Johnson 1925: 245 |
Melander 1924: 11 |
Malloch 1918: 4 |
Johnson 1913: 100 |
Clusia Miki. Misspelling
Becker 1905: 40 |
Lonsdale 2008: 327 |
Lonsdale 2007: 118 |
Sueyoshi 2006: 19 |
Greve 2005: 10 |
Schumann 1999: 144 |
Woznica 1991: 208 |
Stubbs 1982: 89 |
Cole 1969: 426 |
Sasakawa 1965: 92 |
Soos 1964: 4 |
Frey 1960: 27 |
McAlpine 1960: 66 |
Hennig 1952: 227 |
Kloet 1945: 394 |
Neave 1940: 560 |
Schulze 1933: 2487 |
Stackelberg 1933: 381 |
Czerny 1928: 11 |
Melander 1924: 31 |
Wahlgren 1917: 188 |
Kertesz 1906: 321 |
Becker 1905: 40 |
Czerny 1903: 90 |
Clusia lateralis
Caloren 1998: 264 |
Poole 1996: 126 |
Soos 1987: 853 |
Griffiths 1972: 214 |
Steyskal 1965: 806 |
Hamilton 1962: 155 |
Frey 1960: 27 |
Brimley 1938: 378 |
Johannsen 1928: 844 |
Melander 1924: 12 |
Malloch 1918: 4 |
Johnson 1913: 101 |
Aldrich 1905: 571 |
Czerny 1903: 89 |
Paraclusia tigrina
Tschirnhaus 2008: 385 |
Greve 2005: 10 |
Carles-Tolra 2002: 155 |
Howe 2000: 80 |
Jones 2000: 108 |
Gardenfors 2000: 223 |
Schumann 1999: 144 |
Barrientos 1996: 122 |
Rohacek 1995: 136 |
Woznica 1991: 208 |
Ceianu 1989: 29 |
Ferrar 1987: 122 |
Zuska 1987: 235 |
Greve 1986: 89 |
Stubbs 1982: 92 |
Hackman 1980: 148 |
Perry 1978: 72 |
Chandler 1973: 340 |
Kloet 1945: 394 |
Soos 1943: 72 |
Tuomikoski 1936: 185 |
Seguy 1934: 353 |
Stackelberg 1933: 381 |
Czerny 1928: 11 |
Frey 1928: 109 |
Melander 1924: 31 |
Wahlgren 1917: 186 |
Becker 1905: 40 |
Czerny 1903: 90 |
Heteromyza tigrina
Mik 1897: 133 |
Clusia tigrina
Kahanpaa 2014: 288 |
Rotheray 2013: 403 |
Rohacek 2012: 98 |
Lonsdale 2008: 327 |
Mik 1897: 133 |
Stomphastica decora
Verrall 1894: 144 |
Czerny 1903: 91 |
Mik 1897: 129 |
Handlirsch 1884: 136 |
Clusia Mikii Handlirsch 1884 : 137
Handlirsch 1884: 137 |
Handlirsch 1884: 137 |
Roder 1884: 291 |
Pholeogeton setiger
Czerny 1903: 91 |
Handlirsch 1884: 140 |
Becker 1905: 40 |
Czerny 1903: 92 |
Kertesz 1903: 567 |
Scudder 1882: 253 |
Trojan 1962: 27 |
Neave 1940: 322 |
Schulze 1937: 3311 |
Scudder 1884: 304 |
Marschall 1873: 347 |
Loew 1864: 336 |
Heteroneura flava
Strobl 1897: 27 |
Loew 1864: 337 |
Heteromyza spurca
Loew 1864: 337 |
Clusia decora
Mik 1897: 133 |
Pokorny 1887: 412 |
Schiner 1864: 72 |
Heteroneura decora
Mik 1897: 133 |
Roder 1884: 291 |
Loew 1863: 39 |
Loew 1863: 39 |
Clusia flava
Kahanpaa 2014: 287 |
Rotheray 2013: 403 |
Nilsson 2009: 5 |
Sueyoshi 2006: 5 |
Greve 2005: 9 |
Carles-Tolra 2002: 155 |
Beuk 2002: 271 |
Rohacek 2001: 338 |
Schumann 1999: 144 |
Merz 1998: 276 |
Dunk 1996: 422 |
Barrientos 1996: 118 |
Woznica 1991: 208 |
DeBruyn 1991: 146 |
Ceianu 1989: 29 |
Ferrar 1987: 122 |
Zuska 1987: 235 |
Mamaev 1987: 112 |
Rohacek 1986: 3 |
Kristofik 1986: 165 |
Greve 1986: 87 |
Chandler 1983: 250 |
Stubbs 1982: 92 |
Hackman 1980: 148 |
Perry 1978: 72 |
Steyskal 1965: 806 |
Trojan 1962: 27 |
Smith 1950: 53 |
Kloet 1945: 394 |
Soos 1943: 72 |
Tuomikoski 1936: 185 |
Seguy 1934: 353 |
Seguy 1934: 1934 |
Stackelberg 1933: 381 |
Frey 1928: 109 |
Melander 1924: 11 |
Wahlgren 1917: 188 |
Becker 1905: 40 |
Aldrich 1905: 571 |
Czerny 1903: 88 |
Mik 1886: 101 |
Handlirsch 1884: 140 |
Handlirsch 1884: 1884 |
Brauer 1883: 92 |
Schiner 1862: 36 |
Heteroneura spectabilis
Czerny 1903: 89 |
Osten 1878: 198 |
Loew 1861: 207 |
Loew 1860: 82 |
Soos 1984: 13 |
Neave 1940: 657 |
Schulze 1934: 2577 |
Scudder 1882: 253 |
Marschall 1873: 341 |
Rondani 1863: 96 |
Rondani 1856: 119 |
Perotachetus lutescens
Mik 1886: 101 |
Rondani 1856: 119 |
Walker 1849: 1095 |
Kahanpaa 2014: 287 |
Lonsdale 2007: 118 |
Sueyoshi 2006: 4 |
Greve 2005: 9 |
Beuk 2002: 271 |
Schumann 1999: 144 |
Poole 1996: 126 |
Barrientos 1996: 115 |
Woznica 1991: 208 |
DeBruyn 1991: 146 |
Balthazar 1990: 415 |
Stackelberg 1988: 508 |
Ferrar 1987: 121 |
Mamaev 1987: 112 |
Stubbs 1982: 89 |
Sasakawa 1977: 234 |
Cole 1969: 426 |
Soos 1964: 4 |
Frey 1960: 23 |
McAlpine 1960: 66 |
Hennig 1952: 227 |
Kloet 1945: 394 |
Neave 1939: 770 |
Curran 1934: 364 |
Schulze 1927: 730 |
Johnson 1925: 246 |
Melander 1924: 10 |
Malloch 1918: 3 |
Wahlgren 1917: 188 |
Williston 1908: 320 |
Becker 1905: 40 |
Aldrich 1905: 571 |
Czerny 1903: 86 |
Kertesz 1903: 566 |
Scudder 1884: 72 |
Schiner 1862: 36 |
Westwood 1840: 152 |
Haliday 1838: 188 |
Heteroneura (Clusia) flava
Westwood 1840: 152 |
Haliday 1838: 188 |
Heteroneura (Clusia) spurca
Westwood 1840: 152 |
Haliday 1838: 188 |
Tetanura pallida
Harris 1835: 600 |
Heteroneura spurca
Loew 1857: 51 |
Haliday 1833: 171 |
Heteromyza flava
Walker 1853: 163 |
Boie 1847: 331 |
Meigen 1830: 46 |
Helomyza tigrina Fallén 1820 : 4
Mik 1897: 34 |
Meigen 1830: 53 |
Fallen 1820: 4 |