Hendelia, Czerny, 1903

Owen Lonsdale, 2017, World Catalogue of the Druid Flies (Diptera: Schizophora: Clusiidae), Zootaxa 4333 (1), pp. 1-85 : 35-41

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scientific name



Genus HENDELIA Czerny View in CoL

Hendelia Czerny 1903: 83 View in CoL . Type species, Hendelia beckeri Czerny 1903 View in CoL , by monotypy. Gender feminine. Becker 1905: 39 [catalogue, Palaearctic]; Kertész 1906: 320 [key]; Williston 1908: 320 [comparison to Heteroneura ]; Melander & Argo 1924: 27 [family and genus revision]; Czerny 1928: 4 [family and genus revision, Palaearctic]; Schulze et al. 1930: 1517 [nomenclator]; Neave 1939b: 617 [nomenclator]; Hennig 1952: 227 [discussion of immature stages in Clusiidae View in CoL ]; Frey 1960: 11 (as genus and subgenus) [family and genus revision, key to subgenera and species, Indoaustralia, catalogue, world]; Trojan 1962: 21 [key, Poland]; Soós 1963a: 177 [redefinition, key, relationship to Prohendelia View in CoL and Parahendelia ], 1964a: 7 [key], 1981: 96 [Hungary, key], 1984: 11 [catalogue, Palaearctic]; Cole & Schlinger 1969: 426 [citation]; Sasakawa 1977: 238 [catalogue, Orient], 2011b: 13 [Oriental fauna]; Ferrar 1987: 122 [immature stages, illustrations of larva and puparium]; Stackelberg 1988: 505 [key, European USSR]; Greve 2005: 3 [Norway]; Sueyoshi 2006: 4 [Japan], 2014: 619 [as genus and subgenus, catalogue, Japan]; Papp et al. 2006: 190 [identified and unidentified species (including possible new subgenus), Thailand]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 120 [review, biology, redefinition, comparison to Clusiodes View in CoL , synonymy of Aristohendelia Frey, Burmanochorea Frey , Labomyia Frey , Parahendelia Frey , Prohendelia Frey, Microclusaria Frey, Steleoclusiodes Frey View in CoL and Xenoclusia Frey , maps for Palaearctic species], 2008b: 5 [Fiji], 2011 [revision, New world], 2010: 1044 [Manual of Central American Diptera View in CoL ]; Lonsdale 2009b: 230 [key to genera in Australia]; Lonsdale et al. 2010: 267 [family revision, key]; Kahanpää 2014: 288 [checklist, Finland].

Labomyia Frey 1928a: 14 . Type species, Labomyia mirabilis Frey 1928 View in CoL , by original designation. Gender feminine. Neave 1939b: 842 [nomenclator]; Hennig 1952: 227 [discussion of immature stages in Clusiidae View in CoL ]; Frey 1960: 26 [catalogue, world]; McAlpine 1960: 67 [key]; Soós 1964a: 6 [key], 1968: 4 [catalogue, Americas south of USA]; Caloren & Marshall 1998: 263 [as junior synonym of Clusiodes View in CoL ]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 120 [as synonym of Hendelia View in CoL ].

Aristohendelia Frey 1960: 14 (as subgenus) [family and genus revision, key to subgenera and species, Indoaustralia, catalogue, World]. Gender feminine. Type species, Hendelia extensicornis Frey 1960 View in CoL , by original designation. Sasakawa 1977: 238 [catalogue, Orient]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 120 [as synonym of Hendelia View in CoL ].

Burmanochorea Frey 1960: 14 (as subgenus) [family and genus revision, key to subgenera and species, Indoaustralia, catalogue, world]. Type species, Hendelia variabilis Frey 1960 View in CoL , by original designation. Gender feminine. Sasakawa 1977: 238 [catalogue, Orient]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 120 [as synonym of Hendelia View in CoL ].

Prohendelia Frey 1960: 13 View in CoL (as subgenus) [family and genus revision, key to subgenera and species, family and genus revision, Indoaustralia, catalogue, world]. Type species, Hendelia orientalis Frey 1960 View in CoL , by original designation. Gender feminine. Soós 1963a: 177 [new status as genus, key, relationship to Hendelia View in CoL and Parahendelia ], 1964a: 7 [key]; Sasakawa 1977: 238 [catalogue, Orient]; Balthazar 1990: 417 [catalogue, Philippines]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 120 [as synonym of Hendelia View in CoL ].

Microclusiaria Frey 1960: 19 (as subgenus) [family and genus revision, key to subgenera and species, Indoaustralia, catalogue, world]. Gender feminine. Type species, Clusiodes obscuripennis Frey 1960 View in CoL , by original designation. Sasakawa 1977: 237 [catalogue, Orient]; Balthazar 1990: 417 [catalogue, Philippines]; Papp et al. 2006: 190 [identified and unidentified species; Thailand]. Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 120 [as synonym of Hendelia View in CoL ].

Steleoclusiodes Frey 1960: 18 (as subgenus) [family and genus revision, key to subgenera and species, Indoaustralia, catalogue, world]. Type species, Clusiodes nigrifrons Frey 1960 , by original designation. Gender masculine. Sasakawa 1977: 237 [catalogue, Orient], 1987: 101 [key, Orient/Pacific]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 120 [as synonym of Hendelia ].

Xenoclusia Frey 1960: 21 [catalogue, world]. Type species: Xenoclusia latifrons Frey 1960 View in CoL [by original designation]. Gender feminine. Sasakawa 1977: 239 [catalogue, Orient]; Soós 1964a: 7 [key]; Balthazar 1990: 417 [catalogue, Philippines]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 120 [as synonym of Hendelia View in CoL ].

Parahendelia McAlpine 1960: 83 . Type species, Parahendelia latifrons McAlpine 1960 , by original designation (= Hendelia armiger Lonsdale & Marshall View in CoL ). Gender feminine. Soós 1963a: 179 [key, relationship to Hendelia View in CoL and Prohendelia View in CoL ], 1964a: 4 [key]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989: 536 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific]. Marshall 2000: 5 [as junior synonym of Clusiodes View in CoL ); Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 120 [as synonym of Hendelia View in CoL ].

Prophedelia. Misspelling of Prohendelia View in CoL . Hua 2006: 160 [catalogue—not known from China]. Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b [citation].

aberrans (Frey) . OR: Malaysia (Sabah) , Philippines.

Clusiodes aberrans Frey 1928b: 106 View in CoL . Philippines. Oriental Mindoro Province: “Calopan” [= Calapan]. HT ♀, depository unknown [originally deposited UZMH]. Delfinado & Hardy 1971: 29 [catalogue Philippine types]. Clusiodes (Microclusiaria) aberrans View in CoL . Frey 1960: 19 [Philippines, catalogue, world]; Sasakawa 1977: 237 [catalogue, Orient]; Balthazar 1990: 417 [catalogue, Philippines].

Clusiodes (Clusiaria) aberrans View in CoL . Sasakawa 1987: 103 [key, Orient/Pacific].

Hendelia aberrans . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination]; Sasakawa 2011b: 14 [ Malaysia].

aenigma Frey. View in CoL OR: Burma.

Hendelia (Burmanochorea) aenigma Frey 1960: 15 View in CoL . Burma. NE Burma: Kambaiti, 2000m. HT ♀ UZMH. Frey 1960: 15 [catalogue, world]; Sasakawa 1977: 238 [catalogue, Orient].

Hendelia aenigma View in CoL . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [list].

amerinx Lonsdale & Marshall. AU: Fiji.

Hendelia amerinx Lonsdale & Marshall 2008b: 7 View in CoL . Fiji. Viti Levu: Naitasiri Province , 4km WSW Colo-i-Suva Village, Mt. Nakobalevu, 372 m. HT ♂ FNIC. Lonsdale & Marshall 2008b: 7 [illustrations of male genitalia].

angulosa (Sueyoshi) . PA: Japan.

Clusiodes angulosus Sueyoshi 2006: 6 View in CoL . Japan. Honshu: Sarugajo, Kitaibaraki City, Ibaraki Prefecture, Honshu. HT ♂ BLKU. Sueyoshi 2006: 6 [map, illustrations of head and male and female genitalia, photo of wing], 2011: 7 [Japan, pictoral key], 2014: 618 [catalogue, Japan]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 154 [lapsus]. Hendelia angulosa Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination]; Sueyoshi 2012: 27 [Japan].

arguta (McAlpine) . AU: Australia (New South Wales, Victoria).

Clusiodes arguta McAlpine 1960: 82 . Australia. New South Wales: Blue Mountains, Wentworth Falls. HT ♂ AMS. Clusiodes (Clusiodes) arguta . Sasakawa 1987: 102 [key, Orient/Pacific].

Clusiodes argutus View in CoL . Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989: 535 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific].

Hendelia arguta . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination].

armiger Lonsdale & Marshall. AU: Australia (New South Wales, Queensland).

Parahendelia latifrons McAlpine 1960: 84 View in CoL . Australia. New South Wales: Blue Mountains, Wentworth Falls. HT ♂ AMS. McAlpine 1960: 84 [illustrations of head], 1976: 75 [discussion of vibrissal structure]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989: 536 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific].

Clusiodes latifrons . Marshall 2000: 3 [generic combination, male agonistic behaviour, photos]. Hendelia armiger Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 118 View in CoL [generic combination, replacement for name preoccupied by Frey (1960)].

beckeri Czerny. View in CoL PA: Austraia and central Europe to Norway, Finland, eastern and northern coasts of the Black Sea, central and eastern Russia, Japan, China (Sichuan, Zeijiang)*, South Korea *.

Hendelia Beckeri Czerny 1903: 84 View in CoL . Austria. Bad Hall. ST ♂♀, depository unknown. Czerny 1903: 84 [illustrations of body and heads of both sexes], 1928: 4 [redescription, illustrations of head and body, redescription of females as nigripalpis Czerny ]; Becker 1905: 39 [catalogue, Palaearctic].

Hendelia beckeri View in CoL . Melander & Argo 1924: 27 [summary of original description]; Tuomikoski 1936: 183 [ Finland]; Trojan 1962: 21 [key, redescription, illustrations of male and female heads]; Sasakawa 1963: 18 [ Japan]; Hackman 1980: 148 [checklist, Finland]; Soós 1981: 97 [ Hungary, illustrations of habitus, head], 1984: 11 [catalogue, Palaearctic]; Greve 1983: 55 [habitat, Norway], 2005: 3 [considered rare, Norway]; Greve & Midtgaard 1986: 91 [ Norway]; Zuska 1987: 235 [ Czech Republic]; Mamaev 1987: 115 [Russian Far East]; Stackelberg 1988: 505 [key, illustration of female head, European USSR]; Ceianu 1989: 29 [catalogue, Romania]; Roháček 1995: 125 [puparia in decaying alder and birch, adults on aspen trunks, biology and habitat, Czech and Slovak Republics], 1997: 75 [checklist, Czech and Slovak republics], 2009: 219 [photo of male, Slovakia], 2012: 99 [central Slovakia], 2013: 128 [central Slovakia]; Merz 1998: 276 [checklist, Switzerland]; Yagi & Sawada 2000: 40 [Mamaev collection holdings]; Gärdenfors 2000: 222 [Red List of Swedish species]; Roháček et al. 2005: 280 [catalogue, habitat, considered local and rare in Czech Republic, Czech Republic]; Barták & Kubík 2005: 280 [ Czech Republic]; Sueyoshi 2006: 14 [ Japan], 2011: 6 [ Japan, pictoral key], 2012: 28 [ Japan], 2014: 619 [catalogue, Japan]; Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [biology, illustrations of genitalia and heads, relationships]; Schacht et al. 2007: 66 [ Germany]; Nilsson 2009: 5 [ Sweden, illustration of female]; Adaschkiewitz 2009: 287 [ Germany]; Kahanpää 2014: 288 [checklist, Finland].

Hendelia nigripalpis Czerny 1928: 5 View in CoL [illustration of head]. Austria. ST ♀ [= ♀ ST of H. Beckeri Czerny View in CoL ], depository unknown. Frey 1928c: 108 [catalogue, Finland]; Tuomikoski 1936: 183 [as synonym of beckeri Czerny View in CoL ]. Hendelia (Hendelia) beckeri View in CoL . Frey 1960: 13 [redescription, catalogue, World].

bisetosa (Mamaev) . PA: Russia (Far East).

Clusiodes bisetosa Mamaev 1974: 115 View in CoL . Russia. Far East: Kedrovaja Pad Nature Reserve. HT ♂ MNHA [not in ZIN, as stated in original publication, examined by author]. Mamaev 1974: 115 [illustration of surstylus]; Yagi & Sawada 2000: 41 [Mamaev collection holdings].

Hendelia bisetosa . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination, map].

bismarckensis (Sasakawa) . AU: Papua New Guinea ( Lavongai Island ).

Clusiodes bismarckensis Sasakawa 1974: 160 View in CoL . Papua New Guinea. Bismarck Archipelago: Lavongai Island, Banatam. HT ♂ UZMC. Sasakawa 1974: 160 [illustrations of male genitalia], 1987: 101 [key, Orient/Pacific]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989: 535 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific].

Hendelia bismarckensis . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination].

boliviensis Lonsdale & Marshall. NT: Bolivia.

Hendelia boliviensis Lonsdale & Marshall 2011: 4 View in CoL . Bolivia. La Paz Department: Caranavi, ca. 10km NW road to ENTEL tower, 1400 m, 15°46′35ʺS, 67°35′48ʺW. HT ♀ ANCB. Lonsdale & Marshall 2011: 4 [illustration of female genitalia].

campa Lonsdale & Marshall. View in CoL NT: Mexico.

Hendelia campa Lonsdale & Marshall 2011: 4 View in CoL . Mexico. Veracruz State: Xalapa. HT ♂ TAUI. Lonsdale & Marshall 2011: 4 [illustrations of male genitalia, photo].

chaetostylotis (Sasakawa) . AU: Indonesia (West Papua).

Clusiodes (Clusiodes) chaetostylotis Sasakawa 1987: 103 View in CoL . Indonesia. West Papua: Kebar Valley, Vogelkop, W of Manokwari, 550 m. HT ♂ BPBM [Type No. 13580]. Sasakawa 1987: 103 [illustration of male genitalia]. Hendelia chaetostylotis . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination].

clara (McAlpine) . AU: Australia (Queensland).

Clusiodes clara McAlpine 1960: 83 View in CoL . Australia. Queensland: Silkwood, near Innisfail. HT ♀ AMS. Clusiodes (Clusiodes) clara View in CoL . Sasakawa 1987: 103 [key, Orient/Pacific].

Clusiodes clarus View in CoL . Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989: 535 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific].

Hendelia clara . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination].

dasyta (Sasakawa) . AU: Solomon Islands (New Georgia Island).

Clusiodes (Columbiella) dasytus Sasakawa 1987: 113 View in CoL . Solomon Islands. New Georgia Island: Munda, 1– 30m. HT ♂ BPBM [Type No. 13587]. Sasakawa 1987: 113 [illustration of male genitalia].

Hendelia dasyta . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination].

extensicornis Frey. OR: Burma, Thailand.

Hendelia (Aristohendelia) extensicornis Frey 1960: 14 View in CoL . Burma. NE Burma, Kambaiti, 2000 m. ST 6♂ 3♀ UZMH. Frey 1960: 14 [illustrations of head, catalogue, world]; Papp et al. 2006: 191 [Thailand].

Hendelia extensicornis View in CoL . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [relationships].

femorata (Sasakawa) . AU: Indonesia (Papua).

Clusiodes (Clusiodes) femoratus Sasakawa 1987: 105 View in CoL . Indonesia. Papua Province: Ifar , east end of Cyclops Mts., 150 m.

HT ♀ BPBM [Type No. 13581].

Hendelia femorata . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination].

formosana (Hennig) . OR: Taiwan.

Clusiodes (Microclusiaria) formosana Hennig 1938: 128 View in CoL . Taiwan. Paiwan District: northern Paroe. HT ♂ DEI. Clusiodes formosana View in CoL . Hennig 1941: 146 [Taiwan]; Hua 2006: 160 [catalogue—not known from China]. Clusiodes (Microclusiaria) formosana View in CoL . Frey 1960: 19 [catalogue, world]; Sasakawa 1977: 237 [catalogue, Orient]. Clusiodes (Clusiaria) formosana View in CoL . Sasakawa 1987: 103 [key, Orient/Pacific].

Hendelia formosana . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination].

freyi (Soós) . OR: Taiwan.

Prohendelia (Prohendelia) freyi Soós 1963a: 179 View in CoL . Taiwan. Kosempo. HT ♂ HNHM. Soós 1963a: 179 [illustrations of head]; Sasakawa 1977: 239 [catalogue, Orient].

Hendelia freyi . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination].

fulvifasciata Sasakawa. OR: Malaysia (Sabah).

Hendelia fulvifasciata Sasakawa 2011b: 14 . Malaysia. Sabah: 19 km N of Kalabakan, forest camp. HT ♂, BPBM [Type No. BPBM 17352]. Sasakawa 2011b: 14 [illustrations of male genitalia].

geniculata Sasakawa. View in CoL OR: Malaysia (Sabah).

Hendelia geniculata Sasakawa 2011b: 16 . Malaysia. Sabah: 9.8 km SW of Tenom, forest camp. HT ♂, BPBM [Type No. BPBM 17355]. Sasakawa 2011b: 16 [illustrations of male genitalia].

gladiator (McAlpine) . AU: Australia (New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria). Clusiodes gladiator McAlpine 1960: 81 View in CoL . Australia. New South Wales: National Park, south of Sydney. HT ♂ AMS. McAlpine 1960: 81 [illustrations of head and wing], 1976: 75 [discussion of spiral vibrissae and sexual dimorphism, illustrations of head and male postabdomen]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989: 535 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific]; Marshall 2000: 3 [male agonistic behaviour, photos].

Clusiodes (Clusiodes) gladiator View in CoL . Sasakawa 1987: 102 [key, Orient/Pacific].

Hendelia gladiator . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination]; Lonsdale et al. 2010: 241 [genes sequenced for phylogenetic analysis].

heliconiae Lonsdale & Marshall. NT: Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador.

Hendelia heliconiae Lonsdale & Marshall 2011: 6 View in CoL . Ecuador. Pichincha Province: Maquipucuna Biological Research Station, river trail, 1200 m. HT ♂ QZAC. Lonsdale & Marshall 2010: 1046 [illustration of female genitalia as Hendelia View in CoL sp.], 2011: 6 [illustrations of male and female genitalia, photo].

iotoides (Sasakawa) . AU: Malaysia (Sabah).

Clusiodes iotoides Sasakawa in Sasakawa & Pong 1990: 55 View in CoL . Malaysia. Sabah: Sepilok Forest Reserve. HT ♂ FRC. Sasakawa & Pong 1990: 55 [illustrations of male genitalia].

Hendelia iotoides . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination].

kinetrolicros (Caloren & Marshall) . NT: Costa Rica, Mexico (Chiapas, Veracruz).

Clusiodes kinetrolicros Caloren & Marshall 1998: 295 View in CoL . Costa Rica. Guanacaste Province : Guanacaste Conservation Area, Cacao Field Station , 900 m. HT ♂ CNC. Caloren & Marshall 1998: 295 [illustrations of head, wing and male and female genitalia].

Hendelia kinetrolicros . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination], 2010: 1043 [Manual of Central American Diptera View in CoL ], 2011: 6 [photo, reproduction of genitalic figures].

laosica Sasakawa. OR: Laos.

Hendelia laosica Sasakawa 2011b: 16 . Laos. Vientian: Gi Sion Village, de Tha Ngone. HT ♂, BPBM [Type No. BPBM 17353]. Sasakawa 2011b: 16 [illustrations of male genitalia].

lateralis (Sasakawa) View in CoL . OR: Philippines.

Prohendelia lateralis Sasakawa 1974: 153 View in CoL . Philippines. Palawan: Pinigisan, 600 m. HT ♂ UZMC. Sasakawa 1974: 153 [illustrations of head and male genitalia], 1977: 239 [catalogue, Orient].

Hendelia (Prohendelia) lateralis . Balthazar 1990: 417 [catalogue, Philippines].

Hendelia lateralis . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [genus redefinition].

latifrons (Frey) . OR: Philippines.

Xenoclusia latifrons Frey 1960: 21 View in CoL . Philippines. Mindanao: Suriago. HT ♀ UZMH. Frey 1960: 21 [catalogue, world]; Delfinado & Hardy 1971: 29 [catalogue Philippine types]; Balthazar 1990: 417 [catalogue, Philippines]. Hendelia latifrons View in CoL . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination, illustration of head].

marginalis (Sasakawa) View in CoL . AU: Papua New Guinea (Bougainville Island), Indonesia (Biak Island). Clusiodes (Clusiodes) marginalis Sasakawa 1987: 106 View in CoL . Papua New Guinea. Bougainville Island: Kokure, 690 m. HT ♂ BPBM [Type No. 13582]. Sasakawa 1987: 106 [illustration of male genitalia]. Hendelia marginalis . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination].

masneri Lonsdale & Marshall. View in CoL NT: Costa Rica.

Hendelia masneri Lonsdale & Marshall 2011: 8 View in CoL . Costa Rica. Puntarenas Province: Monteverde Research Station , 1550 m. HT ♂ INBio. Lonsdale & Marshall 2011: 8 [illustrations of male genitalia].

megaspilos (McAlpine) . AU: Australia (New South Wales, Queensland).

Clusiodes megaspilos McAlpine 1960: 83 View in CoL . Australia. New South Wales: Blue Mountains , Wentworth Falls. HT ♂ AMS.

Sasakawa 1987: 102 [key, Orient/Pacific].

Hendelia megaspilos . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination].

megastylotis (Sasakawa) . AU: Indonesia (West Papua) , Papua New Guinea.

Clusiodes (Clusiodes) megastylotis Sasakawa 1987: 107 View in CoL . Indonesia. West Papua: Manokwari, Vogelkop, 75 m. HT ♂ BPBM [Type No. 13583]. Sasakawa 1987: 107 [illustrations of male genitalia]. Hendelia megastylotis . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination].

melanospilus (Sasakawa) View in CoL . AU: Papua New Guinea ( Bismarck Isl. , Morobe) .

Clusiodes (Clusiodes) melanospilus Sasakawa 1987: 109 View in CoL . Papua New Guinea. NE New Guinea: Morobe District, Wau, 1200 m. HT ♂ BPBM [Type No. 13584]. Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989: 535 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific]. Hendelia melanospilos . Misspelling of melanospilus View in CoL . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination].

mirabilis (Frey) View in CoL . NT: Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru.

Labomyia mirabilis Frey 1928a: 16 View in CoL . Peru. Eastern Andes, Roque. LT 1♂ UZMH [accidental designation of lectotype by assumption of holotype (IZCN (1999) Art. 74.6) by Caloren & Marshall (1998); 2♂ ST originally described]. Frey 1960: 26 [illustration of head, catalogue, world]

Clusiodes mirabilis View in CoL . Caloren & Marshall 1998: 297 [generic combination, redescription, new record ( Peru), illustrations of head, wing and male and female genitalia].

Hendelia mirabilis . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination, habitus photos], 2010: 1043 [Manual of Central American Diptera ], 2011: 9 [description of variation, photos, illustrations of male genitalia, new records ( Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador)].

napo (Caloren & Marshall) . NT: Ecuador, Venezuela.

Clusiodes napo Caloren & Marshall 1998: 305 View in CoL . Ecuador. Napo Province: Baeza, 2000 m. HT ♂ DEBU. Caloren & Marshall 1998: 305 [illustrations of wing and male and female genitalia].

Hendelia napo . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination], 2011: 12 [reproduction of genitalic illustrations, new records ( Venezuela)].

nigriceps (McAlpine) . AU: Australia (New South Wales).

Parahendelia nigriceps McAlpine 1960: 85 View in CoL . Australia. New South Wales: Blue Mountains, Mt. Wilson. HT ♂ AMS. McAlpine 1960: 85 [illustration of head], 1976: 75 [discussion of spiral vibrissae]; Pitkin & Evenhuis 1989: 536 [catalogue, Australasia/Pacific].

Clusiodes nigriceps View in CoL . Marshall 2000: 3 [generic combination, male agonistic behaviour, photos]. Hendelia nigriceps . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination].

nigrifrons (Frey) View in CoL . OR: Burma.

Clusiodes (Steleoclusiodes) nigrifrons Frey 1960: 18 View in CoL . Burma. NE Burma: Kambaiti, 2000 m. ST 7♂ 3♀ UZMH. Frey 1960: 18 [catalogue, world]; Sasakawa 1977: 237 [catalogue, Orient]; Papp et al. 2006: 190 [Thailand]. Hendelia nigrifrons . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination].

nigripalpus Lonsdale & Marshall. View in CoL NT: Bolivia.

Hendelia nigripalpus Lonsdale & Marshall 2011: 12 View in CoL . Bolivia. La Paz Department: Caranavi, ca. 10 km NW, road to ENTEL tower, 1400 m, 15°46′35ʺS, 67°35′48ʺW. HT ♂ ANCB. Lonsdale & Marshall 2011: 12 [illustrations of male genitalia].

notata (Sasakawa) . OR: Malaysia ( Sarawak).

Clusiodes (Clusiodes) notatus Sasakawa 1987: 111 View in CoL . Malaysia. Sarawak: Kampong, Sadong, Tapuh , 300–450 m. HT ♂ [Type No. 13585], depository unknown [originally deposited in BPBM] .

Hendelia notata . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination]; Sasakawa 2011b: 18 [ Malaysia, illustration of male genitalia].

obscuripennis (Frey) View in CoL . OR: Burma, Thailand.

Clusiodes (Microclusiaria) obscuripennis Frey 1960: 19 View in CoL . Burma. Tenasserim, Sukli, 75 km E of Moulmein, 600 m. HT ♀, depository unknown [originally deposited at UZMH]. Frey 1960: 19 [catalogue, world]; Sasakawa 1977: 237 [catalogue, Orient]; Papp et al. 2006: 190 [ Thailand].

Clusiodes (Clusiaria) obscuripennis View in CoL . Sasakawa 1987: 103 [key, Orient/Pacific].

Hendelia obscuripennis . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination].

orientalis (Frey) . OR: Burma.

Hendelia (Prohendelia) orientalis Frey 1960: 14 View in CoL . Burma. NE Burma: Kambaiti , 2000 m. ST 1♂ 2♀ UZMH. Frey 1960: 14 [catalogue, world].

Prohendelia orientalis View in CoL . Soós 1963a: 182 [key, illustrations of head]; Sasakawa 1977: 239 [catalogue, Orient]. Hendelia orientalis View in CoL . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination].

orientalis View in CoL form conjuncta Frey. OR: Burma.

Hendelia (Prohendelia) orientalis View in CoL form conjuncta Frey 1960: 14. Burma. Kambaiti. ST 1♂ 2♀ UZMH.

orientalis form obscurior Frey. OR: Burma.

Hendelia (Prohendelia) orientalis View in CoL form obscurior Frey 1960: 14 . Burma. Kambaiti. ST 1♀ UZMH.

palliceps Frey. View in CoL OR: Burma.

Hendelia (Burmanochorea) palliceps Frey 1960: 14 View in CoL . Burma. NE Burma: Kambaiti, 2000 m. ST 5♂ 2♀ UZMH. Frey 1960: 14 [catalogue, world]; Sasakawa 1977: 238 [catalogue, Orient].

Hendelia palliceps View in CoL . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [list].

personata Frey. OR: Burma.

Hendelia (Burmanochorea) personata Frey 1960: 15 View in CoL . Burma. NE Burma: Kambaiti, 2000 m. HT ♂ UZMH. Frey 1960: 15 [catalogue, world]; Sasakawa 1977: 238 [catalogue, Orient].

Hendelia personata View in CoL . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [list].

phrenzinus (Caloren & Marshall) . NT: Costa Rica, Venezuela.

Clusiodes phrenzinus Caloren & Marshall 1998: 307 View in CoL . Venezuela. Aragua State: Parque Nacional Henry Pittier, Highway Maracay-Choroni, km 19, 1330 m. HT ♂ DEBU. Caloren & Marshall 1998: 307 [illustrations of wing and male and female genitalia].

Hendelia phrenzinae . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination, unjustified emendation]. Hendelia phrenzinus . Lonsdale & Marshall 2011: 13 [reproduction of genitalic figures, new record ( Costa Rica)].

philippinensis Sasakawa. OR: Philippines.

Hendelia philippinensis Sasakawa 2011b: 18 . Philippines. Luzon: Nueva Vizcaya, Dalton Pass, 915 m. HT ♂, BPBM [Type No. BPBM 17350]. Sasakawa 2011b: 18 [illustrations of male genitalia].

plumipes (Sasakawa) . OR: Japan (Ryukyus), Malaysia (Sabah) .

Clusiodes (Clusiodes) plumipes Sasakawa 1987: 112 View in CoL . Malaysia. Sabah: Ranau, 500 m. HT ♀ BPBM [Type No. 13586]. Hendelia plumipes . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination]; Sasakawa 2011b: 20 [Oriental revision]; Sueyoshi 2014: 619 [catalogue, Japan].

Clusiodes usikumuri Sueyoshi 2006: 11 View in CoL . Japan. Ryuku: Irimote Island, Ushikumori, Taketomi Town. HT ♀ BLKU. Sueyoshi 2006: 11 [illustrations of head and female genitalia, photo of wing]; Sasakawa 2011b: 20 [as synonym of plumipes ].

Hendelia usikumuri . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination], 2011: 7 [ Japan, pictoral key].

plumosa (Sasakawa) . OR: Japan (Ryukyus). PA: Japan (widespread).

Clusiodes (Clusiodes) plumosus Sasakawa 1964: 14 View in CoL . Japan. Honshu: Ashiu, Kyoto. HT ♀ OMNH. Sasakawa 1964: 14 [lateral illustration], 1990: 540 [description of male]; Soós 1984: 12 [catalogue, Palaearctic]; Matsumoto & Sasakawa 2006: 19 [notes holotype deposition in OKAKA].

Clusiodes plumosus View in CoL . Sueyoshi 2006: 9 [illustrations of head and male genitalia, photo of wing]. Hendelia plumosa . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination, map]; Sueyoshi et al. 2009: 101 [log emergence trap, Japan]; Sueyoshi 2011: 8 [ Japan, pictoral key], 2012: 28 [ Japan], 2014: 619 [catalogue, Japan].

pterygion (Caloren & Marshall) . NT: Southern Brazil.

Clusiodes pterygion Caloren & Marshall 1998: 299 View in CoL . Brazil. Rio de Janeiro : Rio de Janeiro. HT ♂ AMNH. Caloren & Marshall 1998: 299 [illustrations of male genitalia and wing].

Hendelia pterygion . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination], 2011: 13 [reproduction of genitalic figures].

punctifrons (Frey) . OR: Burma.

Clusiodes (Clusiodes) punctifrons Frey 1960: 18 View in CoL . Burma. NE Burma: Kambaiti, 2000 m. ST 8♂ 7♀ UZMH. Frey 1960: 18 [catalogue, world]; Sasakawa 1977: 237 [catalogue, Orient], 1987: 102 [key, Orient/Pacific]. Hendelia punctifrons . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination].

putealis Lonsdale & Marshall. View in CoL NT: Costa Rica.

Hendelia putealis Lonsdale & Marshall 2011: 15 View in CoL . Costa Rica. Cartago Province: Cerro de la Muerte La Cangreja , 1950 m. HT ♀ INBio. Lonsdale & Marshall 2011: 15 [illustration of female genitalia, photo].

quatuorsetosa (Mamaev) . PA: Russia (Far East).

Clusiodes quatuorsetosa Mamaev 1974: 114 View in CoL . Russia. Far East: Ussury Krai. HT ♂ [with puparium] MNHA [not in ZIN, as stated in original publication, examined by author]. Mamaev 1974: 114 [illustration of surstylus]; Yagi & Sawada 2000: 41 [Mamaev collection holdings].

Hendelia quatuorsetosa . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination, map].

salebrosa Lonsdale & Marshall. NT: Bolivia.

Hendelia salebrosa Lonsdale & Marshall 2011: 15 View in CoL . Bolivia. La Paz Department: Zongo , 16°06′32ʺS, 68°04′30ʺW. HT ♂ ANCB. Lonsdale & Marshall 2011: 15 [illustrations of male and female genitalia].

saopaulo (Caloren & Marshall) . NT: Brazil (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro).

Clusiodes saopaulo Caloren & Marshall 1998: 303 View in CoL . Brazil. São Paulo : São Paulo, Jaragua. HT ♂ MNRJ. Caloren & Marshall 1998: 303 [illustrations of wing and male and female genitalia].

Hendelia saopaulo . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination], 2011: 16 [reproduction of genitalic figures].

similis Lonsdale & Marshall. AU: Fiji.

Hendelia similis Lonsdale & Marshall 2008b: 8 View in CoL . Fiji. Viti Levu: Nukura Forest, 60– 130m. HT ♂ BPBM [Type No. 16838]. Lonsdale & Marshall 2008b: 8 [illustrations of egg and male and female genitalia, photo].

spilota Sasakawa. OR: Malaysia (Sabah).

Hendelia spilota Sasakawa 2011b: 20 . Malaysia. Sabah: 19 km N of Kalabakan. HT ♀, BPBM [Type No. BPBM 17351]. Sasakawa 2011b: 20 [illustrations of male genitalia].

stimulator (Caloren & Marshall) . NE: Mexico (Tamaulipas).

Clusiodes stimulator Caloren & Marshall 1998: 301 View in CoL . Mexico. Tamaulipas State: “ Mpla ”, Gomez Farias, Rancho de Cielo. HT ♂ TAMU. Caloren & Marshall 1998: 301 [illustrations of male genitalia and wing].

Hendelia stimulator . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [generic combination], 2011: 16 [reproduction of genitalic figures].

unica Mamaev. PA: Russia (Far East).

Hendelia (Burmanochorea) unica Mamaev 1974: 112 . Primorsky Krai: Kedroveja [= Kedrovaya] Pad Nature Reserve. HT ♂ MNHA [not in ZIN, as stated in original publication, examined by author]. Mamaev 1987: 115 [Russian Far East]. Hendelia unica . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [list, map].

variabilis Frey. View in CoL OR: Burma.

Hendelia (Burmanochorea) variabilis Frey 1960: 15 View in CoL . Burma. NE Burma: Kambaiti, 2000 m. ST 1♂ 3♀ UZMH. Frey 1960: 15 [catalogue, world]; Sasakawa 1977: 238 [catalogue, Orient].

Hendelia variabilis View in CoL . Lonsdale & Marshall 2007b: 147 [list].


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


National Biodiversity Institute, Costa Rica


Bishop Museum


University Museum (Zoology)


American Museum of Natural History


Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, La Paz


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro


Texas A&M University















Owen Lonsdale 2017

Hendelia fulvifasciata

Sasakawa 2011: 14
Sasakawa 2011: 14

Hendelia geniculata

Sasakawa 2011: 16
Sasakawa 2011: 16

Hendelia laosica

Sasakawa 2011: 16
Sasakawa 2011: 16

Hendelia philippinensis

Sasakawa 2011: 18
Sasakawa 2011: 18

Hendelia spilota

Sasakawa 2011: 20
Sasakawa 2011: 20

Hendelia amerinx

Lonsdale 2008: 7
Lonsdale 2008: 7

Hendelia similis

Lonsdale 2008: 8
Lonsdale 2008: 8

Hendelia aberrans

Sasakawa 2011: 14
Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia aenigma

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia arguta

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia bisetosa

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia bismarckensis

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia clara

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia dasyta

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia extensicornis

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia femorata

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia formosana

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia freyi

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia gladiator

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia iotoides

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia lateralis

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia megaspilos

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia napo

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia notata

Sasakawa 2011: 18
Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia obscuripennis

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia palliceps

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia personata

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia phrenzinae

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia usikumuri

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia pterygion

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia quatuorsetosa

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia saopaulo

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia stimulator

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Hendelia variabilis

Lonsdale 2007: 147

Clusiodes angulosus

Sueyoshi 2012: 27
Lonsdale 2007: 154
Lonsdale 2007: 147
Sueyoshi 2006: 6
Sueyoshi 2006: 6

Clusiodes usikumuri

Sasakawa 2011: 20
Sueyoshi 2006: 11
Sueyoshi 2006: 11

Clusiodes plumosus

Sueyoshi 2011: 8
Sueyoshi 2009: 101
Lonsdale 2007: 147
Sueyoshi 2006: 9

Clusiodes latifrons

Lonsdale 2007: 118
Marshall 2000: 3

Clusiodes nigriceps

Lonsdale 2007: 147
Marshall 2000: 3

Clusiodes kinetrolicros

Caloren 1998: 295
Caloren 1998: 295

Clusiodes mirabilis

Caloren 1998: 297

Clusiodes napo

Caloren 1998: 305
Caloren 1998: 305

Clusiodes phrenzinus

Caloren 1998: 307
Caloren 1998: 307

Clusiodes pterygion

Caloren 1998: 299
Caloren 1998: 299

Clusiodes saopaulo

Caloren 1998: 303
Caloren 1998: 303

Clusiodes stimulator

Caloren 1998: 301
Caloren 1998: 301

Clusiodes iotoides Sasakawa in Sasakawa & Pong 1990 : 55

Sasakawa 1990: 55
Sasakawa 1990: 55

Hendelia (Prohendelia) lateralis

Balthazar 1990: 417

Clusiodes argutus

Pitkin 1989: 535

Clusiodes clarus

Pitkin 1989: 535

Clusiodes (Clusiaria) aberrans

Sasakawa 1987: 103

Clusiodes (Clusiodes) chaetostylotis

Lonsdale 2007: 147
Sasakawa 1987: 103
Sasakawa 1987: 103

Clusiodes (Columbiella) dasytus

Sasakawa 1987: 113
Sasakawa 1987: 113

Clusiodes (Clusiodes) femoratus

Sasakawa 1987: 105

Clusiodes (Clusiodes) gladiator

Sasakawa 1987: 102

Clusiodes (Clusiodes) megastylotis

Lonsdale 2007: 147
Sasakawa 1987: 107
Sasakawa 1987: 107

Clusiodes (Clusiodes) melanospilus

Lonsdale 2007: 147
Pitkin 1989: 535
Sasakawa 1987: 109

Clusiodes (Clusiodes) notatus

Sasakawa 1987: 111

Clusiodes (Clusiaria) obscuripennis

Sasakawa 1987: 103

Clusiodes (Clusiodes) plumipes

Sueyoshi 2014: 619
Sasakawa 2011: 20
Lonsdale 2007: 147
Sasakawa 1987: 112

Clusiodes bisetosa

Mamaev 1974: 115
Mamaev 1974: 115

Clusiodes bismarckensis

Pitkin 1989: 535
Sasakawa 1974: 160
Sasakawa 1974: 160

Prohendelia lateralis

Sasakawa 1974: 153
Sasakawa 1974: 153

Clusiodes quatuorsetosa

Mamaev 1974: 114
Mamaev 1974: 114

Hendelia (Burmanochorea) unica

Lonsdale 2007: 147
Mamaev 1987: 115
Mamaev 1974: 112

Clusiodes (Clusiodes) plumosus

Matsumoto 2006: 19
Soos 1984: 12
Sasakawa 1964: 14
Sasakawa 1964: 14

Prohendelia (Prohendelia) freyi Soós 1963a : 179

Sasakawa 1977: 239
Soos 1963: 179
Soos 1963: 179

Prohendelia orientalis

Lonsdale 2007: 147
Sasakawa 1977: 239
Soos 1963: 182


Lonsdale 2007: 120
Sasakawa 1977: 238
Frey 1960: 14

Prohendelia Frey 1960 : 13

Lonsdale 2007: 120
Balthazar 1990: 417
Sasakawa 1977: 238
Soos 1963: 177
Frey 1960: 13


Lonsdale 2007: 120
Balthazar 1990: 417
Sasakawa 1977: 239
Soos 1964: 7
Frey 1960: 21


Lonsdale 2007: 120
Marshall 2000: 5
Pitkin 1989: 536
Soos 1963: 179
McAlpine 1960: 83

Hendelia (Burmanochorea) aenigma

Sasakawa 1977: 238
Frey 1960: 15
Frey 1960: 15

Clusiodes arguta

Sasakawa 1987: 102
McAlpine 1960: 82

Parahendelia latifrons

Pitkin 1989: 536
McAlpine 1960: 84
McAlpine 1960: 84

Clusiodes clara

Sasakawa 1987: 103
McAlpine 1960: 83

Hendelia (Aristohendelia) extensicornis

Papp 2006: 191
Frey 1960: 14
Frey 1960: 14


Marshall 2000: 3
Pitkin 1989: 535
McAlpine 1960: 81
McAlpine 1960: 81

Xenoclusia latifrons

Lonsdale 2007: 147
Balthazar 1990: 417
Delfinado 1971: 29
Frey 1960: 21
Frey 1960: 21

Clusiodes megaspilos

McAlpine 1960: 83

Parahendelia nigriceps

Pitkin 1989: 536
McAlpine 1960: 85
McAlpine 1960: 85

Clusiodes (Steleoclusiodes) nigrifrons

Lonsdale 2007: 147
Papp 2006: 190
Sasakawa 1977: 237
Frey 1960: 18
Frey 1960: 18

Clusiodes (Microclusiaria) obscuripennis

Papp 2006: 190
Sasakawa 1977: 237
Frey 1960: 19
Frey 1960: 19

Hendelia (Prohendelia) orientalis

Frey 1960: 14
Frey 1960: 14

Hendelia (Prohendelia) orientalis

Frey 1960: 14

Hendelia (Prohendelia) orientalis

Frey 1960: 14

Hendelia (Burmanochorea) palliceps

Sasakawa 1977: 238
Frey 1960: 14
Frey 1960: 14

Hendelia (Burmanochorea) personata

Sasakawa 1977: 238
Frey 1960: 15
Frey 1960: 15

Clusiodes (Clusiodes) punctifrons

Lonsdale 2007: 147
Sasakawa 1977: 237
Frey 1960: 18
Frey 1960: 18

Hendelia (Burmanochorea) variabilis

Sasakawa 1977: 238
Frey 1960: 15
Frey 1960: 15

Clusiodes (Microclusiaria) formosana

Hua 2006: 160
Sasakawa 1987: 103
Sasakawa 1977: 237
Frey 1960: 19
Hennig 1941: 146
Hennig 1938: 128


Lonsdale 2007: 120
Caloren 1998: 263
Soos 1964: 6
Frey 1960: 26
McAlpine 1960: 67
Hennig 1952: 227
Neave 1939: 842
Frey 1928: 14

Clusiodes aberrans

Balthazar 1990: 417
Sasakawa 1977: 237
Delfinado 1971: 29
Frey 1960: 19
Frey 1928: 106

Hendelia nigripalpis

Frey 1960: 13
Tuomikoski 1936: 183
Czerny 1928: 5
Frey 1928: 108

Labomyia mirabilis

Frey 1960: 26
Frey 1928: 16

Hendelia beckeri

Kahanpaa 2014: 288
Nilsson 2009: 5
Adaschkiewitz 2009: 287
Lonsdale 2007: 147
Schacht 2007: 66
Sueyoshi 2006: 14
Gardenfors 2000: 222
Merz 1998: 276
Rohacek 1995: 125
Ceianu 1989: 29
Stackelberg 1988: 505
Zuska 1987: 235
Mamaev 1987: 115
Greve 1986: 91
Greve 1983: 55
Soos 1981: 97
Hackman 1980: 148
Trojan 1962: 21
Tuomikoski 1936: 183
Melander 1924: 27

Hendelia Czerny 1903 : 83

Kahanpaa 2014: 288
Lonsdale 2009: 230
Lonsdale 2007: 120
Sueyoshi 2006: 4
Papp 2006: 190
Greve 2005: 3
Stackelberg 1988: 505
Ferrar 1987: 122
Sasakawa 1977: 238
Cole 1969: 426
Soos 1963: 177
Trojan 1962: 21
Frey 1960: 11
Hennig 1952: 227
Neave 1939: 617
Schulze 1930: 1517
Czerny 1928: 4
Melander 1924: 27
Williston 1908: 320
Kertesz 1906: 320
Becker 1905: 39
Czerny 1903: 83

Hendelia Beckeri Czerny 1903 : 84

Becker 1905: 39
Czerny 1903: 84
Czerny 1903: 84
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