Caryanda shuangjinga, Mao & Li, 2015

Mao, Ben-Yong & Li, Miao, 2015, Proposal of the Caryanda amplexicerca-species group (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) with description of two new species from China, Zoological Systematics 40 (4), pp. 451-458 : 456-458

publication ID 10.11865/zs.20150403

publication LSID


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scientific name

Caryanda shuangjinga

sp. nov.

Caryanda shuangjinga View in CoL sp. nov. ( Figs 5 View Figs 1–5 , 20–26 View Figs 20–26 )

Diagnosis. This new species is similar to C. amplexicerca and C. cyanonota sp. nov., but differs from the latter two by the characters listed in Table 1 View Table 1 .

Description. Male. Body small-sized. Head shorter than pronotum. Fastigium broad, width in front of eyes larger than length. Face sloping; frontal ridge straight in lateral view, longitudinally sulcated, lateral margins nearly parallel except faintly extended around median ocellus. Lateral facial keels thick and straight. Antennae filiform, just reaching coxa of hind leg, median segments about 2.3 times longer than wide. Eyes oval, longitudinal diameter about 1.5 times as long as horizontal diameter, and about 2.4 times as long as subocular furrow. Pronotum nearly cylindrical, surface foveolate, anterior margin nearly straight, posterior margin distinctly concave; median carina faint, lateral carinae absent; three transverse sulci distinct; prozona 2.6 times as long as metazona; posteroventral corner of lateral lobe obtus. Prosternal spine conical, apex blunt. Mesosternal interspace about 1.8 times longer than minimum width; metasternal lobes almost contiguous. Tegmina narrow scale-like, 2.5 times as long as maximum width, apex just surpassing beyond posterior margin of 1 st abdominal tergite. Hind femora with lower genicular lobes spined. Hind tibiae with apical half nearly cylindrical, with 7 external and 9 internal spines on dorsal side (not including a small external apical spine). Tympanum opened distinctly, oval. Tenth abdominal tergite narrowly divided but contiguous at very base in middle, with small furculae on posterior margin. Supra-anal plate nearly semicircular, maximum width 1.3 times as length; basal third with a broad median longitudinal sulcus, lateral areas concaved; lateral margins weakly risen; posterior margin triangularly protrudent, apex obtusely angular. Cerci strongly compressed, long triangular in lateral view, strongly incurved, apex obtuse and entad rolled. Epiphallus with lophi trapeziform in lateral view, pointing dorso-anteriorly, base as broad as top, apical outer angle nearly rounded; anchorae small, triangular; anterior projections with upper margins dorsad strongly bulging in lateral view; bridge divided in middle. Phallic complex with cingular valves entirely shielded by apical valves of penis; apical penis valves upcurved, distally widened as a reversed trapezoid in lateral view, apex lamellated in apical view.

Coloration. Male. Body green in dorsal. Head green except frons and gena greenish yellow; postocular bands black, continued on dorsal area of lateral lobes of pronotum, tegmina and 10th abdominal tergite. Eyes brown. Antennae with basal segments yellow, others black. Pronotum green in dorsal; lateral lobe yellow below postocular bands but median transverse sulcus and inferior margin black. Tegmina black. Fore and middle legs greenish yellow. Hind femora yellow except apical about two fifths red, knee black; hind tibiae blue, with a dark spot at base. Mesothorax and metathorax respectively with two yellow spots on episterna and epimera. Abdominal tergites green, with lateral lobes yellow on ventral areas; abdominal sternites yellow. Cerci and furculae black. Supra-anal plate mostly black.

Female. Unknown.

Measurements (mm). Body ♂ 18.0; pronotum ♂ 3.5; tegmen ♂ 2.8; hind femur ♂ 9.8.

Material examined. Holotype ♂, China, Yunnan, Shuangjiang (23°27'N, 99°58'E; elev. 2 190 m), 12 August 2010, leg. Ben-Yong Mao, deposited in BMDU. GoogleMaps

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the type locality, Shuangjiang County, Yunnan Province, China.

Distribution. China (Yunnan).

Biology. The species is infrequent in some grasses surrounding maize fields. Its preferred food plants remain still unknown.

Funding The present study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30960057, 31260520).















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