Iteaphila incus, Sinclair & Shamshev, 2021

Sinclair, Bradley J. & Shamshev, Igor V., 2021, World revision of Iteaphila with unbranched radial vein (Diptera: Empidoidea: Iteaphilidae), Zootaxa 4968 (1), pp. 1-89 : 62-64

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scientific name

Iteaphila incus

sp. nov.

Iteaphila incus View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 60 View FIGURES 58–61 , 63 View FIGURES 62–65 )

Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂, labelled: “[KUMAMOTO]/ Haki / Izumimura [32°32′N 130°48′E]/ April 21, 18[sic][9]80, K. Ohara col.”; “ HOLOTYPE / Iteaphila / incus/ Sinclair & Shamshev[red label]” ( KUMF) GoogleMaps . PARATYPES: JAPAN. Fukuoka: Kohra-san, Kurume [33°19′N 130°31′E], 21.iii.2001, S. Ide (4 ♂, 3 ♀, KUMF) GoogleMaps . Hokkaido: Otofukegawa, Nukabira [43°21′N 143°14′E],, TS (1 ♂, KUMF) GoogleMaps . Kumamoto: same data as holotype (1 ♂, KUMF) GoogleMaps . Nagano: Higashiutsu-kushigahara [~ 36°13′32″N 138°6′26″E],, A. Nakanishi (1 ♂, 9 ♀, KUMF) GoogleMaps .

Additional material examined. JAPAN. Hokkaido: Sugataminoike [43°39′N 142°50′E], Taisetsuzan,, TS (3 ♀, KUMF) GoogleMaps . Nagano: Mt. Nyūkasa [35°53′47″N 138°10′18″E], 28.v.1975, Emoto & Nakanishi (1 ♀, HUS) GoogleMaps ; Okushiga-kohgen [36°46′N 138°31′E], 31.v.1975, TS (1 ♀, KUMF) GoogleMaps . Yamanashi: Hirogawara [35°41′N 138°15′E],, A. Katô (1 ♀, KUMF) GoogleMaps ; Kanayama [35.86°N 138.57°E], Kai, 8.v.1964, A. Katô (2 ♀, KUMF) GoogleMaps .

Recognition. This species is distinguished from the other Japanese species by the holoptic males, dark legs, halteres and abdominal setae. Males have a long cercus and distinct hypoproct process, apex of phallus somewhat flattened and recurved and surstylus projects posteriorly ( Fig. 60 View FIGURES 58–61 ).

Description. Wing length 3.4–3.9 mm. Male. Head black in ground-colour, with black setation, occiput finely brownish grey pollinose. Eyes holoptic, with upper ommatidia enlarged. Frons represented by small triangular space just above antennae, bare, greyish pollinose. Ocellar triangle prominent, with 2 pairs of thin proclinate setae; anterior ocellars moderately long, posterior ocellars short. Postvertical and postocular setae moderately long, thin; additionally, occiput covered with numerous similar setae in lower part. Antenna black; scape short, subequal to globular pedicel, both with short setulae; postpedicel broad, nearly 4.0 times longer than wide, almost parallelsided, smoothly tapered at apex; stylus hardly prominent, sensillum-tipped; with segment 9 shorter than wide, apical sensillum slightly longer than segment 9. Proboscis long, projected obliquely; labium slightly longer than head height; palpus black, projected parallel to labrum, somewhat shorter than labrum.

Thorax black in ground-colour, with black setation; scutum viewed dorsally dark brown, subshiny, slightly matt; viewed anteriorly brown, with 2 faint paler vittae between acr and dc setae; mesopleuron brown pollinose. Proepisternum with several short hair-like setae. Postpronotal lobe with 1 (sometimes 2) long and 3–4 short setae. Mesonotal setae prominent; acr short, biserial, lacking on prescutellar depression, distance between rows shorter than length of acr; dc uniserial, offset from row anteriorly, mostly nearly as long as acr, 1 ph, 1–2 presut spal (with several short setae), 3–4 npl (with 1–2 additional short setae), 2–3 short psut spal, 1 pal, 5–7 pairs of sctl.

Legs almost entirely brownish, knees brownish yellow (less distinct on hind leg). Coxae and trochanters with ordinary bristly hairs. Fore femur with moderately long posteroventral hair-like setae (longer subapically) and similar setae on posterodorsal and posterior faces. Mid femur with similar pattern of setation but posteroventral subapical setae stronger and of subequal lengths. Hind femur with long thin anteroventral, anterodorsal and posterodorsal setae. Tibiae with posterodorsal setae. Tarsomere 1 of mid and hindlegs with pair of rows of stiff ventral setae; tarsomere 5 on all legs somewhat flattened; pulvilli broad, shorter than tarsal claw.

Wing distinctly infuscate, deeper along anterior margin; basal costal seta absent; pterostigma distinct brownish yellow, elliptical, overlapping apex of R 1; anal lobe very prominent, acute. Sc complete; R 2+3 slightly curved posterior to pterostigma; R 4+5 unbranched; cell dm broad, longer than basal cells, hardly produced apically, almost truncate; base of M 2 (crossvein) nearly one-fourth length of dm-m, M branches widely separated; dm-m crossvein somewhat concave. Apex of cell cua recurved, CuA+CuP long, faint, ending just short of wing margin. Halter brown.

Abdomen brown, finely brownish grey pollinose, covered with moderately long brown to black bristly hairs becoming shorter on pregenital segments. Terminalia ( Fig. 60 View FIGURES 58–61 ) concolorous with abdomen, small. Hypandrium with several long and short setae, rounded, slightly upcurved with split, truncate apex; gonocoxal apodeme long and slender; inner apodeme expanded and flattened, prolonged anteriorly, one-half length of gonocoxal apodeme; postgonite short, broad basally, with pair of slender apical extensions. Phallic guide not extended beyond epandrium, parallel with phallus; apex complex, darkly pigmented, anvil-shaped; cup-like in posterior view. Epandrium not inflated laterally; dorsal bridge narrow medially; produced distally into narrow, slightly curved, horizontally projecting surstylus; apex of surstylus with tooth-like projection medially. Phallus slender, arched well beyond epandrium, bent nearly at right angles subapically; apical section somewhat straight, broad and recurved; ejaculatory apodeme plate-like, enlarged, rounded, one-half length of gonocoxal apodeme. Cercus long, nearly one-half length of epandrium; apex narrowly rounded, extended free from epandrium; hypoproct produced into pair of short, slender processes, projecting beyond epandrium.

Female. Similar to male, except as follows: Eyes dichoptic, ommatidia equally small. Frons very broad, somewhat widened toward ocellar triangle, subshiny, finely brownish grey pollinose, with marginal setulae. Scutum subshiny, finely brownish pollinose; mesopleuron more greyish pollinose. Scutellum with 4–5 (usually 4) pairs of setae. Legs, wings and halteres slightly paler in various degrees. Fore and mid femora only with some short posteroventral subapical thin setae. Hind femur with shorter setation. Halter with stem varying in colour, usually, paler than knob. Abdomen with short bristly hairs. Cercus brownish, long, slender.

Distribution. Palaearctic: Japan. This species is widely distributed in Japan ( Fig. 63 View FIGURES 62–65 ).

Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin, incus (anvil), in reference to the shape of the postgonites, and it is considered a noun in apposition.

Remarks. Males are required to confirm the identification of the females listed in the Additional material examined section, but their locality data were included in the distribution map.


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