Ornistomus simulatrix, Clarke, 2012

Clarke, Robin O. S., 2012, Bolivian Rhinotragini V: New Species Of Erythroplatys White, 1855, Rhinotragus Germar, 1824, Ornistomus Thomson, 1864, And Aechmutes Bates, 1867 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 52 (5), pp. 55-79 : 69-71

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1590/S0031-10492012000500001

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scientific name

Ornistomus simulatrix

sp. nov.

Ornistomus simulatrix View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs. 5A, 5B View FIGURES 5‑7

Holotype male: 15.70 mm. Deposited at MNKM.

Diagnosis: the two species in this genus differ from all other Rhinotragini by the overlapping elytra. Ornistomus simulatrix sp. nov. is readily separated from O. bicinctus Thomson, 1864 by the following: with broad, black fascia at centre of pronotum (in O. bicinctus the pronotum has two narrower fascia to either side of midline); ventral pubescence brassy in colour (in O. bicinctus more golden); male superior lobes of eyes closer together, width of interocular space about one fifth width of one lobe (in O. bicinctus these lobes wider apart, about one third width of one lobe); sides of pronotum distinctly sinuate (in O. bicinctus sides are straight); surface of pronotal disc more irregular than in O. bicinctus , the baso-lateral calli more round- ed than in O. bicinctus , and not hiding basal angles (as they do in O. bicinctus ); elytra rather abruptly expand- ed and, therefore, more rounded (in O. bicinctus less abrupt and less rounded); and metatarsomere I shorter than II + III (in O. bicinctus I longer than II + III).

Description of holotype: colour dull, brownish-black and yellow to orange-yellow. Head orange-yellow, the following brownish-black to black: antennae; mandibles; palpomeres; labrum; clypeus; triangle at centre of frons; anterior margin of gena; and broad transverse fascia behind superior lobes of eyes (covering all of vertex and extending to sides of neck). Prothorax orange-yellow; except the following black: extreme sides of pronotum with broad longitudinal, fascia (the latter extending to post coxal process); and disc of pronotum with broad vase-shaped fascia at centre. Mesothorax (including scutellum) black; except all of mesosternum orange-yellow. Elytra black; except base of humeri and adjacent epipleura orange; and basal third of apical half translucent yellow (including adjacent epipleura), this transverse band with scalloped front and hind margins. Metathorax black; except small, bifurcate, yellow fascia, centred on metasternal process. Abdomen black; except abdominal process, and centre of urosternite I narrowly, brownish-yellow. Legs black with dark chestnut femora; pro- and mesocoxae orange; and metacoxae brownish-yellow.

General pubescence: dorsad almost glabrous, some isolated hairs at sides of pronotum; underside almost uniformly, sparsely pubescent, only denser (unless referred to below) at base of metasternum, and latero-posterior margins of urosternites II-IV.

Surface ornamentation: dorsad almost entirely covered by contiguous, semi-alveolate punctures; smaller and uniform on pronotum (except laterally, where larger punctures constitute the sexual puncturation); larger along dorsal costa of elytra; confluent and somewhat asperate for apical third. Underside of head with sparser punctures isolated by multiple carinae. Prosternum almost impunctate; some larger punctures partially hidden by rectangular patch of short pubescence adjacent to prosternal process. Mesosternum reticulate and densely covered by very small setiferous punctures; metepisternum and metasternum with larger ones (especially towards sides of latter). Abdomen shining; reticulation very fine; punctures small and sparse, becoming slightly larger and denser laterally, and on depressed area at apex of urosternite V.

Structure: forebody slightly shorter (6.50 mm) than abdomen (7.10 mm). Head with eyes (1.90 mm) distinctly narrower than pronotum. Rostrum moderately narrow (slightly wider at apex) and long (0.70 mm), slightly shorter than length of inferior lobes (0.80 mm). Maxillary palps short, but slightly longer than labial palps. Labrum long (half width); sides and base rounded by shared arc; front margin slightly excavate; one large setiferous puncture to each side, twelve smaller ones between them. Apex of clypeus narrower than apex of labrum; separated from frons by transverse convexity; adjacent surface of frons irregular (with depressed and prominent areas). Eyes large and convex; distal margin of inferior lobe adjacent to side of gena, proximal margin oblique; inferior lobes moderately close, width of one inferi- or lobe 4.75 times interocular space (0.20 mm); the latter moderately inclined, prominent at sides, with relatively deep, V-shaped depression, and bisected by narrow frontal suture. Width of superior lobe about half interocular space (0.50 mm). Antennal tubercles with rounded apices; the distance between them narrower than maximum width of scape. Antennae short, reaching base of urosternite II; moderately robust; underside of segments I-VI densely setose; antennomeres III-VI increasingly thickened (and V and VI serrate); VII-X incrementally shorter and less serrate; XI as long as X, not serrate, but notched by apical cone; scape strongly pyriform (viewed laterally) and moderately long (0.90 mm); pedicel short (0.25 mm) and rounded at sides; antennomere III longer (1.10 mm) than scape and twice as long as IV (0.55 mm); V (0.95 mm); VI and VII (1.00 mm); VIII (0.80 mm); IX (0.75 mm); X (0.70 mm); XI (0.8 mm). Prothorax trapezoidal, widest at base, narrowest at apex (1.85 mm); slightly shorter (2.15 mm) than wide (2.25 mm); sides rendered sinuate by the following: apical constriction occupying all of apical third; followed by pair of low, lateral calli; followed by slight emargination to second pair of lateral calli (within basal third, see below); followed by basal constriction, and square hind angles. Surface of pronotum irregular, slightly more convex at midline, with one elongate, broad callus to either side, the latter reaching sides (as mentioned above), and increasingly more prominent from apex to rounded base; basal constriction declivous adjacent to callus (where it is narrow, and depressed by ill-defined fovea), broadening and inclined to middle. Prosternum almost flat from apical margin to middle of prosternal process. Base of prosternal process about five times narrower (0.15 mm) than width of procoxal cavity; apex strongly inclined upwards, large, trapezoidal, borders rather weak, and hardly raised. Procoxal cavities closed at sides and behind; procoxae slightly more prominent than mesocoxae. Mesosternal declivity deep and moderately abrupt. Base of mesosternal process with raised sides; moderately narrow (0.25 mm), about one third width of coxal cavity. Apex of mesosternal process bilobed, each lobe truncate apically, separated by relatively deep notch. Procoxal cavity narrowly open to mesepimeron. Scutellum small, oval, depressed at midline. Elytra almost hiding entire underside; racket-shaped, and overlapping one another (the right elytron overlying the left elytron, see variation); basal third moderately broad, parallel-sided, flattened between humero-apical costae, inclined to sides; for apical two-thirds, these characteristics becoming reversed (i.e. between costae maintaining the same level as on basal third, but sides strongly flattened and flared to apex); dorsal costa ill-defined throughout, and absent from apical third. Elytra 3.7 longer than width of humeri (3.00 mm); broadly lobed posteriorly (width at widest point 7.10 mm); suture with slight gape behind scutellum, crossing midline, and closing gape towards apex; laterally much more strongly curved than suture (leaving each lobe asymmetrical); humeri moderately prominent and rounded, not projecting; apices of elytra unarmed, broadly rounded laterally, less so mesally. Metathorax with posterior margin almost truncate. Metasternum not much broader than prothorax; moderately tumid behind (but not as prominent as mesocoxae); metasternal suture entire for apical two-thirds, deeper and wider for basal third. Metepisternum moderately large, broader at base, distinctly tapering to acuminate apex. Abdomen convex, tapering from base to apex; urosternites II-IV transverse with straight, converging sides; V unusually long for male, longer than II-IV, conical, middle of apex slightly flattened, apical margin divided by narrow, shallow notch into two separately rounded halves. Abdominal process triangular; inclined at base; but apex horizontal to abdomen, abruptly acuminate, and deeply inserted between metacoxae. Legs moderately robust and long; length of front, middle and hind legs in the ratio 1.0:1.4:2.1; pro- and mesofemora strongly pedunculate-clavate; profemoral peduncle very short; mesofemoral peduncle flattened laterally, one third length of clave; metafemora long (5.60 mm), pedunculate-clavate, but clave almost cylindrical, 1.5 longer than peduncle, reaching apex of urosternite IV. Protibia thickly clothed with short, dense, yellowish pubescence mesally; apex obliquely excised laterally; metatibia long (4.90 mm), cylindrical, clothed with moderately dense, short setae, but otherwise unspecialised, hardly widening to apex. Pro- and mesotarsi robust, the tarsomeres short and wide; metatarsomere I cylindrical, shorter (0.60 mm) than II + III (0.80 mm), II rectangular, III deeply bifid.

Variation in males: colour distribution presents no significant differences among the males; but the transverse fascia on elytra yellow in some, white in others; and palpomeres may be yellowish. Right elytron overlaps left one in four males, the left over right in one.

Description of female ( Fig. 5B View FIGURES 5‑7 ): colour distribution presents no significant differences from the male.

Structure: most structural differences limited to sexually dimorphic ones usual in species of this tribe. Forebody about as long as abdomen (6.75 mm). Rostrum longer (0.85 mm) than length of one inferior lobe of eye (0.70 mm). Labrum more rectangular. Eyes smaller and less convex; width of one inferior lobe 1.25 times interocular space (0.60 mm); the latter less inclined, flat between prominent sides (the surface confused by network of many narrow, short carinae, some encircling small punctures, others not). Antennae more robust and shorter than in male, reaching apex of urosternite I. Base of prosternal process wider (0.20 mm), about four times narrower than width of procoxal cavity. Elytra 3.8 longer than humeri (3.25 mm); right elytron overlying left elytron in one female, as male in the other. Metasternum slightly more tumid behind (and planar with mesocoxae). Abdomen wider than male, otherwise similar; except urosternite V shorter, trapezoidal, and only weakly emarginate at apex; and abdominal process almost planar with abdomen. Middle legs slightly longer, and hind legs slightly shorter than in male (ratio front to hind leg 1.0:1.3:1.9), but apex of metafemora still reaching apex of urosternite IV; metatarsomere I shorter (0.70 mm) than II + III (0.90 mm).

Measurements (mm): 10 males / 3 females: total length, 15.70-17.3/16.90-17.50; length of pronotum, 2.15-2.50/2.35-2.40; width of pronotum, 2.15-2.50/2.50-2.65; length of elytra, 11.05-12.60/12.40-12.50; width at humeri, 3.00-3.25/3.25-3.40.

Type material: Holotype male, BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz, Hotel Flora & Fauna, 5 km SSE of Buena Vista , 17°29’96”S/ 63°39’13”W, 430 m, on/flying to flowers of “Sama blanca”, 23.XI.2007, R. Clarke & S. Zamalloa col. ( MNKM).

Paratypes with same data as holotype : 1 female, 01-08. XII.2003 ( ACMT) ; 2 males, 28.XI.2004 ( RCSZ) ; 1 male, 23.XI.2005 ( MZUSP) ; 1 male, 25.XI.2007 ( MNRJ) ; 1 male, 26.XI.2007 ( RCSZ) ; 1 female, 29.XI.2007 ( RCSZ) ; 4 males 14.XI.2009 ( RCSZ) ; on/flying to flowers of “Sama blanca chica”, 2 males, 08.XI.2011 ( RCSZ) ; 1 male, 11.XI.2011 ( RCSZ) .

Paratype with different data from holotype: Beni, Reyes , 1 female, XI.1921, N. R. Lopez col. , Munford Expedition ( MZUSP) .

Discussion: Wappes et al. (2006) incorrectly record Ornistomus bicinctus for Bolivia; these specimens are referable to O. simulatrix sp. nov.

Biology: All the specimens of O. simulatrix from Buena Vista were collected whilst visiting flowers at the same individual tree; a common, local species called “Sama blanca” ( Cupania cinerea Poeppig & Endl. ) of the family Sapindaceae .

Etymology: Latin simulator , meaning imitator, with reference to the insect’s lycid-like appearance.


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