Pterostichus pseudolesticoides, 2023

Fedorenko, D. N., 2023, A review of Pterostichus subgenus Orientostichus (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichini) from Indochina, with description of new species, Russian Entomological Journal 32 (2), pp. 155-170 : 168

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.32.2.05

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Pterostichus pseudolesticoides


6. Pterostichus (Orientostichus) View in CoL

pseudolesticoides Fedorenko , sp.n.

Figs 7 View Figs 7–9 , 16 View Figs 10–18 , 29 View Figs 19–30 , 31–32, 38, 46–47, 51.

MATERIAL. Holotype ♂ ( ZMMU), labelled:‘N[orthern]- Vietnam, 40 km WNW of/ Lao Cai, env. Y Ty, Bat Xat / Nat [io]n[al]. Park, h= 1600-1900 m / 22°37´-37.6´N/ 103°37.3´-38.3´E, 16-21./ leg. D. Fedorenko X.2018 ’. Paratypes ( SIEE): 2♂♂, same label; ♀, ‘N[orthern]- Vietnam, 40 km WNW of/ Lao Cai, env. Y Ty,/ Bat Xat N [ational]P[ark], Lao Than Mt. / 22°36´31´´N 103°37´23´´E / h= 2000-2100 m, 4–14.VI.2019 / leg. D. Fedorenko’; ♂ (teneral), ♀, ‘N[orthern] Vietnam, Lao Cai Prov [ince]./ Hoang Lien Son Mt. Ridge,/ env. Phan Xi Pang Mt ,/ Tram Ton / pitfall traps / leg. A. Anichkin V-VI.2006 GoogleMaps ’.

Aedeagus examined in three males, with internal sac examined in one male.

DIAGNOSIS. No significant differences from P. lesticoides except only that the pronotum is slightly narrower and less transverse, mean PW/PL 1.38 (vs. 1.46), with its base narrower relative to apex, mean PB/PA 1.13 (vs. 1.29).

Aedeagus ( Figs 29 View Figs 19–30 , 31–32, 38) is more distinctive: medi- an lobe in dorsal view with a conspicuous preapical dilation of the right margin; its apex smooth or sparsely striated on right side, with dorsal margin barely convex proximal to apical sinuation. Sharply angulate curve of ventral margin and a small prominence just proximal to the angle are the next two features.

DESCRIPTION. Distinctive from P. lesticoides in the following characters.

BL 17–20.2 mm. Body ( Fig. 7 View Figs 7–9 ) shiny black, elytra iridescent.

Head: genae meeting neck at obtuse or very obtuse angle. Frontal sulci moderately deep, impunctate or subpunctate, varying from s-shaped and reaching the level of anterior supra-ocular seta, through short and diverging much behind, to very short, distinct just behind frontoclypeal suture only. Frons otherwise smooth or with 1–2 paired, small and shallow, impressions between eyes. AR 1.46: 0.66: 0.93.

Pronotal base moderately wide, without basal bead traceable between basolateral sulci; these separate, inner moderately deep, running on basal two fifth, reaching base or not, slightly diverging or parallel anteriorly. Outer ones shorter, more shallow and thence wider, obliterate basally, sometimes very shallow and very short. Area between inner and outer sulci slightly convex, finely and moderately densely punctate to nearly impunctate. Lateral bead narrower in basal half than that of P. lesticoides ; lateral groove varying from obliterate slightly in front of basal angle to basal fifth. Disc, base and apex smooth. PLw/PL 0.44–0.49 (0.47, n=6).

Elytra oblong-oval in female, slenderer in male; apices rounded combined or slightly blunted so that sutural angle varies from nearly right to slightly obtuse. Striae very thin and thence with microsculpture barely traceable at bottom, consisting of very small, coarse, slightly longitudinal meshes arranged into hardly more than two rows; striae 1–6 inside humeral angle, which is obtuse and blunt. Parascutellar striole and discal setae missing (only male paratype from Phan Xi Pang Mt has seta d3 at middle of interval 3, D3/EL 0.25– 0.30). Either intervals 7, 5 and 3 confluent apicad in succession or those 3 and 7 joining apically. Stria 7 with two proximate setae at apex, posterior seta distant far from apex. Reflexed lateral margin narrow, slightly uneven, mostly with sparse uneven punctures toward apex; microsculpture superficial, consisting of moderately to very longitudinal meshes. USS: 25–29.

Ventral side. Propleura near sternopleural suture, sides of meso- and metathorax, and abdominal sternites II–III finely and moderately densely punctate; surface otherwise smooth; sometimes propleura smooth.

Legs: apical 2/5 fe 2 with two, separate, anterodorsal setae; ti 3 asetose externally (with a vestigial unilateral seta in female paratype from Phan Xi Pang Mt.).

Aedeagus: everted and inflated internal sac ( Figs 46–47, 51 View Figs 46–51 ) with two basal bulbs, left medium-sized, right divided into two; two, separate, preapical sclerites present, large medial and small, longitudinal, on left side.

DISTRIBUTION. The species is known from two very close localities and a distant one on the Hoang Lien Son Mountain ridge.

NAME. Refers to the great similarity between the new species and P. lesticoides .

HABITATS AND HABITS. The specimens were collect- ed by either hands or pitfall traps in cloudy forests at 1.800– 2.100 m altitudes.

COMMENTS. Pterostichus pseudolesticoides sp.n. is very similar to P. lesticoides , both being based on very limited material which has come from one and the same or two very close localities. However, morphological, including aedeagal, differences found, make me consider the two species separate unless otherwise is proven.


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University













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