Pterostichus ferreroi, Fedorenko, 2023

Fedorenko, D. N., 2023, A review of Pterostichus subgenus Orientostichus (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichini) from Indochina, with description of new species, Russian Entomological Journal 32 (2), pp. 155-170 : 166

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.32.2.05

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Pterostichus ferreroi


4. Pterostichus (Orientostichus) ferreroi Straneo, 1989 View in CoL

Figs 6 View Figs 4–6 , 17 View Figs 10–18 , 23–24, 26 View Figs 19–30 , 37, 40–41, 48.

Straneo, 1989: 283 (Fang, Chiangmai); Sciaky, Allegro, 2013: 114.

MATERIAL. Paratype ♂ ( ZIN; left antennomere 11 and right antennomeres 10–11 lost) with labels: ‘ Thailand / Chang Mai / Fang 25-9-1989 ’, ‘ Paratypus / Pterostichus / ferreroi St. ’, and ‘ Pterostichus / ferreroi n.sp. / det. S. L. Straneo 19 89 / Paratypus [red ink]’.

DIAGNOSIS. Different from P. matalini sp.n. chiefly in the following characters. BL 23–27 mm. Body ( Fig. 6 View Figs 4–6 ) shiny black, elytra dull behind, except for intervals that become increasingly narrow strips toward apex; this dull area starting from about midway at suture and from second third laterally. Microsculpture distinct, isodiametric on elytra within shiny area and at bottom of reflexed lateral margin; dull area, including striae and sides of each interval, coarsely granulate, combined with confluent subtransverse rugosities that become increasingly short cross-striations anteriorly. Head and pronotum with dense microscopic punctures.

Frontal sulci rather deep, s-shaped, reaching the level of anterior supra-ocular seta. Frons inside posterior supra-ocular setae with a pair of small punctiform impressions. Antennae about reaching pronotal base, barely longer in male than in female; AR 1.46: 0.67: 0.94.

Pronotum cordate, rather flat, broadest almost two fifths from apex, PLw/PL 0.38; sides rounded, sinuate in front of basal angles. Base sinuate medially, straight laterally, a fifth wider than apex; basal angles acute and sharp. Inner basolateral sulci deep, running on basal two fifths, parallel anteriorly, reaching and diverging toward base; outer ones half as long, adjoining inner sulci along base, with nearly flat and impunctate area in between. Apical angles rounded at tips; lateral bead narrow all along. Sublateral line hardly traceable in basal half only.

Elytral apices truncate combined. Striae deep and very finely punctate in basal half, shallow and moderately punctate behind, except for 7th and 8th, these two being deep and reaching apex. Intervals convex and shiny in basal half, subconvex to nearly flat behind; shiny median stripes of intervals 2, 4 and 6 merging gradually into rugose sculpture in apical third while those of intervals 7, 5, 3 and inner part of 1 become subcarinate toward apex; the former three confluent apicad in succession and joining apical bead outside sutural angle. Interval 7 very convex and carinate in apical third. Interval 8 narrow and costate both basally and apically while shortly carinate in front of preapical sinuation. Reflexed lateral margin very even, narrow and concave throughout. Parascutellar striole missing. Discal seta d3 large, left unilateral, situated on shiny median part of interval 3, D3/EL 0.34. Stria 7 bisetose at apex, posterior seta at a distance from apex. USS: 28–29.

Metepisternum, sides of metaventrite and abdomen nearly impunctate. Male abdominal sternite VII as for P. prattii , except for median carina lower ( Fig. 17 View Figs 10–18 ).

Legs: ti 1 with single postero-apical spinule; ti 3 asetose externally.

Aedeagus ( Figs 23–24, 26 View Figs 19–30 , 37): apex of median lobe in dorsal view slightly narrowed apicad. Everted and inflated internal sac ( Figs 40–41 View Figs 40–45 , 48 View Figs 46–51 ) similar, except chiefly that Λ- shaped sclerite is distinctive and left basal bulb less wide at base.

DISTRIBUTION. The species is only known from the type locality in northern Thailand .

HABITATS AND HABITS. No data, except that the holotype was taken at 2.100 m elevation.

COMMENTS. This species is very similar to P. semirugosus ( Andrewes, 1947) from ‘Kambaiti’ [= Kan Paik Ti], northern Myanmar. Differences of the latter only include barely wider pronotal base, PB/PA 1.29 (vs. 1.19), and the elytral intervals subequally shaped in apical third (vs. intervals 3, 5 and 7 more developed than intervals 2, 4 and 6). As for the dull appearance of elytra of P. semirugosus , which, according to the description, is due to confluent microscopic punctures, it appears to be similar to that observed in P. ferreroi .


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum













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