Pterostichus makarovi, Fedorenko, 2023

Fedorenko, D. N., 2023, A review of Pterostichus subgenus Orientostichus (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichini) from Indochina, with description of new species, Russian Entomological Journal 32 (2), pp. 155-170 : 161

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.32.2.05

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scientific name

Pterostichus makarovi




1(10) Pronotal lateral bead fine, not or barely wider in basal than in apical half ( Figs 1–3 View Figs 1–3 , 5–6 View Figs 4–6 ). Pronotum narrow at base, its sides straight or subsinuate in front of basal angles; inner and outer basolateral sulcus joining along base. Elytron with seta d3, intervals mostly distinctly cross-striated on sides toward apex or densely transversely rugose in apical third. Metatibia with 1–4 setae along outer margin. Body large, BL 22–27 mm. ............... The prattii View in CoL -group.

2(5) Elytra down the middle dull due to intervals densely transversely rugose ( Fig. 6 View Figs 4–6 ); elytral microsculpture isodiametric. Pronotal basal angles pointed, right or acute.

3(4) Elytral intervals subequally developed. Pronotal base broader, PB/PA 1.29. — Northern Myanmar. ............... ................................. P. semirugosus ( Andrewes, 1947) View in CoL

4(3) Odd elytral intervals more developed than even ones in apical half, with their median shiny stripes reaching apex or not, respectively. Pronotal base narrower, PB/PA 1.19. — Northern Thailand............. 4. P. ferreroi Straneo, 1989 View in CoL

5(2) Elytra shiny, with intervals more or less distinctly cross-striated toward apices ( Figs 10–11 View Figs 10–18 ), or entirely dull from coarse isodiametric microsculpture in female. Pronotal basal angles more or less obtuse and mostly blunt.

6(7) Elytral microsculpture cisodiametric in both sexes, base of interval 8 in form of fairly long carina. Meso- and metatarsomeres 1–3 with dorsolateral setae. Abdominal sternite VII in male with a high median carina ( Fig. 14 View Figs 10–18 ). — Southern China. ................... [3. P. prattii Bates, 1890 View in CoL ]

7(6) Elytral microsculpture consisting of transverse meshes or transverse lines, or granulate in female. Meso- and metatarsomeres 1 and 2 with dorsolateral setae. Abdominal sternite VII in male with a small, slightly longitudinal, tubercle in and slightly down the centre ( Figs 15, 18 View Figs 10–18 ). — Northern Vietnam.

8(9) Pronotal base densely punctate on each side. Elytral microsculpture sexually dimorphic, coarse and granulate (♀) or consisting of superficial transverse meshes (♂), thus giving elytra dull or shiny appearance, respectively. Reflexed lateral margin of elytra with a fine carina in apical half. Pronotal lateral bead wide, more so in basal half. — Phia Oac Mt. .................... 2. P. makarovi sp.n .

9(8) Pronotal base impunctate to finely and very sparsely punctate on each side. Elytra shiny, with microsculpture consisting of very transverse superficial meshes (♀) or dense transverse lines (♂). Reflexed lateral margin of elytra with no carina. Pronotal lateral bead narrow, barely wider in basal than in apical half. — Hoang Lien Son Mt. ridge. ........... ......................................................... 1. P. matalini sp.n .

10(1) Pronotal lateral bead thick anteriorly, flat and dilated in basal half ( Figs 4 View Figs 4–6 , 7–9 View Figs 7–9 ). Pronotum wide at base, rounded on sides; inner and outer basolateral sulci separate, basal bead missing. Elytron without discal setae, intervals smooth. Metatibia asetose at outer margin .................... .................................................... The lesticoides View in CoL -group.

11(14) Body smaller, BL 18–20 mm. Elytra without discal setae, with microsculpture consisting of very dense transverse lines on disc and of longitudinal meshes at bottom of reflexed lateral margin. — Hoang Lien Son Mt. ridge.

12(13) Pronotal base wide, mean PB/PA~1.3. Aedeagus apex in lateral view with dorsal margin distinctly s-shaped ( Fig.4 View Figs 4–6 ). ....................... 5. P. lesticoides ( Straneo, 1939) View in CoL

13(12) Pronotal base narrow, mean PB/PA~1.1. Aedeagus apex in lateral view with dorsal margin smoothly sinuate ( Fig.7 View Figs 7–9 ). ............................ 6. P. pseudolesticoides sp.n.

14(11) Body large, BL 22–23 mm. Elytra with discal seta d3 adjoining stria 2 a fourth from apex and microsculpture consisting of transverse meshes on disc and of isodiametric meshes at bottom of reflexed lateral margin. Pronotal base wide, PB/PA 1.27 or 1.30.

15(16) Elytral striae smooth, reflexed lateral margin with a slight and blunt carina in apical half. — Phia Oac Mt. ... .................................................. 7. P. laevistriatus sp.n.

16(15) Elytral striae finely yet distinctly punctate, reflexed lateral margin with a vague carina in apical half. — Tam Dao Son Zuong Mt. ridge. ....... 7. P. tamdaoensis sp.n.













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