Pterostichus (Orientostichus) matalini Fedorenko, 2023

Fedorenko, D. N., 2023, A review of Pterostichus subgenus Orientostichus (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichini) from Indochina, with description of new species, Russian Entomological Journal 32 (2), pp. 155-170 : 161-163

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.32.2.05

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scientific name

Pterostichus (Orientostichus) matalini Fedorenko


1. Pterostichus (Orientostichus) matalini Fedorenko , sp.n.

Figs 2–3 View Figs 1–3 , 10, 15 View Figs 10–18 , 21–22, 27 View Figs 19–30 , 36, 42–43, 49, 54–55.

MATERIAL. Holotype ♂ ( ZMMU) labelled: ‘N[orthern] Vietnam, Lao Cai Prov [ince]./ Hoang Lien Son Mt. Ridge,/ env. Fansipan [=Phan Xi Pang] Mt , Tram Ton /, h= 1950-2100 [m],/ 15-30./ leg. D. Fedorenko VII.2007 ’. Paratypes ( SIEE), 10♂♂, 5♀♀, same label; 6♂♂, 3♀♀, ‘N[orthern]- Vietnam, 40 km WNW of/ Lao Cai, env. Y Ty,/ Bat Xat National Park / 22°37´36´´N 103°37´32´´E / h= 1850 m GoogleMaps , 4–14.VI.2019 / leg. D. Fedorenko’; 5♂♂, 3♀♀, same label, except for ‘… / Bat Xat N[ational]P[ark]/ 22°36´31´´N 103°37´23´´E / h= 2000-2100 m …’.

Aedeagus examined in eight males, with internal sac examined in five males; genitalia and reproductive tract examined in two females.

DIAGNOSIS. A slender large-sized species with pronotum subcordate, its sides straight, basal angles obtuse and blunt; elytra with parascutellar seta, 0–1 discal seta, intervals distinctly cross-striated on sides before apex, and elytral microsculpture not sharply sexually dimorphic.

DESCRIPTION. BL 22–25.1 mm. Body ( Figs 2–3 View Figs 1–3 ) shiny black, elytra slightly iridescent in male. Antennae toward apices and palps at extreme apices slightly reddish brown. Microsculpture superficial, consisting of slightly transverse meshes on pronotum. Elytral microsculpture consisting of dense transverse lines to extremely transverse meshes in male and of very to moderately transverse meshes in female; reflexed lateral margin with microsculpture uneven, mostly transverse, at bottom while longitudinal along stria 9.

Head convex, neck constriction hardly traceable on sides only. Eyes rather small, convex, genae short. Frontal sulci rather shallow and short, almost reaching the level of anterior supra-ocular seta, nearly parallel or barely diverging posteriorly. Frons on each side between supra-ocular setae with 1– 3, very small, punctiform impressions. Antennae moderately long, with about apical 2–2.5 segments surpassing pronotal base, barely longer in male than in female; AR (1.46: 0.65: 0.92, n = 2).

Pronotum subcordate, rather flat, broadest two fifths from apex, PLw/PL 0.40–0.46 (0.42, n=12); sides rounded, straight to barely sinuate in front of basal angles. Base narrow, sinuate medially, slightly oblique laterally, barely wider than apex; basal angles obtuse and blunt. Inner basolateral sulci 2/5 pronotal length, moderately deep, running parallel anteriorly, slightly diverging basally, mostly not quite reaching base; outer sulci about as deep and half as long, each extended into lateral section of basal bead that is obliterate in middle two quarters; a more or less convex area between inner and outer sulcus impunctate or with a few fine punctures toward inner and/or outer sulcus; this latter separated by a convex fold from lateral groove. Apex evenly sinuate between apical angles, these right or slightly acute, and sharp; apical bead mostly obliterate in middle third. Lateral bead narrow, reaching base, slightly wider basally than apically. Lateral groove fine, deep and impunctate; sublateral line fairly deep in apical half, increasingly shallow basad, almost reaching inner basolateral sulcus. Median line fine, deep, entire or nearly so. Basal and apical transverse impressions hardly traceable.

Elytra elliptic, rounded on sides, broadest at about middle, with a fairly deep preapical sinuation and a distinct preapical plica each; apices slightly attenuated and rounded separately each. Base very oblique and narrow, with striae 1–6 inside humeral angle; humeri rounded, without tooth. Basal ridge transverse, slightly concave, humeral angle very obtuse and blunt. Striae fine, deep or very deep, more so toward apex and lateral margin, and impunctate or inner striae crenulate at bottom in apical third, sometimes crenulations being traceable all along. Intervals convex, very convex laterally, costate in apical third, inner intervals often nearly flat at middle in female; interval 1 apically very narrow and directly extended into lateral bead; intervals 7, 5 and 3 confluent apicad in succession and separated from others at apex; less often 3 and 7 only adjoining apically. Interval 8 narrow and costate to subcarinate both basally and apically. Reflexed lateral margin narrow, flat, barely uneven, more so in apical half, or with one to a few, underdeveloped, separate or catenate tubercles reminiscent of a rudimentary blunt carina behind middle. Parascutellar striole short to missing. Discal seta d3 large, adjoining or separate from stria 2 about three fourths from base of one or both elytra, or missing. Stria 7 bisetose at apex, posterior seta at a distance from apex. USS: 29–30.

Ventral side. Prosternal process mostly slightly convex, with apex truncate and often vaguely beaded, in lateral view rectangular or slightly obtuse, with apex not or barely blunted and inclination slightly concave; this latter wide and slightly concave in caudal view, with lateral edges indistinctly bead- ed. Venter smooth, mesepisternum in basal half and abdominal sternites II–III finely and more or less densely punctate, metepisternum and sides of metaventrite finely and sparsely punctate to nearly impunctate. Male abdominal sternite VII in apical 3/5 elevated in form of a small and oblong tubercle, with a shallow impressions on each side, that does not reach apex ( Fig. 15 View Figs 10–18 ).

Legs: fe 2 in apical half with 3–5 anterodorsal spinules; ti 1 with two postero-apical spinules or, less often, but one; ti 3 with 1–3 outer setae; meso- and metatarsomeres 1 and 2 with dorso-apical setae.

Aedeagus ( Figs 21–22, 27 View Figs 19–30 , 36): median lobe in lateral view arcuate; apex in dorsal view parallel-sided, rounded at tip. Everted and inflated internal sac ( Figs 42–43 View Figs 40–45 , 49 View Figs 46–51 ) with two, large, basal bulbs, left and right, and a large Λ- shaped sclerite of characteristic shape. Left bulb with two processes, proximal one is small, distal long and curved dorsad.

DISTRIBUTION. The species is only known from two scattered localities on the Hoang Lien Son Mt. Ridge.

NAME. Patronymic, given after my good friend, specialist in Cicindelinae, Dr. Andrey Matalin (The Moscow Pedagogical State University).

HABITATS AND HABITS. Most specimens of the type series were taken by pitfall traps in cloudy forests at 1.850– 2.100 m altitudes and some others from the Bat Xat NP were hand collected at night.

COMMENTS. Adults from the two populations examined are slightly different in some characters. Except for subtle morphometric differences (Table), specimens from Mt. Phan Xi Pang mostly have the elytral discal pore d3 inserted separate from stria 2, D3/EL 0.20–0.27 (0.25, n = 6), the adults with the seta present, or absent from one elytron, or from both elytra being subequally frequent in the population. Eight specimens examined from the Bat Xat National Park have the seta adjoining stria 2, D3/EL 0.25–0.32 (0.27, n = 3×2), and one specimen has none.


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University













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