Scaphisoma spatuloides, Ivan Löbl & Ryo Ogawa, 2016

Ivan Löbl & Ryo Ogawa, 2016, On the Scaphisomatini (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Scaphidiinae) of the Philippines, IV: the genera Sapitia ACHARD and Scaphisoma LEACH, Linzer biologische Beiträge 48 (2), pp. 1339-1492 : 1431-1432

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scientific name

Scaphisoma spatuloides

sp. nov. Scaphisoma spatuloides View in CoL nov.sp. ( Figs 224-227 View Figs 224 - 227 )

T y p e m a t e r i a l: Holotype 6: Philippines, Luzon: Lagunas, Mt. Makiling, above Mad Springs 400-700m, degrad. rainforest 19.-22.XI.1995, J. Kodada lgt. (MHNG). Paratypes: Luzon, with the same data as the holotype, 1 6, 2♀♀ (MHNG); Luzon, Lagunas Prov., Mt. Makiling, summit rd., 600 m, 21-22.XI.1995, leg. I. Löbl, 1 6, same but 500 m, 26.XI.1995, 1♀ (MHNG); Luzon, Lagunas Prov., Mt. Makiling 4 km SE Los Banos, 8., and 9. IV.1977, leg. L. Watrous, 4 66, 3♀♀ (MHNG); Luzon, Lagunas Prov., Mt. Banahaw near school, about 1 km from Kinabuhayan, 500 m, 28.XI.1995, leg. J. Kodada, 1♀ (BZLA); Leyte, Visca N Baybay, 22.2.- 10.3.1991, primary forest, 100-200 m, leg. Schawaller et al., 1 6 (SMNS); with the same data but 21.2.91, 4 66, 1♀, and 27.2.91, 1 6, 1♀ (SMNS, MHNG).

D e s c r i p t i o n: Length 1.50-1.75 mm, width 1.01-1.10 mm. Head and most of body reddish-brown to blackish-brown, usually with apical fourth of elytra lighter reddish-brown, mesoventrite and metaventrite often darkened, apical abdominal segments lighter, yellowish, femora about as most of body, tibiae, tarsi and antennae lighter, yellowish. Length/width ratio of antennomeres as: III 13/7: IV 28/5: V 50/6: VI 45/7: VII 55/11: VIII 42/8: IX 55/11: X 50/12: XI 63/12. Most of remaining external characters as in S. bilobum, excepted: Mesepimera almost twice as long as intervals to mesocoxae, metaventrite flattened on posterior half of median area, mesal and lateral parts of metaventrite distinctly microsculptured; antecoxal puncture row impressed, submesocoxal areas narrower, 0.03 mm, as fifth of intervals to metacoxae, submesocoxal lines almost parallel, submetacoxal areas 0.06 mm; sternite 1 with coarse basomedian punctures restricted onto surface between metacoxae, forming single row or two rows. M a l e: Protarsomeres 1 to 3 distinctly widened. Aedeagus ( Figs 224-227 View Figs 224 - 227 ) 0.98-1.10 mm long. Median lobe with conspicuous, robust lateral tubercles, apical process near tip vertical to axis of basal bulb, gradually narrowed in lateral view, widened in apical section in dorsal view. Parameres each with subbasal and apical lobes, inner margin crenulated. Internal sac lacking larger denticles.

E t y m o l o g y: The species epithet is Latinized from Greek and refers to the spatulashaped apical process of the median lobe.

C o m p a r a t i v e n o t e s: The species has a unique shape of the apical process of the median lobe and is also well characterized by the crenulate inner margin of the parameres. It may be easily distinguished by its aedeagal characters.

















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