Kiitoksia kaloista Tong et al. 1997

Lee, Won Je, 2015, Small Free-Living Heterotrophic Flagellates from Marine Sediments of Gippsland Basin, South-Eastern Australia, Acta Protozoologica 54 (1), pp. 53-76 : 66

publication ID 10.4467/16890027AP.15.005.2192

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scientific name

Kiitoksia kaloista Tong et al. 1997


Kiitoksia kaloista Tong et al. 1997 ( Figs 1n, 4k)

Observation: Cells are spherical or elongate, 2 to 3 µm long and 2 µm wide, rigid and with two flagella. The cells appear to be ventrally concave or have a shallow ventral depression. The flagella insert into the ven- tral depression: the longer one is 3 to 4 times the length of the cell and may be acronematic, and the short one is about the cell length. The anterior part of the cell is closely contacted to the substrate when the cell is gliding and the posterior part is raised. Three cells observed.

Remarks: Generally, observations are in accord with a previous data from a freshwater site in Antarctic ( Tong et al. 1997). It is similar to Kiitoksia yatava Vørs 1992 , but differs in possessing a second short flagellum. Kiitoksia resembles Clautriavia Massart 1900 having only one flagellum and gliding pattern, but is distin- guished by the smaller size.

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