Paulianidia Jarrige, 1978

Koszela, Katarzyna, Sarmiento, Yoan Camilo Guzman & Żyła, Dagmara, 2023, A new species of the genus Paulianidia Jarrige and a new combination in Pseudolathra Casey (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae), Zootaxa 5343 (6), pp. 521-530 : 523-524

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5343.6.2

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scientific name

Paulianidia Jarrige, 1978


Paulianidia Jarrige, 1978 View in CoL

( Figs 1–2 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 )

Paulianidia Jarrige, 1978: 267 View in CoL (original description); Lecoq, 2008: 580–583 View Cited Treatment (redescription and key to species).

Type species. Paulianidia brunnea Jarrige, 1978 by original designation.

Diagnosis: Head suborbicular, with distinct frontoclypeal membrane. Maxillary palpomere 4 acicular. Pronotum oval, with two longitudinal shallow depressions laterally in the posterior half. Postcoxal process of hypomeron with an additional marginal line parallel to the margin. Metatibia with apical ctenidium on both sides.

Redescription: Body medium size (4–7 mm), darker or paler brown, head pubescence oriented forwards, pronotum pubescence transversely inwards, and elytral backwards.

Head with dense umbilicate punctation, eyes always shorter than temples, with setae between ommatidia. Labrum transverse, broadly but not deeply indented, with setae on anterior margin. Frontoclypeal membrane distinct ( Fig. 1A View FIGURE 1 ), in some species longer than half of labrum length. Mandibles robust and sharp, right tri- or quadridentate, left tridentate, mandibular prostheca absent. Maxillary palps 4-segmented: maxillary palpomere 1 short, palpomere 2 slightly curved, widening towards apex, almost four times longer than first, setose; palpomere 3 clavate, slightly longer than preceding and almost twice as wide as palpomere 2, more setose than it; palpomere 4 small, short, acicular, glabrous. Galea and lacinia long and densely ciliate. Ligula bilobed, with median tooth ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ). Labial palps 3-segmented, labial palpomere 1 twice as long as wide, palpomere 2 slightly curved, twice as long and slightly wider than preceding; palpomere 3 narrow, elongated, cylindrical, shorter than palpomere 2. Gula trapezoidal, gular sutures separated, subparallel.Antennae robust, antennomere 1 longest, antennomere 2 shorter than 3, antennomeres 1–7 elongate, longer than wide, 8–10 transverse, as long as wide, antennomere 11 longer than 10. Neck wide, but less than 1/3 of head width.

Pronotum longer than wide, widest at middle; punctation umbilicate, not forming clear rows, distance between punctures larger than puncture diameter. Postcoxal process of hypomeron well-developed, triangular, with additional marginal line parallel to margin ( Fig. 1C View FIGURE 1 ), with row of setae close to margin, and apex with wrinkled microsculpture. Superior marginal line of pronotum deflexed. Basisternum with setae laterally, surface wrinkled. Furcasternum triangular, divided into short, depressed part with elevated midline closer to basisternum, and longer part reaching tip of postcoxal process, with sharp longitudinal carina and additional transversal carina. Mesothoracic membrane soft, without strongly sclerotised areas. Mesosternal sterno-pleural sutures curved, running parallel to each other, connected by transversal carina. Transversal carina pointed towards prothorax, with elevated ridge at middle. Two pairs of lateral ridges on sides from prepectus. Basisternum with distinct microsculpture, without lateral carina. Furcasternum with longitudinal intercoxal carina. Mesosternum clearly separated from metasternum. Ridge below coxal rest on metasternum curved at middle, pointed towards prothorax.

Scutellum with two ridges, area between them with distinctive microsculpture ( Fig. 1D View FIGURE 1 ). Elytra with marginal ridge present, without any additional ridge, punctation umbilicate, not forming clear rows, distance between punctures larger than puncture diameter, apical margin with row of setae. Hind wings well-developed, MP3 vein present, veins MP4 and CuA completely separated, anal margin with fringe of setae.

Protarsomeres 1–4 short and broad, subcordiform, not enlarged in males, protarsomere 5 almost as long as protarsomeres 1–4 combined. Profemora with comb-like row of setae (ctenidium) closer to protibia than procoxa. Protibia with two fully developed protibial combs, placed transversally. Metatibia with apical ctenidium on both sides, setae longer on inner side. Metatarsomeres 1–4 longer than wide, decreasing in length, and metatarsomere 5 as long as previous three.

Abdominal tergites III–VI weakly impressed transversely at base. Sternite III with median intercoxal keel, not reaching anterior margin. Two pairs of paratergites on segments III–VII. Abdomen setation directed posteriad, setae longer laterally than in middle.

Male: margin of sternite VIII and sometimes of sternite VII with emargination wide and deep to different extent. Aedeagus with campanulate median lobe. Parameres well-developed, separate, joined at base. Apex of median lobe from parameral and lateral sides collar-like, developed to different extent; antiparameral side less sclerotised.

Female: similar to males, without emargination of sternite VII or VIII, if present, emargination shallower in general, and shallower than in respective males.














Paulianidia Jarrige, 1978

Koszela, Katarzyna, Sarmiento, Yoan Camilo Guzman & Żyła, Dagmara 2023


Lecoq, J. C. 2008: 580
Jarrige, J. 1978: 267
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