Kamabrachys plana ( Kirkaldy, 1906 ), 2023

Constant, Jérôme, 2023, Revision of the Eurybrachidae (XVII). The new Australian genus Kamabrachys gen. nov. with ten new species (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha), European Journal of Taxonomy 895 (1), pp. 1-133 : 74-83

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Plazi (2023-10-03 09:16:24, last updated 2024-11-29 12:43:31)

scientific name

Kamabrachys plana ( Kirkaldy, 1906 )

gen. et comb. nov.

Kamabrachys plana ( Kirkaldy, 1906) gen. et comb. nov.

Figs 5B View Fig , 46–50 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig

Euronotobrachys plana Kirkaldy, 1906: 446 View in CoL [in key to species of Euronotobrachys Kirkaldy, 1906 View in CoL ], 447 [described, compared to Euronotobrachys arcuata Kirkaldy, 1906 View in CoL ], 315 [listed as new species of Issidae View in CoL from Australia – Kirkaldy treated the Eurybrachidae View in CoL as a subfamily of the Issidae View in CoL ].

Euronotobrachys plana View in CoL – Metcalf 1956: 58 [catalogued].

non Euronotobrachys plana View in CoL – Jacobi1928: 6 [recorded from Derby, Western Australia; misidentification!].


The species can be recognized by the following combination of characters:

(1) posterior margin of the lateroventral lobes of the pygofer (lvl) oblique and rather strongly sinuate in lateral view ( Fig. 48A View Fig ) and tapering towards the posterior in ventral view ( Fig. 48C View Fig ), inner margin of lobes straight, slightly oblique in ventral view ( Fig. 48C View Fig ), ventral margin narrowly rounded in caudal view ( Fig. 48E View Fig );

(2) posterior margin of laterodorsal process of gonostylus (ldg) strongly emarginate, leaving a widely open angle between laterodorsal process and ventral process of gonostylus (vp) in lateral view ( Fig. 48A View Fig );

(3) crest of furcate process of periandrium (cfp) only along distal portion and not merging basally ( Fig. 50D View Fig ), in lateral view, roundly tapering in distal portion ( Fig. 50E View Fig );

(4) laterodorsal process of periandrium (ldp) high in basal portion then strongly, angularly curved and ended in a hook-like acute point directed dorsad, short and not reaching half length of the lateroventral process (lvp) ( Fig. 50D–E View Fig );

(5) lateroventral process of periandrium (lvp) dorsoventrally flattened, falcate and weakly curved laterad with apical portion pointed and directed laterodorsad ( Fig. 50D–F View Fig );

(6) apicodorsal process of aedeagus (adp) strongly sinuate, rather wide and stocky distally with apical portion tapering, and shorter than apicoventral process (avp) ( Fig. 50A–C View Fig );

(7) posterior wing without whitish marking along sutural margin ( Fig. 46A View Fig ).

Material examined

Syntype AUSTRALIA • ♀ (examined from photographs); Cairns ; [Aug. 1904]; [16°55′12″ S, 145°46′48″ E]; “Cairns, Q., Austr. 8.1904.”, “ Euronoto - brachys plana ♀ 311. Holotype”; BPBM GoogleMaps .

Additional material

AUSTRALIA • 1 ♂; [Queensland], Cairns ; [16°55′12″ S, 145°46′48″ E]; MAMU GoogleMaps 2 ♂♂; [Queensland], Cairns District ; A.M. Lea leg.; SAM 1 ♂; [Queensland], Mareeba ; [16°59′ S, 145°25′ E]; 11 Jan. 1959; Meisters leg.; MVMA GoogleMaps .


Kirkaldy designated no holotypes and the specimens in BPBM with “ Holotype ” or “ Paratype ” labels are all syntypes: these labels were added when the Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Association collections were moved to BPBM (as explained by Medler 1987). As Kirkaldy didn’t state that he only had one specimen of E. plana , the female specimen above is recognised as a syntype in case a male specimen is uncovered in the BPBM collections later.


MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. LT: ♂ (n = 4): 9.91 mm (9.53–10.70); ♀ (n = 1): 10.50 mm; BV/LV: ♂ (n = 1): 3.74, ♀ (n = 1): 3.50; BF/LF: ♂ (n = 1): 1.45; LP+LM/BT: ♂ (n = 1): 0.80, ♀ (n = 1): 0.78; LM/ LP: ♂ (n = 1): 3.34, ♀ (n = 1): 3.49; LTg/BTg: ♂ (n = 1): 2.61; LW/BW: ♂ (n = 1): 1.62.

HEAD ( Figs 46A–D View Fig , 47A, C–D View Fig ). Slightly narrower than thorax. Vertex brown irregularly variegated with black; about 3.5–3.7 times as broad as long, concave with all margins slightly carinate; anterior and posterior margins rounded, nearly parallel. Frons brown very densely variegated with black, more densely black than vertex; paler along lateroventral margins, usually with a pale spot in middle, at level of half height of eyes and often with paler transverse band slightly above level of lateral projections of frons; dorsal angles marked with a small, yellow-brown subtriangular marking; about 1.45 times as broad as long, slightly convex, slightly rugulose with peridiscal carina slightly marked; upper margin of frons weakly rounded in perpendicular view of frons; lateral margin incurved above lateral projection of frons, straight or weakly rounded under the projection. Clypeus brown to reddish brown with median line and regular oblique lines on each side of postclypeus dark brown to black, anteclypeus brown with sides black along outer margin and with median pale reddish-brown line on carina; clypeus reaching mesocoxae, elongate, with median carina on anteclypeus prolongated with obsolete carina on postclypeus; base of clypeus rounded. Labium dark brown, reaching metacoxae, with apical segment as long as broad, acuminate, shorter and slightly more slender than penultimate. Genae yellow-brown with some irregular brown markings. Ocelli absent. Antennae brown, not surpassing eye, not visible from above; scape about as long as broad, pedicel subcylindrical, elongate, narrowing towards apex.

THORAX ( Figs 46A, C View Fig , 47A, D View Fig ). About 1.25–1.28 times as broad as combined length of pro- and mesonotum. Pronotum brown irregularly variegated with black, mostly like vertex; disc weakly wrinkled, carina parallel to anterior margin and 2 obsolete impressed points on disc usually included in a dark spot; slightly excavate behind middle portion of anterior margin; paranotal lobes brown. Mesonotum brown rather densely, irregularly variegated with black, generally darker than pronotum; disc weakly wrinkled, median and peridiscal carinae weakly marked; median carina stopped before scutellum. Tegulae bicolour with ventral half black and dorsal half pale brown.

TEGMINA ( Figs 46A, C View Fig , 47A, D View Fig ). Pale brown irregularly variegated with dark brown to black markings, slightly paler after nodal line; distal portion darker sometimes with very small white apical spot extending on 2–3 cells; anteapical transverse white line, sometimes interrupted, broader along costal margin; black squarish marking in middle of clavus; darker area along costal margin before nodal line, followed by smaller pale area. Flat, elongate, about 2.6 times as long as broad; costal margin weakly rounded along basal fifth, then straight or very weakly rounded to nodal line; apex rounded.

VENATION. Veins ScP+RA and RP separated close to base; first fork of MP very basal, at the level of ScP+RA–RP separation; first fork of CuA slightly before apex of clavus; clavus closed; Pcu and A1 fused at about ¾ of clavus length; Pcu+A1 reaching apical angle of clavus; numerous cells along posterior half of costal margin; numerous cross-veins on apical third delimitating small elongate cells.

POSTERIOR WINGS ( Fig. 46A View Fig ). Basal half yellowish narrowly marked with red basally, distal portion dark brown extending in a rather broad brown band along posterior margin; anal lobe grey-brown. Well developed, as broad as tegmina, about 1.6 times as long as broad, rounded apically; anal area well developed; sutural margin weakly trilobous; not reaching apex of tegmina at rest. All main veins visible from base, forked at or after nodal line and forming a few closed cells; few transverse veinlets delimiting elongate cells on apical ¼; veins A1 and A2 sometimes with 2 terminals.

LEGS ( Figs 46A–D View Fig , 47C–D View Fig ). Pro- and mesofemora brown to reddish brown variegated with dark brown to black, more strongly so towards apex; pro- and mesotibiae ventrally brown to reddish brown variegated with dark brown to black, dorsum of protibiae uniformly dark reddish brown to blackish brown, dorsum of mesotibiae slightly paler; pro- and mesotarsi paler than corresponding tibia but darker, brownish black, apically; metafemora pale reddish brown to pale brown basally, turning darker towards apex, metatibiae and tarsi coloured as apex of femora, with apex of tibial and tarsal spines darker. Pro- and mesofemora and tibiae dorsoventrally flattened, elongate and slender; metatibiae with 3 lateral and 10 apical spines; first metatarsomere ventrally with grey pad of microsetae at internoapical angle and two rows of 5 spines. Metatibiotarsal formula: (3) 10/4/0.

MALE TERMINALIA ( Figs 48–50 View Fig View Fig View Fig ). Pygofer (Py) rather short, as high as long and oblique in lateral view, abruptly and strongly narrowing in uppermost portion in lateral view ( Fig. 48A View Fig ), about 2.3 times as wide as high in caudal view ( Fig. 48E View Fig ); basal apodeme (bap) rather elongate, well developed and sclerotized, sinuate in dorsal view ( Fig. 48A–C View Fig ); dorsal portion narrow ( Fig. 48A–B View Fig ); lateroventral lobe (lvl) projecting posterolaterally and rounded but tapering towards the anterior and posterior in dorsal view, more strongly posteriorly ( Fig. 48B View Fig ); in ventral view, tapering and moderately narrowly rounded anteriorly, more strongly tapering and narrowly rounded posteriorly, rather broadly, rather regularly rounded laterally, inner margin straight, somewhat oblique ( Fig. 48C View Fig ); in lateral view mostly obliquely truncate posteriorly, with posterior margin rather strongly, angularly sinuate and ventral ⅓ strongly projecting posterad and forming a slightly acute angle narrowly rounded apically, anteroventral angle more or less angularly rounded, rather weakly projecting cephalad, ventral margin more or less straight in middle portion ( Fig. 48A View Fig ); ventral portion of pygofer separated from lateroventral lobe by a well-marked, rather deep depression ( Fig. 48C, E View Fig ); ventral lamina (vlp) about 3.0 times as broad as long with anterior and posterior margins subparallel in ventral view, posterior margin nearly straight with posterolateral angles rounded and moderately projecting posterad ( Fig. 48C View Fig ). Anal tube (An) about 1.1 times as broad as long, dorsoventrally flattened ( Fig. 48A View Fig ), margins more strongly rounded in basal and distal portions, less strongly so in middle portion of lateral margins, apex truncate, not or very weakly indentate ( Fig. 48B View Fig ); paraprocts (pa) at basal ¼, well developed. Gonostyli (G) 1.35 times as broad as long in ventral view ( Fig. 48C View Fig ); ventral process (vp) in ventral view subtriangular, rather short with lateral margin sinuate, then rounded apically ( Fig. 48C View Fig ); laterodorsal process (ldg) not visible in ventral view ( Fig. 48C View Fig ), strongly, angularly sinuate in caudal view with mediolateral angle (mla) very strongly marked as a fold ( Fig. 48E View Fig ), mediolateral angle weakly projecting laterally ( Fig. 48A, D View Fig ), posterior margin emarginate, nearly N-shaped in lateral view ( Fig. 48A View Fig ); dorsal hook (dhg) mostly oblique in lateral view, with anterior margin concave distally and posterior margin somewhat angularly truncate near apex ( Fig. 48A View Fig ), apically curved anterolaterad in dorsal view ( Fig. 48B View Fig ), projecting more or less dorsolaterad in caudal view ( Fig. 48E View Fig ). Connective (cv) strongly developed, about 1.5 times as long as aedeagus s. lat., with anterior pair of lateral apodemes forming a broad lateral lamina directed posterolaterad and rounded apically; posterior pair of apodemes ribbon-like, well developed laterally and sinuate ( Fig. 49A–D View Fig ). Aedeagus s. lat. rather strongly upcurved with periandrium reaching more or less level of apex of aedeagus s. str. posteriorly ( Fig. 49E–I View Fig ). Aedeagus s. str. ( Fig. 50A–C View Fig ) with apical processes about 6.7 times as long as broad at mid-length; apicoventral process (avp) smoothly tapering towards the posterior and narrowly rounded apically; apicodorsal process (adp) in dorsal view ( Fig. 50A View Fig ) rather strongly sinuate, strongly inflated, with lateral margin emarginate before apex and apical portion triangular, rather acutely pointed; shorter than apicoventral process. Dorsal periandrium ( Fig. 50D–F View Fig ) with laterodorsal processes (ldp) short, laterally flattened, directed posterad in dorsal view, high in basal portion then strongly, angularly curved and ended in a hook-like acute point directed dorsad; lateroventral processes (lvp) dorsoventrally flattened, falcate, broadening from base to first ± / 5, gently tapering in distal portion, then shortly before acutely pointed apex, rather strongly curved laterodorsad, projecting well beyond laterodorsal processes; basomedian processes (bmp) apically obliquely blunt in dorsal view and with sides parallel in ventral view; median furcate process (mfp) with furca slightly shorter than shaft ( Fig. 49I View Fig ) and strongly upcurved in lateral view ( Fig. 50E View Fig ), dorsal crest (cfp) on most length of arms of furca, slightly reflexed laterad in dorsal view ( Fig. 50D, I View Fig ), crest abruptly broadening basally with basal emargination then rounded and tapering in distal half towards slightly pointed apex and with dorsal margin slightly irregular in lateral view ( Fig. 50E View Fig ), inner and outer lateral walls of furca slightly granulose ( Fig. 50D View Fig ).

SEXUAL DIMORPHISM. Female about 6% larger than male.

Distribution and biology

The species is currently recorded from two nearby locations in northeastern Queensland, Cairns and Mareeba ( Fig. 5B View Fig ). Bioregions: Wet Tropics and Einasleigh Uplands.

The species lives in a densely populated area, the last record dates back to 1959 and host plants remain undocumented.

Host plant unknown.

Jacobi A. 1928. Results of Dr E. Mjoberg's Swedish Scientific Expeditions to Australia 1910 - 1913. Rhynchota Homoptera. 1. Fulgoridae und Cercopidae. Arkiv for Zoologi 19 A (28): 1 - 50.

Kirkaldy G. W. 1906. Leafhoppers and their natural enemies. Bulletin of the Hawaiian Sugar Plant Association Division of Entomology 1 (9): 271 - 479.

Medler J. T. 1987. Types of Flatidae (Homoptera) XI. Taxonomic notes on Kirkaldy types in the Bishop Museum, with illustrations of the genitalia of male lectotypes. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 27: 115 - 125.

Metcalf Z. P. 1956. General Catalogue of the Homoptera. Fascicle IV Fulgoroidea. Part 18 Eurybrachidae and Gengidae. North Carolina State College, Raleigh, USA. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 6822

Gallery Image

Fig. 5. Kamabrachys spp., distribution maps.A. K. andersoni gen. etsp. nov.,K. brennani gen. et sp. nov., K. campbelli gen. et sp. nov., K. danielsi gen. et sp. nov., K. falcata gen. et sp. nov., K. pedemontana gen. et sp. nov. B. K. fasciata gen. et sp. nov., K. plana (Kirkaldy, 1906) gen. et comb. nov., K. rieki gen. et sp. nov., K. signata (Distant, 1892) gen. et comb. nov., K. v-carinatum gen. et sp. nov., K. waineri gen. et sp. nov., K. sp.

Gallery Image

Fig. 46. Kamabrachys plana (Kirkaldy, 1906) gen. et comb. nov., ♂ from Cairns (MAMU). A. Habitus, dorsal view. B. Habitus, ventral view. C. Habitus, lateral view. D. Habitus, perpendicular view of frons.

Gallery Image

Fig. 47. Kamabrachys plana (Kirkaldy, 1906) gen. et comb. nov., syntype, ♀ (BPBM). A. Habitus, dorsal view. B. Labels. C. Habitus, frontal view. D. Habitus, lateral view. Photographs by J. Boone.

Gallery Image

Fig. 48. Kamabrachys plana (Kirkaldy, 1906) gen. et comb. nov., ♂ from Mareeba (MVMA), terminalia: pygofer, anal tube and gonostyli. A. Left lateral view. B. Dorsal view. C. Ventral view. D. Left posterolateral view. E. Caudal view.

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Fig. 49. Kamabrachys plana (Kirkaldy, 1906) gen. et comb. nov., ♂ from Mareeba (MVMA), genitalia. A–D. Aedeagus s. lat. and connective. A. Left lateral view. B. Dorsal view. C. Left laterodorsal view. D. Ventral view. E–I. Aedeagus s. lat., detail. E. Lateral view. F. Left laterodorsal view. G. Dorsal view. H. Ventral view. I. Anterodorsal view.

Gallery Image

Fig. 50. Kamabrachys plana (Kirkaldy, 1906) gen. et comb. nov., ♂ from Mareeba (MVMA), genitalia. A–C. Aedeagus s. str. A. Dorsal view. B. Left lateral view. C. Ventral view. D–F. Dorsal periandrium. D. Dorsal view. E. Left lateral view. F. Ventral view.


Australia, New South Wales, Sydney, University of Sydney, Macleay Museum


Australia, South Australia, Adelaide, South Australian Museum


Australia, Victoria, Abbotsford, Museum of Victoria


Bishop Museum


University of Sydney, Macleay Museum


South African Museum











