Garcinia ochracea Nazre, 2018

Nazre, M., Newman, M. F., Pennington, R. T. & Middleton, D. J., 2018, Taxonomic Revision of Garcinia Section Garcinia (Clusiaceae), Phytotaxa 373 (1), pp. 1-52 : 37

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Felipe (2024-09-07 03:08:42, last updated 2024-09-07 07:08:14)

scientific name

Garcinia ochracea Nazre

sp. nov.

9. Garcinia ochracea Nazre View in CoL , sp. nov.

Garciniae diospyrifoliae similis sed stigmate in fructu complanato haud lobato differt.

Type:— PAPUA NEW GUINEA, Amanab West Sepik, 25 November 1971, Streimann & Martin LAE 52886 (Holotype: E!). [ Figure 16 View FIGURE 16 ].

Small tree to 6 m tall, slender. Bole: no information. Exudate: no information. Twigs slender, round to angled, longitudinally striate when dry; reddish brown or brownish yellow. Petiole finely transversely striate, darker colour than twigs, 0.5–0.75 cm long. Lamina thinly leathery, pale grey-brown or brownish to yellowish, darker and shiny above, slightly glaucous or opaque yellowish below, elliptic, 6–9.5 × 2.1–5.3 cm, apex acute and blunt, sometimes blunt-acuminate, base acute to cuneate; midrib yellowish, raised above, flattened or weakly raised below; margin entire and finely revolute; secondary veins inconspicuous on both sides, fine, brochidodromous, closely arranged; tertiary veins invisible. Glands faint to invisible, fine, closely arranged in dark grey-black, interrupted, wavy lines, running across the secondary veins, nearly parallel to midrib. Inflorescences terminal, 1–2-flowered, female flowers always solitary; bracts not found. Male flowers with 4 sepals and petals, leathery, outer usually thicker; pedicel 6 mm long; sepals ovate or orbiculate, to 6 mm across; petals red turning maroon when dry, oblanceolate or obovate, to 10 mm long; stamens yellow, in a mass, weakly 4-lobed, central bundle surrounding the pistillode; pistillode fungiform; anthers 2-thecous with a short filament. Female flowers not seen. Fruit globose, cream turning red, reddish or maroonbrown to brownish when dry, wall smooth, 1.8–2.3 × 1.8–2.1 cm, tipped with a black stigma, sessile, flattened on the surface but slightly sunken in the middle, margin weakly crenate, to 7 mm across; with thick leathery prominent sepals; seed unknown.

Distribution and Habitat:—Lowland forest in New Guinea, endemic.

Taxonomic Notes:—The fruits resemble G. diospyrifolia and G. nitida but the stigma is rather flat and without lobes. There are also vegetative characters that can differentiate the species: the leaf with faint and nearly invisible venation on the lower surface, and the glandular lines almost invisible.

Additional specimen examined:— PAPUA NEW GUINEA: West Sepik: Amanab, Imonda Patrol post, 25 November 1971, Streimann & Martin LAE52890 (E!).

Gallery Image

FIGURE 16. Garcinia ochracea Nazre. A. habit (male); B. male flower; C, E. fruits and stigma; D. glandular lines [(A, B: Streimann & Martin 52886, E); (C, D, E: Streimann & Martin 52890, E)]. Drawn by Anna Dorward.