Neoperla bituberculata Du, 2000

Zeng, Liang-Liang, Huo, Qing-Bo & Du, Yu-Zhou, 2024, Redescription of two species of Neoperla Needham, 1905 (Plecoptera, Perlidae) and new distribution records of Neoperla mnong Stark, 1987 in China, Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. e 127089-e 127089 : e127089-

publication ID 10.3897/BDJ.12.e127089

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Biodiversity Data Journal by Pensoft

scientific name

Neoperla bituberculata Du, 2000


Neoperla bituberculata Du, 2000 View in CoL

Neoperla bituberculata Du, 2000: 1. View in CoL


Type status: Holotype. Occurrence: recordedBy: Du Yu-Zhou; individualCount: 1; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; Taxon: scientificName: Neoperla bituberculata Du, 2000 ; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Plecoptera ; family: Perlidae ; genus: Neoperla ; Location: country: China; countryCode: CN; stateProvince: Guizhou Province; county: Libo; locality: Maolan National Nature Reserve, Sancha River. ; Identification: identifiedBy: Du Yu-Zhou, Huo Qing-Bo, Zeng Liang-Liang; Event: year: 1994; month: 7; day: 8; Record Level: language: en; institutionID: ICYZU

Type status: Paratype. Occurrence: recordedBy: Du Yu-Zhou; individualCount: 1; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; Taxon: scientificName: Neoperla bituberculata Du, 2000 ; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Plecoptera ; family: Perlidae ; genus: Neoperla ; Location: country: China; countryCode: CN; stateProvince: Guizhou Province; county: Libo; locality: Maolan National Nature Reserve, Sancha River. ; Identification: identifiedBy: Du Yu-Zhou, Huo Qing-Bo, Zeng Liang-Liang; Event: year: 1994; month: 7; day: 8; Record Level: language: en; institutionID: ICYZU


Adult habitus: General body colour brown. Head mostly yellowish-brown, with a black marking covering an ocellar triangle; Compound eyes black; Pronotum disc brown, mid-line darker, margins pale (Fig. 4 View Figure 4 A).

Male: The anterior edge of tergite 7 is concave in the middle and forms a " Y " - shape with one projecting sclerite. In the posterior part of the tergite, there is a raised process that slightly bifurcates to form a median ridge covered by many small sensilla basiconica. Tergite 8 has a tongue-shaped upcurved process, with many sensilla basiconica at the distal margin. Hemitergal processes of tergite 10 sclerotis z ed and finger-like, a subapical protrusion is present (Fig. 4 View Figure 4 B – C).

Penis base well sclerotised and its dorsal surface near the tip has small spines (Fig. 5 View Figure 5 ). The everted endophallus curves ventrally, with a tube-like inner sclerite apically. The entire endophallus is densely covered with slender golden-brown spines.


China (Guizhou).

Taxon discussion

This species is similar to Neoperla infuscata Wu, 1935 , but their everted endophallus are quite different. In N. bituberculata , there are many golden-brown spines on the endophallus, while in N. infuscata , the endophallus bears only a few small spines. In addition, the tergite 7 of the N. bituberculata has two small lobes, which is also used for the etymology for this species.














Neoperla bituberculata Du, 2000

Zeng, Liang-Liang, Huo, Qing-Bo & Du, Yu-Zhou 2024

Neoperla bituberculata

Du Y. Z. 2000: 1