Pachyrhynchus moniliferus ssp. chevrolati, Eydoux & Souleyet, 1839

Rukmane, Anita, 2018, To The Knowledge Of Pachyrhynchus Moniliferus Germar, 1824 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Species Distribution And Biogeography With Description Of Two New Subspecies From Philippines, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 18 (2), pp. 233-242 : 238

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12648765

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scientific name

Pachyrhynchus moniliferus ssp. chevrolati


Pachyrhynchus moniliferus ssp. chevrolati View in CoL

Eydoux & Souleyet, 1839 ( Fig. 5A, B View Fig )

= Pachyrhynchus concinnus Waterhouse, 1841 = Pachyrhynchus chlorolineatus Waterhouse, 1841

= Pachyrhynchus mandarinus Chevrolat, 1841 Material examined: Philippines, 101 spec. ( MNHN); Luzon Island, 36 spec. ( SNTD); Aurora, III. 2012, 1 spec., VIII. 2013, 1 spec., VIII. 2014, 2 spec. ( DUBC); Dingalan , XI. 2015, 1 spec., IX. 2016, 3 spec. ( DUBC); Isabela , VII. 2013, 1 spec. ( DUBC); Labuyo , XI. 2014, 1 spec. ( DUBC); Quirino , VIII. 2013, 2 spec., IV. 2014, 1 spec., V. 2015, 1 spec. ( DUBC) .

SpecimensfromBNHMmarkedas Pachyrhynchus moniliferus var. chlorolineatus belong to these subspecies.

Specimens examined: 151 specimens.

Distribution: Philippines, Luzon Island ( Fig. 2 View Fig ).


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle

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