Spilomena capatrata, 2021

Bashir, Nawaz Haider, Ma, Li & Li, Qiang, 2021, Taxonomic study of Spilomena (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) with a new species and five new records from China, Zoologia (e 55803) 38, pp. 1-7 : 2-4

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/zoologia.38.e55803

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scientific name

Spilomena capatrata


Key to Chinese species of Spilomena Shuckard View in CoL

1 Female (tergum 6, frons and/or clypeus without white or yellow marks) ( Figs 1, 6)................................................... 2

1’ Male (tergum 7, frons and/or clypeus with white or yellow marks) ( Turillazzi et al. 2014: fig. 5)........................ 12

2 Anterior groove of scutellum not crenulate (just like a simple line)....................................................................... 3

2’ Anterior groove of scutellum crenulate ( Fig. 3)............... 6

3 Metanotum distinctly coriaceous; pygidial area long (longer than wide), with lateral carinae ( Ma et al. 2018: fig. 60F); palpi fulvous; clypeus dark brown...................... ........................................................ S. menkei Bohart, 1995 View in CoL

3’ Metanotum slightly coriaceous ( Fig. 4); pygidial area inconspicuous or short (wider than long), without lateral carinae; palpi dark brown; clypeus black......................... 4

4. S2 without groove; midtibial spur relatively short (less than midocellus diameter); propodeal enclosure carina complete; vertex behind ocelli coarsely and transversely coriaceous, with dense and coarse punctures; outer tooth of mandible acute, inner tooth blunt................................ ...................................................... S. beata Blüthgen, 1953 View in CoL

4’. S2 with narrow transverse groove ( Fig. 8); midtibial spur long (longer than or equal to midocellus diameter); propodeal enclosure carina incomplete or lacking; vertex behind ocelli distinctly coriaceous mixed with sparse and fine punctures; both teeth of mandible blunt................. 5

5. Pygidial area inconspicuous; S2 deeply impressed, divided into two parts ( Fig. 8); metapleuron with sparse and fine punctures; mesopleuron dull, with distinctly longitudinal microsculptures and dense, short longitudinal rugae posteriorly; mesoscutum without rugae on posterior area; head from above with temples distinctly convergent posteriorly ( Bohart and Smith 1995: fig. 14)...... S. clypei Li & He, 1998 View in CoL

5’. Pygidial area short (wider than long); S2 shallowly impressed, inconspicuously divided; metapleuron smooth; mesopleuron shiny with sparse and fine punctures and dense, long longitudinal rugae on lower area; mesoscutum with sparse, sturdy and long longitudinal rugae posteriorly; head from above with temples roundly convergent posteriorly ............... S. punctatissima Blüthgen, 1953 View in CoL

6. Propodeal enclosure poorly defined with carina developed or inconspicuous ( Fig. 4)......................................... 7

6’. Propodeal enclosure well-defined with carina, sturdy and slender, incomplete or complete...................................... 9

7. Lower propodeal side reticulate ( Fig. 5); pygidial area inconspicuous; mesoscutum posteriorly without rugae ( Fig. 3)................................... S. capatrata Bashir & Ma , sp. nov.

7’. Lower propodeal side with transverse short rugae; pygidial area narrow, dull and long (longer than wide), with distinct lateral carinae; mesoscutum posteriorly with short longitudinal rugae ( Vikberg 2000: figs 1, 2) .................... 8

8. Propodeum with conspicuous rugae posteriorly ( Ma et al. 2018: fig. 60D); clypeus with dense and slender longitudinal rugae on basal and medial area ( Ma et al. 2018: fig. 60A); ocellar area and upper frons with sparse punctures; T1 with narrow deep groove and a broad shallow depression basally; metapleuron dull........ S. clyperugata Ma & Li, 2018

8’. Propodeum reticulate posteriorly; clypeus without rugae; ocellar area and upper frons with dense punctures; T1 with broad median groove, and sturdy, irregular, longitudinal rugae basally; metapleuron shiny............................. ............................................ S. rhytithoracica Li & He, 1998 View in CoL

9. Propodeal enclosure triangular; propodeal side posterior with several sturdy and short longitudinal rugae; gaster fulvous to dark brown; lower frons dark brown................ ................................................... S. ferrugina Li & He, 1999

9’. Propodeal enclosure U-shaped ( Ma et al. 2018: fig. 60D); propodeal side posterior with irregular reticulation or oblique longitudinal rugae; gaster black; lower frons black ............................................................................... 10

10. Propodeal enclosure carina conspicuous and complete; mesoscutum distinctly coriaceous; head from above with temples rarely convergent posteriorly ( Bohart and Smith 1995: fig. 15); gena distinctly coriaceous, with coarse punctures; palpi, scape, and pedicel dark brown .............. .................................................... S. valkeilai Vikberg, 2000 View in CoL

10’. Propodeal enclosure carina slender and incomplete; mesoscutum coarsely coriaceous; head from above with temples distinctly or roundly convergent posteriorly ( Bohart and Smith 1995: figs 9, 14); gena slightly coriaceous, with fine punctures or not punctate; palpi, scape, and pedicel fulvous, yellowish or ivory white...................... 11

11. Posterior propodeal side with irregular reticulation; propodeum with irregular reticulation; metapleuron with sparse and fine punctures; mesoscutum with sparse or dense, slender and short longitudinal rugae posteriorly ( Vikberg 2000: figs 1, 2); mandibular teeth blunt ............. ............................................... S. zhejiangana Li & He, 1998 View in CoL

11’. Posterior propodeal side with slender and oblique longitudinal or in some cases inconspicuous rugae; propodeum with sturdy, longitudinal rugae; metapleuron smooth; mesoscutum without rugae posteriorly ( Fig. 3); outer tooth of mandible acute, inner tooth blunt...................... .............................................. S. formosana ( Tsuneki, 1971) View in CoL

12. Scutellum anterior groove not crenulate (just like a simple line); posterior area of scutum without rugae ( Fig. 3); head from above with temples distinctly convergent posteriorly ( Bohart and Smith 1995: fig. 14) ................................... .............................................. S. formosana ( Tsuneki, 1971) View in CoL

12’. Scutellum anterior groove crenulate ( Fig. 3); posterior area of scutum with sparse or dense, slender and short longitudinal rugae ( Vikberg 2000: figs 1, 2); head from above with temples roundly convergent posteriorly ( Fig. 1)..................................................................................... 13

13. S2 deeply impressed, divided into two distinct parts ( Fig. 8); posterior propodeal side with irregular reticulation; metapleuron with fine and sparse punctures; body black; clypeus black; lower frons with small ivory white spot apicolaterally (diameter less than 0.5 mm) ............................ ............................................... S. zhejiangana Li & He, 1998 View in CoL

13’. S2 shallowly impressed, poorly divided; posterior propodeal side with longitudinal rugae; metapleuron smooth or with strong, transverse and long carina; body dark brown; clypeus ivory white; lower frons with large ivory spot apicolaterally (diameter more than 0.5 mm) ..................... 14

14. Metapleuron with strong, transverse and long carina; metanotum slightly coriaceous, without striations laterally; upper frons with sparse and coarse punctures; lower and median frons with conspicuous frontal carina, extending up to clypeal line; yellowish setae on clypeus and mandible; tegula fulvous ..................... S. ferrugina Li & He, 1999

14’. Metapleuron smooth; metanotum distinctly coriaceous, with longitudinal striations laterally; upper frons not punctate; lower and median frons without median carina; silvery setae on clypeus and mandible; tegula reddish-brown to dark brown ......... S. hainesi N. Smith, 1995 View in CoL













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