
Papp, L., 2005, Some Acalyptrate Flies (Diptera) From Taiwan, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51 (3), pp. 187-213 : 198-200

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586328

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Platystomatidae View in CoL View at ENA

This is a speciouse family in the Oriental region, including Taiwan. LIN & CHEN (1999) listed 28 species from Taiwan, but Rivellia basilaris (WIEDEMANN) was erroneously left out from their list.

Our Platystomatidae material is numerous from Taiwan indeed, but I am not a specialist for this family. So below I give only a list of the species (altogether 19) represented in the HNHM. I mention only the number of the type specimens, number of the specimens identified by KÁLMÁN KERTÉSZ, and that of the recently collected material (we captured 29 specimens in 2000, and three specimens in 2003, i.e. the latter material is not significant.) .

Much to my regret, I have to note that there are labels written in Hungarian with the Rivellia specimens (with all species), which were on loan to a Japanese dipterist, saying “Az anyagot összetörve küldte vissza Hara” [The material was sent back by HARA broken into pieces]. That was not a result of shipping or postal disaster, but that of a particular way of handling museum specimens. First he broke down the head, legs, wings and abdomen of the specimens (indeed, we can find only the thorax on the pin), then he prepared the parts, and finally he put everything into a plastic microvial with a special glue, which has already been petrified by now. In cases when any parts were left out of vial by chance, he simply glued them to the outer surface of the microvial.

Elassogaster aerea HENDEL, 1914 – 4 syntypes, recently collected material: 1 male, 1 female: County Kaohsiung, 700 m, Liu-Kuei, Shan Ping Forest   GoogleMaps Res. Stat., 22°58’16” N, 120°41’15” E, 14–15. IV. 1997, leg. L. PEREGOVITS & A. KUN.

Elassogaster quadrimaculata HENDEL, 1914: 2 syntypes, recently collected material: 1 male, 1 female: Taipei, Nanshih Chiao , Han-Lo-Da, S of Taipei, 450 m, rocky forest undergrowth, October 10, 2000, leg. L. PAPP & L. RONKAY, No. 21.

Elassogaster linearis (WALKER, 1849) : det. KERTÉSZ as E. sepsoides Walk. : 15 specimens, most of them with another label “unimaculatus” det. F. HENDEL.

Euprosopia longifacies HENDEL, 1914 : det. KERTÉSZ: 2 ex.

Euthyplatystoma sauteri HENDEL, 1914: 20 View in CoL syntypes; det. KERTÉSZ: 15 specimens; recently collected material: 26 specimens, which seem to be more than a single species.

Loxonevra formosae (KERTÉSZ, 1909) : 21 syntypes; det. KERTÉSZ: 43 specimens; 1 female : Kaohsiung Hsien, Liukuei, Shan-Ping LTER Site , creek valley, No. 13, Mar 31–Apr 1, 2003, L. PAPP & M. FÖLDVÁRI .

Naupoda contracta HENDEL, 1914: 2 syntypes; det. KERTÉSZ: 5 specimens; 1 male: Kaohsiung county, Shanping Forest Recreation Area, near Liukuei   GoogleMaps , 22°58’16” N, 120°41’15” E, 700–800m, 19–21. XI. 2002, leg L. RONKAY & O. MERKL.

Plagiosternopterina aenea (WIEDEMANN, 1819) : det. KERTÉSZ: 18 specimens, some of them also with label “aenea W.” det F. HENDEL.

Plagiosternopterina enderleini HENDEL, 1914: 24 specimens, without identification labels,? identified by Á. SOÓS.

Plagiosternopterina formosana HENDEL, 1913: 7 syntypes; det. KERTÉSZ: 42 specimens.

Pterogenia eurysterna HENDEL, 1914: 12 View in CoL syntypes; det. KERTÉSZ: 83 specimens.

Pterogenia hologaster HENDEL, 1914: 5 View in CoL syntypes; det, KERTÉSZ: 36 specimens.

Rhytidortalis cribrata HENDEL, 1914: 5 View in CoL syntypes [smashed; with the “Az anyagot összetörve…” label]; det. KERTÉSZ: 42 specimens.

Rivellia basilaris (WIEDEMANN, 1830) View in CoL : det. KERTÉSZ: 66 specimens; det. F. HENDEL: 2 specimens.

Rivellia confusa HARA, 1993 : holotype male, 1 paratype, both smashed as usual for HARA’ s specimens.

Rivellia fusca (THOMSON, 1869) : det. KERTÉSZ: 3 specimens.

Rivellia sauteri HENDEL, 1914 : The only type female: Takao 1907. XI. 18. – “Sauteri H.” [red] “ typus ”, det. F. HENDEL.

Trigonosoma tropida (HENDEL, 1914) : 3 syntypes; det. KERTÉSZ: 150 specimens.

Xenaspis formosae HENDEL, 1914: 4 View in CoL syntypes; det. KERTÉSZ: 143 specimens.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)













Papp, L. 2005

Euthyplatystoma sauteri

HENDEL 1914: 20

Plagiosternopterina enderleini

HENDEL 1914: 24

Pterogenia eurysterna

HENDEL 1914: 12

Pterogenia hologaster

HENDEL 1914: 5

Rhytidortalis cribrata

HENDEL 1914: 5

Xenaspis formosae

HENDEL 1914: 4

Plagiosternopterina formosana

HENDEL 1913: 7
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