Campichoeta (Campichoeta) spinicauda, Papp, 2005

Papp, L., 2005, Some Acalyptrate Flies (Diptera) From Taiwan, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51 (3), pp. 187-213 : 209-211

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586328


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scientific name

Campichoeta (Campichoeta) spinicauda

sp. nov.

Campichoeta (Campichoeta) spinicauda View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 23–25 View Figs 21–26 )

Holotype male ( HNHM): TAIWAN: Taipei Hsien, Fu-Shan LTER Site , lake shore, March 25, 2003, No. 3 – a meadow & dry bed of a creek, leg. M. FÖLDVÁRI.

Paratypes: 1 female ( HNHM): ibid., Kaohsiung Hsien, Liukuei, Shan-Ping LTER Site , over/along a creek, April 2, 2003, No. 18, leg. M. FÖLDVÁRI ; 1 male ( NMNS, glued on tip of a point label, damaged, head and wings broken down and glued to label below minuten, gen. prep. in a plastic microvial with glycerol): Taiwan Nantou, Hsini Tungpu 1/II/1989, K. W. HUANG, Sweeping net – 431–482 [ NMNS id. label] .

Description – Measurements in mm: body length 2.86 (holotype), 2.65, 3.30 (paratypes), wing length 2.62 (holotype), 2.45, 2.86 (paratypes), wing breadth 0.90, 0.88, 0.98. Dark graphite grey with thick brownish grey microtomentum (head, thorax, abdomen).

Cephalic setae as in C. obscuripennis : a more laterally placed proclinate pair of frontoorbitals, a large reclinate ors just behind and medially to the proclinate one and a third short thin reclinate ors anteriorly and medially to the proclinate ors. Ocellars, inner and outer verticals very long, postocellars long (0.22 mm), cruciate. Frons with some small setae behind lunule. Vibrissae comparatively short but thick. Gena only 0.025 mm broad, 5–6 thin, 0.065–0.07 mm long peristomals present. Subgenal seta thin, 0.11 mm long. Antenna and arista black. First flagellomere 0.31 mm long (measured dorsally), 0.12 mm broad, covered by 0.02 mm long cilia, longest (dorsal) aristal cilia 0.025 mm.

Mesonotum moderately humped. Thoracic setae: 1 pprn, 2 np, 1 large prst, 0+2 dc, 1 large prealar, 1 sa, 1 smaller pa, 1 prsc, 2 sc; 1 dorsal and 1 ventral large kepst.

mm for Figs 25–26 View Figs 21–26 , 0.1 mm for Figs 21–24 View Figs 21–26

Wing uniformly dark brown, veins even darker (almost black). Longest costal setae distally to H (mg1) 0.07 mm, 0.055 mm on mg2, the longer seta at break 0.11 mm. M vein sections 0.715, 0.97, ratio 1.35. Terminal section of Cu 0.33 mm. Anal cell very small. Anal (A1) and axial (A2) veins present as shadows of veins only. Squamal cilia black. Halteres greyish yellow.

Legs mainly yellow; coxae and femora (except yellow apical 1/5) greyish brown. Fore femur posteroventrally with 7 (paratype: 8) peg-like black thornlets. Fore coxa with 2 long ventrally curved and some other shorter setae. Mid femur with a row of long anterior setae. Preapicals on tibiae comparatively weak, ventroapical of mid tibia 0.16 mm long.

Sternites ( Fig. 25 View Figs 21–26 ) similar to those of C. obscuripennis ( Fig. 26 View Figs 21–26 ), i.e. long and narrow but with distinctly fewer setae: sternite 4 with 12 (vs 20), sternite 5 with 14 (vs 22) setae. The holotype male with 4, the paratype male with 6 long setae on tergite 7 (medial pair of the paratype must be weaker, judged by the setal bases).

Male surstylus reduced, or rather, fused to epandrium as its ventromedial lobe ( Figs 21, 23 View Figs 21–26 ). This is one of the main distinctive features of the nominate subgenus (males of the subgenus Thryptocheta Rondani have true surstyli). Surstylar lobe ( Fig. 23 View Figs 21–26 ) more slender, distinctly less broad than in C. obscuripennis ( Fig. 21 View Figs 21–26 ), and with less setae. Gonopod ( Fig. 24 View Figs 21–26 ) long and slender as in obscuripennis ( Fig. 22 View Figs 21–26 ) but definitely different (when seen in its broadest extension).

Female cerci short, hidden under tergite 7 and tergite 8, with short thin setae only.

Remarks – This new species does not only belong to the C. obscuripennis group (i.e. to the nominate subgenus Campichoeta ), also its closest relative is C. obscuripennis (MEIGEN, 1830) . The new species is different from C. obscuripennis by the number of setae on abdominal sternites and by the details of the male genitalia (see above and in figures). OKADA (1966) reported C. obscuripennis from Nepal. Now I question the identity of that Nepalese species.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


National Museum of Natural Science













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