Chamaemyia taiwanensis, Papp, 2005

Papp, L., 2005, Some Acalyptrate Flies (Diptera) From Taiwan, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51 (3), pp. 187-213 : 205-206

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586328


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Chamaemyia taiwanensis

sp. nov.

Chamaemyia taiwanensis View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 13– 17 View Figs 13–17 )

Holotype male ( NMNS, glued on a point label, left flagellomeres, hind right tarsomeres 2–5 lost)): Taiwan Nantou, Ho Huan Shan , 26/VII/1990, W. C. CHUANG, Sweeping net – NMNS-ENT 639–52 .

Paratypes: 7 males 1 female ( NMNS, 2 males in the HNHM): same locality and data as for the holotype, except for the NMNS id. labels, as follows: male: –72 (minuten-pinned, left flagellomeres and right arista lost, HNHM); male: –71 (cephalic and mesonotal setae broken); male: –29 (minuten-pinned, right arista and some of the macrosetae broken off); male: –11 (damaged, apical half of right wing broken, as well as cephalic and mesonotal setae broken off); male: – 62 (minuten-pinned, antennae and apical half of left wing lost); male: –78 (damaged, right flagellomeres lost, tip of right wing lost, etc.); male: –20 (severely damaged, 2/3 of wings lost, etc.); female: –13 0.2 mm for all

(flagellomeres lost, left bring broken). 1 female ( HNHM): Taiwan Nantou Prov., Hohuanshan Exp. Stat., 24° 09’ N, 121° 17’ E, 3100 m, No: 94, 27 September 1999, leg. G. CSORBA GoogleMaps .

Description – Measurements in mm: body length 2.75 (holotype), 2.55–2.80 (paratypes), wing length 2.66 (holotype), 2.50–2.70 (paratypes), wing breadth 1.10, 1.05–1.17. A typical Chamaemyia species with black antennae (at most very narrow lighter base of 1 st flagellomere), black tibiae and with large black spots on abdomen (and with evenly curved phallus).

Gena 0.16 mm broad below eye (holotype). Clypeus narrow, black, proboscis yellow. Antenna and arista all black, seldom 1 st flagellomere very narrowly dirty yellow basally.

Thoracic setae as in its congeners, prescutellars comparatively weak, only 0.14 mm long on holotype.

Wing clear, veins brown. Medial vein ratio 1.68. Halteres whitish yellow. Squamal fringe white.

Coxae, femora (except apices), tibiae (but bases) and apical parts of tarsi black; apices of femora, basal parts of tibiae as well as metatarsi (except apically) dirty yellow.

Abdominal tergites 3–5 with 2 pairs of black spots (lateral spots faint in cases), tergite 2 with a pair of darker or lighter grey spots. Female tergite 6 with black fore margin.

Male genitalia generally as in other Chamaemyia species. Epandrium robust with round apex ( Fig. 14 View Figs 13–17 ), its dorsal part comparatively long. Cerci large with fine hairs. Gonopods fused to hypandrium basally as in other species of Chamaemyia . Phallus ( Figs 15–16 View Figs 13–17 ) rather thick, gently curved ( Fig. 15 View Figs 13–17 is drawn in the longest view, i.e. when base and tip of phallus is in the plane of the figure), without any edge sub-basally. Consequently, it belongs to the C. elegans group. Ventral process of gonopod rather long with caudally directed apex ( Figs 13, 17 View Figs 13–17 ). The two sub-basal setae do not emerge from a sharp process.

Female cerci 0.12 mm long, 0.06 mm broad, shiny black, its longest hairs 0.05 mm long.

Remarks – Chamaemyia taiwanensis sp. n. runs to couplet 3 ( C. elegans group) in TANASIJTSHUK’ s (1986) key, which is still the most comprehensive key for this genus (more specifically to C. hypsophila TANASIJTSHUK, 1986 : Pamir, Hindukush). However, it has paired spots on abdominal tergites and also details of male genitalia are different (cf. figs 183–186 of TANASIJTSHUK).


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