
Jewell, Tony, 2007, Two new species of Hemiandrus (Orthoptera: Anostostomatidae) from Fiordland National Park, New Zealand, Zootaxa 1542, pp. 49-57 : 56-57

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.177893



persistent identifier


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scientific name



Key to Fiordland Hemiandrus

Most adults and late-instar nymphs are readily identifiable by color pattern, and Figure 6 View FIGURE 6 provides a basis for this method. The following key makes use of specific structural and color characters:

1. Dorsal metatibial spines very slender, well separated, equal- or shorter than protibial and mesotibial spines ...........................................................................................................................................................2

- Dorsal metatibial spines stout, connected by basal webbing, and distinctly larger than protibial and mesotibial spines ......................................................................................................... "Esperance Valley"

2. Maxillary palp: 3rd segment glabous or setose, but not pilose ................................................................... 3

- Maxillary palp: 3rd segment pilose across distal 20–40% ......................................................................... 6

3. Frons smooth or microsculptured; adults not exceeding 33mm; ventral surfaces of tarsi white or cream 4

- Frons rugose; adults 35–45mm; ventral surfaces of tarsi grey .............................................. superba n. sp.

4. 4th protarsal segment densely setose on distal 5%, cream above; ventral spines on metatibiae absent or minute, in linear series of 4, cream or dark brown; pronotum brown and/or black ................................... 5

- 4th protarsal segment densely setose on distal 20%, dark brown above; ventral spines on metatibiae prominent, in a linear series of 3, white; pronotum red with some black .................................. nitaweta n. sp.

5. Ventral spines on metatibiae (if present) in linear series of 4; pronotum predominantly black; maxillary palp: 4th segment pilose on distal 55–60% ......................................................................................... focalis

- Ventral spines on metatibiae in linear series of 5; pronotum predominantly brown; maxillary palp: 4th segment pilose on distal 40% ........................................................................................ "HunterMountains"

6. 4th metatarsal segment densely setose across entire dorsal surface; metafemorae usually with distinctive grey or light brown spots ............................................................................................................................ 7

- 4th metatarsal segment densely setose only on distal 20% of dorsal surface; metafemorae lack spots ......... ...................................................................................................................................................... fiordensis

7. Adults <19mm; midline of pronotum usually with a prominent cream keyhole-shaped marking; frons cream; female: posterior margin of 9th tergite with a median notch ......................................... maculifrons

- Adults> 20mm; midline of pronotum uniform or speckled; frons black; female: posterior margin of 9th tergite straight .................................................................................................................. "madisylvestris"











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