Coptoborus brevicauda, Smith & Cognato, 2021

Smith, Sarah M. & Cognato, Anthony I., 2021, A revision of the Neotropical genus Coptoborus Hopkins (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae, Xyleborini), ZooKeys 1044, pp. 609-720 : 609

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ZooKeys by Pensoft (2021-06-16 20:29:14, last updated 2021-06-16 20:41:47)

scientific name

Coptoborus brevicauda

sp. nov.

Coptoborus brevicauda sp. nov. Figure 2J-L, P View Figure 2

Type material.

Holotype, female, Ecuador: Napo Prov. [= Orellana Prov.], Res[erva]. Ethnica Waorani, 1 km S. Okone Gare Camp, Trans[ect]. Ent[omology]., 00°39'10"S, 076°26'W, 220 m, October 1995, T.L. Erwin et al. collectors, insecticidal fogging, terra firme forest, trans[ect] 6, sta[tion] 5, Erwin lot #1181 ( ICB). Paratypes, female, as holotype except: January 1995, trans[ect] 6, sta[tion] 10, Erwin lot #1039 ( MSUC, 1); as holotype except: October 1996, trans[ect] 6, sta[tion] 5, Erwin lot #1715 ( NMNH, 1).


2.4-2.6 mm (mean = 2.5 mm; n = 3), 2.4-2.5 × as long as wide. This species is distinguished by the elytral apex attenuate, entire and produced, apical projection the width of striae 2, declivital interstriae 2 convex, declivital interstriae 1-3 denticulate, denticles minute, faint, their height less than 0.5 × interstriae width, posterolateral margin of declivity with interstriae 3 and 9 joining, forming a carina and continuing submarginally to apex, and stout form.

Similar species.

C. gentilis .


(female). 2.4-2.6 mm (mean = 2.5 mm; n = 3), 2.4-2.5 × as long as wide (holotype 2.4 mm, 2.4 × as long as wide). Body light brown to brown, antennae and legs lighter. Head: epistoma tuberculate. Frons strongly shiny, finely punctate, setose; each puncture bearing a long, erect hair-like seta. Eyes broadly and moderately emarginate. Submentum large, triangular, deeply impressed. Antennal scape regularly thick, shorter than club. Pedicel shorter than funicle. Club circular, flat, type 3; segment 1 corneous, subconvex on anterior face, occupying basal ~1/4; segment 2 narrow, subconvex, corneous; segments 1 and 2 present on posterior face. Pronotum: 1.0 × as long as wide. In dorsal view basic and parallel-sided, type 2, sides parallel in basal 3/4, rounded anteriorly; anterior margin with four subequal serrations. In lateral view tall, type 2, disc flat, summit pronounced, on basal 2/5. Anterior slope with densely spaced, broad very coarse asperities, becoming lower and more strongly transverse towards summit. Disc dull with sparse, minute punctures, some longer hair-like setae at margins. Lateral margins obliquely costate. Elytra: 1.4-1.5 × as long as wide, 1.4 × as long as pronotum. Scutellum small. Elytra attenuate, parallel-sided in basal 68%, then acutely tapered to apex, apex apically produced, entire. Disc shagreened, dull; strial punctures large, deep, each bearing a recumbent seta the length of a puncture; interstriae flat, minutely, moderately punctate, unarmed, each puncture bearing a long semi-erect bristle-like seta. Declivity gradually rounded, occupying ~1/2 of elytra, shagreened, shiny, declivital face convex; striae not impressed, strial punctures larger, deeper than those of disc, each puncture bearing a semi-erect seta as long as two punctures; interstriae flat, interstriae 1-3 uniformly minutely granulate along their entire lengths, granules faint, their height less than 0.5 × interstriae width, setae semi-erect, bristle-like, in two rows on interstriae 1 and uniseriate on interstriae 2 and 3. Posterolateral margin with interstriae 3 and 9 joining, forming an acute carina and continuing submarginally to apex. Legs: protibiae obliquely triangular, broadest at apical 1/4; apical 1/2 of outer margin with eight large, socketed denticles, their length longer than basal width. Meso- and metatibiae flattened; outer margin evenly rounded with ten and nine large, socketed denticles, respectively.


L. brevis = short, cauda = tail. Noun in apposition.


Ecuador (Orellana).


Specimens were collected by canopy fogging.

Gallery Image

Figure 2. Dorsal, lateral, frontal and declivital view of Coptoborus barbicauda holotype, 2.0 mm (A-C, M), C. bellus, 2.1 - 2.3 mm (D-F, N), C. bettysmithae holotype, 2.4 mm (G-I, O), C. brevicauda holotype, 2.4 - 2.6 mm (J-L, P). All photographs by SMS.











