Boreochiton, Sars, 1878

Sirenko, B. I., 2016, Boreochiton jakovlevae sp. nov. (Mollusca: Polyplacophora), a new chiton from the Sea of Okhotsk, The Bulletin of the Russian Far East Malacological Society 20 (20), No. 1, pp. 27-34 : 33-34

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.11637229

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Key for identification of species of genus Boreochiton View in CoL

1(2) Tegmentum granulated ..................................................................... B. granulatus View in CoL .

2(1) Tegmentum smooth with growth lines only.

3(4) Head of major lateral tooth of radula higher than its own width. Ratio of width of apophyses to width of jugal sinus 1.1–1.3 ........................................ B. jakovlevae View in CoL .

4(3) Height of head of major lateral tooth of radula less than its width. Ratio of width of apophyses to width of jugal sinus 1.4–2.6.

5(8) Dorsal spicules large, more than 60 µm in middle part of girdle, densely cover girdle. Numerous bristles up to 140–320 μm. Girdle orange-red, its surface rough and granulated.

6(7) Length of antemucronal area equal to or oftenly more than length of postmucronal area. Girdle 1.7–2.0 times narrower than width of valve V. Bristles up to 320 μm height. Dorsal spicules 55–60 μm. Height of head of major lateral tooth less than its width ............................................................................ B. beringensis beringensis View in CoL .

7(6) Length of antemucronal area less than length of postmucronal area. Girdle 2.8–3.8 times narrower than valve V. Bristles up to 140 μm height. Dorsal spicules up to 80 μm. Height of head of major lateral tooth equal to its width .............. B. ruber View in CoL .

8(5) Dorsal spicules small, about 40 µm in middle part of girdle. A few bristles up to 50 μm cover girdle. Girdle light with leathery surface ...... B. beringensis lucidus .


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium

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