Donkia pulcherrima (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Pilát (1937: 328)

Moreno, Gabriel, Blanco, M. Natividad, Platas, Gonzalo, Checa, Julia & Olariaga, Ibai, 2017, Reappraisal of Climacodon (Basidiomycota, Meruliaceae) and reinstatement of Donkia (Phanerochaetaceae) using multigene data, Phytotaxa 291 (3), pp. 171-182 : 178-179

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.291.3.1

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Donkia pulcherrima (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Pilát (1937: 328)


Donkia pulcherrima (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Pilát (1937: 328) View in CoL

Hydnum pulcherrimum Berkeley & Curtis (1849: 235)

Steccherinum pulcherrimum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Banker (1906: 129) View in CoL

Creolophus pulcherrimus (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Banker (1913: 294) View in CoL

Dryodon pulcherrimus (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Pilát (1934: 315) [as ‚ pulcherrimum View in CoL ‘], ≡ Climacodon pulcherrimus (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Nikolajeva (1961: 194) View in CoL

= Hydnum gilvum Berkeley (1851: 168)

= Hydnum uleanum Hennings (1897: 198)

= Hydnum kauffmanii Peck (1907: 348) [as ‚ kauffmani ‘]

= Hydnum australe Lloyd (1919: 11)

= Hydnum duriusculum Lloyd (1922: 1107)

Specimens examined:— BRAZIL. Paraíba State: Mamamguape Municipality, Reserva Biológica Guaribas, Mata Cabeça de Boi, on dead hardwood, March 2002, T. B. Gibertoni 22 (pers. herb. Ryvarden 17620). MALAYSIA. Pahang, Sungei Cheka, 12 June 1931, E.J.H. Corner, (L 0628154). Johore, Mawai, 2 September 1934, E.J.H. Corner (L 0628156). MOROCCO. Chefchaouen, woody residues of Quercus suber View in CoL , 16 November 2010, J.M.A. Sanz, J. Álvarez, P. Alvarado & J.L. Manjón (AH 39127). PAKISTAN. Swat: Sharhan, on decayed wood, 24 August 1959, S. Ahmad (L 0628151). SINGAPORE. Botanical Gardens, in clusters of horizontal branchlets, 01 September1913, Burkill 88, Lloyd 4923 (BPI US0324672, holotype Hydnum duriusculum Lloyd ; isotype L 0628153). Botanical Gardens, Straits Settlements, at base of living Hevea brasiliensis View in CoL , 15 June 1914, Burkill 345, Lloyd 4865 (BPI US0324671). Pahang, Tembeling, 07 November 1930, E.J.H. Corner (L 0628155); 17 November 1930, (L 0628157). Botanical Gardens, 16 February 1932, E.J.H. Corner (L 0628152). SPAIN. Bizkaia: Barrutia, Gernika, fallen trunk of Quercus robur View in CoL , 16 September 2005, R. Picón & I. Salcedo (BIO-Fungi 10896). Cádiz: Los Barrios, trunk of Quercus suber View in CoL , 21 November 2009, A. Capilla (AH 45800). Alcalá de los Gazules, trunk of Quercus suber View in CoL , 21 November 2009, A. Capilla (AH 45801). El Cuartón, Tarifa, woody residues of Quercus suber View in CoL , 02 January 1995, J.R. Sogorb (AH 37734). Jimena de la Frontera, dead branches of Quercus suber View in CoL , 02 November 2003, M. Madrid (AH 31379). Jimena de la Frontera, dead branches of Quercus suber View in CoL , 27 November 2004, F. Prieto & M.A. González (AH 31805). Idem, (AH 31973). Gipuzkoa: Hernani, Ugaldetxo, fallen trunk of Quercus rubra View in CoL , 02 July 2002, J.M. Lekuona (ARAN-Fungi A0000412). Navarre: Goizueta, Exkax, woody residues of Fagus sylvatica View in CoL , 08 August 2000, J.M. Lekuona (ARAN-Fungi L0002309). Idem (ARAN-Fungi A0000403 duplo in AH 31971).Arano,Abaño, dead trunk of Quercus rubra View in CoL , 27 June 2002, J.M. Lekuona (ARAN-Fungi A0000403). Goizueta, Artikutza, Elama, 450 m, woody residues of Corylus avellana View in CoL , 24 August 2004, J.M. Lekuona, J. Huarte, P.M. Pasaban, J.L. Albisu, A. Iñiguez & I. Olariaga (ARAN-Fungi 5011101A, duplicate in AH 31972). Málaga: Ronda, pinar Arroyo del Águila, National Park of Grazalema, trunk of Quercus ilex View in CoL , 04 December 2003, F. Prieto & M.A. González (AH 31738 duplicate in ARAN-Fungi). UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. South Carolina: Santee River, H.W. Ravenel 1648 (ex herb. Berkeley; holotype K 135348). Florida: Seminole lo., Altamonte springs, on decaying oak log, 25 October 1961, Paul O. Schallot (UPS).

Remarks:— Donkia pulcherrima is macroscopically characterized by its dimidiate basidiomata with a hydnoid hymenophore, a cream to white colour, and sometimes having orange tones ( Fig. 3a–c View FIGURE 3 ). Microscopically, the main diagnostic character is the presence the septa with multiple clamps (2–4) on the context hyphae. The abundant vacuolar contents in the core of the spines ( Fig. 3d–e View FIGURE 3 ), the absence of cystidia, and the small, hyaline, ellipsoid to allantoid spores (4–5 × 1.5–2 μm, Moreno et al. 2007) are also helpful for species identification.

Donkia pulcherrima View in CoL was described in detail by Moreno et al. (2007) as Climacodon pulcherrimus View in CoL . This broadly distributed and variable species has been treated under many different names (Maas Gesteranus 1971). Pilát (1937) described leptocystidia for Climacodon pulcherrinus , and did not mention multiple clamp connections in his description. Gibertoni et al. (2004) noted the presence of gloeocystidia, but did not observe multiple clamp connections either. Salcedo et al. (2006) and Moreno et al. (2007), described and photographed multiple clamps at septa. The placement of C. pulcherrimus View in CoL in Climacodon View in CoL was questioned by Moreno et al. (2007), who suggested Donkia or Phanerochaete View in CoL to be more appropriate genera for it. Molecular studies by Larsson (2007) and Papp et al. (2014) showed D. pulcherrima View in CoL is distantly related to C. septentrionalis View in CoL , type of Climacodon View in CoL , and hence, it should be accomodated in the monospecific genus Donkia .

Hydnum pulcherrimum has been combined in, Creolophus , Donkia , Dryodon View in CoL and Steccherinum View in CoL , but never in Phanerochaete View in CoL , albeit the presence of multiple clamps on context hyphae ( Nakasone, 1990). Phanerochaete calotricha (P. Karst.) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden View in CoL , P. sanguinea (Fr.) Pouzar View in CoL and P. laevis (Fr.) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden View in CoL , for instance, possess septa with 2–3 clamps (Erikson et al. 1978). Burdsall (1985) cited this feature for 13 species of Phanerochaete View in CoL .

Donkia pulcherrima View in CoL has a mainly tropical to subtropical distribution. It has been reported from Japan, Java, Pakistan, Peninsula Malaysia, Philippines, Sikkim, Singapore and Thailand in Asia ( Pilát, 1937; Maas Gesteranus, 1971), from France ( Candoussau, 1981), Russia (Pilát, 1933; 1937), Spain ( Salcedo et al. 2006; Moreno et al. 2007) and Hungary ( Papp et al. 2014) in Europe. In America, Bononi (1979) and Gibertoni et al. (2004) cited it from Brazil, while Nakasone (1990) and Gilbertson et al. (1975) found it in North America. In the present work, Donkia pulcherrima View in CoL is cited from North Africa ( Morocco; AH 39127) for the first time.














Donkia pulcherrima (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Pilát (1937: 328)

Moreno, Gabriel, Blanco, M. Natividad, Platas, Gonzalo, Checa, Julia & Olariaga, Ibai 2017

Donkia pulcherrima (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Pilát (1937: 328)

Pilat, A. 1937: )

Dryodon pulcherrimus (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Pilát (1934: 315)

Nikolajeva, T. L. 1961: )
Pilat, A. 1934: )

Hydnum duriusculum

Lloyd, C. G. 1922: )

Hydnum australe

Lloyd, C. G. 1919: )

Creolophus pulcherrimus (Berk. & M.A. Curtis)

Banker, J. H. 1913: )

Hydnum kauffmanii

Peck, C. H. 1907: )

Steccherinum pulcherrimum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis)

Banker, J. H. 1906: )

Hydnum uleanum

Hennings, P. 1897: )

Hydnum gilvum

Berkeley, M. J. 1851: )

Hydnum pulcherrimum

Berkeley, M. J. & Curtis, M. A. 1849: )
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