Flabellicauda alleni, Fujiwara & Conway & Motomura, 2021

Fujiwara, Kyoji, Conway, Kevin W. & Motomura, Hiroyuki, 2021, Description of a New Genus and Two New Species of Indo-Pacific Clingfishes (Gobiesocidae: Diademichthyinae) with Redescription and Reassignment of Two Species Previously Assigned to Lepadichthys Waite, 1904, Ichthyology & Herpetology 109 (3), pp. 753-784 : 757-765

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1643/i2020132

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scientific name

Flabellicauda alleni

sp. nov.

Flabellicauda alleni , new species urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:894EA26C-06A0-465A-98AA-798063F6B9BA

Allen’s Clingfish

Figures 1A View FIG , 2A View FIG , 3 View FIG , 4A–E View FIG , 5 View FIG , 6A–C View FIG , 7A View FIG , 8A–D View FIG , 9–15 View FIG View FIG View FIG View FIG View FIG View FIG View FIG ; Tables 1–4

Lepadichthys bolini View in CoL (not of Briggs)— Conway et al., 2018a: 99, fig. 17 (CT-scanned skeleton; Philippines: based on 1 of ROM 55185); Fujiwara and Motomura, 2018: 92, fig. 6 (comparative material; Palau: based on BPBM 9219); Conway et al., 2020: 893, figs. 3, 4 (molecular result; Wainilu, Rinca [Komodo Region], Indonesia: based on WAM P. 34628-002).

Holotype.— USNM 360264 About USNM , 26.2 mm SL, west of Cuyo Island , Palawan, Philippines, 10851 0 12 00 N, 121800 0 14 00 E, 0.6–1.2 m, V. Springer et al., 21 May 1978. GoogleMaps

Paratypes.— 48 specimens, 11.1–27.9 mm SL. Indonesia: USNM 211918 About USNM , ca. 16 mm SL, west of Kasa Island , Maluku, 03818 0 S, 128808 0 E, 1.2 m, V. Springer, 4 March 1974 ; USNM 211939 About USNM , 22.5 mm SL, Naira Island, Banda islands , Maluku, 04820 0 30 00 S, 129854 0 20 00 E, 3–9 m, V. Springer et al., 8 March 1974 GoogleMaps ; WAM P. 35182-001, 2, 20.7–21.4 mm SL, Ampera, Alor, Lesser Sundas , 8816 0 04 00 S, 124825 0 31 00 E, 5 m, M. Erdmann, 4 May 2019 GoogleMaps . Malaysia: KPM-NI. 1982, 24.5 mm SL, KPM-NI. 1983, 18.5 mm SL, YCM-P 36726 , 2 , 19.7–20.5 mm SL, YCMP 36727 , 11.5 mm SL, YCM-P 37150 , ca. 19.0 mm SL, Mabul Island, Sabah. Palau: BPBM 9219 About BPBM , 27.9 mm SL, Arakabesang Island , 0.6–0.9 m, J. Randall and E. Helfman, 5 June 1968 ; CAS 247204 About CAS , 25.1 mm SL, Melekeok, Babelthuap Island , 07821 0 04 00 N, 134831 0 23 00 E, 1.2 m, Y. Sumang and H. Fehlmann, 23 June 1958 GoogleMaps . Philippines: FMNH 127786 About FMNH , 19 About FMNH (2 of 19 CS), 12.5–26.5 mm SL, north of Cabilauan Island , Palawan, 12812 0 32 00 N, 120807 0 49 00 E, Busuanga Team, 5 March 2003 GoogleMaps ; KAUM-I. 146168, 20.9 mm SL, KAUM-I. 146169, 18.2 mm SL, KAUM-I. 146170, 17.1 mm SL, USNM 451066 About USNM (formerly USNM 360264 About USNM ), 5, 15.0– 23.1 mm SL, same as holotype ; ROM 55178 About ROM , 11.6 mm SL, Pasihagon, Siquijor Island , Siquijor, 09812 0 17 00 N, 123827 0 16 00 E, 10.4 m, R. Winterbottom and E. Downar, 10 May 1987 GoogleMaps , rotenone; ROM 55181 About ROM , 11.1 mm SL, Pasihagon, Siquijor Island , Siquijor, 0981201600 N, 123827 0 16 00 E, 10.3 m, R. Winterbottom et al., 12 May 1987 , rotenone; ROM 55183 About ROM , 19.2 mm SL, Pasihagon, Siquijor Island , Siquijor, 09812 0 16 00 N, 123827 0 16 00 E, 18.8 m, R. Mooi et al., 14 May 1987 GoogleMaps , rotenone; ROM 55185 About ROM , 4 About ROM (1 of 4 CS), 11.5– 23.8 mm SL, mouth of North Basis Bay, Negros Island , Negros Oriental, 09837 0 00 00 N, 123810 0 00 00 E, 23.1 m, R. Winterbottom et al., 17 May 1987 GoogleMaps , rotenone; USNM 360265 About USNM , 2 About USNM , 12.4–13.3 mm SL, San Juan, Siquijor Island , Siquijor, 09808 0 30 00 N, 123829 0 22 00 E, 6.1 m, Smithsonian Team, 9 May 1978 GoogleMaps . Sri Lanka: USNM 360162 About USNM , 22.9 mm SL, Trincomalee , 7.6 m, C. Koenig, 4 April 1970 .

Diagnosis.— A species of Flabellicauda ( Figs. 3 View FIG , 4A–E View FIG , 5 View FIG ) distinguished from congeners by the following combination of characters: 12–15 (modally 13) dorsal-fin rays (vs. 11 or 12 in F. akiko ; 10–12 in F. cometes , new species; Table 2); 10–13 (11, rarely 10) anal-fin rays (vs. 9 or 10 in F. akiko ; 9–11 in F. cometes , new species; Table 2); upper end of gill opening level with base of 12 th to 14 th pectoral-fin ray in lateral view (vs. 9 th or 10 th in F. akiko ); 5–8 (6, rarely 5), 6–8 (6), and 6–8 (7) gill rakers on first to third arches, respectively (vs. 4, 4 or 5, and 5, respectively in F. akiko ; 4–6 [5], respectively in F. bolini ; 5, 5, and no data, respectively in F. cometes , new species; Table 3); head sensory canal pores relatively developed, including usually 2 nasal, 2 lacrimal, and 2 postorbital pores (vs. lacking lacrimal pores and 1 postorbital pore present in F. akiko and F. cometes , new species; 1 nasal pore present in F. akiko ; Fig. 6 View FIG ); disc region A without papillae at center (vs. disc region A with papillae at center in F. akiko ; Fig. 7A, D View FIG ); body black with white stripes (vs. body red with white stripes in F. akiko ; Figs. 5 View FIG , 8F–H View FIG ). Flabellicauda alleni is most similar to F. bolini and in addition to the aforementioned diagnostic characters, values of head length, pre-disc length, orbit diameter, and caudal-peduncle length and width proportions also serve to distinguish between the two species (see Diagnosis of F. bolini ).

Description.— Measurements given in Table 4. Body slender, cylindrical, compressed at caudal peduncle. Body width narrower than head width. Anus situated closer to anal-fin origin than to posterior margin of disc (disc to anus length 69.4 [62.7–78.3, mean 69.2] % of disc to anal-fin origin length). Head size medium, becoming smaller with growth ( Fig. 9A View FIG ), depressed anteriorly, its length and width 3.5 (2.7– 3.5 [mean 3.1]) and 5.5 (5.1–7.2 [6.2]) in SL, respectively. Snout moderate, its length 12.7 (9.2–13.1 [11.3]) in SL, becoming shorter with growth ( Fig. 9E View FIG ), its tip slightly pointed in lateral view, semi-elliptical (or duck beak-shaped) in dorsal view; dorsal profile of snout slightly concave anteriorly. Mouth terminal, small, restricted to tip of snout. Anterior tip of upper jaw slightly pointed, extending slightly beyond that of lower jaw. Upper lip fleshy, weakly expanded, lower lip thin. Posterior 2/3 of both jaws covered by thick skin on lateral surface of snout. Anterior and posterior nostrils larger than head sensory canal pores, former slightly smaller than latter; both with a membranous tube, that of former much longer than latter. Eye size moderate, becoming smaller with growth ( Fig. 9D View FIG ), diameter slightly smaller (slightly larger in 9 specimens) than snout length, 14.6 (8.8–15.6 [12.3]) in SL. Interorbital region flattened. Gill opening tiny, slit-like. Upper end of gill opening level with base of 12 th (12 th to 14 th) pectoral-fin ray in lateral view (number of pectoral-fin rays given in Table 2); lower 9 th (7 th [6 specimens], 8 th [20], or 9 th [12]) pectoral-fin-ray base attached to disc by membrane. First to third gill arches with two rows of gill filaments, 4 th arch without filaments (gill description based on 21 specimens). Gill rakers slender, short and pointed (gill raker counts listed in Table 3). Gill membranes on each side united ventrally, attached to isthmus. Head sensory canal pores relatively developed, including 2 nasal, 2 (1 on left side only in 2 specimens; 1 on both sides of 1 specimen) lacrimal, and 2 (1 on both sides of 2 specimens) postorbital pores; preopercular and mandibular pores absent; all pores similarly sized with minute membranous tube. NC1 located in front of anterior nostrils in dorsal view (or between anterior and posterior margins of anterior nostril); NC2 level with anterior margin (before anterior margin [7 of 41 specimens], between anterior and posterior margins [24 specimens], or level with posterior margin [2 specimens]) of posterior nostril; LC1 located in front of anterior margin of eye; LC2 located postero-ventrally below LC1 (antero-ventrally below LC1 [3 of 37 specimens] or just below LC1 [7 specimens]); PO1 located just behind posterior margin of orbit; PO2 located posterodorsal to PO1 ( Fig. 6A–C View FIG ).

Dorsal- and anal-fin-ray counts listed in Table 2. Origin of dorsal fin slightly anterior to vertical through anal-fin origin. Dorsal and anal fins located posteriorly, their bases relatively long, lengths 4.6 (4.4–6.4 [5.1]) and 5.4 (4.9–6.9 [5.7]) in SL, respectively; strongly connected to caudal fin by membranes, giving appearance of single, continuous median fin around posterior part of body (easily damaged). Post-dorsal-caudal length 4.9 (3.5–7.0 [5.1]) in dorsal-fin base length. Dorsal- and anal-fin heights almost equal, except anteriorly. Pectoral- and caudal-fin margins rounded. Pectoral-fin rays 28 (26 [5], 27 [8], 28 [13], 29 [11], or 30 [1]). Upper and lowermost pectoral-fin rays minute, longest ray extending beyond vertical through posterior margin of disc. All soft-fin rays unbranched and segmented. Pelvic fins and pectoral-girdle elements forming a circular, extremely small, ‘‘single’’ adhesive disc ( Fig. 7A View FIG ), its length and width 9.6 (7.4–12.4 [9.7]) and 9.3 (7.9–13.4 [10.0]) in SL, respectively. Disc region B bell-shaped, equal in size to disc region A. Anterior margin of disc region A smooth, posterior margin of disc region B with fringe. Disc regions A and B with flattened papillae (disc papillae description based on 33 specimens). Center of disc region A lacking papillae; anterolateral part with 3 (3–5) rows of papillae, number of rows slightly decreasing toward apapillate center; both sides of disc region A (except margins) covered with papillae; papillae of inner rows slightly larger than papillae of outer rows. Disc region B with 5 (4–6) rows of papillae; papillae of inner rows slightly larger than papillae of outer rows; anterior part of disc region B without papillae ( Fig. 7A View FIG ). Disc region C lacking papillae.

Osteological description based on 3 CS specimens and CT-scanned image ( Fig. 10 View FIG ). General osteological characters as in Figures 2A View FIG , 10–13 View FIG View FIG View FIG View FIG . Vertebrae 34 (1 specimen) or 35 (3). Neurocranium depressed, comprising nasal, lacrimal, lateral ethmoid, mesethmoid, sphenotic, pterotic, epiotic, prootic, supraoccipital, basioccipital, exoccipital, frontal, vomer, parasphenoid, and parietal ( Fig. 11 View FIG ). Posterior tip of epiotic articulating with posttemporal; sphenotic and pterotic contributing to hyomandibular facet accommodating articular heads of hyomandibular; lacrimal firmly attached to tip of slender cartilage extending from anterolateral tip of lateral ethmoid. Antero-center point of vomer slightly protracted; posterior tip of vomer pointed in ventral view. Anterior tip of nasal slightly forked, tapering posteriorly; its posterior tip articulating with anterior part of frontal; middle portion of nasal with sharp lateral process at exit of nasal canal. Jaws comprising maxilla, premaxilla, dentary, anguloarticular, and retroarticular ( Fig. 12 View FIG ). Premaxilla with laterally compressed incisiviform teeth with hook-like tip, strongly curved posteriorly (ca. 908). Ascending process of premaxilla long, terminating slightly posterior to imaginary line through posterior tip of nasal; premaxillae separated anteriorly by large circular gap in dorsal view. Maxilla irregular, boot-shaped, with elongate part oriented along dorsal-ventral axis; connected with premaxilla via well-developed, bifurcated articular head. Anterior half of dentary with pointed conical teeth, inner surface slightly curved; posteromedial face of dentary with squarish process. Anterior ca. 1/3 part of anguloarticular pointed, articulating with dentary; coronoid process of anguloarticular well developed, tip rounded, directed anterodorsal. Retroarticular tiny, elongate, nestled in articular facet located on posteroventral part of anguloarticular. Suspensorium comprising autopalatine, quadrate, hyomandibular, ectopterygoid, and symplectic ( Fig. 12A View FIG ). Autopalatine a curved cylinder, articulating with lateral ethmoid dorsally, and premaxilla and maxilla anteriorly. Ectopterygoid triangular, its lower margin strongly connected with quadrate via elongate suture. Symplectic a slender rod, articulating with posterior triangular part of quadrate anteriorly and anteroventral part of hyomandibular posteriorly. Opercular bones comprising opercle, subopercle, preopercle, and interopercle; all bones poorly ossified, excluding articular head of opercle; subopercle without spine-like posterior tip ( Fig. 12A View FIG ). Gill arches comprising basihyal, 4 paired epibranchials, paired pharyngobranchial 3 and associated tooth plate, 3 paired hypobranchial elements (bone or cartilage), 5 paired ceratobranchials, and 3 basibranchial elements (bone or cartilage; Fig. 12D View FIG ). Basihyal long, slender, anterior tip cartilaginous. Pharyngobranchial 3 flat, irregularly shaped with anteromedial and posteromedial cartilaginous process, articulating with cartilaginous head of epibranchial 2 and 3, respectively. Pharyngobranchial 3 tooth plate associated (fused) with ventral surface of pharyngobranchial 3, with 2 rows of 3–4 conical teeth on ventral surface. Hypobranchial 1 and 3 thin, perichondrally ossified bone around precursor hypobranchial cartilages 1 and 3, respectively; hypobranchial 2 cartilage without associated ossification. Ceratobranchial 5 tiny, without pharyngeal teeth. Three basibranchial elements situated between second and third hypobranchial elements and tip of ceratobranchial 4; basibranchial 3 a thin, pericondrially ossified bone around precursor basibranchial 3 cartilage; basibranchial 2 and 4 cartilages without associated ossification; basibranchial 1 cartilage absent. Hyoid bar comprising dorsal hypohyal, anterior and posterior ceratohyal, interhyal, and 6 branchiostegal rays ( Fig. 12E View FIG ). Anterior ceratohyal tightly connected with dorsal hypohyal anterodorsally; separated from posterior ceratohyal posteriorly by thin band of cartilage. Interhyal well developed, similar in size to posterior ceratohyal. Urohyal deeply forked posteriorly. Dorsal hypohyal elongate, similar length as urohyal. Pelvic- and pectoral-fin girdles comprising basipterygium, dorsal postcleithrum, ventral postcleithrum, posttemporal, supracleithrum, cleithrum, scapula, coracoid, and 4 pectoral radials ( Fig. 13 View FIG ). Anterior outline of basipterygia together triangular, posterior outline resembles inverted T-shape. Anteromedial tip and lateral edge of basipterygium cartilaginous; two large oval openings at center. Dorsal postcleithrum oblong shape, with well-developed fimbriae along posterior edge. Ventral postcleithrum irregular in shape; anterior margin with 2 pointed processes, outer process much larger than inner process; posterior margin concave, with well-developed fimbriae. Complex articulation present between posterior tip of basipterygium and anteromedial edge of ventral postcleithrum. Pelvic-fin rays I, 4, articulating with cartilaginous lateral edge of basipterygium; pelvic spine short, tip wide, rounded; soft rays slender, tapering distally ( Fig. 13C View FIG ). Four pectoral radials (1–4) with cartilaginous posterior tip; bony struts along ventral (pectoral radial 1), dorsal (pectoral radial 4), or both ventral and dorsal margins (pectoral radials 2 and 3) interdigitating with struts borne on element(s) directly above and/or below ( Fig. 13E View FIG ). Scapula irregular in shape, tightly connected with dorsal surface of pectoral radial 1 ( Fig. 13E View FIG ). Coracoid bifurcated anteriorly, pointed posteriorly; tightly connected with ventral surface of pectoral radial 4 ( Fig. 13E View FIG ). Caudal skeleton comprising single hypural plate, epural, and parhypural ( Fig. 2A View FIG ). Upper and lower hypural plates fused, forming large fan-shaped plate; small circular opening, potential remnant of diastema between upper and lower hypural plate in other gobiesocids, at center of hypural plate; 13 (2 specimens) or 14 (2) caudal-fin rays associated with plate. Epural and parhypural thin, perichondrally ossified bone around triangular precursor cartilages.

Coloration.— Based on Figures 3 View FIG , 4A–E View FIG , 5 View FIG , 8A–D View FIG . Body black with white stripe on dorsal midline ( Fig. 5C View FIG ) and three white stripes on each side ( Fig. 5A, B, D View FIG ); uppermost stripe extending from snout tip, past dorsal margin of pupil and pectoral fin, to caudal-fin base, its width very narrow on snout, gradually wider from head region, widest on body, slightly tapering posteriorly; central stripe narrowest of three stripes, extending from posterior point of lower jaw (or snout tip; Fig. 5A View FIG ), passing below pupil, to pectoral-fin base, both tips tapering; lowermost stripe located ventrally, united in front of pelvic disc, forming large isosceles triangle shape, its tip located on ventral surface of snout tip ( Fig. 5E View FIG ), posterior tip of stripe tapering and reaching caudal-fin base, its width on body same as uppermost stripe; stripe on dorsal midline tapering posteriorly and extending from snout tip to dorsal-fin origin; all stripes edged very faint yellow (sometimes distinct in life; Fig. 8A–C View FIG ). Stripes of single individual from Philippines notably narrower than in other individuals ( Fig. 8D View FIG ). Iris black except for upper and lower portions, pupil black. Tubes of nostrils and all fins except for rays transparent, fin rays faint black. Adhesive disc white, isosceles triangle shape of black pigmentation at center, its tip located at anterior margin of disc ( Fig. 5E View FIG ).

Preserved coloration uniformly yellowish ( Fig. 3 View FIG ). Black melanophores present on body of small specimens (ca., 20 mm SL), those forming two stripes (somewhat indistinct in large specimens; Fig. 4A, B View FIG ), upper and lower stripes located dorsally and laterally, respectively, former extending from nape to most posterior point of dorsal-fin base, latter extending from pectoral-fin base to caudal-fin base ( Fig. 4A–E View FIG ).

Distribution.— Known from Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia ( Philippines, Palau, Malaysia, and Indonesia; Fig. 14 View FIG ).

Etymology.— Named for Dr. Gerald R. Allen (WAM), for his great contributions to the systematics of tropical reef fishes of the East Indies. A noun in the genitive.


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Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History


Musee des Dinosaures d'Esperaza (Aude)


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile






Flabellicauda alleni

Fujiwara, Kyoji, Conway, Kevin W. & Motomura, Hiroyuki 2021

Lepadichthys bolini

Briggs 1962
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF