Oecanthus pictus Milach & Zefa

Milach, Elisa Machado, Martins, Luciano De P., Costa, Maria Kátia Matiotti Da, Gottschalk, Marco Silva, Oliveira, Gabriel Lobregat De, Redü, Darlan Rutz, Neutzling, Alexandre Schneid, Dornelles, José Eduardo Figueiredo, Vasconcellos, Lucas Azevedo & Zefa, Edison, 2015, A new species of tree crickets (Orthoptera, Gryllidae, Oecanthinae) in tobacco plantation from Southern Brazil, with body color variation, Zootaxa 4018 (2), pp. 266-278 : 268-274

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.243123



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scientific name

Oecanthus pictus Milach & Zefa

sp. nov.

Oecanthus pictus Milach & Zefa , n. sp.

Type material. Holotype ♂: Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, São Lourenço do Sul, São João da Reserva, 31º17’39.43’’S, 52º09’02.76’’W, 19.iii.2011, D.R. Redü leg., calling song R07 (OSF), MZUSP. Paratypes: same data of Holotype (10♂, 5♀, MZUSP). Same data 19.iii.2011. A.S. Neutzling, D.R. Redü & G.L. Oliveira leg. / R01, R04, R05, R18 (4♂, MZUSP). Same data 20.iii.2011. A.S. Neutzling, D.R. Redü & G.L. Oliveira leg. / GG05, GG07, GG09, R06, R08, R09, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15, R17, R19, R20, R21, R22, R25, R26, GG06, GG10, GG11, GG12, GG14 (23♂, MZUSP). Same data 21.iii.2011. A.S. Neutzling, D.R. Redü & G.L. Oliveira leg. / R29 (1♂, MZUSP). Same data 26.iii.2011, A.S. Neutzling, D.R. Redü & G.L. Oliveira leg. / W01, W02, W03, W04, W06, W07, W08, W09, W10, W11 (10♂, MZUSP). Same data 27.iii.2011. Neutzling, D.R. Redü & G.L. Oliveira leg. / W12, W14 (2♂, MZUSP). Same data 19.iii.2011. Neutzling, D.R. Redü & G.L. Oliveira leg. / (41♂, 5♀, INPA).

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the black dots on body and appendages (from latim pictus = dotted).

Diagnosis. Combination of the following characteristics: paired postocular lines; L-shaped pedicel mark; tibia I and II proximal to distal marked with three dots, followed by an incomplete ring, plus three dots and four pairs of dots; abdomen tergites with a pair of transversal strips reducing in intensity backward; scutum posterior median lobe indented; pseudepiphallic main lobe V-shaped indented; endophallic sclerite anteriorly bifurcated, outer branch truncated; ectophallic sclerite posteriorly V-shaped.

Description, male holotype ( Figs 5–12 View FIGURES 5 – 12 ). Body slender, light green, punctulated; Head glabrous; clypeus and labrum whitish; gena with pigmentar strips; frons with bristles; ecdysial suture pigmented, with short bristles; group of bristles above the eyes; occiput with a pair of parallel stripes posterior each eyes; green eyes in vivo, but black eyes outlined of depigmented ommatidia when fixed in alcohol, depigmented ommatidia where lies the scape; ocelli absent; J-shaped marked scape, L-shaped marked pedicel, antennae flagellum alternating four times two thinner pingmentar ring with a thicker one, pattern is lost toward apex; maxillary palpi moderately elongate with five joints, first and second subequal, smaller than the other three, marked with an incomplete pigmentar ring, third to fifth subequal, third with ventral strip, fourth with incomplete basal ring, and ventral strip, fifth fusiform, depressed at inner, with incomplete basal ring, and an apical diagonal complete ring; labial palpi three-jointed, gradual increase in size toward apex, pigmentar mark at apex, third claviform, incomplete pigmentar ring at base and apex. Thorax: pronotum slightly pubescent, pigmented, translucent, longer as wider, bristles on the border; tegmina translucent, longer than the abdome; hindwings short, reaching first two abdominal tergites; femur I dotted in dorsal face; tibia I proximal to distal marked with three dots, followed by an incomplete ring, plus three dots and four pairs of dots, unarmed, swollen near base and mounted each side with an elongated-oval tympanum, inner longer (0.44mm) than the outer (0.35mm); tarsus I three-jointed, basitarsus lighter and longer than two others together; leg II with the same pattern of leg I, without tympanum; femur III dotted in dorsal face; tibia III same marks pattern of tibia I, serrulated, armed with three pairs of subapical spurs tipped with black; there are black spines between subapical spurs; three apical spurs at outer and four at inner face of the tibia III; basitarsus longer than the two others together, armed with two subequal, apical, tipped with black spurs; the median tarsus the smallest. Abdomen: tergites with a pair of transversal strips reducing in intensity backward; cerci slender, shorter (2.25mm) than the abdomen (5.86mm), marked with a subapical light brown ring; supranal plate translucent, rounded posteriorly, margin with long bristles; subgenital plate rounded posteriorly, with short lateral protuberance.

Metanotal Gland ( Figs 9 View FIGURES 5 – 12 , 13–14 View FIGURES 13 – 14 ) pit wide, scutum with a pair of inflated protuberance, each including a tuft of bristles projected medio-anteriorly ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 13 – 14 , a), a dense tuft of long bristles projected medio-posteriorly ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 13 – 14 , b), and a tuft of short bristles projected dorso-posteriorly ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 13 – 14 , c); posterior median lobe with median indentation, pubescent ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 13 – 14 , pml); scuto-scutellar suture slightly sinuous, without bristles ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 13 – 14 , ss); scutellum with latero-posterior bristles. Measurements cavity area 0.47mm ²; scutum area 0.89mm ²; scutellum area 0.34mm ²; total gland length 1mm; total gland width 1.43mm; scutum lenght 0.75mm; scutum width 1mm; scutellum length 0.25mm; scutellum width 1.28mm.

Right Tegmen ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 5 – 12 ). Lateral field width, 3.42mm; lateral field length, 6.83mm; 12 acessory veins; dorsal field projected beyond abdomen; basal area reduced, including veins 1A, 2A, 3A and Cu2, last forming the file with 47 teeth ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 5 – 12 ); file length, 0.86mm; chordal area bearing the veins 2A, 1A e Cu2; harpa area, 3.42mm ², harp with three cross veins slightly sinuous; mirror area, 8.65mm ², mirror with two straight cross veins; apical area reduced.

Calling song ( Figs 15–17 View FIGURES 15 – 19 ). Field recorded in 19.iii.2011, at 19h30, ambient temperature at 14ºC; trill with dominant frequency of 2422 Hz, pulse period of 0.037s, and pulse rate of 28 pulses/second.

Observations in Paratypes. There were four groups of body color pattern in O. pictus n. sp.: group 1, light yellow-green, and very light dotts ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ); group 2, light green, and dark dotts ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ); group 3, green, and dotts darker than group 2 ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ); and group 4, green-brown, and dotts more intense than the group 3 ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1 – 4 ).

Legs I, II and III punctulated ( Figs 23–25 View FIGURES 20 – 25 ); tibiae I and II proximal to distal (dorsal view) with three marks forming, followed by an incomplete ring, plus three marks, and then three or four pairs of marks ( Fig. 25 View FIGURES 20 – 25 , a–g), some individuals showed failures in the pair marks formation.

Antennae. Scape and pedicel marks varying in the shape and pigmentation marks ( Fig. 27 View FIGURE 27 ).

Phallic sclerites ( Figs 28–38 View FIGURES 28 – 38 ). Pseudepiphallic main lobe slightly inflated with V-median indentation; pseudepiphallic apodemes present; rami prolonged laterally, and fused posteriorly; lateral endophallic sclerite posteriorly bilobed, anteriorly bifurcated, with outer branch truncated ( Figs 29, 30, 37, 38 View FIGURES 28 – 38 , arrow); ectophallic sclerite posteriorly V-bifurcate with inner branches forming an ectophallic fold, and outer placed between endophallic lobes.

Male and Female body Measurements. Tab. 1 View TABLE 1 .

Right Tegmen Measurements. Dorsal field length 7.8mm ±0.33 (7.1–8.7, n=47); dorsal field width 3.6mm ±0.17 (3.3–4, n=47); lateral field acessory veins 11.2±0.97 veins (9–13, n=36); mirror area 10.1mm ²±0.93 (8.2–12.2, n=47); harp area 4.3mm ²±0.39 (3.2–5 n=41); file length 1.1mm ±0.06 (0.8–2.6, n=50); file teeth number 46±3.64 (39–49, n=45). The table 2 presents right tegmen measurements comparing the four groups of O. pictus n. sp. We carried out a Principal Component Analysis comparing of the tegmen measurements in the four groups deffined by the body colour of specimens, and no differences were seen (component one 90.7%, and component two 7.6%) ( Fig. 39 View FIGURES 39 – 40 ).

Structure/Groups 1, n=12 2, n=12 3, n=11 4, n=6 Average Metanotal Gland Measurements (n=86). Metanotal gland length, 1.2mm ±0.07 (1.1–1.4); metanotal gland width, 1.5mm ±0,08 (1.2–1.7); cavity area 0.57mm ²±0,15 (0.45–0.65); scutum area 1.1mm ²±0.08 (0.9–1.3mm ²); scutellum area 0.42mm ²±0.04 (0.31–0.52); scutum length 0.88mm ±0.06 (0.76–1.11); scutum width 1.5mm ±0.08 (1.2–1.7); scutellum length 0.36mm ±0.03 (0.28–0.45); scutellum width 1.3mm ±0.06 (1.1–1.5). The table 3 presents metanotal gland measurements comparing the four groups of O. pictus n. sp. The comparison of the tegmen measurements shows no difference in the four groups (Principal Component Analysis: component one 68.8%, and componente two 19.7%) ( Fig. 40 View FIGURES 39 – 40 ).

Calling song ( Figs 18–19 View FIGURES 15 – 19 ). Individuals recorded: Group 1: R04 and R05; Group 2: SP04, GG06, GG10, GG11, GG12, R01, R11, R13, R18, R21, R25, R29, W02, W07, W08, W11, W12 and W14; Group 3: GG05, GG07, GG09, R06, R09, R12, R15, R17, R19, R20, R22, R26, W01, W03, W04, W06, W09 and W10; Group 4: SP06, GG14, R08 and R14. There were significant positive effect of temperature on pulse rate (F1,39=717.58, p<0.001, R²=0.95), and of pulse rate on dominant frequency (F1,39=627.88, p<0.001, R²=0.94). For both models we did not detect any difference of pulse rate and dominant frequency between groups (pulse rate x temperature: F3,36=2.32, p = 0.07; dominant frequency x pulse rate: F3,36=0.16; p=0.92).

Female ( Figs 41–49 View FIGURES 41 – 49 ). Body color and dotts pattern similar to males; supranal and subgenital plates as Figures 48 and 49 View FIGURES 41 – 49 , respectively; ovipositor apex denticulated ( Figs 42–47 View FIGURES 41 – 49 ); Measurements, Tab. 1 View TABLE 1 .

Habitat. Same as O. lineolatus and O. pallidus ( Zefa et al. 2012) .

TABLE 1. Oecanthus pictus n. sp. Male and female measurements (mm).

Structure Male Female (n=10)
body length 10.2±0.66 (9–11.5, n=40) 11±0.6 (10–11.6)
pronoto length 1.6±0.12 (1.4–1.8, n=64) 1.7±0.06 (1.6–1.8)
pronoto width 1.7±0.12 (1.5–2, n=63) 1.7±0.06 (1.6–1.8)
head width 1.4±0.06 (1.2–1.5, n=65) 1.5±0.05 (1.4–1.5)
interocular distance 0.57±0.07 (0.48–0.71, n=66) 0.59±0.03 (0.53–0.62)
femur III length 5.5±0.29 (5–6, n=64) 4.2±0.23 (4–4.4)
tibia III length 6.1±0.29 (5.5–6.6, n=61) 5.7±0.34 (5.3–6.7)
ovipositor length - 4.2±0.14 (4–4.4)

Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia















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