Immanus papuanus, Beaver & Sittichaya & Liu, 2019

Beaver, R. A., Sittichaya, W. & Liu, Y., 2019, A review of the genus Immanus Hulcr & Cognato with a key to species (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae: Xyleborini), Zootaxa 4585 (2), pp. 378-386 : 380-382

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4585.2.11

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scientific name

Immanus papuanus

sp. nov.

Immanus papuanus n. sp.

( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 A‒F)

Type material. Holotype, female: INDONESIA. Irian Jaya, Nabire , 50 km N Station Pusppenssat, 0 3 o 29’S, 153 o 43’E, 700m NN, LEK, 14.i.1997, leg. A. Weigel (deposited in NME).

Diagnosis: Elytral declivity with a raised margin extending around the declivity, armed by a continuous series of small teeth of approximately equal size; striae and interstriae not distinguishable on declivity, declivital face with densely placed, confused granules. Two or three small tubercles in middle of declivital face in extension of discal interstriae 2. Eyes large, extending onto frons, with upper part larger than lower part. Anterior margin of pronotum prolonged forwards and with eight separate asperities. Medium-sized species, 5.1 mm long.

Description. Female. 5.1 mm long, 2.08 times as long as wide.

Colour. Body uniformly light brown, except elytra chestnut brown.

Head. Frons plano-convex, shining, very finely, very densely punctured close to epistoma, with a fringe of long hairs concealing epistoma, punctures larger and sparser on upper part of frons, each bearing a long, erect hair. Surface between punctures weakly reticulate. Eyes very large, extending onto frons, moderately emarginate, upper part larger than lower. Submentum shallowly impressed, broadly triangular. Antennal scape club-shaped, about as long as five-segmented funicle, first segment bowl-shaped, second segment slightly longer than wide, third to fifth segments strongly transverse, gradually increasing in width. Club slightly longer than wide, type 3 (Hulcr et al. 2007), first segment pubescent, its apical margin weakly convex extending about one third of club length on anterior face, and more than three quarters of club length on posterior face, second and third segments pubescent, visible on both faces of club, but confined to apical quarter on posterior face.

Pronotum. 1.2 times wider than long, rounded in dorsal view (type 1, Hulcr et al. 2007), but with the anterior margin prolonged forwards and bearing eight equally-sized, upcurved asperities; tall in lateral view (type 3, Hulcr et al. 2007). Anterior slope with transverse asperities, becoming smaller, shorter and more densely placed towards summit one-third from base, disc with similar small asperities behind summit on median third, but surface becoming smooth and shining towards posterior angles, where moderately densely, moderately finely punctured. Posterior angle of pronotum sharp, almost carinate, lateral margin costate. Base weakly sinuate. Vestiture of short appressed or semi-appressed hairs, longer and upwardly directed on anterior slope.

Scutellum. Flat, impunctate, flush with elytra, tongue-shaped, longer than wide.

Elytra. 1.2 times longer than wide, 1.45 times longer than pronotum. Elytral bases straight, humeral angles rounded, slightly narrower than pronotum. Sides straight, slightly widening from base to declivity, very broadly rounded apically. Disc distinctly separated from declivity, shining, smooth except close to suture where weakly rugulose, striae very narrow, with small, shallow punctures separated by 1‒2 times the width of a puncture, interstriae very wide, flat, with 2‒3 irregular rows of fine punctures, each bearing a short, erect hair. Declivity subcircular, a little longer than wide, its margin not raised, with a series of small spines extending completely around the margin, striae and interstriae not distinguishable, declivital face with densely placed, confused granules, minute close to suture, increasing in size towards margins of declivity, each bearing a short hair, 2‒3 larger tubercles in mid-declivity in extension of discal interstriae 2.

Legs. Procoxae contiguous, prosternal posterocoxal piece slightly swollen, conical with acutely pointed tip. Protibiae triangular, broad distally, apical spur strong, curved posteriorly, external margin of tibia with a row of four teeth in apical third, a single tooth basal to these, posterior face flat, not granulate. Meso- and meta-tibiae very broadly triangular, with a series of 8‒10 reduced teeth on the external margin in the apical half.

Etymology: Named for the Indonesian province in which it was collected.

Distribution: Indonesia (West Papua).

Biology: Unknown.













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