Erigone sumatrana, Tanasevitch, Andrei V., 2017

Tanasevitch, Andrei V., 2017, New species and new records of linyphiid spiders from the Indo-Malayan Region (Araneae, Linyphiidae), Zootaxa 4227 (3), pp. 325-346 : 333

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Plazi (2017-02-03 11:09:55, last updated 2024-11-26 01:36:49)

scientific name

Erigone sumatrana

sp. nov.

Erigone sumatrana View in CoL new species

Figs 3 View FIGURES 1 – 7 , 19–25 View FIGURES 19 – 25

Holotype male ( MHNG), INDONESIA, Sumatra, Jambi Province, Mt Kerinci, footpath to summit, W of Kersik Tua , 2160 m a.s.l., evergreen hill forest, sifting ; 17–18.II.2000; P. Schwendinger leg. [Sum-00/13]. One male paratype (MHNG), collected together with the holotype.

Etymology. The specific name is an adjective referring to the island where the types were collected.

Diagnosis. The new species is most similar to Erigone apophysalis n. sp. (see above), but differs by the presence of a ventro-apical apophysis on the palpal patella, by the peculiar shape of the palpal tibia, by the smaller posterior radical apophysis of the embolic division, as well as by the thin, sharp, backwards-directed embolus. Both new species, E. apophysalis n. sp. and E. sumatrana n. sp., as well as another Oriental congener, E. bifurca , are diagnosed by the untypical chaetotaxy formula, versus

Description. Male paratype. Small Erigoninae , total length 1.38. Carapace convex in anterior part ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1 – 7 ), 0.73 long, 0.75 wide, reddish brown, no teeth at edge of carapace. Chelicerae 0.35. long, with a mastidion (large tooth on frontal part of paturon)and one tooth (two in holotype) on anterior lateral surface in distal part of chelicera. Legs pale brown. Leg I, 1.86 long (0.55+0.20+0.43+0.39+0.29), IV, 1.77 long (0.55+0.18+0.43+0.35+0.26). Chaetotaxy TmI 0.50. Metatarsi IV without trichobothrium. Palp ( Figs 19–25 View FIGURES 19 – 25 ): Ventro-apical apophysis on patella small, pointed, slightly curved. Palpal tibia relatively short and wide, lower outgrowth narrowing medially, roundly expanded distally. Paracymbium L-shaped, its distal part relatively narrow. Distal suprategular apophysis flat and wide. Embolic division with a flat, massive posterior radical apophysis and a small mesal radical tooth. Median radical tooth absent. Embolic membrane long and narrow, sabre-shaped. Embolus proper small, thin, directed backward. Abdomen 0.80 long, 0.55 wide, dark grey.

Female. Unknown.

Distribution. Only known from the type locality on Sumatra.

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FIGURES 1 – 7. Asiagone komannai n. sp., male holotype from Ko Man Nai (1, 2). 1, Habitus. 2, Carapace, frontolateral view. Erigone sumatrana n. sp., male paratype from Kersik Tua (3). 3, Carapace, lateral view. Gnathonarium luzon n. sp., male holotype (4) and female paratype (5) from Mt Makiling. 4, Carapace, lateral view. 5, Epigynum, ventral view. Oedothorax myanmar n. sp., male holotype from Kampetlet (6, 7). 6, Carapace, lateral view. 7, Habitus. Scale bars: 1, 2, 4, 6, 7; 3, 0.5 mm; 5, 0.1 mm.

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FIGURES 19 – 25. Erigone sumatrana n. sp., male paratype from Mt Kerinci. 19, 20, Right palp, retrolateral and prolateral views, respectively. 21, 22, Palpal tibia, posterolateral and dorsal views, respectively. 23, Embolic division. 24, 25, Apical part of embolus and embolus proper, different aspects. Scale bars: 19 - 22; 23, 0.1 mm; 24, 25, 0.05 mm.


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