Gestroana tumbbrincki, Tan & Storozhenko & Robillard, 2016

Tan, Ming Kai, Storozhenko, Sergey Yu. & Robillard, Tony, 2016, A new species of the genus Gestroana (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae: Cladonotinae) from New Guinea, Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle 209, pp. 141-148 : 146-148

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Gestroana tumbbrincki


Gestroana tumbrincki n. sp.

Figures 1-10

TYPE MATERIAL — Holotype male, Papua New Guinea. Mt. Wilhelm , 200 m, -5.739897,145.3297, PNG2012-MW- 200FIT16 [flight-intercept trap], #8744-P0831, 30.X.2012 - 1.XI.2012, understorey, F. Legendre & T. Robillard (MNHN- EO-CAELIF3100).

DISTRIBUTION — Mount Wilhelm, New Guinea Island.

ETYMOLOGY — The new species is dedicated to Josef Tumbrinck ( Germany), who recently revised the Cladonotinae of the Papua New Guinea and Oriental Region and described the majority of species of Gestroana .

DIAGNOSIS — The new species differs from congeners by the lower side of the lateral lobes of pronotum provided with three long spines (in all other species of Gestroana , the lower side is dentate or saw-toothed). G. tumbbrincki n. sp. is most similar to G. cyclopensis in the shape and position of the median carina of pronotum, but differs by the pronotal crest with large pointed lappets, by the number of lappets on outer side of hind femora, and by relatively narrow scutellum (in the latter species, the pronotal crest is serrulate, the outer side of hind femora with only two short lappets, and the scutellum distinctly broader than one eye).

DESCRIPTION — MALE: Habitus as shown in Figures 1 and 2. Body medium-sized for the genus. Micropronotal and wingless species with the pronotal crest armed with pointed lappets. Fastigium verticis almost reaching frontal margin of eyes. Anterior half of vertex little lower than posterior half in lateral view; vertex 2.7 times broader than one eye; transverse, secondary carinae of vertex absent; fossulae deep; lateral carinae of vertex curved outwards, in lateral view visible above eyes, triangular. Medial carina of vertex short (Figure 4), strongly elevated and lamellate, in lateral view visible above eyes (Figure 5). The whole frontal ridge in lateral view anterior of eyes, forming a broadly rounded and dentate plate between lateral ocelli and median ocellus (Figure 5). Furcation of frontal ridge situated slightly above lateral ocelli; lateral carinae of frontal ridge strongly broadened between base of antennae; scutellum triangular, its maximal width near median ocellus almost equal to width of one eye (Figures 3 and 6). Lateral ocelli situated in line with lower margins of eyes. Eyes subcircular, not touching anterior margin of pronotum (Figure 4). Antennae inserted considerably below lower margin of eyes (Figures 3, 5, 6). Pronotum, in lateral view, with one high pronotal crest in anterior half and one large tooth with two smaller lappets laterally and two lateral lappets just before apex (Figures 2 and 5). Posterior margin of pronotum with two small lateral lappets pointing dorsad (Figure 4). Pronotal crest starts increasing vertically at posterior margin of prozona (Figures 2 and 5). Ten irregularly sized lappets on apex of pronotal crest (arranged alternatively between both sides of the crest when viewed dorsally); lappets mostly rounded at apex, posterior pair slightly acute (Figure 4). Prozona transverse, about twice as wide as long; anterior margin of prozona between lateral carinae almost straight; median carina short; lateral carinae long, straight and spiny. Disc of pronotum with humeral angles; interhumeral carinae and internal lateral carinae absent. Lateral lobes of pronotum in dorsal view plate-like and armed with three long spines; posterior margin of lobes in lateral view with lower sinus only. Pronotal process reaching middle of hind femora; apex of process broadly excised; lateral carinae reaching apex of process; lateral lobes of pronotal process narrow. Tegmina and wings absent. Fore femora flattened (Figures 7 and 8). Dorsal side of fore femora with two outer and three inner lappets, inner ones triangular, outer ones elongated; ventral side with two outer and three inner long lappets, inner ones triangular, outer ones elongated (Figure 8). Dorsal side of fore tibia with one outer and one inner small broadly rounded lappets. Trochanter of mid femur with one lappet. Dorsal side of mid femora with three outer and three to four inner lappets, inner ones triangular, the most anterior outer one triangular, the other two nodular; ventral side with two to three outer and two or three inner lappets, inner ones triangular, outer ones elongated. Mid tibia distinctly widened near mid-length and narrowed apically; dorsal side with two broadly rounded lappets, ventral side lamellate. Second segment of fore and mid tarsi short. Inner dorsal carina of hind femora with two small basal teeth and three large lappets; two of the apical lappets close to one another; between the inner and outer dorsal carinae are four lappets of increasing size posteriorly; genicular tooth long, pointed (Figures 9, 10). Outer side of hind femora with four large lappets: two pointing externo-ventrally, two pointing externally in middle close to one another just dorsal of one of the ventral lappets (Figure 9). Ventral side of hind femora in basal third with a row of short hairs, near middle with short lappet, and in apical third with narrow lappet (Figure 9). Dorsal side of hind tibia laterally with rows of minute denticles. Ventral side of first tarsal segment with three pads, two basal pads short and pointed, apical pad rounded, distinctly longer than the others. Posterior margin of 10th tergite with two long spines. Epiproct narrowly triangular with pointed apex. Subgenital plate in ventral view slightly convex with subtruncated apex; in lateral view broad and stout. Cerci short, conical.

Body dark brown with yellowish brown marks (Figures 1 to 3). Head brown; eyes, apices of medial and lateral carinae

of vertex, mandibles and maxillary palpi yellowish brown; labrum shining brown. Apices of lappets and teeth of all femora light brown. Hind tibia blackish brown with light ring near base. Subgenital plate yellowish brown.

FEMALE: Unknown.

MEASUREMENTS (mm) — Length of male body 7.2; pronotum 5.1; fore femur 2.0; mid femur 2.3; hind femur 4.5.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics

























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