Curtonotum sakalava Tsacas, 1974

Kirk-Spriggs, Ashley H., 2011, A revision of Afrotropical Quasimodo flies (Diptera: Schizophora; Curtonotidae). Part III - the Malagasy species of Curtonotum Macquart, with descriptions of six new species, African Invertebrates 52 (2), pp. 391-391 : 431-435

publication ID

persistent identifier

treatment provided by

Felipe (2023-05-08 21:04:19, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-09 03:27:37)

scientific name

Curtonotum sakalava Tsacas, 1974


Curtonotum sakalava Tsacas, 1974 View in CoL

Figs 13 View Figs 9–13 , 26 View Figs 14–26 , 39 View Figs 27–39 , 76–78 View Figs 76–78 , 91 View Figs 79–91 , 104 View Figs 102–104

Curtonotum sakalava: Tsacas, 1974: 713 View in CoL ; figs 6a–d (p. 714). Type locality: “ Madagascar: Quest , Morondava ”.

Differential diagnosis: This is the smallest described species of the genus worldwide. It is probably not closely related to other species occurring on Madagascar, but shares some genitalic features in common with C. cuthbertsoni View in CoL and to a complex of seven as yet undescribed species occurring in the continental Afrotropical Region. The degree of development of the maculae on the abdominal tergites and the strong basomedial keel of the distiphallus, however, may preclude its direct association with this group.


Male (primarily based on ex-alcohol N-T).

As redescribed for C. balachowskyi , differing in the following respects: Measurements: Overall length 1.9–3.5 mm (n = 42, N-T); length of head and thorax combined 1.8 mm; length of thorax and scutellum combined 1.6 mm; wing length 2.3 mm (n = 1, N-T).

Head ( Figs 13 View Figs 9–13 , 26 View Figs 14–26 ). Eye prominent, eye height/length ratio: 8:5 (n = 1, N-T); frons ( Fig. 26 View Figs 14–26 ), slightly wider than long, frons length/width ratio: 40:45 (n = 1, N-T), markedly wider at vertex than at ventral margin, ground colour pale dirty yellow, dark brown towards vertex and between orbital plates, vittae interrupted at point of ocellar triangle, not reaching ventral margin; orbital plates and ocellar triangle golden-grey pruinose; orbital plates wide, extending from vertex of head to 0.9 length of frons; ocellar triangle large, extending third length of frons; posterior orbital seta longer than outer vertical seta; anterior orbital seta shorter than half length of ocellar setae; postocellar setae shorter than outer vertical seta; flagellomere 1 yellow basally and along anterior margin, darker medially, silver-grey pruinose, 2.5× as long as wide, arista with 6 or 7 long dorsal branches and 3 or 4 ventral branches in addition to terminal fork; facial carina slightly yellow pruinose, developed as a low ridge, extending ⅔ length of face, clypeus black, much narrower than face; vibrissae moderately strong, and 10 very small, brown setae bordering genal groove; occiput golden-grey pruinose; gena narrow, eye height/ genal height ratio: 8:50 (n = 1, N-T), silver pruinose, abruptly golden-brown beyond basal angle; palpus black-brown.

Thorax ( Fig. 26 View Figs 14–26 ). Mesonotum golden-grey pruinose, with 2 median conspicuous, broad, brown pruinose vittae and 2 lateral, shorter vittae; posterior dorsocentral setae same length as lateral scutellar seta; postalar setae slightly longer than acrostichal setae; postpronotum golden­grey pruinose, with 4 finer black­brown setulae; anepisternum silver­grey pruinose, with 12 fine setulae, some larger and arranged in 2 groups of 3; katepisternum silver-grey pruinose, yellow-grey pruinose anteriorly, ventral katepisternal seta finer, ca 0.2 length of ventral katepisternal setae, surface with 12 short, fine setulae at base and along posterior margin.

Scutellum. Uniform, golden-grey pruinose throughout; intermediate scutellar setula inserted three­fifths distance between medial and lateral scutellar setae.

Legs. Fore coxa with 9 brown setulae; mid and hind coxa silver-yellow pruinose, mid coxa with 3 brown setulae; hind coxa with 2 brown setula; fore tibia usually with 4 strong setae on lateral margin, the second basal seta of similar length to other three, with ctenidium of 7–9 short, sharp black spinules.

Wing (as in Fig. 39 View Figs 27–39 ). Short, broad basally, tip evenly-rounded, veins chestnut-brown, membrane very faintly infuscate brown throughout, marginally darker in r 1 and anterior half of r 2+3 and in region of dm–cu crossvein; dm–cu crossvein obliquely angled posteriorly, with slight curvature at midlength; haltere dirty yellow.

Abdomen. Tergite 2 with oblique, subrectangular brown-black pruinose dorsolateral macula on either side and small, medial macula in apical third; tergites 3–5 with narrow, V-shaped concolourous median fascia and broad, concolourous T-shaped dorsolateral macula, these separated from medial facia; lateral margin of tergites 2–3 with extensive concolourous macula for full length of tergite, tergite 4 with macula extending half length of tergite (collectively forming an unbroken facia, viewed at low magnification); sternite 4, quadrate, with straight apical margin; sternite 5 rectangular, evenly rounded at sides, third longer than sternite 4, both with sparse, brown setulae, those along lateral margins slightly very longer and stronger; sternite 6 ( Fig. 91 View Figs 79–91 ) subquadrate (may appear narrower than Fig. 91 View Figs 79–91 in undissected specimens), with shallow, broad excision apically, with faint brown maculae laterally, clothed in short, irregular, brown setulae, those at apical margin longer and more prominent.

Terminalia ( Figs 76–78 View Figs 76–78 ). Hypandrium ( Fig. 76 View Figs 76–78 , hy) short, with broad-based subangulate-truncate dorsobasal lobe, posterior bridge markedly dorsally and ventrally produced (angulate in profile); hypandrial arms broad, slightly narrower basally, than apically (viewed laterally), with 2 equally strong setulae proximal to postgonite, both ventromedially-directed, sclerotised area of medial lobes (viewed dorsally), straight basally, well­separated for ⅔ of their length, abutting in apical third; postgonite ( Fig. 76 View Figs 76–78 , pg) short and broad in basal ⅔, narrowed to apex; epandrium ( Fig. 76 View Figs 76–78 , ep) slightly broader dorsally than ventrally (viewed laterally), flat on dorsal margin, posterior margin straight, ventral margin with extensive row of long, regular to irregular, apically-directed setae; cercus ( Fig. 76 View Figs 76–78 , ce) slightly produced, longest setae as long as longest setae on ventral margin of epandrium; surstylus ( Fig. 76 View Figs 76–78 , ss) short, wide and straight; phallus (as in Figs 76 View Figs 76–78 , ph, bp, dp, 77, bp, dp) C-shaped, weakly sclerotised; phallapodeme ( Fig. 77 View Figs 76–78 , ph) fused to basiphallus, subtriangular (viewed laterally), with basal margin developed into two flat, narrow, flat projections in basal 0.4, bifurcated at point of connection with hypandrium; ejaculatory apodeme ( Fig. 77 View Figs 76–78 , ea) free, duct inserted at junction of phallapodeme and basiphallus; basiphallus ( Fig. 77 View Figs 76–78 , bp) slightly broader basally, then narrow and regular for most of its lengths; apical section ( Fig. 78 View Figs 76–78 , bp) moderately broad, right lateral margin evenly rounded with slightly raised keel, left lateral margin even; distiphallus ( Figs 77, 78 View Figs 76–78 , dp) long, narrow and evenly curved (viewed laterally), basal section with conspicuous, short dorsomedial keel.

Female. Similar to male, except in the following respects: overall length 1.9–2.9 (n = 17, N-T); frons very slightly wider, abdomen longer.

Variation: The frons is more extensively brown between the orbital plates in some specimens, with the vittae more conspicuous. Fore tibia with 3 strong, lateral setae, rather than 4, in some specimens.

Holotype (examined): ♂ MADAGASCAR: “ Morondava / fôret sud / de Befasy / I­[19]56 R.P. [= R. Paulian] // INSTITUT / SCIENTIFIQUE / MADAGASCAR [pale grey card] // HOLOTYPE [red card] // CURTONOTUM / sakalava / Holotype n.sp. / L. TSACAS DET.1974 [printed & handwritten] // MUSÉUM PARIS // Curtonotum / sakalava Tsacas, 1974 ♂ / A.H. Kirk­Spriggs vidit 2006 // Specimen / missing from mount / 2006” ( MNHN). The specimen is entirely missing from the mount, but the abdomen and terminalia are stored in vial beneath the specimen.

Other material examined (all labelled: “ Curtonotum sakalava Tsacas, 1974 ♂ [or ♀] det. A.H. Kirk­Spriggs 2008 –2010”): MADAGASCAR: Tuléar Prov.: 2♂ 2♀ SW coast N of Tuléar (= Toliara), hotel area “ Mora Mora ”, 14.ii.1984, M. von Tschirnhaus, dry forest near sand beach (X1179) ( ZSM) ; 1♂ Mahafaly Plateau , 6.2 km 74° NE of Itampolo, 24°39'13"S: 43°59'48"E, 21–25.ii. 2002, 80 m, spiny forest thicket, Malaise trap, [B.] Fisher, [C.] Griswold et al. ( MAD29 ) GoogleMaps , BLF5759; 1♂ Forêt de Mahavelo, Isantoria River , 24°45'30"S: 46°09'26"E, 28.i–1.ii. 2002, 110 m, spiny forest thicket, Malaise trap, [B.] Fisher, [C.] Griswold et al. ( MAD48 ) GoogleMaps , BLF5237; 1♀, Sous Prefecture Fort Dauphin, Andohahela National Park, Ihazofotsy Parcelle III, 24°49.85'S: 46°32.17'E, 21 x–2 xii. 2002, 190 ft, Malaise trap, dry/spiny forest, M.E. Irwin, F. Parker & R. Harin’Hala (MG­02­21­01C); same except GoogleMaps : 1♂ 1♀ 12–16 xii.2002 (MG­21­03); 2♀ 15– 26.i.2003 (MG­21­04); 1♂ 2♀ 15–26.i.2003 (MG­21­07); 1♂ 18–29.iii.2003 (MG­21­13); 1♀ 21–28. iv.2003 (MG­21­16); 1♀ 28.iv–6.v.2003 (MG­21­17); 1♂ 6–13.v.2003 (MG­21­18); 1♀ 3– (MG­21­21); 2♂ 1♀–6.vii.2003 (MG­21­24); 1♂ 1♀ 24.viii–3.ix.2003 (MG­21­30); 2♂ 23–30. xi.2003 (MG­21­39); 3♂ 7–19 xii.2003 (MG­21­42); 4♂ 3–14.i.2004 (MG­21­44); 1♂ Sous Prefecture Fort Dauphin, 74 km S of Tsihombe, 120 ft, Cap Ste Marie Special Reserve , 25°35.36'S: 45°09.78'E, 8–18 x.2003, Malaise trap, spiny bush, R. Harin’Hala & M.E. Irwin (MG­23­44) GoogleMaps ; 1♂ Mikea Forest , 22°54.22'S: 43°28.53'E, 19.viii–3.ix.2002, 97 ft, Malaise trap, deciduous dry forest, R. Harin’Hala & M.E. Irwin (MG­18A­31); same except GoogleMaps : 1♀ 27.vii–3.viii.2003 (MA­02­18A­63); 1♀ 12–23.xi.2003 (MA­02­ 18A­74); 1♂ Mikea Forest , 22°54.80'S: 43°23.93'E, 28.iii–8.iv. 2002, 120 ft, Malaise trap, spiny forest, R. Harin’Hala & M.E. Irwin (MG­18B­18) GoogleMaps ; 1♂ Zombitse National Park , near ANGAP office, 22°53.19'S: 44°41.53'E, 28.ii–6.iii. 2002, 840 m, R. Harin’Hala, Malaise trap, deciduous spiny forest (MA-02­13A­18); same except GoogleMaps : 1♀ 19–27.v.2002 (MA­02­13A­29); 1♂ 19.viii–3.ix.2002 (MA­02­13A­38); 1♀ 5–31 x.2002 (MA­02­13A­42); 1♀ 28.ii–10.iii.2003 (MA­02­13A­51); 1♂ Zombitse National Park , near national road, 22°50.43'S: 44°43.87'E, 5–12.i. 2002, 825 m, R. Harin’Hala, Malaise trap, deciduous spiny forest (MA­02­13B­11); same except GoogleMaps : 1♂ 20–27.iii.2002 (MA­02­13B­21); 1♂ 2♀ Beza Mahafaly Reserve, Parcelle I near research station, 23°41.19'S: 44°35.46'E, 15 x–10 xi. 2001, 165 m, M.E. Irwin, F.D. Parker & R. Harin’Hala, Malaise trap in dry deciduous forest (MA­02­14A­01); same except GoogleMaps : 2♂ 10–21. xi.2001 (MA­02­14A­02); 1♂ 1♀ 21–28 xi.2001, R. Harin’Hala (MA­02­14A­03); 1♂ 21–28 xi.2001 (MA­02­14A­04); 5♂ 3♀ 4–11 xii.2001 (MA­02­14A­05); 4♂ 11–18 xii.2001 (MA­02­14A­06); 1♂ 1♀ 18–25 xii.2001 (MA­02­14A­07); 2♂ 25 xii.2001– 2.i.2002 (MA­02­14A­08); 1♂ 2–9.i.2002 (MA­02­ 14A­09); 4♂ 2♀ 16–18.i.2002 (MA­02­14A­11); 3♂ 1♀ 18–25.i.2002 (MA­02­14A­12); 3♂ 3♀ 8–15. ii.2002 (MA­02­14A­15); 3♂ 1♀ 15–22.ii.2002 (MA­02­14A­16); 1♂ 1♀ 22.ii–1.iii.2002 (MA­02­14A­17) (all CAS) ; 2♂ 1–7.iii.2002 (MA­02­14A­18) [in spirit], ( BMSA (DNA)#0020 & BMSA(DNA)#0021) ( BMSA) ; 1♀ 7–14.iii.2002 (MA­02­14A­19); 2♂ 22–29.iii.2002 (MA­02­14A­21); 1♂ 29.iii–10.iv.2002 (MA­02­14A­22); 2♂ 10–29.iv.2002 (MA­02­14A­23); 2♂ 29.iv–19.v.2002 (MA­02­14A­24); 1♀ 19.v–8. vi.2002 (MA­02­14A­25); 1♂ 8– (MA­02­14A­26); 2♂–7.vii.2002 (MA­02­14A­28); 3♂ 7–18.vii.2002 (MA­02­14A­29) [1 head missing]; 3♂ 1♀ 18–28.vii.2002 (MA­02­14A­30); 1♂ 1♀ 28. vii–9.viii.2002 (MA­02­14A­31); 3♂ 9–16.viii.2002 (MA­02­14A­32) [1 head missing]; 2♂ 1♀ 16–28. viii.2002 (MA­02­14A­33); 5♂ 1♀ 28.viii–9.ix.2002 (MA­02­14A­34); 6♂ 2♀ 9–20.ix.2002 (MA­02­ 14A­35); 3♂ 1♀ 20.ix–5 x.2002 (MA­02­14A­36); 1♀ 5–20 x.2002 (MA­02­14A­37); 1♀ 20–28 x.2002 (MA­02­14A­38); 5♂ 10–22 xi.2002 (MA­02­14A­40); 1♀ 22 xi–2 xii.2002 (MA­02­14A­41); 4♂ 1♀ 2–12 xii.2002 (MA­02­14A­42); 3♀ 12–17 xii.2002 (MA­02­14A­43); 1♀ 17–20 xii.2002 (MA­02­14A­44); 1♂ 1♀ 20–24 xii.2002 (MA­02­14A­45); 2♂ 24 xii.2002– 2.i.2003 (MA­02­14A­46); 2♂ 2♀ 9–23.i.2003 (MA­02­14A­48); 1♂ 1♀ 23.i–4.ii.2003 (MA­02­14A­49); 2♂ 1♀ 4–6.ii.2003 (MA­02­14A­50); 3♂ 2–13.iii.2003 (MA­02­14A­52); 1♂ 23.iii–2.iv.2003 (MA­02­14A­54); 1♂ 1♀ 21–29.iv.2003 (MA­02­14A­57); 1♂ 1♀ 29.iv–7.v.2003 (MA­02­14A­58); 1♀ 1– (MA­02­14A­62); 2♀ Beza Mahafaly Reserve, Parcelle II near Bellevue , 23°41.39'S: 44°34.53'E, 15 x–10 xi. 2001, 180 m, M.E. Irwin, F.D. Parker & R. Harin’Hala, Malaise trap, in spiny forest (MA­02­14B­01); same except GoogleMaps : 2♂ 28 xi–4. xii.2001 (MA­02­14B­04); 1♂ 11–18 xii.2001 (MA­02­14B­06); 1♀ 18–25 xii.2001 (MA­02­14B­07); 1♂ 2♀ 25 xii.2001– 2.i.2002 (MA­02­14B­08); 1♂ 2–9.i.2002 (MA­02­14B­09); 1♂ 16–18.i.2002 (MA­02­14B­11); 1♀ 18–25.i.2002 (MA­02­14B­12); 1♂ Andohahela National Park, Tsimelahy, Parcelle II, 24°56.21'S: 46°37.60'E, 4–11 xi. 2002, 180 m, M.E. Irwin, F. Parker & R. Harin’Hala, Malaise trap, in transitional forest (MA­02­20­03); same except GoogleMaps : 1♀ 26 xi–2 xii.2002 (MA­02­20­06); 1♀ 2–9 xii.2002 (MA­02­20­07); 5♂ 2♀ 17–27 xii.2002 (MA­02­20­10); 9♂ 4♀ 6–16.i.2003 (MA­02­20­12); 4♂ 3♀ 16– 26.i.2003 (MA­02­20­13); 1♂ 1♀ 26.i–5.ii.2003 (MA­02­20­14); 1♀ 5–15.ii.2003 (MA­02­20­15); 2♂ 2♀ 15–26.ii.2003 (MA­02­20­16); 5♂ 4♂ 26.ii–8.iii.2003 (MA­02­20­17); 7♂ 8–18.iii.2003 (MA­02­20­18); 3♂ 5♀ 18–28.iii.2003 (MA­02­20­19); 1♀ 28.iii–8.iv.2003 (MA­02­20­20); 1♀–10.vii.2003 (MA­02­20­31); 1♂ 10–20.vii.2003 (MA­02­20­32); 1♂ 17–24.viii.2003 (MA­02­20­36); 1♂ 24–31.viii.2003 (MA­02­20­37); 1♂ 1♀ 31.viii–10.ix.2003 (MA­02­20­38); 1♂ 10–21.ix.2003 (MA­02­20­39); 1♂ 21. ix–1 x.2003 (MA­02­20­40); 1♂ 1♀ 30 x–9 xi.2003 (MA­02­20­44); 2♂ 3♀ 30 xi–11 xii.2003 (MA­02­ 20­47); 1♀ 11–21 xii.2003 (MA­02­20­48); 1♂ 3♀ 23 xii.2003– 5.i.2004 (MA­02­20­50); 1♀ 15–28.i.2004 (MA­02­20­52); 1♂ 28.i–12.ii.2004 (MA­02­20­53); 1♂ 12–23.ii.2004 (MA­02­20­54); 2♂ 1♀ 23.ii–6. iii.2004 (MA­02­20­55); 1♂ Andohahela National Park, Ihazofotsy Parcelle III, 24°49.85'S: 46°32.17'E, 2–12 xii.2002, 80 m, M.E. Irwin, F. Parker & R. Harin’Hala, Malaise trap, in dry spiny forest (MA-02-21- 02); same except GoogleMaps : 2♂ 26 xii.2002– 5.i.2003 (MA­02­21­05); 1♀ 5–15.i.2003 (MA­02­21­06); 1♂ 26.i–3. ii.2003 (MA­02­21­08); 2♂ 29.iii–10.iv.2003 (MA­02­21­14); 2♂ 1♀ 10–21.iv.2003 (MA­02­21­15); 3♂ 7–17 xii.2003 (MA­02­21­41); 1♀ 17–19 xii.2003 (MA­02­21­42); 2♀ 19.xii.2003 – 3.i.2004 (MA­02­21­ 43); 1♂ 3–14.i.2004 (MA­02­21­44); 1♂ 14.ii–1.iii.2004 (MA­02­21­47); 3♂ 2–11.iv.2004 (MA­02­21­ 49); 3♂ 2♂ Sous Prefecture Fort Dauphin, 58 km SW of Fort Dauphin, 8 km NW of Amboasary, Berenty Special Reserve , 25°00.40'S: 46°18.20'E, 14–24.iv. 2003, 280 ft, Malaise trap, gallery forest, M.E. Irwin & R. Harin’Hala (MG­22­22); same except GoogleMaps : 2♂ 25.v– (MG­22­26); 1♂ 7–22.viii.2004 (MG­22­ 54); 5♀ Berenty Special Reserve , 8 km NW Amboasary, 25°00.40'S: 46°18.20'E, 25–26 x.2002, 85 m, M.E. Irwin, F. Parker & R. Harin’Hala, Malaise trap, gallery forest (MA-02-22-01) [1 with right wing detached and glued to card]; same except GoogleMaps : 1♂ 6♀ 26 x–2 xi.2002 (MA­02­22­02); 3♂ 6♀ 2–9 xi.2002 (MA­02­22­ 03); 1♂ 2♀ 9–16 xi.2002 (MA­02­22­04); 5♂ 2♀ 16–23 xi.2002 (MA­02­22­05) [1♂ head missing]; 4♂ 2♀ 23–30 xi.2002 (MA­02­22­06); 3♂ 2♀ 30 xi–7.xii.2002 (MA­02­22­07); 3♂ 3♀ 7–14 xii.2002 (MA­02­22­08); 1♂ 2♀ 16–27 xii.2002 (MA­02­22­10); 5♂ 6♀ 27 xii.2002 – 7.i.2003 (MA­02­22­11); 2♂ 6♀ 7–17.i.2003 (MA­02­22­12); 2♂ 1♀ 17–26.i.2003 (MA­02­22­13); 3♂ 26.i–5.ii.2003 (MA­02­22­14); 2♀ 5–15.ii.2003 (MA­02­22­15); 2♂ 5♀ 15–25.ii.2003 (MA­02­22­16); 1♀ 25.ii–7.iii.2003 (MA­02­22­17); 1♂ 2♀ 17–24.iii.2003 (MA­02­22­19); 1♂ 1♀ 24.iii–3.iv.2003 (MA­02­22­20); 1♀ 25.v– (MA­02­22­26); 1♂ 8–15 xi.2003 (MA­02­22­29); 1♀ 22–30.xi.2003 (MA­02­22­31); 1♀ 4–15.ii.2004 (MA­02­22­39); 2♂ 30.iv–14.v.2004 (MA­02­22­46); 7♂ Berenty Special Reserve, 85 m, 8 km SW of Fort Dauphin, 8 km NW of Amboasary , 25.ii–7.iii.2003, 25°00.40'S: 46°18.20'E, M.E. Irwin, F. Parker & R. Harin’Hala, Malaise trap gallery forest (MA­02­22­17); same except GoogleMaps : 4♂ 5–15.ii.2003 (MA­02­22­15); 3♀ Berenty Special Reserve , 8 km NW Amboasary, 25°01.26'S: 46°18.33'E, 10–, 35 m, M.E, Irwin, F. Parker & R. Harin’Hala, Malaise trap, spiny forest (MA­02­22A­01); same except GoogleMaps : 1♂ 5♀ 8–15 xi.2003 (MA­02­22A­02); 5♂ 5♀ 15–22.xi.2003 (MA­02­22A­03); 2♂ 2♀ 22–30 xi.2003 (MA­02­22A­04); 2♂ 30 xi–7 xii.2003 (MA­02­22A­05); 1♂ 1♀ 14–21 xii.2003 (MA­02­22A­07); 2♂ 21 xii.2003 – 1.i.2004 (MA­02­22A­08); 1♂ 2–13.i.2004 (MA­02­22A­09); 1♂ 1♀ 13–23.i.2004 (MA­02­22A­10); 1♂ 23.i–4. ii.2004 (MA­02­22A­11); 1♂ 15–28.ii.2004 (MA­02­22A­13); 1♀ 28.ii–24.iii.2004 (MA­02­22A­14); 1♂ 24.iii–4.iv.2004 (MA­02­22A­15); 2♂ 1♀ 4–15.iv.2004 (MA­02­22A­16); 1♀ 15–29.iv.2004 (MA­02­ 22A­17); 1♀ 11– (MA­02­22A­19); 1♀ 4–18.vii.2004 (MA­02­22A­20); 1♂ 1♀ 4–18.vii.2004 (MA­02­22A­21); 4♂ 2♀ 18–31.vii.2004 (MA­02­22A­22); 1♂ 31.vii–15.viii.2004 (MA­02­22A­23); 1♀ 15–29.viii.2004 (MA­02­22A­24); 2♂ 1♀ 8–21.ix.2004 (MA­02­22A­26); 1♂ 21.ix–7 x.2004 (MA­02­ 22A­27) (all CAS) ; 3♀ District of Morondava, Beroboka village , 45 km NE of Morondava, 19°58.65'S: 4°39.98'E, 30 x–6 xi.2007, Antsaronganjaza dry forest (MG­45A­07); same except GoogleMaps : 1♂ 6–14 xii.2007 (MG­45A­12) (all CAS) ; 1♂ Beroboka village 45 km NE Morondava, 19°58.65'S: 44°39.92'E, 30 xi–6. xii. 2007, 420 ft, M.E. Irwin & R. Harin’Hala, Malaise trap, Antsarongaza gallery forest (MG-45B-11) [in spirit], BMSA(DNA)#0056 ( BMSA) GoogleMaps . Fianarantsoa Prov.: 1♂ near Isalo National Park, at stream east of Interpretive Center , 22°37.60'S: 45°21.49'E, 4–13.v. 2002, 750 m, M.E. Irwin & R. Harin’Hala, Malaise trap in open area (MA­02­11A­27); same except GoogleMaps : 1♀ 27.v– (MA­02­11A­30); 1♀ 10–25.vii.2002 (MA­02­11A­35); 1♀ 22–29 xi.2002 (MA­02­11A­47); 1♂ 17–28.iii.2003 (MA­02­11A­58); 1♂ 28.iii–9. iv.2003 (MA­02­11A­59); 1♀ near Isalo National Park, in dry wash east of Interpretive Center , 22°37.60'S: 45°21.49'E, 15 x–9 xi. 2001, 885 m, M.E. Irwin, F.D. Parker & R. Harin’Hala, Malaise trap (MA­02­11B­01); same except GoogleMaps : 1♀ 16–21 xii.2001 (MA­02­11B­07); 1♀ 21–29 xii.2001 (MA­02­11B­08); 2♂ 13–19.i.2002 (MA­02­11B­11); 1♂ 3–10.ii.2002 (MA­02­11B­14); 1♀ 17–24.ii.2002 (MA­02­ 11B­16); 1♀ 30.iii–7.iv.2002 (MA­02­11B­22); 1♀ 7–15.iv.2002 (MA­02­11B­23); 1♂ 4–13.v.2002 (MA­02­11B­27); 1♀ 13–20.v.2002 (MA­02­11B­28); 1♀ 20–27.v.2002 (MA­02­11B­29); 1♀ 25.vii–9.viii.2002 (MA­02­11B­36); 1♀ 23.viii–7.ix.2002 (MA­02­11B­38); 1♂ 22.ix–3.x.2002 (MA­02­11B­40); 1♂ 14– 22 xii.2002 (MA­02­11B­50); 1♀ 28.iii–9.iv.2003 (MA­02­11B­60). Majunga Prov.: 1♂ Ampijoroa National Park , 160 km N of Maevatanana on RN 04, 16°19.16'S: 46°48.80'E, 9–20 xi.2003, 43 m, M.E. Irwin & R. Harin’Hala, Malaise trap in deciduous forest (MA-25-23) [in spirit], BMSA(DNA)#0057 ( BMSA) GoogleMaps ; same except: 1♂ 19–26 x.2003 (MA­25­20) ( CAS) .

Distribution ( Fig. 104 View Figs 102–104 ): Widely distributed in five vegetation types (Appendix II), in the Dry Spiny Bush and Dry Deciduous Forest biomes. In the North West, West and South biogeographical zones and Dry and Subarid bioclimatic zones ( Figs 105–107 View Figs 105–107 ; Tables 1–3).

KIRK-SPRIGGS, A. H. 2008 a. A qualitative assessment of intra- and interspecific variability in the spermathecal structure of the Curtonotum cuthbertsoni complex (Diptera: Ephydroidea: Curtonotidae) and an assessment of their value as species-level characters. African Entomology 16: 244 - 252.

TSACAS, L. 1974. Etude preliminaire des Curtonotidae de Madagascar [Diptera]. Annales de la Societe entomologique de France (N. S.) 10: 703 - 719.

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Figs 9–13. Head and thorax (lateral view) of Curtonotum spp., males: (9) C. rinhatinana sp. n., HT, Ankarafantsika, CAS; (10) C. boeny, HT, Ambato-Boeni, MNHN; (11) C. griveaudi sp. n., HT, Asondrodava dry forest, CAS; (12) C. pauliani, N-T, Tsingy National Park, CAS; (13) C. sakalava, N-T, Berenty Special Reserve, CAS. Not to scale.

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Figs 14–26. Frons (dorsal view) of Curtonotum spp., males: (14) C. keiseri, PT, Mtge. D’Ambre, NHMB; (15) C. stuckenbergi, HT, Ambohitantely, NMHN; (16) C. sternithrix, HT, Antanambe, MNHN; (17) C. irwini sp. n., HT, Zombitse National Park, CAS; (18) C. parkeri sp. n., HT, same, CAS; (19) C. coronaeformis sp.n., HT, Fianarantsoa, CAS; (20) C. balachowskyi, HT, Fia Mananjary, MNHN; (21) C. gladiiformis sp. n., HT, Fianarantsoa, CAS; (22) C. rinhatinana sp. n., HT,Ankarafantsika, CAS; (23) C. boeny, HT, Ambato-Boeni, MNHN; (24) C. griveaudi sp. n., HT, Asondrodava dry forest, CAS; (25) C. pauliani, N-T, Ankarafantsika, CAS; (26) C. sakalava, N-T, Andohahela National Park, CAS. Not to scale.

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Figs 27–39. Wing of Curtonotum spp., males, unless otherwise stated: (27) C. keiseri, N-T, Joffreville, TAU; (28) C. stuckenbergi, ♀ AT, Ambohitantely, NMSA; (29) C. sternithrix, PT, Manambato, NMSA; (30) C. irwini sp. n., PT, Zombitse National Park, CAS; (31) C. parkeri sp. n., HT, same, CAS; (32) C. coronaeformis sp. n., PT, near Isalo National Park, CAS; (33) C. balachowskyi, N-T, Asondrodava dry forest, CAS; (34) C. gladiiformis sp. n., PT, near Isalo National Park, CAS; (35) C. rinhatinana sp. n., HT, Ankarafantsika, CAS; (36) C. boeny, ♀ PT,Ambata­Boeni, MNHN; (37) C. griveaudi sp. n., N-T, Sambava Beach, TAU; (38) C. pauliani, N-T, Tsingy National Park, CAS; (39) C. sakalava, N-T, Berenty Special Reserve, CAS. Not to scale.

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Figs 76–78. Curtonotum sakalava, male terminalia: (76) hypandrium and epandrium, lateral view, N-T, Berenty Special Reserve, CAS; (77) phallus, right lateral view, HT, Morondava, MNHN; (78) basiphallus and distiphallus junction, dorsal view. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.

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Figs 79–91. Sternites 6 (79–85, 87–91) and 4–6 (86) of Curtonotum spp. males: (79) C. keiseri, N-T, Ambohitra, TAU; (80) C. stuckenbergi, HT, Ambohitantely, NMHN; (81) C. irwini sp. n., PT, Zombitse National Park, CAS; (82) C. parkeri sp. n., PT, same, CAS; (83) C. coronaeformis sp. n., PT, Fianarantsoa, CAS; (84) C. balachowskyi, N-T, same, CAS; (85) C. gladiiformis sp. n., N-T, same, CAS; (86) C. sternithrix, PT, Manambato, MNHN; (87) C. rinhatinana sp. n., HT, Ankarafantsika,CAS; (88) C. boeny, N-T, E. Bekopaka,CAS; (89) C. griveaudi sp.n., PT, Mahafaly Reserve, CAS; (90) C. pauliani, N-T, E. Bekopaka, CAS; (91) C. sakalava, N-T, Berenty Special Reserve, CAS. Scale bars = 0.5 mm.

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Figs 102–104. Distribution of Malagasy Curtonotom spp.: (102) C. griveaudi sp. n.; (103) C. pauliani; (104) C. sakalava. See Figs 92–101 for vegetation key.

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Figs 105–107. (105) The biomes of Madagascar (after Yoder & Nowak 2006); (106) biogeographic zonation of Madagascar, following Boumans et al. (2007) and partly Wilmé et al. (2006) (after Glaw & Vences 2007); (107) bioclimatic zonation of Madagascar, following Cornet (1974) and Schatz (2000) (after Glaw & Vences 2007).


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology


California Academy of Sciences


National Museum Bloemfontein











