Gastrodia nipponica ( Honda 1932: 168 ) Tuyama (1939: 4) emend. Suetsugu

Suetsugu, Kenji, Aoki, Rin & Kaneko, Shingo, 2023, Resurrection and emended description of Gastrodia foetida (Orchidaceae), Phytotaxa 583 (3), pp. 251-259 : 256-258

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.583.3.3


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Gastrodia nipponica ( Honda 1932: 168 ) Tuyama (1939: 4) emend. Suetsugu


Gastrodia nipponica ( Honda 1932: 168) Tuyama (1939: 4) emend. Suetsugu View in CoL View at ENA

( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 , 2C–D View FIGURE 2 , 3E–H View FIGURE 3 , 7 View FIGURE 7 )

Type:— JAPAN. Wakayama Pref.: Nishimuro County, Iwatamura (= Kamitonda-cho), 1 May 1931, Kaichi Kashiyama no. 2 (holotype:


Terrestrial, mycoheterotrophic herbs. Roots slender, often produced from the junction between rhizome and inflorescence after the flowering season. Rhizome tuberous, fusiform or cylindrical, 1.5–8.5 cm long, 3–13 mm in diameter, yellowish brown, covered with numerous scales and unicellular hairs similar to roots. Stem leafless, erect, pale brown, 3–9 cm long, 1.5–4 mm in diameter, 2–4 nodes, with tubular sheaths. Bracts ovate, up to 5 mm long, 4 mm wide. Pedicel and ovary 1.0– 1.5 cm long. Flowers 1–4, tubular, slightly nodding, resupinate, 19–24 mm long, 10–14 mm in diameter. Sepals and petals united, forming a five-lobed perianth tube. Sepals subsimilar, 19–24 mm long, connate to 3/4–4/5 of their length with petals, lateral sepals connate 2/3–3/4 of their length with each other, outer surface dark brown with numerous inconspicuous white warty spots, margin entire or slightly undulate; free portion of dorsal sepal ovate-triangular, obtuse at apex, 4.5–6.0 × 6.2–9.0 mm; free portions of lateral sepals triangular, spreading, obtuse at apex, 5.2–7.2 × 7.1–12.1 mm. Free portions of petals ovate or elliptic, 3.0–4.5 × 2.5–3.8 mm. Lip adnate to column foot, 8.2–9.2 × 4.6–6.1 mm long; hypochile with 2 well-developed globose calli; epichile pale yellowish white, ovate-orbicular, base contracted, disc with 4–6-ridges, the central two ridges extending to the ligulate reddish apex. Column straight, semi-cylindrical, 7.9–9.0 × 2.1–2.9 mm at the widest part and 2.0– 2.5 mm wide at base; column foot well developed; lateral column wings (stelidia) distinct, narrow, the edges parallel to column, slightly dilated toward a little below the middle of column, apex acute, not exceeding anther cap; rostellum well developed; stigma located at base. Anther hemiellipsoid, 1.4 mm in diameter, pollinia 2. Capsule cylindrical, 2.5–3.4 cm long, pedicel elongating to more than 30 cm long in fruit.

Additional specimens examined: — JAPAN. Kyushu—Kagoshima Pref.: Isa City, Okuchitashiro, 25 April 2021, Hironobu Kanemitsu Ga 11 (TNS!, spirit collection). Miyazaki Pref.: Miyazaki City, Shimokitakatamachi , Heiwadai Park, 22 May 2017, Kenji Suetsugu HWD-Gnipp-01 (KYO!). Kumamoto Pref.: Yatsushiro District, Taneyamamura , June 1909, Tomoki Yamada s.n. (TI!, paratype); Ashikita District, Tsunagimura , 29 May 1932, K. Mayebara s.n. (TI, paratype). Fukuoka Pref.: Munakata City, Yoshidome , 11 May 2015, Kenji Suetsugu YSD-Gnipp-01 (KYO!) . Shikoku— Kochi Pref.: Takaoka District, Nakatosa Town, Mt. Kiuchi-gamori , 31 May 2005, Taku Miyazaki no. 505022 (TI!) ;

Kochi City, Haruno Town, Kamado Shrine , 10 April 2021, Minoru Mizobuchi Ga8 ( TNS!, spirit collection); Kochi City, Haruno Town, Nyakuichi-Oji Shrine , 10 April 2021, Minoru Mizobuchi Ga9 ( TNS!, spirit collection). Honshu— Wakayama Pref.: Nishimuro County, Iwatamura (= Kamitonda Town), 4 June 1922, Nuizo Ui s.n. ( TI!); loc. cit., 9 May 1929, Kaichi Kashiyama no. 1 ( TI!, paratype); loc. cit., 24 May 1929, Tozo Nakajima s.n. ( TI!); loc. cit., 13 June 1929, Kaichi Kashiyama no. 5 ( TI!, paratype); loc. cit., 24 June 1929, Kaichi Kashiyama no. 6 ( TI!, paratype); loc. cit., 17 May 1930, Kaichi Kashiyama no. 4 ( TI!, paratype); loc. cit., 24 May 1931, Tozo Nakajima s.n. ( TI!); loc. cit., 15 May 1931, Kaichi Kashiyama no. 3 ( TI!, paratype); loc. cit., 9 May 1933, Kaichi Kashiyama s.n. ( TI!, paratype); loc. cit., 12 May 1940, Shuichiro Kitazima s.n. ( TI!); loc. cit., 30 April 2021, Tetsuro Ikeda Ga12 ( TNS!, spirit collection). Mie Pref.: Minamimuro County, Kiho Town , 30 April 2021, Tetsuro Ikeda Ga13 ( TNS!, spirit collection). Shizuoka Pref.: Shizuoka City, Suruga Ward , 28 April 2021, Masayuki Sato Ga14 ( TNS!, spirit collection).


National Museum of Nature and Science


Herbarium of the Department of Botany, University of Tokyo














Gastrodia nipponica ( Honda 1932: 168 ) Tuyama (1939: 4) emend. Suetsugu

Suetsugu, Kenji, Aoki, Rin & Kaneko, Shingo 2023

Gastrodia nipponica ( Honda 1932: 168 )

Tuyama, T. 1932: 168
GBIF Dataset (for parent article) Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF