Satyrichthys clavilapis Fowler, 1938

Kawai, Toshio, 2013, Revision of the peristediid genus Satyrichthys (Actinopterygii: Teleostei) with the description of a new species, S. milleri sp. nov., Zootaxa 3635 (4), pp. 419-438 : 421-422

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Satyrichthys clavilapis Fowler, 1938


Satyrichthys clavilapis Fowler, 1938 View in CoL

( Figure 4 View FIGURE 4 ; Tables 1–5)

Satyrichthys clavilapis Fowler, 1938: 123 (type locality: Philippines); Richards, 1999: 2362 (name listed from western central Pacific); Richards, 2000 (name listed from South China Sea): 607; Kawai, 2008: 26 (listed name only); Kawai &Takata, 2008: 27 ( Indonesia); Kawai & Takata, 2009: 90 ( Philippines and Indonesia).

Acanthostedion rugosum Fowler, 1943: 76 (type locality: Philippines).

Saryrichthys rugosus : Kawai, 2008: 26 (listed name only).

Material examined: 35 specimens (39.1–201 mm SL). HUMZ 194072–194092, 21 specimens, 101–172 mm SL, off Java (8°04.0’S, 109°36.9’E to 8°04.7’S, 109°35.3’E), Indonesia, 284–300 m, collected by R/V Baruna Jaya IV , 8 May 2005; USNM 98868, holotype of Satyrichthys clavilapis , 201 mm SL, off Sombrero (13°48’45”N, 120°41’51”E), Balayan Bay and Verde Island Passage, Philippines, 290 m depth, 21 Jan. 1908; USNM 98929, paratypes of S. clavilapis , 2 specimens, 90.7–95.3 mm SL, off southern Luzon (13°59’20”N, 121°15’45”E), Philippines, 247 m, 15 Jan. 1908; USNM 98932, paratype of S. clavilapis , 1 specimen, 86.2 mm SL, off north of Tawi-Tawi (5°25’56”N, 120°03’39”E), Philippines, 0–507 m, 23 Sep. 1909; USNM 98936, paratypes of S. clavilapis , 2 specimens, 93.0– 97.9 mm SL, off northern Mindanao (8°47’00”N, 123°31’15”E), Philippines, 333 m, 9 Aug. 1909; USNM 99501, holotype of Acanthostedion rugosum , 47.7 mm SL, USNM 99502, paratypes of A. rugosum , 7 specimens, 39.1–44.3 mm SL, off east coast of Mindoro (13°27’20”N, 121°17’45”E), Philippines, 198 m, 2 Feb. 1908.

Diagnosis. A species of Satyrichthys with two (rarely one) lip and no (rarely one) chin barbels; dusky spots along base of dorsal fin; antrose spines present on upper lateral bony plates of caudal peduncle present (rarely absent).

Distribution. Philippines and Indonesia, in depth of 0– 507 m.

Remarks. Satyrichthys clavilapis was known only from the type specimens before Kawai and Takata (2008) reported the species from Indonesia. Kawai and Takata (2009) considered Acanthostedion rugosum to be a junior synonym of S. clavilapis .

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