Zahradnikia, HávA, 2013

HávA, Jiří, 2013, A new genus Zahradnikia gen. nov. from Taiwan (Coleoptera ¡ Dermestidae ¡ Megatomini)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 9, pp. 23-26 : 24-25

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12643367

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scientific name


gen. nov.

Genus Zahradnikia gen. nov.

Type species: Zahradnikia taiwanica sp. nov. (by monotypy).


Body brown-honey on dorsal and ventral surfaces; small and oval. Body measurements (in mm)¡ TL 2.4 EW 1.6. Ocellus on front present. Antennae brown with brown setae, with 11 antennomeres, antennal club consisting of 3 antennomeres, terminal antennomere large, slightly triangular ( Fig. 2 View Figs ). Elytra densely foveolate on humeri and finely punctate discally and apically, covered by long brown pubescence; cuticle brown-honey, without patterns of differently colored pubescence. Wing¡ radial cell is very big, black and shining; medial spur long; radius posterior very long, parallel with median spur ( Fig. 3 View Figs ). Legs brown with light-brown pubescence; femora dark brown, tibiae and tarsi light brown, tarsal claws very small.

Differential diagnosis.

The new genus belongs to the tribe Megatomini , subtribe Cryptorhopalina . The subtribe contains seven genera; within Oriental genera, it is visually very similar to the genus Orphinus Motschulsky, 1858 View in CoL , but the two genera differ from each other as specified below. From another visually similar genus Katkaenus Háva, 2006 belonging to the subfamily Attageninae the new genus can be differentiated considering the structure of its antennae and prosternum forming A “collar” under which mouthparts fit when the head is retracted.

Antennal club with 2 antennomeres, round or suboval, ultimate antennomere immensely enlarged and dominating in antennal club. Wing¡ radial cell brown to black, matt; median spur long; radius posterior very short not parallel with median spur .................................... Orphinus Motschulsky, 1858 View in CoL

Antennal club with 3 antennomeres as in Fig. 2 View Figs . Wing¡ radial cell very big, black and shining; medial spur long; radius posterior very long, parallel with median spur ( Fig. 3 View Figs ) ............ Zahradnikia gen. nov.


Patronymic dedicated to my friend and colleague Petr Zahradník (Prague, Czech Republic), specialist in Ptinidae View in CoL . Gender¡ feminine.

Zahradnikia taiwanica sp. nov.

( Figs. 1-4 View Figs )

Type material. Holotype (male)¡ Taiwan, Kaohsiung Hsien , near Liukuei. Shanping Liter Site / swept, 1.IV.2003, L. Papp & M. Földvári leg., ( HNHM) . Paratype (1 male)¡ Taiwan, Taipei env., Taipei Country , 7- 8.V.2008, J. Borowski leg., ( JHAC). The type specimen is labeled with red, printed labels bearing the text AS followS: “ HOLOTYPE (or PARATYPE, respectively), Zahradnikia taiwanica Sp. nov. Jiří HávA det. 2013” .



Body brown-honey on dorsal and ventral surfaces; small and oval ( Fig. 1 View Figs ). Body measurements (in mm)¡ TL 2.4 PL 0.6 PW 1.4 EL 2.0 EW 1.6. Head finely punctate with long brown pubescence. Palpi brown; pubescence denser on mentum. Eye very large with brown setae. Ocellus on front present. Antennae brown with brown setae, with 11 antennomeres, antennal club consisting of 3 antennomeres, terminal antennomere large, slightly triangular ( Fig. 2 View Figs ). Pronotum on the disc punctate like head, densely foveolate posteriorly, with long brown pubescence. Scutellum triangular, shining without pubescence. Elytra densely foveolate on humeri and finely punctate discally and apically, covered by long brown pubescence; cuticle brown-honey without patterns of differently colored pubescence. Humerus with one bump. Epipleuron entirely brown with brown pubescence. Wing¡ radial cell very big, black and shining; medial spur long; radius posterior very long, parallel with median spur ( Fig. 3 View Figs ). Legs brown with light-brown pubescence; femora dark brown, tibiae and tarsi light brown. Tarsal claws very small. Mesosternum and metasternum coarsely punctate laterally, otherwise finely punctate with light brown pubescence. Abdominal sternites coarsely punctured with short light brown pubescence. First visible abdominal sternite with distinct oblique discal striae and with small shining area posteriorly. Male genitalia as in Fig. 4 View Figs .



Differential diagnosis. See the diagnosis of the genus.

Etymology. Named according to the type locality.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)











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