Papp, J, 2003, Braconidae (Hymenoptera) From Korea, Xxi. Species Of Fifteen Subfamilies, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49 (2), pp. 115-152 : 120-122

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12587131

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scientific name




Centistes (Ancylocentrus) chaetopygidium BELOKOBYLSKIJ

Centistes (Ancylocentrus) chaetopygidium BELOKOBYLSKIJ, 1992 : Zool. Med. Leiden 66: 203 (in key) and 216 (description) fm, type locality: Russia, Primoryan Territory , 30 km E Spassk, female holotype (and 13 f + 5 m paratypes) in Zoological Institute Sankt Petersburg. – CHEN & VAN ACHTERBERG 1997: 31 (in key) and 32 (distribution, taxonomic note).

Centistes (Centistes) spinulosus PAPP, 1994 View in CoL : Acta zool. hung. 40(4): 340 f, type locality: Korea, Pyongyang City, Ryangak Mts, male holotype (and four male paratypes) in Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest; synonymized by BELOKOBYLSKIJ (2000 b: 260).

One male paratype ofthe type series of C. (A.) chaetopygidium View in CoL has been identified by S. BELOKOBYLSKIJ and he rectified its name as C. (A.) chaetopygidium View in CoL . Checking the entire type series ofmy species I accept B ELOKOBYLSKIJ’ s synonymization, consequently I place my name C. spinulosus View in CoL (jun. syn.) in synonymy with BELOKOBYLSKIJ’ s name C. chaetopygidium View in CoL (sen. syn.) adding the remark as follows: 1) Distal halfofpropodeum (i.e. beyond its transverse keel) smooth and shiny, at least laterally with a few rugulae–subrugulae (and not “more roughly and irregularly rugulose in distal half”, cf. BELOKOBYLSKIJ 1992: 217); 2) First tergite laterally with fine striae (and not “more strongly rugulose than female”, cf. BELOKOBYLSKIJ l.c.); 3.) Prosoma, mesoscutum and mesopleuron yellowish brown. – Localities in Korea see in PAPP l.c.

Leiophron (Euphorus) alkonost BELOKOBYLSKIJ, 2000 – 1 f (det. BELOKOBYLSKIJ 2000): No. 332. – Described and hitherto known only in the Maritime Territory ofRussian Far East. New to the fauna of Korea.

Leiophron (Euphorina) deficiens (RUTHE, 1856) – 1 m: No. 175. 1 f: No. 266. – A fairly sporadic albeit widely distributed species in the Palaearctic Region. New to the fauna of Korea.

Leiophron (Leiophron) kurilensis BELOKOBYLSKIJ, 1993 – 1 m: No. 351. – Known from the eastern Palaearctic Region (Russian Far East, Korea).

Microctonus aethiopoides LOAN, 1975 – 1 m: No. 963. – A fairly frequent species in the Palaearctic Region. New to the fauna of Korea.

Microctonus neptunus CHEN et VAN ACHTERBERG, 1997 – 1 f: No. 193. – Described from China (Setchuan), reported from Russian Far East. New to the fauna of Korea.

Perilitus erratus ( CHEN et VAN ACHTERBERG, 1997) View in CoL – 1 m: No. 944. – Body 5.5 mm long. Antenna with 28 antennomeres. Vein r-m absent. Originally assigned to the genus Meteorus, BELOKOBYLSKIJ & TOBIAS (2000: 286) View in CoL transferred into the genus Perilitus View in CoL . – Described from China (Guizhon, Liaoning, Yunnan). New to the fauna of Korea.

Perilitus flavifacies BELOKOBYLSKIJ, 2000 View in CoL – 1 m (det. BELOKOBYLSKIJ 2000): No. 293. 1 m (det. BELOKOBYLSKIJ 2000): No. 956. – Known in several regions ofRussian Far East so far. New to the fauna of Korea.

Perilitus oulemae CHEN et VAN ACHTERBERG 1997 View in CoL – 1 f (det. BELOKOBYLSKIJ 2000): No. 99. – Described and known from China (Hunnan province) so far. New to the fauna of Korea.

Perilitus rutilus (NEES, 1812) View in CoL – 1 f: No. 99. – A Holarctic and frequent to common species. New to the fauna of Korea.

Peristenus cognatus (BELOKOBYLSKIJ, 2000) – 1 f + 1 m: No. 962. – Described and up to now known only from the Maritime Territory of Russian Far East. New to the fauna of Korea.

Peristenus fuscotibialis (BELOKOBYLSKIJ, 2000) – 1 m: No. 944. – Described and up to now known only from the Maritime Territory of Russian Far East. New to the fauna of Korea.

Peristenus gamayun (BELOKOBYLSKIJ, 1995) – 1 f: No. 923. – Described and up to now known from the Maritime Territory of Russian Far East. New to the fauna of Korea.

Peristenus laeviventris (RUTHE, 1856) – 1 m: No. 293. – A sporadic to frequent species in the Palaearctic Region. New to the fauna of Korea.

Peristenus pacificus (BELOKOBYLSKIJ, 1995) – 1 m: No. 999. – Its several localities were listed in Russian Far East and Japan. New to the fauna of Korea.

Peristenus procerus CHEN et VAN ACHTERBERG, 1997 , female new – 1 f + 1 m: No. 962. – Female: Body 3.6 mm long. Vein cu-a offore wing interstitial. Petiolus 1.7 times as long as broad behind. Antenna with 30 antennomeres. – Described from China (Liaoning), reported from the Maritime Territory ofRussian Far East. New to the fauna ofKorea.

Peristenus rugosus CHEN et VAN ACHTERBERG, 1997 , female new – 1 f: No. 923. – The female form is similar to the male holotype. Body 4.2 mm long. Antenna with 28 antennomeres. Legs pale yellow. – Described from China (Zhejiang), reported from the Maritime Territory of Russian Far East. New to the fauna of Korea.

Peristenus subfacialis (BELOKOBYLSKIJ, 2000) – 1 f: No. 282. 1 f: No. 1355. – Distributed in Russian Far East and the European part ofRussia. New to the fauna ofKorea.

Peristenus tristis (BELOKOBYLSKIJ, 2000) – 1 m: No. 1324. – The species was described from Kunashir Islands ofthe Russian Far East. New to the fauna ofKorea.

Rilipertus intricatus (RUTHE, 1859) – 1 f: No. 1985. – Sporadically distributed in the Palaearctic Region. New to the fauna of Korea.

Streblocera flaviceps (MARSHALL, 1898) View in CoL – 1 m: No. 1345. – Known in Europe, Russian Far East, China. First reported from Korea by PAPP (1985: 353).

Streblocera macroscapa (RUTHE, 1856) View in CoL – 1 m: No. 343. – Distributed in the Palaearctic Region, reported from Korea ( BELOKOBYLSKIJ & Tobias 2000: 321).

Syntretus lyctaea COLE, 1959 View in CoL – 1 f (as S. parvicornis View in CoL in PAPP 1992: 67): No. 282. – Known from England, Hungary, Lithuania, Russia (Ural Mts, Far East). New to the fauna of Korea ( S. parvicornis View in CoL cancelled).

Townesilitus deceptor (WESMAEL, 1835) 1 f: Prov. North Pyongan, Myohyang Mts , Hotel, 14 August 1982, leg. BERON et POPOV. – Known in seveal countries ofEurope, reported recently from China (Zhejiang). New to the fauna of Korea .













Papp, J 2003

Streblocera macroscapa (RUTHE, 1856)

BELOKOBYLSKIJ, S. A. & TOBIAS, V. I. 2000: 321

Streblocera flaviceps (MARSHALL, 1898)

PAPP, J. 1985: 353
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