ALYSIINAE (Marshall, 1888)

Papp, J, 2003, Braconidae (Hymenoptera) From Korea, Xxi. Species Of Fifteen Subfamilies, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49 (2), pp. 115-152 : 127-128

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12587131

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scientific name



ALYSIINAE : Dacnusini

Agonia adducta (HALIDAY, 1839) 1 m: No. 282. 1 m: No. 376. – Widely distributed in Europe and reported recently from the Maritime Territory of Russian Far East. New to the fauna of Korea .

Antrusa flavicoxa (THOMSON, 1895) – 1 f: No. 282. 1 f: No. 347. – Widely distributed in the Palaearctic Region. Nearest to Korea found in Russian Far East. New to the fauna of Korea.

Exotela lonicerae GRIFFITHS, 1967 – 1 f: No. 1000. – Distributed in England and Russian Far East. New to the fauna of Korea.

Exotela sonchina GRIFFITHS, 1967 – 1 m: No. 198. – Known in four countries of Europe as well as in Russian Far East. New to the fauna of Korea.

Lepton elegans (CURTIS, 1829) – 1 m: No. 282. – Widely distributed in the Palaearctic Region. New to the fauna of Korea.

Lepton gracile (CURTIS, 1829) 1 m: No. 113. 1 f: No. 157. 1 m: No. 164. 1 m: No. 374. 1 m: No. 380. 1 m: No. 956. – Frequent to common in the Palaearctic Region. New to the fauna of Korea .

Lepton oryzicola (WATANABE, 1963) – 1 m: No. 1324. 1 f: No. 1336. – Decribed and known in Japan so far. New to the fauna of Korea.

Lepton pusillum (ASTAFUROVA, 1998) 1 m: No. 1324. – Described from the Maritime Territory ofRussian Far East (in B ELOKOBYLSKIJ & TOBIAS 1998 : 307). New to the fauna of Korea . I have specimen (1 m) from Hungary .

Lepton ruficollis (HERRICH–SCHÄFFER, 1838) – 1 f: No. 332. 1 m: No. 1324. – Temple in dorsal view not bulging (usually somewhat bulging), prothorax blackish with rusty suffusion (usually reddish yellow). – Distributed in the Palaearctic Region. New to the fauna of Korea.

Lepton vidum (CURTIS, 1829) – 1 f: No. 380. – In Europe frequent to sporadic species. New to the fauna of Korea.

Sarops popovi TOBIAS, 1962 View in CoL – 1 m: No. 218. 1 f: No. 282. 2 f + 2 m: No. 376. – Described from the European part of Russia (Leningrad Region), reported from several regions of Russia and Azerbaidjan. Nearest to Korea found in the Maritime Territory of Russian Far East. New to the fauna ofKorea.

Trachionus hians (NEES, 1816) View in CoL – 1 m: No. 282. – A Palaearctic and fairly frequent species. New to the fauna of Korea.

Trachionus mandibularis (NEES, 1814) – 1 m: No. 293. 1 f: No. 1011. – A Palaearctic and fairly frequent species. New to the fauna of Korea.













Papp, J 2003

Sarops popovi

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