Dinotrema erectum, Papp, 2003

Papp, J, 2003, Braconidae (Hymenoptera) From Korea, Xxi. Species Of Fifteen Subfamilies, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49 (2), pp. 115-152 : 135-136

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12587131

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Dinotrema erectum

sp. nov.

Dinotrema erectum View in CoL sp. n. f

( Figs 27–32 View Figs 27–36 )

Material examined (1 f). – Female holotype: Korea, Prov. Kangwon, Kumgang san (= Diamond Mts), 12 October 1978, leg. A. VOJNITS et L. ZOMBORI (loc. no. 488). – Holotype is deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum (Department ofZoology), Budapest, Hym. Typ. No.

10534. The holotype is in good condition except right antenna with eight flagellomeres.

Etymology – The specific epithet “erectum ” refers to the erected hairs of the body.

Description of the female holotype. – Body 2.1 mm long. Left antenna about as long as body and with 19 antennomeres. First flagellomere four times and penultimate flagellomere 1.8 times as long as broad. – Head in dorsal view ( Fig. 27 View Figs 27–36 ) transverse, 1.75 times as broad as long, eye 1.45 times as long as temple, temple clearly rounded. Ocelli elliptic, OOL 1.6 times as long as POL. Tentorial pit clearly not reaching compound eye. Mandible less long, 1.27 times as long medially as broad between teeth 1 and 3; three teeth in lateral view as in Fig. 28 View Figs 27–36 . Eye in lateral view less elliptic, 1.3 times as high as wide, beyond eye temple one-fourth less wide than eye. Head polished. Head and flagellum with long erected hairs ( Fig. 29 View Figs 27–36 ).

Mesosoma in lateral view 1.25 times as long as high. Mesoscutal dimple hardly distinct. Precoxal suture short, not reaching fore and hind margin of mesopleuron, crenulate. Propodeum areolated, along keels with rugae-rugulae ( Fig. 30 View Figs 27–36 ). Mesosoma polished, mesoscutum hairy. – Hind femur 4.1 times as long as broad distally ( Fig. 31 View Figs 27–36 ). Hind basitarsus as long as tarsomeres 2–4 combined.

tenna, 35 = pubescence of costal and marginal veins, 36 = propodeum

Fore wing about one-fourth longer than body. Second submarginal cell long, 3–SR 2.5 times as long as 2–SR, 4–SR just not straight and twice as long as 3–SR. Vein 1–2CU 2.2 times as long as m–cu. Costal vein, pterostigma and metacarpal vein offore wing with long hairs ( Fig. 32 View Figs 27–36 ).

First tergite 2.2 times as long as broad behind, pair ofsmall spiracles at middle oftergite, ter - gite before spiracles broadening, beyond spiracles parallel-sided, pair of basal keels merging anteriorly into longitudinal striae. Tergites beyond first tergite polished. Ovipositor sheath about one-fifth longer than first tergite or half as long as hind tibia.

Body blackish brown. Scape and pedicel yellowish brown, flagellum brown to dark brown. Tegula brownish yellow, parategula yellow. Legs yellow. Wings hyaline, veins light brownish.

Male and host unknown.

Distribution: Korea.

The new species, Dinotrema erectum , is nearest to D. mediocorne (FISCHER) viewing their long second submarginal cell of fore wing, long first tergite, hairy mesoscutum and females with 18–19 antennomeres; the two species are separated by the features keyed:

1 (2) Eye in dorsal view as long as or somewhat longer than temple, latter somewhat less rounded, head in dorsal view 1.8 times as broad as long ( Fig. 33 View Figs 27–36 ). Head, flagellum ( Fig. 34 View Figs 27–36 ), mesoscutum, marginal veins of fore wing ( Fig. 35 View Figs 27–36 ) and legs with less erected hairs as usually. Mesoscutal dimple distinct, short linear. Propodeum not areolated ( Fig. 36 View Figs 27–36 ). Female: 2–2.1 mm. – Austria, Hungary D. mediocorne (FISCHER, 1973) View in CoL

2 (1) Eye in dorsal view 1.45 times as long as temple, latter somewhat more rounded, head in dorsal view 1.7 times as broad as long ( Fig. 27 View Figs 27–36 ). Head, flagellum ( Fig. 29 View Figs 27–36 ), mesoscutum, marginal veins of fore wing ( Fig. 32 View Figs 27–36 ) and legs with unusually erected hairs. Mesoscutal dimple hardly distinct. Propodeum areolated ( Fig. 30 View Figs 27–36 ). Female: 2.1 mm. – Korea D. erectum View in CoL sp. n.

Considering its hardly distinct mesoscutal dimple the new species may run to D. semicompressum (STELFOX et GRAHAM) View in CoL , however, the two species are clearly differentiated by the following features:

1 (2) Head in lateral view dorso-ventrally somewhat depressed. Propodeum with a medio-longitudinal carina, otherwise polished. Hairs ofbody, flagellum, legs and costal + marginal veins offore wing ofusual length and less erected (cf.

Fig. 34–35 View Figs 27–36 ). Female + male: 1.4–1.7 mm. – England, Austria, Hungary D. semicompessum (STELFOX et GRAHAM, 1949)

2 (1) Head in lateral view dorso-ventrally not depressed. Propodeum areolated, along keels with rugae-rugulae ( Fig. 30 View Figs 27–36 ). Hairs ofbody, flagellum ( Fig. 29 View Figs 27–36 ), legs and costal + marginal veins offore wing ( Fig. 32 View Figs 27–36 ) unusually long and erected. Female: 2.1 mm – Korea D. erectum sp. n.













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